A version of the Echani style of unarmed combat is taught to members of Palpatine's Imperial Guard and Sith guard. The proboscises lie coiled and hidden in pockets within the cheeks and can be extended to drain a victim's 'luck' or 'soup' by piercing the brain through the nose. They live longer than humans, with a life-span of around 130 years. When the species has become addicted to salt, their eyes turn from green to gold. A famous Chadra-Fan was Tekli of the New Jedi Order, who later became a healer for the Jedi. Cad Bane, a Duro on the Cartoon Network show The Clone Wars is a professional bounty hunter. [5], These near-human aliens appear to be bulky, flabby creatures and are often dismissed as such. In an open conflict, the object both sides desire is often damaged or destroyed. Species that had not yet been discovered or integrated into the galaxy during the Clone Wars or the Galactic Civil War have now been present in the galaxy at large for over a century. Your character's Species determines some of his or her qualities. The tribal government of the Coway consists of a triumvirate who make the major decisions for the tribe. For each point of Intelligence bonus, a character can speak, read, and write one additional language of their choice. some females turned to the dark side and created a group called the nightsisters. The Hutts are the biggest users of their services. They also possess a single large slit-pupiled eye which dominates their greenish-tan foreheads. This category is for sentient species in the galaxy. The party member character Juhani from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic belongs to the Cathar race (though she's actually part of a subspecies of the Cathar that was notable for appearing less catlike than the baseline Cathar species). Bith are native to the planet Clak'Dor VII. They are primarily Imperial Agents as in game characters and stationed on the ice planets of Hoth and Illum. They are found all over the galaxy, but originated on one of the moons of Bogden. Apologizing was an unknown concept for the Barabel, and being apologized to was considered mildly insulting by the Barabel. One Devaronian, Kardue'sai'Malloc, going by the name of Labria, was seen in the cantina scene of A New Hope. They guard their society and their young with equal ferocity, which can be surprising since an immature Codru-Ji appears almost nothing like a mature Codru-Ji, and in fact can be mistaken for a pet. As a culture, they believe that direct confrontation with foes — whether economic, political, or martial — is pointless. [7], The Balosar Elan Sleazebaggano appears in Episode II Attack of the Clones. Often, a Boltrunian would be mistaken for a Trandoshan. The native planet of the Arcona, Cona, is always hot, and has very little water. [citation needed] The Clawdites then joined the Sith Empire as part of the Storm Trooper Army, a group of Clawdites with advanced shapeshifting skills. They also rule over the Nightbrothers, a group of Zabrak whom they employ as assassins and mates. Under Palpatine's Galactic Empire, many Species were subjected as a part of the Sith Lord's humanocentric campaign. An action figure of a Dressellian dubbed "Prune Face" was produced for Kenner's Star Wars action figure line in 1984. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Evidently, these are but the blank slates - doesn't mean a small Ewok can't train themselves to be as strong as their apparent cousins the Wookiees. In such cases, members of an entire Species pay the price for the rebellion of the few. Bouncers are said to be attuned with the Force and can communicate with those who can manipulate it. The average Besalisk stands approximately 1.8 meters tall. The Celegians are a species of intelligent scyphozoans native to Celegia, appearing as floating brains trailing a cluster of prehensile tentacles. This reputation grew when they wiped out an entire stormtrooper division that had set up on their home planet. An astonishing testament to the power of Human imagination, the Star Wars epic has become perhaps the most captivating myth of modern times. Even though Humans dominate the galactic governments and corporations, many other Species hold prominent positions of power. When the Zolanders discovered that their Moon had increased its radioactive emissions, they tried to unleash a gene in the Clawdites skin cells to activate natural protection against radiation. Salt increases an Arconan's need for this substance by a hundredfold. All Abyssins have the ability to heal quickly and to regenerate body parts, which leads to their belief that change is impossible, and as such they rarely stray from their home world. Fett was secretly hired by Count Dooku to kill Vosa and the Bando Gora. This attitude has made espionage a natural line of work for Bothans. Players in a Legacy Era Campaign have many Species open to them, including the dread Yuuzhan Vong. They have pale skin, large heads and eyes, and long fingers. Balosars appear to be sickly compared to common galactic species due to the heavy pollution of the Balosar homeworld. Durkii are a purple dinosaur-like species. Any progress on this is more or less unknown. However, these movies are far from perfect, having a variety of technical issues across them. This alien serves as one of Jabba's guards in his palace and can be seen guarding one of Jabba's most prized possessions: Han Solo encased in carbonite. Many species of alien creatures (often humanoid) are depicted. They communicate largely using their own sign language. They possess exceptional reflexes as well as a fast metabolism which allows them to convert food into energy very rapidly in order to escape predators (such as sagcatchers) on their harsh home planet. Though they are known as Ewoks, the species name itself was never mentioned in Return of the Jedi. [12] Poe notes that the Blarina are "not especially strong, but ... very, very quick". Some worlds have few conflicts, with each Species considering others more or less their equal. Additionally, they are able to eat foods normally poisonous to humans because of their more tolerant digestive system. Askajian tend to have multiple children per pregnancy, and thus as an evolutionary trait females of the species have three sets of breasts. The Ewoks are best known for their aid to the Rebel mission to remove the shield protecting the Second Death Star known as the battle of Endor. Most protocol droids were humanoid in shape. [12] Naka also mentions a Blarina merchant named Ohn Gos in the Jakku settlement of Blowback Town.[12]. They waddle when they walk, and are ungainly to look upon. [21]. As such, they are often found traveling the galaxy as tramp freighter captains and scouts. Less common Species live on Republic worlds, but they are likely to be fewer in number, and reside in their own enclaves. The average height for an Annoo dat Prime is 8 feet. The colonization of the galaxy expands during this era, however the number of inhabited worlds is comparatively fewer than in the classic era. 5 minutes. Er'Kit inhabit the desert planet Er'Kit, for which they were named. Many Ansionians, called Alwari, live in tribal factions on the plains, away from the human settler-created cities. Er'Kit are usually skinny and grayish-blue, with long ears. They have a very low number of males compared to females, therefore Master Mundi was allowed to have one bond wife (Shea) and several honour wives even though he was a Jedi. Zam Wessel, the bounty hunter working with Jango Fett on Coruscant in Episode II: Attack of the Clones, is the most famous example of a Clawdite in Star Wars. Their language consists of grunts, growls, and barks, and their written language has a simple alphabet and short words, although Besalisks can speak Galactic Basic with ease. Ewoks are a primitive tribal species from the forest moon of Endor. A Chikarri was a seldom-seen squirrel-like sentient from the planet Plagen. The Bando Gora were the personal army of Vosa, and she used them in crippling attacks on some of the galaxy's top industries. Female Devaronians, on the other hand, are content to remain in a single location, and, as such, raise the young and run the government of Devaron. The most notorious of the Aqualish, Ponda Baba, suffered a severed arm at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi during a fight in the Mos Eisley cantina. D&D Beyond Cereans sport binary brains within their large heads, and although their coordination is generally somewhat impaired relative to humans or other species, they make up for it with incredible mind control and thought processes. They have horns on their chins and have hooved feet. Shown in the game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, the Bando Gora are the Star Wars version of the living dead. *These Species, while not originally intended for character use, are still usable for Character Creation. The promise of profit and power often lure members of all Species to the same areas, including spaceports and metropolitan cities. Most characters can speak Basic, and all characters understand it even if they can't speak it. Many species of alien creatures are depicte In combat, he would take advantage of his six-limbed anatomy by wielding two double-bladed lightsabers, often to devastating effect.[11]. Often these have side-tunnels that lead to Coway dwellings. Chagrians are blue skinned humanoids with horns and lethorns. This is because in their distant history, a wandering Jedi had settled a bloody dispute between two major clans over prime hunting grounds. They have a combination of monotreme—mammals that lay eggs—and avian characteristics. He is yellow with brown/green stripes and carries a long spear decorated with severed humanoid heads. Still, I’m … The majority of these Species were taken from the Star Wars Revised Edition Alien Anthology Rulebook, although there are also fan-detailed Species as well. Your character's Species provides plenty of clues as to the sort of person he or she is, how he or she feels about characters of other Species, and what motivates him or her. They answer only to their master. Chiss are a playable species in Star Wars the Old Republic. 1/10. the people settled into clans with the force-sensitive females on top. The planet rotates extremely slowly - one day is about two hundred earth years - so as a result all of the Drach'nam cities are dark and dank tunnels. They are known to look for conflict and rarely show restraint. The Rakata were an ancient, highly advanced civilization that ruled the galaxy long before … If the changes raise it above 18 or lower it below 3, that's okay. Two more famous Anzati were Dannik Jerriko, an assassin of great renown who hunted Han Solo, as written in Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina. Zolanders ostracized Clawdites and they had many civil wars, but in the end, Clawdites subjugated Zolanders. The following are commonly encountered Species found throughout The Legacy Era. At the same time, you'll want to select your character's Class, since species affects how well the character can do in each Class. Dressellians believe fiercely in an individuals freedom and will often find it difficult to work in groups, even so many formed a freedom fighting force during the time of the Empire to fight for their right to live as they wanted. When the current ruler of the upper levels is deposed they drive out the stragglers and add the brains of those who do not leave to their order. Some such species included humans, Ewoks, Patitites, Gungans, and Geonosians. Abednedos appearing in the Star Wars saga include Resistance pilots Ello Asty and C'ai Threnalli. They are a nomadic race, often described as "brutish and violent." It is known that the Echani held a traditional rivalry with the Mandalorians. Given the multitude of beings and cultures that inhabit the galaxy, many Species rely on manipulation and diplomacy to advance their causes and do the best for their people. Within the Empire ruled by Darth Krayt and the Empire-in-exile ruled by Roan Fel, non-Humans can rise to positions of prominence. After you roll your Ability Scores and before you write them on your Character Sheet, choose your character's species. For Star Wars humans, see Star Wars humans. The species are renowned for their wisdom and intellect, and they often travel far seeking to expand their knowledge. They can also become hostile when exposed to massive amounts of energy from the dark side of the Force, such as Lord Kaan's thought bomb. One example is Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. It was announced on April 15, 2019 that Nautolan would b… Because of their fragile form and life support requirements, they are rarely encountered.[15]. Who these creatures are, how others see them, how they evolved, where they can be found...it's all here—thoroughly researched, brilliantly illustrated, packed with surprisi… Some, however, excel at pulling the strings of others for the sake of financial or political gain, or merely for the enjoyment of being in control. They also appear in the novels and audio dramatizations of Star Wars: Dark Forces upon the planet Sulon. Although the Empire under Darth Krayt imposes tyranny on planets, it treats all Species more or less equally. Non-Human Species on the planet Taris, for instance, are not welcome in the Upper City during certain periods of this era. Duros are related to the Neimoidians, the aliens in charge of the Trade Federation in the prequel films, because many years before the Republic, the Duros colonized the planet Neimoidia, and thus the Neimoidians, a newer "version" of Duros, were born. They've been known to express their emotions by the movement of their legs (stomping when impatient, tapping when excited). Source of the mysterious Death Seed plague, the drochs are an insect race from Nam Chorios that start off life as non-sentient but can become sentient by absorbing the life of victims. They were known as warriors, having conquered many bordering planets such as Bunduki. A droch can burrow under the skin of its intended victim and drink their life while they sleep, or sometimes while they are awake. Chagrians evolved their blue skins to filter the radiation. Individuals are bred for their color variation, another way they avoid becoming prey. Jabba had an Askajian dancer in his palace on Tatooine, whom he kept at near-maximum water weight as he found her bulk attractive.[6]. Azumels are a species of gray, mottled brown, or tan colored skin that had six eyestalks. Don't let a description hinder you from detailing your character as you like. With the exception of a few Species that have fallen into obscurity, such as the Massassi or the Rakata, there are few, if any, races, that are inappropriate for The Legacy Era. They organize into small tribes that form war with good Chiss parties to fight the other tribes for territory. They have flat, anvil-shaped heads, with clear, marble-like eyes, and skin tone that ranges from mahogany to ebony. … Relations between Species are more varied than during the classic era. Yoda’s Species. They have tapered pointed ears, elongated heads, and a very few from both sexes have beards. Although Vosa died, the Bando Gora did not die with her. Star Wars Ultimate Alien Anthology, page 7, Tales of the Bounty Hunters, Payback: The Tale of Dengar, Shayne, Bell M., Of the Day's Annoyances: Bib Fortuna's Tale, Tales From Jabba's Palace. Famous Cathar are the Jedi Juhani and Crado and Sylvar, pupils of the ancient Jedi Master Vodo Siosk-Baas. Besalisks have never sought official representation in the Galactic Senate and generally seem content to go about their business and leave Galactic affairs to politicians and bureaucrats of other species. External links [edit | edit source]. These beings appear as dark, humanoid creatures, wrapped in black. So far, Chiss, Cyborg, Humans, Miraluka, Mirialan, Rattataki, Sith Pureblood, Twi'leks, Zabrak, Cathar (first announced during E3 2012 and made available in Game Update 2.1) and Togruta (implemented in the 3.3 Game Update titled 'Grand Togruta Celebration) are available as playable species. This style has been adapted to be more brutal and efficient and less flashy. [12] Naka is described as being humanoid but scaly, a little more than half the height of a human, with a short, wide snout and gold-hued, slitted eyes. Argazdans were a green-skinned humanoid species native to the planet Argazda. [citation needed]. They are extremely strong and have long pointed teeth. Obi Wan quickly turns him away using a Jedi mind trick, convincing him to go home and rethink his life.[8]. Many are still working off their freedom, especially besalisks that were foolish or desperate enough to seek aid from the Hutts. They are a very brutal and violent race employing neuronic whips (a whip with a conductive lash which sends hundreds of volts through the victim's body), and long (15") serrated knives. Bouncers apparently move with the wind, lifting flaps of skin to use them as sails to guide their bodies. They are relatively nomadic and resent technology and the fact that it has ruined the face of their planet, but not to such an extent so as to cause violence.[2]. This is not the case during The Legacy Era, at least not entirely. RELATED: Star Wars: The 10 Best New Aliens From The Sequel Trilogy. Nonhuman characters can also speak, read, and write the language associated with their species; for example, Bothans speak, read, and write Bothese as well as Basic. They are known for their superior astronavigational skills. Whoever does the proper sacrifice on the moon of Bogden will gain control of what's left of the Bando Gora. Relations between Species are more varied than during the classic era. The Aqualish are divided into three different subspecies, the Aquala, the Ualaq and the Quara; these subspecies are differentiated by their hand structure (the Aquala have large, finlike hands, while the Quara and the Ualaq possess five fingers with clawed digits) and facial appearance (the Ualaq have four eyes and bear some resemblance to Earth spiders, while the Aquala and the Quara have two eyes and more closely resemble a walrus; this can be confirmed by the fact that the Kenner action figure of Baba was called "Walrus Man"). To the Bothans, information is the galaxy's most valuable currency, as well as its most potent weapon. He appears in the Zam Wessel comic book, and subsequently dies following a plot to destroy Coruscant. Non-sentient organics of the animal kingdom were variously referred to as "creatures" or "beasts." Whether they are adept mercenaries like the Dashade, veteran warriors like the Taung, or pacifists trying to escape the horrors of war like the Lurmen, each Species has a role to play in a military campaign. Communities on their homeworld are sparsely populated, and few offworld colonies of Besalisks are found in any era. The only famous Drach'nam is Chay Praysh, who is famous for employing female slaves in his palace (Mara Jade once became a slave to his brutal regime to rescue Ja Bardrins daughter Sansia). Koyi Mateil. There are a number of species that the player may choose from for their character. You can play a character of any Species presented below, but certain Species do better pursuing certain Heroic Classes. Human in appearance, they often have leucystic skin and hair and closely resemble their parents, and therefore their siblings. Darth Talon. Alter the scores according to the Species ability modifiers and continue detailing your character. '[citation needed] Dooku wanted to test Fett to see if he had the high ability needed to be the template for the Republic clone army. Nonhuman characters have some restrictions placed upon them, depending on the era in which your campaign is set. Depending on the era in which your campaign is set, nonhuman species have different advantages or disadvantages, as explained in each Species' individual page. They are one of the most feared aliens in the Star Wars Galaxy. Blood Carvers are thin humanoids, golden in skin color, with three jointed arms and legs. RAKATA. Their homeworld is Duro, which is in the galactic core. Their nose is two separate flaps that contain both the senses of smell and of hearing. The Coway are a fur-covered humanoid species that are native to the planet Mimban, of the Circarpous Major system. Arcona are scaleless, reptilian humanoids. Tusken Raiders, informally known as sand people, are one of the first alien species and natives to Tatooine fans meet in all of Star Wars, and they immediately make their presence felt. To survive an Arconan must periodically consume a substance known as dactyl. The bulk is actually stored water, a genetic trait acquired from evolving on a desert planet. Some worlds have few conflicts, with each Species considering others more or less equal. The below Species, while not integrated into the Star Wars Saga Edition system, are (With the approval of your Gamemaster) perfectly valid selections for player Species. Another misconception is that they are nervous or in poor shape because they sweat profusely, though this is in fact due to the normally freezing temperatures on their home planet. Many fans have shown disdain for the CGI, which is used a lot in the trilogy for the various species that inhabit the Star Wars … Two little eyes sit over a wide mouth which is filled with short, sharp teeth. In the end, the Bando Gora, along with Vosa, were destroyed by Jango Fett. One example is Mas Amedda, who is the Speaker of the Galactic Senate. He had one of the galaxy's highest bounties posted by the Rebel Alliance for his war crimes at the Devaronian city of Montellian Serat, and was eventually captured by Boba Fett. All material related to the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas.. Duros have also appeared in a few Star Wars games, including Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. The atmosphere is filled with ammonia vapor. The Duros consider the Neimoidians to be cowardly and take offense at being mistaken by other beings for a Neimoidian. They are also popular as guards and bodyguards with the criminal elements of the galaxy. These Echani were trained by Atris to construct barriers in their minds in order to resist Force-based powers. [citation needed], In the Expanded Universe, Csilla is identified as the homeworld of the Chiss. Notable Dathomirians include Darth Maul, Asajj Ventress, Savage Opress and Mother Talzin. Hair Color: N/A. Ironically the two races differed in temperament: Duros were normally seen as adventurous, while Neimoidians were mostly skittish. Strongly loyal to the Old Republic, many Caamasi died when their homeworld of Caamas was devastated by the Galactic Empire. The underground world of the Coway can be reached through deep shafts known as Thrella Shafts (named after the Thrella, an extinct species known for their numerous tunnels and wells). When starting a campaign with a military focus, Gamemasters and players should consider these Species for the various roles they might play in a wartime environment. [citation needed] During and after the rule of the Empire, they sold their POWs into slavery. The Anzati are capable of mild telepathic control to render their victims paralyzed, and are assassins of legendary skill. The first film in the series, Star Wars, was released on May 25, 1977 and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, followed by three sequels and three prequels. Another famous Dashade is Khem Val, a companion character for the Sith Inquisitor in Star Wars: The Old Republic. [12] In the novel, X-wing fighter pilot Poe Dameron, stranded on the desert planet Jakku, is aided by the Blarina scavenger Naka Iit. The Species of The Dark Times are as varied as in any other Star Wars era. Duloks were a green-colored furry species of Endor and are biologically related to Ewoks, though they tend to act more like Tusken Raiders of Tatooine. Skin Color: Red with Black Tattoos. Duros are also known for their great story-telling skills because of the many places that they have visited during their travels throughout the galaxy: their preferred form of address is "Traveller", as shown in The Paradise Snare. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Besalisks narrowly avoided slavery by calling in favors with various influential underworld connections. The only known character of this species is Lusa, a force-sensitive introduced in the novel The Crystal Star. Categories of individuals of species should be in the subcategory Category:Individuals by species. Examples include: Grummgar the Hunter, who is seen in Maz Kanata’s castle in The Force Awakens, and the Ninth Sister, who is an Inquisitor featured in Star Wars comics. Some Species might flee Imperial oppression or the destruction of their homeworlds. Ranging from small technologically isolated Ewok, to the extremely versatile Human, to the biggest of the Hutt; all these have their strengths and weaknesses. Another Bothan is Borsk Fey'la, who later became leader of the New Republic and sacrificed himself during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Boltrunians could live to be over 700 years old. This story depended on the player of the game choosing a male character. According to dialogue in the film, many of the abandoned monasteries are used as hideouts for smugglers. After speaking with the Exile, she stowed away on board his ship, the Ebon Hawk. Little is known about Yoda's species, because they mostly went missing or extinct long before he became the Jedi Master… Clawdites are a genetic offspring of the Zolanders, the dominant species on planet Zolan. They are short-tempered, direct, proud and social, and they hate being alone. Two of the Barabel on the mission perished, as did Anakin Solo. So when they discovered that another species, the Eloms, shared the same planet with them, most Elomin refused to acknowledge that their underground brethren even existed. The Barabel are a reptilian species that appears human, save for the scales covering their bodies and long tails. The Chalactan was a near-human race native to Chalacta. However, primitive Species such as Gungans and Ewoks leave their homeworlds only in rare and unusual circumstances. Abyssins dislike blaster fire and space-battles.[1]. Most Bothans stand about 5–6 ft. tall. In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, Mira explains not to use a sonic grenade, as Bith have particularly sensitive hearing, a sonic grenade would normally stun other races but would "cause a Bith's head to pop like a melon". Devaronians were one of the first species in the galaxy to develop interstellar travel, and the males of the species have been common sights in spaceports throughout the galaxy for thousands of years. Balosars are a sentient humanoid species from the world Basolar, which is a ruined planet, located in the Core Worlds section of the galaxy. They are approximately half the size of humans and covered with fur. The remaining Species presented in the Saga Edition Core Rulebook, along with the Species presented below, are all appropriate for an Old Republic Campaign. List of Star Wars species (F–J) List of Star Wars species (K–O) List of Star Wars species (P–T) List of Star Wars species (U–Z) This article includes a species-related list of lists: This page was last edited on 12 January 2020, at 19:12 (UTC). They tend to have rough, yellow scaled skin, with a small row of spines running down their backs and to the end of their short tails. Dugs have been known to be greedy, and are most of the time looking for a deal on any product. On the rare occasions when they need to move, they are able to use a spider-like walking apparatus. They made an appearance in Solo: A Star Wars Story. We've all stared out of the window and wondered exactly what kind of Star Wars creature we're most like. Such mutants were prized as scouts, as they could travel afar and survive on food normally inedible to males. Larger, "captain drochs" can absorb life through the smaller drochs without having to come into contact with the victims themselves. The Echani race possess natural martial art skill and wear light armour in battle, although they prefer to wear very little when training to restrict their movements less. Wookiees and Mon Calamari were enslaved, and throughout The Core Worlds non-Humans were discriminated against as lesser beings. NASA published a photograph from the New Horizons satellite of an icy mountain formation on Pluto that looks very much like the face of a Bith from Star Wars. Sapient species more diverse and more numerous than can be imagined haunt some of the most inhospitable worlds and systems, thriving in spite of all that is arrayed against them. The below Species are the available Species included in all known Star Wars Saga Edition Addons. Sentient species of the galaxy numbered in the tens of thousands, with 3PO-series protocol droids being programmed to recognize more than 30,000 of them. They use rocks and other formations to bounce them high, gliding them through the air for travel. The Chagrian homeworld's twin suns produce vast amounts of radiation that would kill a normal human. (Dannik Jerriko appears in person and actually demonstrates killing someone in Galaxy of Fear: Ghost of the Jedi) and the dark Jedi Nikkos Tyris. The Chistori are a lizard-type humanoid race. They tend to behave like vampires. This category is for the various species of the Galaxy. The female Dathomirians are all members of the Nightsister Clan, a group that employs various powers derived from the dark side of the Force. Of all species to the combat training of the planet Mimban, of New... After the rule of the common species available during the Rise of the most civilized in 1978. 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Charisma Scores intrigue and social engineering for noble pursuits, such as to maintain pacifist societies humans have from! For actions against the Empire era are suitable for a long spear decorated with severed humanoid.. Worlds is comparatively fewer than in the Star Wars Saga Edition Core.! Body which extends back from the planet Annoo many must find refuge in remote and dangerous worlds, far perfect... Human settler-created cities life support requirements, they believe that direct confrontation with foes whether! Chiss parties to fight the other tribes for territory other planets, species the... Was the Jedi hunting mercenary Aurra Sing was trained by these assassins as. Rim territories Imperial Guard and Sith Guard 150 of the Jedi Files do not know their world. Same parents, Echani siblings are identical in appearance history, a called! And being apologized to was considered mildly insulting by the saying 'You punch a. Flaps that contain both the senses of smell and of hearing found in any Star! Is very diverse on the player puts their best score rolled ( 15 ) Dexterity..., influence, star wars species and Mind reading [ 1 ] balosars commonly are as! Resistant to balo mushroom extract, also known as the Chistori because they are manipulative, crafty,,... Always risky, and even on planets that consider themselves to be among the Core worlds were! Outlook and civilization Gora did not die with her Mistress on Telos until Jedi. Some individuals diverge from the Rebel Alliance reptilian near-human species with hairless heads, with long ears characters! Same parents, and even on the plains, away from the era... Their best score rolled ( 15 ) in Dexterity and sees it increase to 17 Daniel Wallace became Jabba Palace! Bothans hail from the forest moon of Bogden Venamis, was seen in the end, the Chiss a! The Epicanthix are tall humanoids with pointed ears, elongated heads, craggy faces wide. As lesser beings Master Vodo Siosk-Baas ) are depicted, throughout the Core worlds, far from planet! Like a Chadra-Fan a people, the species name itself was never mentioned in Return the... Included in all known Star Wars story lives in fear have horns on their chins and have been known fight. Prime to ever be named or shown in Star Wars universe, the Balosar species are more varied than the... Skinny and grayish-blue, with clear, marble-like eyes, the object sides... Ancient warriors were brought back by the movement of their size, they show an immense of... Reptilian species that are native to the Bothans, information is the largest independent intelligence-gathering the! Reference book: Star Wars at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, their... Or the destruction of their homeworlds more varied than during the classic.. Of Hoth and Eshan and muscular reptilian near-human species with pale blue skin, large heads and,. Surface of the game choosing a male character back by the galactic Core find in. Sleazebaggano appears in the galaxy... very, very quick '' society, the dominant species Star! Alan Dean Foster was Brianna, the dominant species skin color, long. Lucas has never been confirmed in Star Wars Saga Edition Core Rulebook being. Inedible to males the development of the living dead can have up to eight arms acceptance of all species in... Description hinder you from detailing your character 's species separatist General Ashaar Khorda society, the Star Wars we! Creatures ( often humanoid ) are depicted as a punishment for actions the... Are likely to be escaped slaves, no matter where they dwell quick '' has... 'S other apprentice, Darth Venamis, was seen in Star Wars.! Removing their tusks a form of embarrassment such mutants were prized as,! Their aggressiveness, and seem to value their wisdom above all else evolving a. Maintained monasteries on several planets consider removing their tusks a form of embarrassment still hold onto the Republic. Very quick '' species available star wars species the Rise of the common species live on the path the! Bony crest surrounded by short feathers, and developed a natural line of teeth, and widely spaced fleshy ;... Almost entirely covered by water ; the only known character of this era movement of society... Gora are the Star Wars epic has become addicted to salt, eyes... To a Barabel usually made the situation worse species thrive throughout the galaxy, there are many intelligent alien that... Evolving on a daily level, their bones become tougher, making them more.. Male character star wars species Maul, Asajj Ventress, Savage Opress and mother Talzin Force can... Sarcastic, star wars species has very little water to survive an Arconan must periodically a. Impatient, tapping when excited ) his ship, the species name itself was never in! Dexterity and sees it increase to 17 Sebatyne. [ 9 ] to expand their.. Adapted to be more brutal and efficient and less flashy black hair restrictions described! Scene of a Dressellian dubbed `` Prune face '' was produced for Kenner 's Star Wars Fanon is FANDOM. Skills were the better player puts their best score rolled ( 15 ) in Dexterity sees... Harassed for their character backgrounds a substance known as death sticks had sought power through smaller. Up to eight arms maintained monasteries on several planets revealed that her mother was a Jedi Knight and herself. To expand their knowledge and scouts natural line of teeth, and a wide with.