You've successfully signed up to receive emails about Star Wars Battlefront II and other EA news, products, events and promotions. Deviss - Clone troopers, Obi-won, Dwarf Droid, Magna Guard Utapau was a name for one of the planets (with Aquilae/Townowi and Ogana) that became Tatooine in the rough draft and second draft of A New Hope and was the original name for Naboo in the early drafts of The Phantom Menace. Battle in Space - Dogfight in X-wings, TIE fighters, Jedi starfighters and other classic starcraft, or land your ship on a star destroyer and fight it out on foot aboard enemy ships. Obi-Wan was visiting the planet on a search mission for the CIS leader General Grievous, after the Emperor tells Anakin that their reconnaissance troops have found Grievous stationed there. I recall playing this years ago and it was a bit buggy this one I haven't had a problem with. Hello everyone! This water contained many powerful currents create… It is only visible to you. New Skins: General Grievous- Battle Damaged Skin (Rare), Shattered Skin (Legendary) Obi-Wan Kenobi- Robed Skin (Rare) Anakin Skywalker- Robed Skin (Rare) Part 2: October (The Coruscant Update) New Starfighter Hero: Anakin’s Jedi Interceptor . This map wouldn't be possible without help and support from the community. Thanks for making this incredible mod! A sinkhole world in the Outer Rim housing Grottoes and home to the Utai and Pauns after the planets namesake. Play 16 New Locations - Battle across Star Wars: Episode III environments such as Utapau, Mustafar and the epic space battle above Coruscant. A new map by barny. Mace Windu after ep III Anakin and Obi Wan but before they get to any other Jedi or alternative versions of prequel Anakin and Obi Wan, like ep II. I can't stop playing it! The 212th battalion charges into battle (. for example, i would love to use clone wars skins on this map cause i think it would look wonderful. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) close. The mod will range from Kotor/The Old Republic all... No mods were found matching the criteria specified. Every planet has its eco-system, own creatures or characteristic elements. ... Trending Star Wars Battlefront II. Bands of Sugialso lived on the planet. Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Recently added 29 View all 1,181. chevron_left. MikeTheBeast55 Utapau was also one of the locations of a key battle in the Clone Wars, where Obi-Wan Kenobi led the attack and killed the Separatist general, Grievous. It was covered in sinkholes that were filled with communities and cities. The Battlefront Project Feb 17 2018 Released 2010 First Person Shooter This is a big side mod for the original maps in Star Wars Battlefront 2. Disclaimer Clones and droids could be fighting above and below, and you could switch floors via a circular ramp in the back of the map or a ship that took you from floor to floor. Utapau was a planet in the outer rim, located in the Tarabba Sector near Dagobah. Marth8880 - custom sound implementation Utapau was a grassy planet that was visited by Obi-Wan Kenobi during the events of Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. After a long year and a half of working on this custom map in my spare time, When I started Battlefront, I went to Instant Action to search for the new map/gamemode, and I couldn't find it. Each level has a different hero for each faction (GAR, Imperial Army, etc). We suggest you try the file list with no filter applied, to browse all available. No articles were found matching the criteria specified. No files were found matching the criteria specified. videogame_asset My games. Star Wars: Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, Fortunately, this map gives the Empire plenty of tanks (for a change), and it's a winning strategy to hop inside one if you're overwhelmed. Or sign in with your social account: vanilla: republic,empire,rebels,separatists,heroes,villains. Thank you! Great work! You've successfully signed up to receive emails about Star Wars Battlefront II and other EA news, products, events and promotions. In short, conquering planets will be a wonderful experience! Recently added 15 View all 1,170. In this mod you can do that : Become as a Super Battle Droid with a heavy rifle, play as Commander Gree, kill Grievous... A Mod based on the Sci-Fi Space Game Galaxy on Fire from DS Fishlabs. And now for the first time, Star Wars Battlefront II lets you... Fight as a Jedi - Earn the ability to wield a lightsaber and use Force powers like Yoda, Darth Vader and many other Heroes and Villains. StarWars Battlefront II Utapau Mod. Psych0fred - ATXT File name Downloads Added; 7: 14 Dec 2007: Download. * = Galactic Conquest only; ** = GC and Campaign only. It's a planet that appears in Revenge of the Sith when Obi-Wan Kenobi engages General Grevious in lightsaber combat and ends up killing the leader of the Separatist movement after a thrilling duel to the death.. RELATED: Star Wars Battlefront 2: 10 Characters Fans Wanted More Than BB-8 & BB-9 Your comment will be anonymous unless you join the community. Artist Ralph McQuarrie envisioned a sinkhole planet during pre-production of A New Hope in 1976, and this artwork was approved by George Lucas during pre-production of Revenge of the Sith. Even with some of the issues you mentioned, this is an absolutely stellar map! File name Downloads Added; 17: 7 Jun 2006: Download. Star Wars Battlefront II: Dominate the galaxy or free it. Unsubscribe at any time by changing your email preferences. Write the first paragraph of your article here. Advertisements. All things Star Wars Gaming and More! There are many planets present: Yavin 4, Endor, Kamino, Coruscant, Utapau, Tatooine, and others. This is my second mod I've ever played on BF2 and this is by far one of the most enjoyable experiences I've ever had playing this game, for as long as I have played it! Below Utapau's surface was the massive "world-ocean," a huge subterranean body of water. Very good, this mod focuses on modifying the old loading screens for newer ones and HD, at the moment there is only a complete version for the 1980 x... Geonosis: Sky To Ground My First Ever Sky To Ground Map. Star Wars Battlefront 2: Battles of the Clone Wars: Utapau. Deviss - character content consolidation Please check your spam folder for the above email. Cyberctf346 Fight on the front lines where every weapon and vehicle is yours. ... Trending Star Wars Battlefront II. Games. chevron_left. A fun idea I just thought of. It is also may be one of the birth places of the Jedi Order and the last planet where the Clone Wars were fought. More Star Wars Battlefront II Mods. If they put Utapau in the new Battlefront II, they could make it so that it was a multi-floored map. Another map which featured in the original Battlefront 2 game is Utapau. Unsubscribe at any time by changing your email preferences. I put Mace Windu over Count Dooku since we already have Maul. A sinkhole world in the Outer Rim housing Grottoes and home to the Utai and Pauns after the planets namesake. Advertisements. The Galaxy Expanded Mappack is a mappack that will bring new custom maps to Star Wars Battlefront 2. The mod is mostly focused on Space Battles between the factions of the Game. Utapau is a Planet in the Star Wars universe.. Introduction 2. The clones have it rough until they can get a few more command posts. 1 501st Journal -- Utapau: "Underground Ambush" 2 Objectives 3 Ending Journal 4 Links In our bones, we knew the war was almost over. All sides have four normal units and two special units unlocked ny points. Everything has been changed (every single stat from Wookies to V … Because of how ambitious I was, I pushed zeroeditor past many of its limitations which have caused many apparent bugs, some of which aren't fixable but I hope you all enjoy playing it and want to hear your feedback on it! Glad you enjoyed it :) I'm not familiar with the BFX mod so I'm not entirely sure, I'm sorry :/. Star Wars Battlefront II Heroes and Villians FAQ for the Xbox By Adam Little/I_Need_Money7 Table of Contents for this FAQ 1. 3. Download Space Utapau (BETA) More Star Wars Battlefront II Mods. Utapau is covered with a surface of rocky mantles, calcareous crust, and a myriad of sinkholes. This map is in no way 100% perfect. Add file and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. 3. GOG brings back Star Wars Battlefront II (2005) wolfsrain. For me, Geonosis over Utapau. chevron_right. And now for the first time, Star Wars Battlefront II lets you... Fight as a Jedi - Earn the ability to wield a lightsaber and use Force powers like Yoda, Darth Vader and many other Heroes and Villains. Starwars Battlefront II - Trailer 1. Is there something I should do? Hey JEK, thank you! The outlandish architecture and open roads allow for both short- and long-range fighting, and the tanks AATs, Alliance AAC-1s, IFT-Ts and AT-RTs allow for extra fire power. Post article and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. An Outer Rim world located in the Utapau system, Utapau had a temperate climate and a terrain of desert plains and large sinkholes. Browse more videos. last update Tuesday, June 20, 2017. downloads 746. downloads (7 days) 0 Pau'ans and Utai were native to Utapau, while the Amani had settled on the planet by the Clone Wars. commented over 3 … The first version definitely was pretty buggy, that being said this version certainly has its fair share of bugs. chevron_right. It's almost impossible to capture all the command posts, and there are some areas where the rebels have "the high ground", so to speak. Thank you hostilewaters1, I'm really glad you liked it! An updated version of the original Utapau Attack map. HOME; ... (Star Wars Battlefront II/GameData/Addon - something like that). We suggest you try the mod list with no filter applied, to browse all available. This map features Hanger 10 and some Highways. file size 84.1 MB. Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Star Wars: Battlefront II. CREDITS MissingTexture Digimatte artist Brett Northcuttwho designed Utapau said that he succeeded in creating "the w… Seregas - Crab droid Playing next. Report. Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments. Engage in Massive Online Battles $9.99 Download to Xbox 360 is there a way you could add the option to use skins from other mods ? Utapau - Galactic Assault - Set on the planet of Utapau in Pau City during the 212th assault on CIS forces that have taken the city hostage. It is also may be one of the birth places of the Jedi Order and the last planet where the Clone Wars were fought. Games. Star Wars Battlefront Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Hey man, this map is awesome, Utapau is definately underrated as a location. The Heroes of Battlefront II are mainly Jedi, but also major characters from the films. Write the first section of your article here. We suggest you try the article list with no filter applied, to browse all available. 2:04. Now for the first time, Star Wars Battlefront II lets you… Fight as a Jedi - Earn the ability to wield a lightsaber and use Force powers like Yoda, Darth Vader and many other heroes and villains. Really glad you like this compared to the original! Log in to view your list of favourite games. Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005) - Utapau Attack - Game mod - Download The file Utapau Attack is a modification for Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005), a(n) action game.Download for free. The majority of Utapau's Amani lived deep underground. This page contains Hints for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 on the Playstation 2, called "Secret Passage On Utapau" and has been posted or updated on Jan 25, 2009 by 1scooter111. file type Game mod. The planet had a population of 95 million. Hey thank you! Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) > Videos > Jesse1066's Videos This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. GA- Utapau CS/IA-Utapau RACE- Utapau (w/ Wheel Bikes) Small-Scale Maps- Utapau Hangar . The general objective is to reach the CIS Core Ship 'Unlimited Projection' that has landed in the city, open the blast doors and then destroy 3 ATX energy pillars to disable the ships ability to power the CIS occupation force. I've completed the final installment to the Utapau Attack map! Jedi Assault on Utapau mod for Star Wars Battlefront II. Another classic map from the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 game was Utapau. You’ve already signed up for Star Wars Battlefront II newsletters with the above email. this map is absolutely amazing !! As fortune would have it, the Republic moved first. View all games. Later, this is also the location where Obi-Wan's troops betray him and attempt to kill him after Order 66 was given. It made for quite a thrilling experience, with players able to channel their inner Clone Troopers, Battle droids and much, much more while fighting it out on the planet’s marshy terrain. Please check your spam folder for the above email. Closest recreation of the Battle of Utapau I have yet seen. Utapau was a remote and rocky planet in the Outer Rim Territories' Utapau system that was covered with enormous sinkholes. commented over … Marth8880 This map features Hanger 10 and some Highways. Description. You’ve already signed up for Star Wars Battlefront II newsletters with the above email. This can be a very challenging map. Master_Luke - Z-6 Rotary Cannon. Utapau Attack 1.5 map. Download 'Star Wars Battlefront II Space to Ground Mappack one' (527.09MB) About This Version (1.1) Version: 1.1. GOG brings back Star Wars Battlefront II (2005) wolfsrain. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. videogame_asset My games. Sorry for the super delayed reply! Fight on the front lines where every weapon and vehicle is yours. The main recognizable feature is the hangar where General Grievous is holding a meeting with the other leaders of the CIS to inform them of their relocation to Mustafar, and is also where Obi-Wan confronts Grievous later in the film. Link to Utapau Attack 2.0 by selecting a button and using the embed code provided, Star Wars BattleFront II LoadingScreens HD. -- Description. The galaxy held its breath waiting to see which side would make the final daring move. I prefer this map to the original map is more movie accurate and the fighting is so intense. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. close. Mods. My second map in Battlefront 2 ! It was covered with massive sinkholes, on the sides of which were the buildings and walkways of the planet's residents. Write the second section of your article here. Download Utapau Attack 1.5. I was just wondering if there's any way to make this map compatible with the BFX mod? The clones have it rough until they can get a few more command posts or in... At any time by changing your email preferences Utapau system that was covered with surface. Prefer this map cause I think it would look wonderful on Space Battles between factions. Make this map is in no way 100 % perfect wondering if there 's any to! This map would n't be possible without help and support from the original near... Or free it: Battles of the issues you mentioned, this is may... And Utai were native to Utapau, while the Amani had settled on the sides of were... Original Star Wars Battlefront II newsletters with the BFX mod this compared to the original and help achieve. Focused on Space Battles between the factions of the Battle of Utapau I have n't had problem... 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