This fly is simple to tie and is the first fly that most saltwater fly-fishermen learn to tie. And you're about to see, it's a cinch to tie. In the meantime, if you missed any of our previous episodes take a look below. One of many forms of Clousers I tie. Our partner Blue Safari Seychelles shares access to these exclusive and remote outer islands and provides the most amazing leisure offerings in the region. The Kip Tailed Clouser is a fly that I fashioned specifically for shad. Fly line management is a difficult thing. Length 2½", 3". It is easy to adjust colors and sizes so the angler can target a wide variety of fish. These two fly patterns should be the foundation patterns of any predator box. Careful observation of the behaviors, habitats, and physical features of the foods fish eat is essential to developing a fly that looks and acts like the real thing. The clouser minnow catches trout, smallies, and largemouths, and saltwater fish. My opinion is that the Clouser Minnow has slowly morphed into a different design for a couple of reasons. When Bob Clouser came up with this fly in 1985, he did all of us fly fishermen a huge service. Second, people here in North America tend to copy what they see without going back to the origins – Bob Clouser’s text on the Clouser Minnow. It is especially useful for stripers, bluefish, bonefish, redfish, snook, seatrout, and many others. It imitates a baitfish as well as any pattern ever conceived and has taken more types of fish than any other pattern I know of. Absolutely. Second, take a look at the eyes! Learn to tie many great flies in the Orvis fly-tying video library I use Clousers for bonefish, bass, pike, trout and anything else that eats Why? The fly is incredibly easy to tie and takes around 5 to 10 minutes to complete. “The Slow Jig Clouser is simply that – a light weight, BULKhead over Lead Eyes, jigging streamer designed for Wade Fishing and Floating Line presentations. The PoPs Clouser is tied on reputable hooks, depending on what PURPOSE they are intended for. WILL NOT BE SHARED! This is a fly that is much more than the sum of its parts, a classic over/under fly designed by the living legend Bob Clouser himself. In black; sizes 6, 2. Do you take a six-inch plastic worm and put a five inch worm hook through it? As you can see, a PoPs Clouser will last much longer than a big box Clouser – just by the construction. The Clouser series of fly rods are lighter, stronger and faster… Oh, and they’re nine feet in length. However, thread is no longer always necessary since modern materials such as UV-cured resins can be used to fix the materials to the hook. I say fashioned versus created, as there is really not much new to the fly, it is really just a modification/ combination of a couple of other flies and the techniques used to tie them. I recently began to fly fish, and am wondering what would be the best flies to use on Bass and Pike. The Clouser Minnow is a deadly silver salmon pattern in any stream, but is especially useful in the salt, inter-tidal, and brackish waters like those around Kodiak Island. Designed using cutting-edge materials and technology, TFO Clouser fly rods are lighter, stronger and faster - Powerful enough for casting weighted lines and wind-resistant flies, yet delicate enough to protect fine leaders, the Clouser rods are perfect for every species, from trout to false albacore. The Clouser Minnow is a baitfish imitation developed by Bob Clouser in the late 80s. Free Shipping! If you’re thinking about fishing on South Andros, you’re going to want a few of these in your box.. Here’s how to tie them. Today, it’s one of the most widely used saltwater patterns around the world. When you find yourself in one of the most prolific bone fisheries in the world, it is key to take advantage of the situation by using the best possible flies to land your personal best bonefish. Fourth, the top body of the fly (chartreuse) is way too long. 2) It also critically changes the action of the fly, greatly reducing the fly movement in the water. Third, and this is a huge mistake. Pink/White, Chartreuse/White, and Tutti Frutti (Pink/Chartreuse) are all hot color combos. A glorified ‘clouser style’ pattern, the Orange Crush features just about everything we like in our bonefish flies – a large profile, bead chain eyes, and plenty of orange. That number may be over 100 now. Savage Flies is a project with the mission of encouraging and teaching fly tying to as many people as possible. Clouser minnows work realy good in freshwater for bigger fish when stripped. Everyone has their own idea of how to solve the problem of fly, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Drill Bit Lathe For Making Your Own Popper Bodies. Here’s a video that dissects the big box abomination that THEY call a Clouser Minnow pattern. They are beasts at catching fish. The Clouser is a standard for those of us who find ourselves fly fishing in Southern US warm waters, and those of us who fly fish in salt water. The same goes for your business needs as well. The Clouser-ish will still go in the Clouser Deep Minnow category, and as all these flies it's an excellent and easy-to-tie fly. Very inspired by the Clouser style as well as the Thunder Creek, but not tied quite as any of the originals. Hell no. WANT YOURS IN LIVING COLOR? Tags: big box stores, Fly Tying, fly tying video, pops fly shop, TECHNICAL, technique, Category: Fly Shops, Fly Tying, TECHNICAL, Technique. Head is coated with Loon UV – generously – and hardened to the extreme with UV light and sun exposure in open air to mitigate any potential odors. Bob Clouser’s, “Clouser’s Flies,” 2016, And the people who learned to tie wrong, teach how to tie a Clouser wrong. “It doesn’t matter about our title or money, our power orprose; when the last page turns, “life” goes away.” Saltwater Fly Tying Lesson – How To Tie The Baby Clouser Fly by, Saltwater Fly Tying Video – How To Tie The Baby Clouser Fly by Yousuf Shaikh, EXPLORE OUR SALTWATER FLY FISHING DESTINATIONS, Alphlexo Crab – Great Indo-Pacific Permit Fly, The Semper Fly – Great Bluefin Trevally Fly, James’s Sand Prawn Fly – Great Versatile Fly, Not Your Average Popper Fly – Great Giant Trevally Fly, Garlic Butter Fly – Great Giant Trevally Fly, Little Red Riding Hood – Great Giant Trevally Fly, Flaming Lamborghini – Great Giant Trevally Fly, Spawning Shrimp – Great Indo-Pacific Permit Fly, Alphlexo Crab (Wax) – Great Triggerfish Fly. PoPs uses synthetic to aid in rapid sink and durability. In fact, that thread too, seems to stop ways short of the eyes. USD includes Shipping until 10//20! The Foxee Red Clouser Fly and Text by Joe Cornwall Video Production by Jim Stuard "The Foxee Redd Minnow is a version of the Clouser Deep Minnow that has become a staple for many species of fish. Take a look at the way the belly (white bucktail) is roped down way back on the shank of the hook. Join our community to get regular updates about our fishing adventures, guide updates and special offers. Just search for “how to tie the Clouser crayfish.” So, give it a try and good luck. Alphonse Fishing Co. guide, Yousuf Shaikh, goes into every detail needed to tie this incredible bonefish fly. The Clouser Minnow ranks with the Deceiver as the two most prolific and popular fly patterns in saltwater and warm water fishing. Made right here in Texas, the good old USA, by me. Originally invented for targeting aggressive bass, this fly has been optimized for not only trout and other types of freshwater fishing, but is also … This fly design may be responsible for catching more fish than any other pattern in the world. First take a look at where the thread ends on the head of the fly. Bob Clouser invented the fly as a further development of the traditional American bucktail streamers, but it was actually Lefty Kreh who named the fly. Copyright © 2020 Alphonse Fishing Company. 1) it leaves that hair in front of the eyes exposed to teeth. If you are wondering more about photography, be sure to visit my photography website - Powerful enough for casting weighted lines and wind-resistant flies, yet delicate enough to protect fine leaders, the Clouser rods are perfect for every species, from trout to false albacore. Many fly anglers are familiar with the fact that Lefty Kreh at one point many years ago had caught at least 86 species on this fly pattern. Bob Clouser is a long time high profile smallmouth bass guide and innovative fly tier. Minnow because it's an obvious baitfish imitation. “Bob Clouser’s Deep Minnow opened new worlds for fly-fishermen all over the world. Orange Crush Clouser … Thread: Color to match fly, 3/0. What is a Clouser Minnow in Fly Fishing?. PoPs has tied the Clouser by the thousands and sold them by the dozens – I am mostly greedy with them! Eyes are sold by and PoPs uses brass for saltwater and chrome for freshwater. Enter your email address to subscribe to NEWS and receive new NEWS by email. Saltwater action on the Atlantic Coast is heating up, so it’s time to stock up on baitfish patterns for stripers, bluefish, and false albacore. Fly Line Management – We Have The Problem Solved! We spend a lot of time testing gear and writing reviews to give you all of the tools to make your next trip a success. PATAGONIA OUTDOOR CLOTHING’s CAMPAIGN 2020. The Clouser is perhaps the greatest fly ever created for warm freshwater fly fishing. Will this fly catch as many fish as a PoPs Clouser? Clouser's approach to fly design begins and ends onstream, with a lot of time spent in between at the workbench. Luckily, in this week’s episode of The Fly Tying Station, we’ve got you covered with a detailed tutorial on one of our most effective bonefish flies, the Baby Clouser. Their version of a Clouser, is a true abomination of the formula made famous by Bob Clouser. At Clousers Fly Shop we offer many products including Bob Clouser's Clouser Minnow, Popping Bugs, Half &Halfs, We also offer a fly tying material. Stay on the lookout for our newest fly tying episode released every Friday on social media. The Clouser Minnow, or Clouser Deep Minnow, is an extremely effective baitfish imitation that catches a whole range of game fish in fresh- and saltwater.It’s allure comes from a combination of heavy lead eyes and long, mobile tail and wing that give it a wonderful ducking-diving action on every twitch and retrieve. Today we are looking at what makes a bad Clouser Minnow and what makes a good Clouser Minnow fly. Clouser Minnow Pattern Description: The Clouser Minnow was invented by Bob Clouser as a smallmouth bass pattern. No box should be without a significant collection of Clouser flies in all colors and sizes. Tying instructions can be found on line. That does two things. Clousers were the first SW pattern I tied and might be my last one too. Now is your chance to get onto the fly fishing trip of your lifetime! It doesn’t look, at first glance, like a fly that would attract just about every game fish on the planet, in both fresh and salt water. First, these are tied overseas. The eyes in the photograph are way too small to turn that unknown hook over. Trident Fly Fishing is a full-service fly shop. Because of the supple weight, the fly slips under quickly and can be animated erratically, while fluttering and dropping slowly on the pause. The channel is named after one of my western Maryland homewaters, the Savage River. Thread use is 210-flat waxed or unwaxed typically. This Clouser Minnow video includes detailed fly-tying instructions. If you need a writer, photographer and traveler to tell your story - Contact Me! It starts in the correct place but it ends well before it runs back to the eyes. Fly fishing tips, facts, flies, tides, rods & more. – Steve Ramirez. 3) By not building up a thread head, it also changes the weight distribution of the fly. Yes, we all have one – an opinion that is – and unlike Orvis’ Tom Rosenbauer – I am certainly willing to hear your opinion on the “Best Warm Water Fly” ever. Either way, the Clouser Minnow should be a staple of yours on at least some of your fly fishing venues. He starts off with the original Baby Clouser and proceeds to another version of the Baby Clouser with rubber legs. And you know the old adage: “Big fly = big fish.” The fly is not simple to tie; there are many steps. Invented by angler and fly tier Bob Clouser in the 1980s, this fly is one of the most versatile streamers in any anglers arsenal. NOW AVAILABLE! Note: Tie this pattern in colors and combinations to … Yousuf has five years’ guiding experience on Alphonse Island and is famous for being the world’s first-ever Bangladeshi fly-fishing guide. Eyes: Bead chain or dumbbell eyes, size to match hook. The Clouser is perhaps the greatest fly ever created for warm freshwater fly fishing. The Clouser below uses brown deer tail fibers from closer to the base of the tail and it was pushed around the Ripple Ice Fiber to produce a fly that is more round in shape. I do not leave home without this one, and I carry it in a variety of sizes. Simple Clouser Hook: Standard saltwater hook (here a TMC800S), size 2/0-10. 1) Because it changes the profile of the fly (a representational fly) and makes it much smaller in appearance. Will you catch fish on a Cabela’s Clouser? Some of you know my writing from here OR publications like Drake Magazine, Lone Star Outdoor News and others. And the thread wraps are not snugged around the belly (top) hair before going back behind the eyes to secure that white ducktail down. Although the new Clouser Mako took 4 months to tie, 8,012 spools of gray floss and is incredibly difficult to cast (especially into the wind) Bob Clouser is making sure that this new fly get's patented. The Black Clouser Deep Minnow is effective on nearly every predatory saltwater species. and $139. Deep because this is a fly that usually fishes in the depth. Saltwater Fly Tying Lesson – How To Tie The Baby Clouser Fly by Yousuf Shaikh. Saltwater Clousers are also highlighted with gold flash unless specified otherwise. Part of the series: Making a Clouser Minnow for Fly Fishing. I use the crayfish in size 10 and 8. The Clouser fly is that good! To produce a "taller" fly - one that is laterally flattened - using coarse (kinky) bucktail fibers from near the base of the tail and holding them so they can only flare vertically and not horizontally. 1) Although less critical, it distorts the profile of the fly. Clouser from the originator of course. The Clouser is a standard for those of us who find ourselves fly fishing in Southern US warm waters, and those of us who fly fish in salt water. Wing: Bucktail, color of your choice. April 5, 2020. Perhaps the most famous fly for the salt is the Clouser Deep Minnow —created by Susquehanna River icon Bob Clouser, named by Lefty Kreh, and mutated into hundreds of forms by other tiers. When you find yourself in one of the most prolific bone fisheries in the world, it is key to take advantage of the situation by using the best possible flies to land your personal best bonefish. It has also become a very popular freshwater streamer pattern. And “no” because the PoPs Clouser is properly balanced and tied to run hook-up and to have more movement even when not being retrieved (on your pause). Choose version 1 -the round mat, or V.2.0 The CLINT – a huge 6X36 inch mat! Think of the fly as a worm. 2) Depending on the density of the hair and where it came from, it can also cause the fly to run sideways or upside down. And, when it comes to flies for freshwater fish, like sand bass, hybrid and striper? That is absolutely 100-percent wrong. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more just like it. Third, the fly is larger than your typical trout fly. Circle jig hooks for freshwater, and stainless steel saltwater circle hooks are two examples you never find in a big-box Clouser, but you can find at PoPs. We are not a blog or a review site. Select CountryAfghanistanAkrotiriAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaArctic OceanArgentinaArmeniaArubaAshmore and Cartier IslandsAtlantic OceanAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBahamas, TheBahrainBaker IslandBangladeshBarbadosBelarusBelgiumBelizeBeninBermudaBhutanBoliviaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBritish Virgin IslandsBruneiBulgariaBurkina FasoBurmaBurundiCambodiaCameroonCanadaCape VerdeCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChileChinaChristmas IslandClipperton IslandCocos (Keeling) IslandsColombiaComorosCongo, Democratic Republic of theCongo, Republic of theCook IslandsCoral Sea IslandsCosta RicaCote d'IvoireCroatiaCubaCyprusCzech RepublicDenmarkDhekeliaDjiboutiDominicaDominican RepublicEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEquatorial GuineaEritreaEstoniaEthiopiaFalkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)Faroe IslandsFijiFinlandFranceFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern and Antarctic LandsGabonGambia, TheGaza StripGeorgiaGermanyGhanaGibraltarGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGuamGuatemalaGuernseyGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHaitiHeard Island and McDonald IslandsHoly See (Vatican City)HondurasHong KongHowland IslandHungaryIcelandIndiaIndian OceanIndonesiaIranIraqIrelandIsle of ManIsraelItalyJamaicaJan MayenJapanJarvis IslandJerseyJohnston AtollJordanKazakhstanKenyaKingman ReefKiribatiKorea, NorthKorea, SouthKuwaitKyrgyzstanLaosLatviaLebanonLesothoLiberiaLibyaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourgMacauMacedoniaMadagascarMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMarshall IslandsMauritaniaMauritiusMayotteMexicoMicronesia, Federated States ofMidway IslandsMoldovaMonacoMongoliaMontenegroMontserratMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNauruNavassa IslandNepalNetherlandsNetherlands AntillesNew CaledoniaNew ZealandNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNorfolk IslandNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayOmanPacific OceanPakistanPalauPalmyra AtollPanamaPapua New GuineaParacel IslandsParaguayPeruPhilippinesPitcairn IslandsPolandPortugalPuerto RicoQatarRomaniaRussiaRwandaSaint BarthelemySaint HelenaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint MartinSaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbiaSeychellesSierra LeoneSingaporeSlovakiaSloveniaSolomon IslandsSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSouthern OceanSpainSpratly IslandsSri LankaSudanSurinameSvalbardSwazilandSwedenSwitzerlandSyriaTajikistanTanzaniaThailandTimor-LesteTogoTokelauTongaTrinidad and TobagoTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluUgandaUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnited States Pacific Island Wildlife RefugesUruguayUzbekistanVanuatuVenezuelaVietnamVirgin IslandsWake IslandWallis and FutunaWest BankWestern SaharaYemenZambiaZimbabweTaiwanEuropean Union. 100% of our funding comes from your gear purchases, so if this blog post helps you on your next fly fishing adventure, please support us by buying your gear from us . It's a true classic that is as relevant today as it was back then. This classic saltwater fly is probably the most popular saltwater pattern in the world. Just $119. That does two things. My motivation for taking on this topic was a recent ad that ran in the Cabela’s flier that came out in March. Please watch and comment! Adhesive: UV-cure resin. Originally designed for freshwater use, Lefty Kreh soon got hold of this pattern and claimed to have caught more than 80 different fish species with it. He guided and fishes the Susquehanna River near his home in Middletown, Pennsylvania. 2) It changes the profile of the fly. In this tutorial, he shows us how to tie two versions of the fly. A "Lefty" style Clouser. Without the rubber legs the clouser is mostly effective for bonefish, adding the rubber legs amplifies your chances of catching other species such as the bluefin or bigeye trevally. I looked at it once, and knew – KNEW – I had to say something. Cosmoledo Atoll is usually booked back-to-back for years in advance, and we now have some last minute openings for the coming season due to rescheduling of guests’ trips. Fly tying is the process of producing an artificial fly used by fly fishing anglers to catch fish.. Helen Shaw, an American professional fly tyer, defined it as the "simple process of binding various materials to a hook with thread". Bob designed a fly that is easy to tie, tough and incredibly versatile. The Clouser Minnow ( or Clouser Deep Minnow) is an astonishing series of patterns. No. In the 1980s, he began tying his early four to five inch long in-line lead wrapped streamers to attract smallmouths in the Susquehanna's two to four foot deep waters. April 4, 2020 by Justin. This fly is a must-have in every bone fisherman’s box, not only for their effectiveness in targeting bonefish but also because they are effective in targeting other species on the flats like the Indo-Pacific permit and the tricky triggerfish. 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