His blindness is his ironically his comedic aspect but when it comes to combat hes still an admiral. The most recent point of comparision are Vergo and Pica, where an injured Sanji fought on par with Vergo and Zoro got stalemated hard by Pica until he got distracted and Zoro was able to take advantage of that thanks to Orlumbrus (and I know you said that we can't directly compare them, but Vergo being Doffy's most trusted subordinate he should be at least at the same level as Pica). Strength means nothing in new world. Zoro's Oni Giri did comparable to damage to G4 Kong Gun Ryuo. Well I hope I've convinced u by this point that Zoro and Luffy are basically equals so far well except for one thing. [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize the laughter of these characters? In the northern cemetery: ... Zoro says, Finally I can cut the fire as I wished Robin take what you want and go out from here. Well they were up until whole cake island happened. So Fujitora came and used his power against a non-intel Zoro, he send Zoro under the ground. Took him a while, but once he did, he was fine. He goes on deposite all his injuriess to dodge kumas attack and even manages to find and opening to attack kuma. Have fun discussing. He goes for Luffys body and who is first person back on his feet defending luffy? 38. bruh, oda gave us the weakling trio for a reason. It has a solid defense and a sharp offense, sharp enough to easily cut stones. Why are you comparing our boys!! But that couldnt be further from the truth. I can understand suggesting Asura has enough power to match the gulf between Gears 2&3 and Gear 4. So that means, Zoro’s feat is comparable to top tier feats. But Luffy is able to use all three types of haki which gives him an edge on zoro. [OP QUIZ] How well do you know Whitebeard Pirates? If Zoro is losing out physically (emphasis on physically) against any Commander at any point, even if he grows to defeat them during the fight, it likely means he wasn't as strong as Boundman at this point in time, so that's something to watch for. Roger = prime whitebeard Mihawk < old whitebeard before he got sick (confirmed in ace novel aswell as shanks being weaker than old whitebeard and kaido and big mom being stronger), Eos zoro will be just above mihawk Whilst eos luffy and Bb will be just above roger and whitebeard, Although the gap isn’t significant it exists. Both of these guys were of course no match for Luffy and Zoro but the parallels are obvious why would Oda go through the trouble of having these characters interact with both our main boys if not to show that despite 2 years the dynamic hasn't changed Luffy and Zoro are equals. Luffy has in fact pulled away more thanks to WCI. I believe the scar is both a seal and a key. Prem is right this is a stupid theory, his evidence used for Zoro’s reason to leaving the Straw Hat crew is not Zoro’s character. He didn’t just defeat Killer and Apoo but he one shotted them and got the respect of Drake. In terms of achievement alone he has Zoro beat handily. Which means not only is Zoro at his best we know he is holding back because we seem him actively choosing to use 2 or less swords rather than being a victim of circumstance. – popular memes on the site ifunny.co 1 Short Summary 2 Long Summary 3 Characters in Order of Appearance 4 Anime Notes 5 Site Navigation Zoro tries to fight for Luffy since he lies helplessly on the ground. I'd agree even. Zoro. [OP QUIZ] Combine Devil Fruits with their respective Users, [OP QUIZ] Test Your Knowledge On Devil Fruits. Zoro himself would never follow someone who's not stronger than him. So if Zoro was against them, Oda would have made Zoro win against them somehow like he did previously with Zoro’s fights such as Mr.1 or Monet. With Mayumi Tanaka, Akemi Okamura, Kazuya Nakai, Hiroaki Hirata. 2. After their 2000th fight (and Kuina's 2000th victory) Zoro challenged her in private for one more match - with real swords. I think Zoro is loyal to Luffy for a couple reasons, Luffy saved him from being executed. RORONOA ZORO why did you save me?. [OP QUIZ] Can you put these characters in the correct camp, Marine or Pirate? Am I right?! Scratches appeared on Luffy's shoulder and Aya's cheek. LolonoisZolo. Imo what Zoro's powerup from Enma has done, as well as Sanji's Raid Suit, is draw them back to where things where before relatively, since Luffy has pretty much gotten all of the action and Haki upgrades. Luffy was born in Foosha Village to Monkey D. Dragon and an unknown woman. Actually going back to that fight for a large part Zoro had Mr1 beat in every category except he was unable to do damage. After the timeskip, Zoro looks more badass that Luffy and we didn't see Zoro fighting seriously in both arc of the fish-men Island and Punk Hazard. And it absolutely crushed those attacks and shook the island to its core. On the other hand Zoro has not once shown Ashura. In today’s list, I will be talking about the top reason why Monkey D. Luffy is dying, what has shortened his life so much and what is going to happen to him.. 1. Suddenly, claws scratched the ground, heading straight towards the two twins. Oda needed a way to: Here's the thing I've seen alot of people going around talking about how luffy would solo his entire crew and how Luffy has set himself part and is waay stronger than everyone else including Zoro. If most posts about Zoro's strength were like this, then this sub would be better. As Koushirou said A true swordsman controls what he cuts. He won all his fights without getting serious or injury. [OP QUIZ] Do you know everything about Skypiea Arc? Is this a sign that Zoro is stronger that Luffy? But I am here to put an end to it. However this is not a Zoro Sanji comparison perhaps another post. “Lu-ahhh-ffy how did you~ohhhh learn all this?” he was trembling. Just remember there was a reason Oda told us Doriki of CP9, which was below: When you say luffy and zoro were always equal, i am not even sure if we are reading the same manga. He's said that many times himself. After that, Zoro faced Pica but again Pica was too weak for him, that’s why Oda gave to Pica a formidable Devil Fruit “Ishi Ishi no Mi”, the power to be one with any stone. Hell even recently we see them coming together to save O-Toko. Sanji and Luffy have both mastered these to the point where its a completely natural part of their everyday combat arsenal. Because that time in Amazon Lily, Luffy realized that if his brother is dead he still have his crew. And again only Luffy is comparable because he defeated Doflamingo. A rivalry like theirs can only exist if both rivals are extremely close to each other. For arguments sake let’s say Zoro does Conquerors Haki. Luffy vs the Kuja pirates. Why is Zoro lost ? But overall, we're not that far apart, but to me the sticking point is that they were never really close enough to call equals. At no point in the entire series are zoro and sanji portrayed as equals, they are portrayed as zoro being significantly stronger. He could not. Zoro had just walked past Kuro before stopping. Their dynamic has never changed since the very beginning of this series. Moreover, he says that in the future they can’t trust a guy who leaves the crew on a whim, such as Usopp. But imagine if they switched opponents. Cracker with his DF Bisu Bisu no Mi and Katakuri with his DF Mochi Mochi no Mi and especially his Future Sight.