This means football shaped smallmouth bass pushing the 4 lb. Annually the shad and herring run up the river in early spring.  Home, Administration: One described it as the “best pickerel fishing in a decade,” with two dozen fish including one over 25-inches to his credit one day this week.  Travel Call 717-574-5338 Email  Weather Capt. A detailed fishing report for the Susquehanna River will make the difference between a good fishing here and a bad one. The catfish bite stayed hot. Matt Beal holds up a nice Spanish mackerel caught while casting into breaking fish.  Terms of Use News Release Report. catfish with a green worm. Top Rated Equipment and One Of a Kind Rockzilla 3.0 Jet Boat.  Area Reports Way North. Susquehanna River Fishing Report 3/17/2011 Susquehanna River Fishing is Back!!! 4.5K likes. Capt. Image by Abe Landes . Capt. Use caution as … Boyd S Nepa Guiding Service Fishing Reports In North East . Capt. It has been yeilding nice catches of smallmouth Bass ranging fro 8-19 1/2. I/we have removed our land-line telephone (301-937-0010). To submit comments, and see comments from other individuals, please visit the eComment tool.  About Us Visit PA  Survey Access to kayaks, paddle boards, rafts, fishing equipment, grill and firepit. Capt. 2021 Rates; Lew’s Fishing ; KeitechUSA Swimbaits ; Sick Custom Baits ; Snake Creek Marine ; Pa Fish and Boat ; 2021 Rates.  Web Development, Susquehanna River Fly and Spin Fishing Guide - The river has been in its late summer/early fall pattern with low gin clear water. Susquehanna River Fly and Spin Fishing Guide - The river has been in its late summer/early fall pattern with low gin clear water. Capt. 4.5K likes. This extraordinary watershed is the epicenter of some of the best freshwater action and caters to all types of anglers. Way South. Letort Spring Run. Ice thickness and conditions can vary greatly across the lake. Maryland Fishing Report is written and compiled by Keith Lockwood, Maryland Department of Natural Resources fisheries biologist. I Love Bass Fishing! Al is a full time Susquehanna river fishing guide based out of Falls Pa. All skill levels welcome Come and experience Susquehanna River Fishing at it's best . In the morning and evening hours casting topwater lures, paddle … Many will now shift their focus to freshwater and ocean fishing — Read the Rest… Share your thoughts on this. Followers 509 Catches 40 Spots 5 Catfish were hitting in Pymatuning Lake, with a 38-pound flathead, reported.  Forums If that time won’t work for you, 12:00AM to 12:00AM looks promising. Get bent more... Click Before You Cast is written by Tidewater Ecosystem Assessment Director Tom Parham. Riverfront access close to public boat launch, public parks, basketball courts, restaurant/bar, deli and gas station all within a two minute walk! Coastal. Fast and easy online booking. Share Followers 0. Steve Hancock - Susquehanna River, Susquehanna River Fly and Spin Fishing Report - The weather has been abnormally warm for this time of year. A 30-pound flathead was caught on a creek chub near Deer Creek. We are still booking trips for t Northwest Region. closed, cat-fishing in the river should pick up, or at least become easier, as the water flow dies down and the use of a ton of weight isn't necessary. Bluefish are moving into the region, coming in the three-quarter pound to 1-pound size class — a perfect eating size. chris preischel. Gunpowder River Stream Report The water level on the Gunpowder is at 34 CFS with waters temperature of 52-54 degrees F. Fish haven’t been rising too much so … John "Toast" Oast and Lila "Susky Shark" Oast from fish the Susquehanna River near Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Started by DRY. Yellow perch have mostly been hitting on minnow. Koinonia Guide Service & Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association are hosting a survey for anglers who fish the Susquehanna River. Get your fishing license ONLINE! Fly fishing has been great with smallmouth bass and carp being caught on my Hancock Craw Fly . Boyd S Nepa Guiding Service Fishing Reports In North East. Susquehanna River Fishing - Celebrating the Susquehanna River, its awesome fishing, and the men and women who fish it.  Articles Get your fishing license ONLINE! Susquehanna River Bassmaster.  Forums Well that trashed things for a week or so, but fishing is getting back to Spring normal. Fall Fishing is only going to get better with cooler water creating a feeding frenzy at times. Smallmouth Bass are being caught near Duncannon on twisters and tubes while fishing slowly and bouncing the bottom. Followers 316 Catches 34 Spots 5  Find-a-Guide Because Susquehanna is such a vast body of water, having a local captain show you the hotspots is a game-changer. Normal Topic On Friday morning a body was found in the Susquehanna River while someone was out fishing near Conoy Township, Koser Park, according to Susquehanna Regional Police Department. Ride Report: unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley 2020 – by Guitar Ted. Taking kids fishing during the summer is a rewarding pastime — whether helping them fish for bluegills with a worm and a bobber at a local pond, or […] We Offer Legendary Guided Smallmouth Bass Trips . The information below shows the Susquehanna River Level Harrisburg at a glance. Sep, 29, 2019 - Susquehanna River (City Island) Details: 12 oz. Susquehanna River (City Island) Fishing Reports Recently shared catches and fishing spots. Susquehanna River Fly and Spin Guide Service Fishing Report - Susquehanna River Fly and Spin Fishing Report for April 9, 2010 - An early morning outing today with my 2 anglers yeilded a bunch of nice size smallies despite, cold, windy conditions today. Fresh cut baits, nightcrawlers, clam snouts, and chicken livers all make good baits. HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE RIVERFRONT HOME ON THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER. The river is the 16th largest river in the United States. This clear water period is providing some great sight fishing oportunities for Carp, smallmouth bass, and even channel catish on both fly and spin gear. A mixture of small, medium, and large size fish up to 18 were making it boatside. According to police, the body was discovered by a fisherman while fishing in the Susquehanna River around 10:20 a.m. Which can provide some great action. 78 catches; 366 followers; 25 spots; Another great spot for accessing the river from shore or launching your boat for a small fee. I offer a 10% discount to active Military . Cold nighttime temperatures, cold local runoff and increased water releases from the Conowingo Dam have the Susquehanna River and flats fisheries in a bit of a seesaw pattern lately for hickory shad and striped bass catch and release fishing. On spinn more... When I was in my teens, fishing the Susquehanna River was mainly for carp, suckers and smallmouth bass. 2020-10-04 12:44 AM. SUSQUEHANNA RIVER NEAR HARRISBURG, PA. GENERAL OVERVIEW. We have had success with jigs and flies and have Also been fly fishing for car more... Pennsylvania Fishing Report – September 3, 2020. by PA Fish and Boat Commission September 3, 2020. Despite colder temperatures there is still plenty of good fishing ahead in the winter months. 1; Details; Ahren Whitman. Smoke bellows out of Bruner Island Steam Electric Station across the Susquehanna River, Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020. The river blew out again early this week and was well into flood stage as of Tuesday 1/12. 2020-10-04 12:44 AM. Home has … Things were just starting to shape up and then heavens opened up and the river rose to flood stage. Susquehanna River Fishing - Celebrating the Susquehanna River, its awesome fishing, and the men and women who fish it. Bass fishing club that is part of the PA BASS FEDERATION and FLW. Ride Report: unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley 2020 – by Guitar Ted. The spring smallie fishing will hopefully be good this seaso more... The North branch of the Susquehanna River flows out of Otsego Lake in Cooperstown, New York. Fish Survey Report (2009) Sandy Beach City Park - Bass Monitoring. 2011-08-26 9:21 PM. Fishermen will find a variety of fish including striped bass, carp, walleye, catfish, redear sunfish, perch, blue catfish, flathead catfish, largemouth bass, bream/bluegill and … Steve Hancock - Susquehanna River, Susquehanna River Guide Fly and Spin Fishing report - Susquehanna fly and spin guide service fishing report for August 2012: The fishing has had steady action! Fishing Reports  Photo Gallery Copyright © 1997-2021, CyberAngler - All Rights Reserved. Fishing Susquehanna River, MD on 1/18/2021 will be best from 12:00AM through 12:00AM. Maryland Fishing Report ... White Perch Maryland Fishing Roundtable July 16, 2020 Snakehead Maryland Fishing Roundtable July 23, 2020 Coastal Fishing Maryland Fishing Roundtable July 30, 2020 Blue Catfish Maryland Fishing Roundtable August 08, 2020 Upper Potomac River Maryland Fishing Roundtable August 13, 2020 Deep Creek Lake Maryland Fishing Roundtable August 20, 2020 Eric … Susquehanna River Fishing, Susquehanna River. A MD sport fishing license is required to fish the river. Image by Abe Landes . Reach Ken and LOU at: cell: 240-447-2206  Regulations Pennsylvania Fishing Report – May 7, 2020. by PA Fish and Boat Commission May 7, 2020. VENUE HOST — Hershey Harrisburg Sports & Events Authority. Ryan Alunni will be assisting me on the Susquehanna River for 2020 Ryan has 20 years of experience fishing tournaments and providing guided fishing trips. 12 Apr 2020 - Sunday morning bonanza Written by DRY posted in Susquehanna River Tributaries April 12, 2020, 01:03:22 PM 2533 Views Print Page Sunday morning I always make my special banana,walnut, blueberry oatmeal pancakes. Flathead and channel catfish were hitting in the Allegheny River between lock and dam numbers two and three. Anglers need to remember the daily limit for 2020 is 3 bluefish per day for anglers fishing from private boats or shore, and 5 bluefish per day when fishing from a charter boat. 2020 Fishing Licenses are now available for purchase – Click here to purchase. As fall progre more... The unidentified adult male was recovered from the river … This information is redistributed from and … A few bass are being caught on the Juniata River near Mifflintown. Joe Raymond, Professional River Guide. Most guides have half day and full day trips on offer, and everything you need, aside from a fishing license, is included in the price. The Pedaling Angler—Heritage Rail Trail. Smallies are both shallow and in deeper pools this time of year. Most club tournaments are held on Susquehanna River … Try using jigs between 1 / 4 oz and 3 / 8 oz with 3- to 4-inch dark colored twisters or tubes.  Guides & Charters Pennsylvania. The lower Susquehanna River is offering excellent fishing for blue and channel catfish this week. Susquehanna River. The Army Corps is starting to draw … Many events looked forward to a bigger, better year than 2019 turned out to be. Smoke bellows out of Bruner Island Steam Electric Station across the Susquehanna River, Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020. The walleye fishing should start to get good if the water temps fall. Since the floodgates at Conowingo are (finally!) REGION COUNTIES -- Adams, Bedford, Blair, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lebanon, Mifflin, Perry, York (County Guide), Read more here: Some success can be found in deep wintering pools fishing jigs slowly on the bottom. Realtree Fishing KBF TRAIL Series presented by Dee Zee at the Susquehanna River is sponsored by Dakota Lithium. A Smallmouth Bass Monitoring Program is being launched for anglers to participate as well. December 06, 2020, 06:37:41 PM by Pawatch: Fly in ointment - Part III. WOO HOO!!! Susquehanna River Fishing, Susquehanna River.  Advertising FlyFisher's Paradise (Little Juniata, Penns) EXPLORE. Capt. Middle Atlantic River Forecast - NWS PA Real-Time Streamflow - USGS (USGS streamflow of select SC rivers) Central PA River Conditions - NWS: 888-881-7555 Susquehanna River (Lower) Hotline: 800-692-6328. Call now for early reservations. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Great savings on Susquehanna River, United States fishing charters. Handicap accessible bathroom. suskyguide 0 Posted October 5, 2008. suskyguide. Northwest Region. The Fall colors were on display for the 2020 unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley 2020.  Books Steve Hancock - Susquehanna River, Susquehanna River Fly and Spin fishing Report - The Fishing has been decent with anywhere from 10 to 25 Smallmouth to the boat per day on Fly and Spin gear. Let's face it, there's a lot we can learn and share from one another like what bait or lure is generating the best results.  Privacy Steve Hancock - Susquehanna River, Susquehanna River Fishing Report august 2013 Steve Hancock - The Susquehanna River has been fishing well in its summer pattern. Pennsylvania Fishing Report September 5 2019 On The Water. Which can provide some great action. Diseased bass are still prevalent in the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed and we need your feedback. The Susquehanna River is not currently being stocked; tiger musky were stocked in the river until 2007. Ryan is a lifetime resident of Northeast Pennsylvania and has spent countless hours on local waters with; friends, family, and clients. By suskyguide, October 5, 2008 in Fishing Reports. A few trout are being caught on streams during warmer temperatures in the middle of the day. 6; Details; Matt Carpenter . THIS WEEK’S GOLD COAST AND TWEED ESTUARY FISHING REPORT AND NEWS 4 December 2020 *Smithy back in action! Susquehanna River Fly and Spin Fishing Guide - The river has been in its late summer/early fall pattern with low gin clear water. Keystone State. We Offer Legendary Guided Smallmouth Bass Trips. If the water temps rise a bit the smallie bite may pick up. Steve Hancock - Susquehanna River, susquehanna river fly and spin fishing guide report - The Susquehanna river fly and spin fishing has been getting better as the late spring and summer progress. Freshwater. Call or email now to book a trip. Learn more here Reminder: The PFBC does not monitor ice thickness. Steve Hancock - Susquehanna River, Susquehanna River Fly and Spin Fishing guide Service - The winter and Spring fishing has been productive and numbers and quality smallmouth Bass a few Muskies have BEEN caught. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. Anglers are reporting that the bite is variable as the weather keeps fluctuating. The action will continue throug the rest more... 2020 Susquehanna River Smallmouth Bass Survey Koinonia Guide Service & Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association are hosting a survey for anglers who fish the Susquehanna River. Susquehanna Flats Fishing has 2,090 members. Tangier and Lower Shore . The Susquehanna Rivers #1 Smallmouth Bass Guiding Service We specialize in Smallmouth Bass fishing on the Susquehanna and Juanita Rivers located in central Pennsylvania. Steve Hancock - Susquehanna River, Susquehanna river fly spin Fishing report captain Steve Hancock - Higher water has moved in but before it did the Fishing was good with carp on fly action and large football shaped smallmoutj making it boatside. *Broadwater going off Dad joke: Four stages of a man’s life: You believe in Santa You don’t believe in Santa You are Santa You look like Santa TWEED RIVER by Smithy G’day everyone it was great to … Continue reading "4 December 2020 fishing report" Welcome to Al's Susquehanna Guide Service . Susquehanna River Condition Report and Weekend Fishing Forecast - 10/15/20 Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. As The weather warms up so will the action. Anglers are catching a few walleye, nice sized smallmouth bass, and panfish. The edges of the Susquehanna Flats and the nearby channels are offering good fishing for striped bass. Report; Share; Posted October 5, 2008. Local Reports. Nice job guys, way to go. This clear water period is providing some great sight fishing oportunities for Carp, smallmouth bass, and even channel catish on both fly and spin gear. Members; 0 48 posts; Location. This week concludes our Maryland Fishing Report for 2020 — look for our winter update in early February, and for our weekly reports to resume in March 2021. This clear water period is providing some great sight fishing oportunities for Carp, smallmouth bass, and even channel catish on both fly and spin gear.  Fly Fishing Spanish mackerel are showing signs of moving into the lower bay and a few are being caught by those trolling … Susquehanna River is a stream located just 1.1 miles from Havre de Grace, in Cecil County, in the state of Maryland, United States. A draw down permit has been approved to North Lebanon Township to do work at Lions Lake. Anglers are catching some wild trout on smaller streams during the middle of the day warmer temperatures. Reports compiled by Adam Spangler (, Southcentral Regional Education Specialist, using information provided by Waterways Conservation Officers, Area Fisheries Managers and other PFBC staff.​​, Middle Atlantic River Forecast - NWSPA Real-Time Streamflow - USGS(USGS streamflow of select SC rivers)Central PA River Conditions - NWS:888-881-7555Susquehanna River (Lower) Hotline:800-692-6328, FlyFisher's Paradise(Little Juniata, Penns), CaledoniaCanoe CreekCodorusCowans GapGifford PinchotGreenwood FurnaceLittle BuffaloMemorial LakePine Grove FurnaceShawneeWhipple Dam. The Susquehanna River, in all it spendor and glory, winds down though Pennsylvania’s spectacular Endless Mountain Range in North East Pennsylvania. 2020 Fishing Licenses are now available for purchase – Click here to purchase REMINDER: Mandatory Cold Weather Life Jacket Wear began on November 1, 2019 and runs through April 30, 2020 for anyone on boats less than 16 feet and in all canoes and kayaks. Capt. Good numbers this time of year can also be expected i more... This survey was conducted in order to compare the abundance of bass relative to past sampling efforts at this site. Compare trips, reviews, and photos for charters in Susquehanna River, United States. Anglers willing to travel should take a peek at the Middle Chesapeake report, which details a very good bite for stripers in the 20 to 30 inch range. CONTACTS — Report issues, questions, or early departures to: Tournament Coordinator: Russell Johnson Email: Phone: (724) 344-8372 For information on Maryland’s bay oxygen conditions, see our latest hypoxia report online. Smaller live baits are working such as wax worms or small redworms. Please enable scripts and reload this page. The Fall colors were on display for the 2020 unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley 2020. As a result of below normal flows from the Susquehanna River, upper bay salinities are slightly higher than normal. If you’re coming here for the first time, there are plenty of Susquehanna River fishing guides that can help you find the best bite. 12-3-2020: Hatchery winter steelhead fishing in the Umpqua Basin might net anglers a reward ROSEBURG, Ore – Anglers who harvest a hatchery... more » OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff: 9-16-2020: Umpqua River Fishing Report UMPQUA RIVER, MAINSTEM: Chinook fishing is open and anglers... more » OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff Public participation for this Integrated Report was from June 27th, 2020 to August 11th, 2020. I haven't made a report for awhile so I'll bunch them up. The Susquehanna River is known for being one of the best smallmouth fisheries in the United States and the North Branch of the river is the best of the best.The fishing, scenery, and wildlife is second to none. Fishing Reports, River Levels & Weather for Susquehanna River & Juniata River at Duncannon PA. Smallmouth and Bass are ready to get some food and Jigs of various shapes and profiles are working. Eli with a beautiful Brook Trout caught on the upper end of Sherman's Creek. WILSON RIVER: steelhead Winter steelhead fishing was slow to fair the end of last week, Friday and Monday saw some nice fish caught, while the weekend itself was a little slow. Capt. We had one of the better few weeks for Flathead Catfish and for Smallmouth Bass. 12 in. Upper Bay. Fly fisherman are using nymph patterns and streamers. Steve Hancock - Susquehanna River. Most of the fish caught have been good size and are starting to put on weight as fall approaches.  Clubs & Orgs. While it was a lot of fun, no one I knew would keep anything caught in the river for table fare. The Susquehanna River in Lancaster County was giving up flatheads, with a 35-plus pounder reported. Susquehanna River (Falmouth) The first few miles of the river downstream of the York Haven dam offers great muskie and walleye fishing, although the fish move a lot and can be a challenge to find at times. The river was still rising on mid-day Wednesday and not expected to crest until late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. Smallmouth Bass with a Rebel Humpback Crank.  Feedback ... Walleye and Musky in the West Branch Susquehanna River. Capt. 570-241-2211. This will be Lance's 41st year as a full time fishing guide on the Susquehanna river, no other guide can say that! Anglers are reminded that for the 2020 season the daily creel limit for bluefish when fishing from a private boat or from shore is 3 bluefish per day. Steve Hancock - Susquehanna River, Susquehanna River Fly and Spin Fishing Report - Susquehanna River Fly and Spin Fishing Report for June 2012: This week has been decent and we have been getting smallies on both Fly and Spin gear. If you’ve never fished the Susquehanna River, the longest river on the East Coast, you’re missing out! range which make for a great fight. Susquehanna river fishing s salmon river fishing report steelhead professional fishing charters on the reel report plenty of good fishing reports penrod sPennsylvania Fishing Report April 26 2018 On The WaterMaryland Fishing Report For March 6 2020 The SouthernBoyd S Nepa Guiding Service Fishing Reports In North EastReports Penrod SMaryland Fishing Report September 19Pennsylvania Fishing … Bass fishing on the Susquehanna is spotty currently. 13.0 in. This should help improve first light shallow-water fishing conditions when surface water temperatures can be several degrees cooler. . Epic On River Excitement. Zilla 3.0, Your Ride For the Day. See the current river level, flood stages and level predictions for the Susquehanna River Level Harrisburg. Middle Bay. Steve Hancock - Susquehanna River, susquehanna river fly and spin fishing guide report - The Smallie fall football frenzy season is upon us once again here on the mighty Susquehanna River. Capt. Some wild trout are being caught on smaller streams such as Delaware Creek and East Licking Creek. Photo by Travis Long The Susquehanna Rivers #1 Smallmouth Bass Guiding Service We specialize in Smallmouth Bass fishing on the Susquehanna and Juanita Rivers located in central Pennsylvania. Carp on fly action has been great and for a few days we have had them eating flies more... Susquehanna River, Flats, and Near-By Fishing. Brett with a nice Smallmouth Bass caught on the Juniata River. Susquehanna river fly fishing and spin boyd s nepa guiding service fishing weekly fishing report 3 27 2017 boyd s nepa guiding service fishing upstate ny walleye fishing spots. The season of races and rides for 2020 was set to be an exciting one back when the calendar turned from ’19 to ’20. 7mos ago - Susquehanna River (City Island) 18 lb. The larger fish wer more... Get your fishing license ONLINE! Fly fishing will be productive with the water temps warming and weighed flies have b more... 2020 Impairment Delistings. Share photos and information on fishing Upper Chesapeake Bay Fishing Report, January 7 Update: Several readers checked in after hitting the Magothy, which continues to produce a nice mix of pickerel and perch. It is also a good time to feed Carp a fly if you are up to par on your fly casting and double haul. Aug 29, 2017 - West Branch Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania fishing report, rainbow trout fly fishing forecast, fly shop and fishing guides, and fly-fishing weather. Last updated 12/23/20. 2020 Susquehanna River Smallmouth Bass Survey . This entry was posted in fishing report, news, Shop Online on November 21, 2020 by Theaux Le Gardeur. Steve Hancock - Susquehanna River. The work should be completed by March 1st. Susquehanna River Fly and Spin Fishing Report - The river has been fishing well and the smallies are eating good. Rogue River, middle: Chinook salmon, hatchery coho, steelhead, rainbow trout With the periodic bumps in rain, conditions as the Rogue should be as good as we’ve seen in January for a few years. Susquehanna River Fishing Report 10/14/10 Mother Nature sent us some rain and some high water and the fish strapped on the feed bags. Includes chair lift for handicap guests under 300lbs. Annually the shad and herring run up the river in early spring.  Reef Locator Warmer days are proving to be more conducive for active fish. The catfish are very active and are readily taking baits.  Links Remember to adjust these times based on barometric pressure, and weather changes. Will the action near Mifflintown Kind Rockzilla 3.0 Jet Boat with a beautiful Brook trout caught on streams the... 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At the Susquehanna River Valley 2020 – by Guitar Ted medium, and weather.. & events Authority Celebrating the Susquehanna River mainly for carp, suckers and bass! Some high water and the fish have been eating both flies and artificial lures bags... Topic ; Start new topic ; Recommended Posts Click Before you Cast is written compiled. See dep ’ S bay oxygen conditions, see our latest hypoxia Report ONLINE sponsored by Dakota.! Warms up so will the action the men and women who fish the for. Carp on fly action has been approved to North Lebanon Township to work!, nice sized smallmouth bass, and clients to adjust these times based on barometric pressure, chicken... We caught more 30 lb + flatheads in the Lower Susquehanna River Condition Report Weekend! 18 were making it boatside out of Otsego Lake susquehanna river fishing report 2020 Cooperstown, new York Share photos and information Maryland! Access to kayaks, paddle … 2020 Susquehanna River around 10:20 a.m sep,,. Some of the PA bass FEDERATION and FLW, new York caught on Juniata! And carp being caught on smaller streams such as wax worms or small redworms i in. From fish the Susquehanna River & Juniata River near Bloomsburg,.!