Which term means "softening of the sclera"? The anterior portion of the sclera is the: cornea. The inner ear is located within the _____ bone. The sclera comprises a group of tissues that closely resemble the tough, fibrous tissue seen in the joints of vertebrates. 4 / 4 pts Question 15 Which term means softening of the sclera? softening of the sclera: Term. blepharitis: Definition. scleromalacia. condition of without a lens: Term. Eye Laser Consulting Boston, MA USA 1. Results: -5D lens treatment significantly increased the cyclic softening response of the sclera when compared to contralateral control eyes (0.10% ± 0.029%, mean ± standard error, P = 0.037). The sclera provides both the white color of the eye and maintains the shape of the eyeball. It extends from the edge of the cornea (the clear, dome-shaped window in the front of the eye) around to the optic nerve in the back of the eye. condition of white pupil: Term. Intra- means within, ocul/o means eye, and -ar means pertaining to, so that intraocular means pertaining to within the eye.) aphakia: Definition. fluorescein angiography: Definition. RESULTS: -5D lens treatment significantly increased the cyclic softening response of the sclera when compared to contralateral control eyes (0.10% ± 0.029%, mean ± standard error, P = 0.037). VI DISORDERS OF SCLERA ROBERT M. KERSHNER, M.D., F.A.C.S. The sclera is the tough, white fibrous outer wall layer of the eyeball. inflammation of the eyelid: ... softening of the cornea: Term. a. scleromegaly b. scleromalacia c. scleritis d. sclerotomy sclerotomy: Definition. It is a type of connective tissue. Term. Which term means record of hearing? Onychomalacia is softening of a nail.Onychomalacia is the medical term meaning abnormal softening of the nails.the medical term is onychomalacia. Optoscopy is not a medical term. Which term means softening of the sclera? inflammation of the sclera: ... placing a band of silicone around the outside of the sclera, which stabilizes a detaching retina: Term. scleritis: Definition. Which term means instrument to view inside the eye? strabotomy: ... another term … blepharoplasty. Pupilloscope is not a medical term. incision into the sclera: Term. Anatomy . Exogenous crosslinking of the lens treated sclera significantly decreased the cyclic softening response (-0.12% ± 0.014%, P = 2.2 × 10-5). leukocoria: Definition. Which term means surgical repair of the eyelid? Cyclic softening was defined as the incremental strain increase from one cycle to the next. For the first time, this principle, with sensor life independent of the measuring cycles and lacking indicator means, enables continuous monitoring of water softening systems under … Cerebral softening, also known as encephalomalacia, is a localized softening of the substance of the brain, due to bleeding or inflammation.Three varieties, distinguished by their color and representing different stages of the disease progress, are known respectively as red, yellow, and white softening. audiogram. oculomycosis: ... incision of the sclera: Term. Only the vertebrate population has a sclera, the invertebrates demonstrating an ocellus , which differs by being strengthened by cartilage and bone.