The Flash By Russ Burlingame - September 21, 2020 08:15 pm EDT. Now, however, the actor reveals he never actually met his co-stars on the set of the DC Extended Universe film. Superman, however, possessing few memories, attacks the group after Cyborg accidentally launches a projectile at him. Cyborg then falls into the Knightcrawler and hacks it is under his control, which he uses it against Steppenwolf, but fails when Steppenwolf caught a missile and threw it against the wall, then caused the factory to flood and allows Steppenwolf himself to escape. The Kryptonian used his ice breath to freeze Steppenwolf's axe. [4], After securing the two Mother Boxes inside the abandoned nuclear power plant in Pozharnov, Russia, Steppenwolf commanded the parademon soldiers to find the final Mother Box to complete the Unity. Due to his disgracing defeat, he was exiled from his people, the New Gods. The only known beings to at least rival his might are Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Artemis and also the combined might of several Green Lanterns, while Darkseid, Zeus, Ares and Superman are known to surpass him. But you will scream. : Actor(s) [4], During the first Invasion of Earth over 5000 years ago, his master Darkseid ordered Steppenwolf to conquer Earth, and he faced the united alliance of human, Amazon and Atlantean armies, along with at least one Green Lantern, as well as Zeus, Ares, and Artemis of the Old Gods. However, Steppenwolf also has a grudging respect for individuals of exceptional bravery, like Silas Stone (who talks back to his threats) and Wonder Woman (who fearlessly battles him). Steppenwolf, Lex Luthor, Orm Marius, and Thaddeus Sivana are the only main antagonists of the DCEU to survive their initial debut. Ciarán Hinds, General Steppenwolf is a baby, an ancient and powerful New God from Apokolips,[1] serving as the herald to his nephew Darkseid,[2] and the leader of Apokolips's army of Parademons.[3]. Superman calms down and leaves with Lois to his family home where he reflects and tries to recover his memories. Male Steppenwolf Deathdate In the process, he would encounter and battle members of the Green Lantern Corps resistance, and ultimately would prevail every time. Steppenwolf had become impatient after millennia of invading, taking over, and terraforming other worlds with the Unity, while also creating more Parademons from the native inhabitants. However, Lex was interrupted, shutting down the display. They were all then sucked into a Boom Tube, leaving Steppenwolf's fate unknown. 2017 Nationality [appears behind hiim]  Batman What are we under right now? A brand new image from Justice League shows off Steppenwolf’s Zack Snyder Cut design. 1 Gallery 1.1 Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice 1.2 Justice League 1.2.1 Images 1.2.2 Videos 1.3 Zack Snyder's Justice League 1.4 Concept Art Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Images and videos of Steppenwolf from the DC Extended Universe. [approaching the Mother Box]  What the villain ultimately wishes to do with these objects remains to be seen; the boxes can essentially do anything its user desires. Without Superman to aid them, the remaining five heroes traveled to a remote location in Russia, where Steppenwolf planned to unite the boxes once again and reshape the world for his lord and master Darkseid. Zack Snyder's Justice League stars Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Ciarán Hinds as Steppenwolf, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor and J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon. Justice League is a 2017 American ... Steppenwolf manages to retrieve the Mother Box from Themyscira, ... Members of the Justice League cast and crew showing support for the Snyder Cut's release. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Steppenwolf was the main villain in Justice League that released in 2017 in theatres Now, Zack Snyder's version of Justice League is releasing on HBO Max Recently, Snyder shared a new look at Steppenwolf and revealed that it was supposed to be in the theatrical cut but changed for being "too scary" [2], As millennia passed, Steppenwolf would proceed to carry out Darkseid's bidding by invading and taking over other worlds. Justice League on HBO Max: Jared Leto's Joker, Deathstroke scenes, and everything else we know. In a new post on his Vero account, Justice League director Zack Snyder revealed a new image of his work on the movie from in-studio. Well, I believe in truth. Zack Snyder's version of Justice League just gained a couple of wild cards. : A creature of chaos. Oh, I think I will. The fabled "Snyder Cut" of Justice League is … Species Steppenwolf charges at Arthur and hits him through the wall. Darkseid viewed this defeat humiliating as Steppenwolf had clearly underestimated the Earth's defense to the point of ill-equipping his army and exiled Steppenwolf until the latter could reclaim the lost Mother Boxes and conquer Earth, thereby restoring his honor. Steppenwolf returned to Earth 5 millennia later in search for the lost Mother Boxes after the death of Superman at the hands of Doomsday. While the actual Justice League plot has been kept under lock and key, it's long been stated that Steppenwolf's ultimate goal is acquiring the three mother boxes that belonged to mankind, the Amazonians, and the Atlanteans. • Steppenwolf is featured in the TV shows set in the DC Animated Universe: Zack Snyder's Justice League has today added Ciarán Hinds to the cast. Apokoliptian | Darkseid's EliteDarkseid (formerly)Heggra The team finds Steppenwolf interrogating S.T.A.R. Turning on him, he fought them as he and Parademons alike, are whisked away via Boom Tube, leaving nothing but his helmet.[4]. : After his defeat, he exhibited fear for the first time in millennia, driving his own army of Parademons to attack him. : General Swanwick camped out by Harry Lennix in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice could thus become a valuable ally of Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg against Steppenwolf, as he will be the only villain the Justice League will really rub up against, before disappearing with the rest of the SnyderVerse, which has become a "narrative dead-end" … The Cast of Justice League includes Ben Affleck as the Batman, Gal Gadot as the Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa as the Aquaman, Ezra Miller as the Flash, Ray Fisher as the Cyborg, Ciaran Hinds as Steppenwolf and finally Henry Cavill as the Superman. New God Thus, Steppenwolf continued to serve Darkseid as the latter's right hand and continued to conquer and invade other worlds for him, eventually carrying out the Invasion of Earth. 1. [4], Steppenwolf successfully retrieves the three Mother Boxes, Cyborg retrieves the last Mother Box from S.T.A.R. But she failed to answer when she said she had a family, so Steppenwolf denied the answer and snaps her neck by crushing her to death. Prior to 3,000 B.C. Film(s) In the original Zack Snyder cut, Steppenwolf ends up impaled by Aquaman's trident and Wonder Woman decapitates him. Batman decides to use the Mother Box to resurrect Superman not only to help them fight Steppenwolf's army, but also to restore hope in humanity. Book(s) | Hence, Steppenwolf relishes battle, and never holds back his divine might. On his first Earth stint, he easily took out and killed an alien Green Lantern who came to the aid of the Amazons. Steppenwolf then goes to Atlantean Vault where he attacks Mera and Xebelian soldiers. Cyborg The End of WorldsGeneral SteppenwolfThe Devil Steppenwolf Queen Hippolyta No Lanterns. Much like Lex Luthor, Steppenwolf hates the mere idea of losing, so despite having his ships destroyed by Artemis, being wounded by Ares, and defeated by Zeus, he remains determined to fight on, which forces his own Parademon army to drag Steppenwolf away from certain death. : Justice League (2017) Ciarán Hinds as Steppenwolf. Then he grabs Howard Jensen and questions him about the whereabouts of the Mother Box, too, but Howard said he and the employees have families, much to Steppenwolf's annoyance. : Why does everyone keep telling me that? Labs for the group to analyze. : First, he grabs a female employee and questioned her about the Mother Box's whereabouts. Affiliation(s) Steppenwolf He appears to also have a disdain for Kryptonians and Green Lanterns, due to having battled them in the past. The only things Steppenwolf seems to care about is returning to Apokolips after the exile, and regaining his standing among the New Gods. With the last Mother Box unguarded, Steppenwolf retrieves it with ease.[4]. In May 2020, it was announced that the Snyder Cut would be released on … Steppenwolf [4], Steppenwolf being attacked by the Parademons swarm. Official Sites . Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn), Warner Bros. Pictures Presents Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, General Mills Presents Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Man of Steel: The Official Movie Novelization, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Cross Fire, Suicide Squad: The Official Movie Novelization, Wonder Woman: The Official Movie Novelization, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice characters, Read Zack Snyder's Version and All Deleted Scenes of Justice League, ‘Justice League’ concept art reveals a scarier version of Steppenwolf,, However, it is unknown if Steppenwolf survived getting eaten by his, Steppenwolf's character was constructed completely from CGI, with actor. Steppenwolf 3 weeks ago. | Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (UE; projection) Justice LeagueAquaman (mentioned)Zack Snyder's Justice League (unreleased) : Fans have been treated to an eyeful of Steppenwolf from Zack Snyder’s extended Justice League project. Ultimately, however, while Steppenwolf successfully slays the Green Lantern, his invasion fails - his battleships are brought down by Artemis, and Ares wounds him in combat, while Zeus blasts apart the Unity, kills several Apokoliptian Priests, and defeats Steppenwolf, forcing the New God into retreat without enough time to collect the Mother Boxes. Of the many complaints critics had about Justice League, perhaps the biggest one was Steppenwolf. For Darkseid! Steppenwolf Now how I see it. Primitive beings... [He releases the missile to explode against the wall]. : [catches one of the Nightcrawler's missiles in his bare hand]. RELATED: Justice League Unveils Its Theater … Title(s) Steppenwolf Gender Alerted by Wonder Woman, who had arrived in the nuclear plant and questioned about what conquering Earth was, Steppenwolf mockingly told her that she and the Justice League are his to defeat, while Aquaman quickly barged in and fought him and the two engaged in combat. : Superman 1. [4], Steppenwolf getting ready to attack the Knightcrawler, Flash and Cyborg save all the hostages and Silas tells his son that Steppenwolf cannot get the final Mother Box. No Kryptonian. IMDB has given the movie a decent rating of 8.2. [4], Clark Kent's body is exhumed and placed in the waters of the Kryptonian ship, and Allen provides a strong energy blast to activate the Box and resurrect Superman. : Sensing this, Steppenwolf's Parademon army is again forced to drag their leader away from certain death. On the verge of being killed by Superman, Batman enacts his contingency plan: Lois Lane. [sees Cyborg]  : After the death of the last Olympian Ares,[5] he still waited, due to Earth now being protected by the godlike alien Superman, who could also potentially repel him. The actor was cast as Ares for the sequence and trained for four months to get in proper shape for the role. Indeed, when none of the kidnapped scientists are willing to reveal the Mother Boxes' location, Steppenwolf intends to murder them, only being stopped by the timely intervention of Flash and Cyborg. Steppenwolf began to combine the Mother Boxes into the Unity, in order to terraform the planet into an extension of Apokolips and convert humans into Parademons. Steppenwolf Give it time. Hinds also didn't perform any of his scenes with any of the cast. But I'm also a big fan of justice. General [4], Flash and Wonder Woman get attacked by Steppenwolf and the Parademons before Batman helps her by killing one of the Parademons. I'll die before I tell you! and he is delighted to see that Cyborg has been "born of her," proclaiming that Cyborg is destined to become "a creature of chaos," like the soulless Parademons. Before he could kill Cyborg, Superman arrived in the nuclear plant telling the New God General he believed in truth and justice, and punched him onto a wall. [7] On Darkseid's orders,[2] Steppenwolf then began his journey to Earth to search for the Mother Boxes, bringing with him a vast army of Parademons. Steppenwolf Steppenwolf's character was constructed completely from CGI, with actor Ciarán Hinds wearing only a motion-capture suit for his performance. Much like General Zod, Steppenwolf has trained his entire life to become a great warrior and defeat his enemies. Ciarán Hinds will play Steppenwolf in next year’s Justice League. Labs, which are in possession of one of the boxes. [4], Steppenwolf was hesitant to re-invade quickly, however, knowing that the Old Gods would only repel him again, so he bided his time, waiting until Earth was free of sufficiently powerful defenders. ... but none of them could hold a candle to Justice League‘s Steppenwolf. Justice League: The Art of the FilmJustice League: The Official Guide ...Gotham Harbor. He'll play the film's big bad, the DC Comics supervillain known as Steppenwolf. Steppenwolf It features an ensemble cast that includes Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher, Jeremy Irons, Diane Lane, Connie Nielsen, J. K. Simmons, and DC Extended Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Batman's Knightcrawler is attacked by Steppenwolf, while Barry helps Wonder Woman get her sword so she can help Batman. Snyder … Work continues on Zack Snyder's Justice League and two new shots of big bads Darkseid and Steppenwolf have made their way online offering an even closer look … Appearances Steppenwolf is not only merciless but also sadistic, being unimpressed with the S.T.A.R. It is believed that Warner Bros executives ordered Joss Whedon (who was also ordered to reshoot and recut Snyder's original cut of the film) to change Steppenwolf's design to make it more appealing to younger audiences. Philippus Labs scientists' pleas to return to their families, sadistically mocking Wonder Woman with the deaths of her fellow Amazons and the Old Gods, and gleefully predicting that the Mother Box-empowered Cyborg is destined to become "a creature of chaos.". Philippus : Steppenwolf... Steppenwolf : [approaching the Mother Box] Mother... millennia in exile, searching, at last you call me home. Game of Thrones alum Ciaran Hinds revealed in May that his Justice League character would be constructed digitally, but it wasn't entirely clear what that meant for his performance as Darkseid's second-in-command Steppenwolf. [4], Having investigated the kidnappings and encountering a Parademon himself, Batman decides to move forward in recruiting his planned team of metahumans as he believes an invasion is coming. No protectors here. [1] In fact, Steppenwolf seems to admire his master, as he loudly proclaims that he will conquer Earth in the name of Darkseid and the Unity. This world will fall, like all the others. Steppenwolf catches a missile with his hand. | [3], In the present, the world is in mourning following the death of Superman, and sensing humanity's fear, Steppenwolf and his Parademons return to Earth to resume their hunt for the Mother Boxes through kidnapping several employees of S.T.A.R. We have a new look at Steppenwolf from Zack Snyder's Justice League.It was exactly three years ago today that Justice League was released in theaters. [catches one of the Nightcrawler's missiles in his bare hand]  Technical Specs. He was confronted by Superman, who easily overpowers the New God. Steppenwolf : Starlabs Employee : Birthdate Darkseid & Steppenwolf Are Ready for War in New Look at Zack Snyder's Justice League. Following the separation, an enraged Steppenwolf entered the Apokoliptian construct where he grabbed Flash by the head and threw him at a wall of the nuclear plant as the New God General got stabbed in the shoulder by Aquaman's trident and punched by Aquaman long enough for Steppenwolf to get beaten to the ground. Steppenwolf is an extremely ruthless, destructive, cold, and sinister being, showing neither fear nor mercy towards his enemies and prisoners, most notable in the fact that he utilizes the Unity to transform planets' native inhabitants into loyal and soulless Parademons. The theatrical cut of Justice League disappointed critics and many fans, but now director Zack Snyder has gotten the green light to make his original version of the movie a reality. A handful of new images show-off The Snyder Cut villains Darkseid and Steppenwolf… The team fought their way through the Parademons to reach Steppenwolf, although they were unable to stage a significant enough distraction for Cyborg to separate the boxes. Steppenwolf grabs the sinking Mother Box and flees with his prize. You, then! [4], Steppenwolf returns to Earth to hunt for the Mother Boxes, arriving first in Themyscira to collect a Mother Box within an Amazonian temple. Titans Season 3 Has Cast Its Barbara Gordon/Oracle. Played by … Steppenwolf's blood is purple, as witnessed when the Justice League battled and injured him. Release Dates 3. Bleeding and thus knowing he has been defeated, Steppenwolf was overwhelmed with fear, thus seeing as his Parademons begin to attack him. Company Credits Hinds also didn't perform any of his scenes with any of the cast. He attempts to grab the Mother Box, but is quickly intercepted by the Amazons led by Hippolyta who uses a lasso to swipe the Mother Box and escape the temple.[4]. However, as they try to escape, Steppenwolf catches up with them and finally retrieves the Mother Box, and before he teleports away, tells the Queen that she and everyone will love him when the Unity is complete. : [He slams the haft of his ax into the ground, summoning a horde of Parademons]. [4], Steppenwolf questioning one of the hostages, The Justice League receives intel from Commissioner James Gordon that the Parademons are traveling underground, which the team goes to find. : The Snyder Cut will be massively different from the theatrical version, with additional photography adding Joe Manganiello’s Deathstroke to the cast, as well as Jared Leto’s Joker. Starlabs Employee : Mera tries to stop him by using a water tornado to hold him but Steppenwolf is able to escape, where he is challenged by Arthur Curry. Steppenwolf was born to Heggra many millennia ago on the distant planet of Apokolips[1] eventually becoming the herald and second-in-command of his warlord nephew, Darkseid. When Hippolyta escapes the temple the Amazons close the temple and try to trap Steppenwolf and the Parademons, but he escapes and chases down the Amazonian Queen, but before he can grab the Mother Box, she hands it to an Amazon Warrior. However, with Superman's timely resurrection, Steppenwolf has defeated again, and when Wonder Woman breaks his battle ax, Steppenwolf feels fear for the first time in millennia - the fear of failure, and of never having the chance to regain his place among the New Gods. Mother... millennia in exile, searching, at last you call me home. It is the fifth installment in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) and a follow-up to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and was directed by Zack Snyder and written by Chris Terrio, based on a story by Terrio and Snyder. Wonder Woman and Aquaman are hesitant about the idea, but Batman forms a secret contingency plan. Ah... you were born of her. It is unknown whether or not other New Gods share this characteristic. Labs employees about the final Mother Box. Steppenwolf is bitter at his first defeat, so he jumps at the chance to invade Earth again, as soon as the Mother Boxes alert him of the deaths of Zeus, Ares, Artemis, and Superman, since now the planet lacks defenders powerful enough to repel him. Silas Stone : At last, one that doesn't whine. Steppenwolf Justice League director Zack Snyder revealed yet another shot from the upcoming film, this time showing off Steppenwolf and a defeated Atlantean.. After fans … Justice League is a 2017 American superhero film based on the DC Comics superhero team of the same name. Steppenwolf : The image depicts Steppenwolf kneeling over what appears to be a dead or wounded Atlantean soldier, with the villain holding the soldier's helmet in his hand. Steppenwolf waged war against Earth's first line of defense, the Justice League, but was defeated during their final battle by the recently resurrected Superman. Steppenwolf's blood is purple, as witnessed when the Justice League battled and injured him. Where is my mother box? Whilst Wonder Woman is distracted by Steppenwolf, she's knocked out by a Parademon who takes her by surprise. He seeks to be free of Apokolips' ruler, Darkseid, and to regain his place of respect among the New Gods, but Steppenwolf is neither foolish nor powerful enough to disobey or challenge Darkseid. Status New God physiology: As a New God, Steppenwolf is a phenomenally powerful divine being, to the point that he has conquered many planets with his Parademon army, and it took the combined might of Amazon, Atlantean, and human armies, Yalan Gur, as well as three Old Gods to drive Steppenwolf and his forces off of Earth during the first Invasion of Earth. 2. Real name Following Darkseid's orders, Steppenwolf invaded Earth about 5 thousand years before the Battle of Metropolis with and his vast army of Parademons and attempted to conquer the planet but were forced into their first retreat ever by the combined armies of the Humans, Amazons, Atlanteans, and the Olympian Gods, losing three Mother Boxes with him. The character of Steppenwolf was voiced by Ciarán Hinds in the 2017 release of Justice League. Steppenwolf gotten back up and knew the Kryptonian was resurrected, so he tried to give him a big punch, but Superman swiftly moved and punched Steppenwolf to the ground farther to let Aquaman and Wonder Woman distract him. Filming & Production His head then ends up rolling at Darkseid's feet after going through a, Steppenwolf's original design was drastically different than the final film's version, like concept art and leaked pre-visualizations for the film revealed the design having a much more menacing and alien design. : Please, we have families! Kryptonian used his ice breath to freeze Steppenwolf 's blood is purple, as witnessed when Justice. Idea, but Batman forms a secret contingency plan: Lois Lane over other worlds sadistic, being with... Images and videos of Steppenwolf from the DC Extended Universe of wild cards to. Been defeated, Steppenwolf ends up impaled by Aquaman 's trident and Wonder Woman get her sword she... To the aid of the same name, like all the others believe... Entire life to become a great warrior and defeat his enemies Edition of,... Snyder 's version of Justice League ‘ s Steppenwolf the Flash: what are under. 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