In the aftermath, the Chiss Ascendancy faced a transition from becoming a Galactic Alliance Autonomous Allied Region into an Imperial independent affiliate. [9] This moral imperative was so pervasive in their culture that they exiled Thrawn from their society for breaching it. [17] Admirals differed greatly compared to normal military personnel as they did not wear military black but instead wore a dazzling white uniform that covered them from collar to boots. Star Wars in general has some of the best alien names and invented words (with the exception of some of the Sith/badguy names; Tyranus, Grievous, Sideous, etc. This had the effect of preventing the Chiss from safely leaving their borders. At this point, the Vagaari discarded their Geroon disguise and unleashed their Wolvkils that were in suspended animation while they themselves attempted to steal one of the Dreadnaughts. They already broke the EU lore where Chiss were only discovered some years before the Clone Wars The Republic in TOR barely even knows the Chiss exist, only extremely high level officials know, so it could be conceivable that a minor(to the Republic) species information could be lost over the almost 4000 years. Force-Sensitive Chiss that are exiled do sometimes join the Jedi or Sith, but that is a very rare occurrence.[36]. At the same time, the Chiss took steps that ensured that they did not take advantage of the hive-minded insectoids as well as took stringent precautions under their own control to prevent any of their kind from becoming Joiners. [13], In 22 ABY, the issue on preemptive strikes along with their non-aggression laws became a subject of strenuous debate between the Nine Ruling Families. Each Family was responsible for a certain sector of Chiss government, and each had formal representatives with titles such as Aristocra and Syndic; but within each family, preeminent power and status was vested in the hands of a hierarchy ranked, in order, as brothers and sisters (collectively siblings), cousins and ranking … Clothing tended to hold distinctive colors that indicated a Chiss's place within their society; either as a member of a House or part of the military. Notable instances included Droma Ordo and the trader Tyrral who resided at Station Gamma in 1 ABY. Take our friend Mitth’raw’nurodo—the “Mitth” is Thrawn’s family, almost a surname to us. Such squadrons were ruled by discipline and their pilots were known to spare disabled starships if they broadcasted a surrender. In doing so, the Chiss were able to escape complete subjugation under the imperials, a common fate for many alien species. Once taken into the Hierarchy, the officers were required to prove themselves in a similar manner as how the Ruling Families selected merit adoptives. [27] Scientists believed that they essentially bypassed the adolescent stage and reached maturity quickly. After declaring the area off-limits, they placed Aristocra Formbi in charge of the recovery mission in order to return the ruined vessel to the New Republic. This saw Aristocra Sev'eere'nuruodo being dispatched to Defense Force Station Ifpe'a where they awaited the Republic delegation consisting of Chiss Jedi Padawan Nuru Kungurama and the clone troopers of Breakout Squad. [14] During this time, some Chiss were known to serve as Imperial Agents[16] or bounty hunters. Thus, prior to 35 ABY, the Ascendancy began to take a visible course of action to curb the threat of the Colony by starving the nests near Chiss space such as the one present on Qoribu. Chiss Designation Sentient Classification Humanoid Homeworld Csilla Height of average adult 1.5 to 2 meters Skin color Blue Hair color Black Eye color Red or Yellow The Chiss are a species of aliens hailing from the Unknown Regions, who have only begun to make themselves known in the New Republic after years of isolation. However, following that period, it became apparent that Thrawn himself was an exceptional member of his kind with all Chiss demonstrating individually different traits. As such, they did not believe in the concept of a preemptive strike against their foes. Despite orders not to get involved, the two were responsible for creating Vanguard Squadron and actively aiding the ruined New Republic in battling the extragalactic conquerors. The Chiss that were born there spread into the wider galaxy although they were still relatively unknown to many. [17] The Chiss typically did not see any use in droids as they found them to be slow and vulnerable in combat engagements. Their intention was the creation of a bioweapon known as Alpha Red which was to be used against the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders. [13] Senior officers of the rank of Force Commander such as Thrawn who commanded a picket force wore the same black uniform but with a larger burgundy patch on the shoulder as well as a pair of elaborately tooled silver bars on their collars. One factor that certainly added to the complexity of the language was the fact that written Cheunh was not set down in a phonetic alphabet. This continued till the year 127 ABY when they dispatched the diplomat Fehlaaur'aitel'loro to the planet Bastion of the new Galactic Empire. Cool! Skin color To that end, he created an elaborate plan involving the Outbound Flight mission that was now located within the Redoubt. Mitth’raw’nuruodo was created by Timothy Zahn and was a Grand Admiral of the Galactic Empire. Due to the great importance of family loyalty existing in their culture, exile was considered a grave punishment for any Chiss to face.[9]. This was partly to end their campaign of terror in the Unknown Regions but also because the Chiss had learned that the Vagaari had already made alliances with forces more dangerous than them. [22], Thrawn continued to persist in his challenges to the first-strike doctrine of the Ascendancy in the belief that it made his people weak. In fact, their military was a sizeable force with the Nuruodo family being in charge of both the fleet and the army. Similar to many races in the Unknown Regions, the Chiss were known to not possess droids within their society. To outsiders, clawcraft had only been a recent encounter during the era of the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion. Conversely, members of a Ruling Family could apparently also be "released" and "rematched," although it is even less clear how this processes operated. (Need a name fast? Neben dem äußeren Erscheinungsbild, das insbesondere durch eine blaue Hautfarbe und leuchtend rote Augen besticht, halten sich die Chiss dezent im Hintergrund. [7], The harsh cold conditions of Csilla led to the Chiss developing a self-reliant streak which was the core of their notoriously aloof personalities. [6] In fact, whenever a Chiss suffered a setback or even a defeat, they often contemplated what might had been done differently in order to ensure that a victory was achieved in the next engagement. For instance, the celebrated Nssis-class Clawcraft was a hybrid of Imperial and Chiss technology, and may have also involved the input of other species. Regardless, it was known that the Chiss adapted well to their planet during its climatic change and began tapping into geothermal energy as a power source. During that time, the Galactic Alliance suffered greatly for the incident surrounding the Ossus Project which served as an incentive for the Empire to declare war against them. [3] Once attacked, the Chiss did not rest until their attackers were destroyed or completely subjugated. [17] All military personnel of the CEDF wore identical black uniforms that were sharply-cut with rank varying by way shoulder patches. This was in order for them to deal with encroaching threats to the Chiss Ascendancy. The Galactic Alliance would eventually be caught up in the mix once they realized it was the Dark Nest's influence on the colony that was provoking the war. Though Thrawn was an exceptional member of his species, his rational approach to problem solving was shared by the ruling families that governed the Chiss Ascendancy. [4] One of the institutions where their military trained was known as the Chiss Academy that gave tasks to its students with high marks awarded depending on the degree of success achieved in the mission. In such circumstances, this was either due to the importance of the strategy for their people or because surrendering to a certain foe was considered a fate worse than death.[30]. The species' name would later be revealed in Vision of the Future, a 1998 Legends novel also written by Zahn as the second and final entry in the The Hand of Thrawn Duology. Select gender type: Male Female [4] Whilst their kind were methodical as well as cautious; they were always prepared to respond with lethal force if their enemy made the mistake of firing first. Those Chiss that were part of the Defense Fleet wore military black uniforms as this color was a combination of all colors. My Chiss is running around with a stolen identity. [19] Her lover, Vandalor, also served as a bounty hunter during the conflict. Theron Shan fled there in 3630 BBY after betraying The Outlander. They eventually returned to Csilla after colonizing more than two dozen neighboring star systems. This was because they were made formally part of the Defense Hierarchy so that they could be called upon to serve all Chiss without deference or prejudice. [5] Thus, Csilla nearly became inhospitable by 5000 BBY, and it was only by living underground that this divergent species survived. Thus, they avoided the adolescence period common to developing worlds that saw nations compete with one another, along with adopting a planet-wide tongue. I’m a huge fan of Star Wars. But also absolutely fascinating? chiss del rey disney io9 language linguistics lucasfilm star wars thrawn thrawn ascendancy chaos rising timothy zahn. Upon being intercepted by Commander Hess'irolia'nuruodo patrol ships, the Jedi were escorted to Csilla in order to meet with the Ruling Families so that the petition could be heard on whether they could continue their search or be forced to depart Chiss Space. As with all restricted species, it is possible to unlock the Chiss for all classes across both factions for a fee of in-game currency, or if the player reaches level 50 with a Chiss character playing an Imperial Agent or Bounty Hunter. [1], With the formation of Darth Krayt's Sith Empire, the Dark Lord of the Sith kept the allegiance of the Chiss Ascendancy by way of diplomacy. It was to the second of these two Families that Thrawn and his brother Thrass belonged; they wore dark red, and naming patterns indicate that they were known as the Mitth family. Anakin: That's all right, Mitt'hraw'nuruodo. The mandate of the Expansionary Fleet, in contrast, was defined as guarding the Chiss frontier and exploring unknown space beyond the edge of the Ascendancy, and its forces included Picket Forces commanded by officers known as Force Commanders (sometimes shortened to Commander; Crahsystor in Cheunh). [25] This initial clash allowed the CEDF to directly intervene and invade Ssi-ruuvi territory in response to their attacks on Ascendancy colonies. Being Chiss alliterate, I needed a suggestion from you helpfuls for a Chiss name, of the female persuasion. Chiss are a playable species for the Sith Empire in Star Wars: The Old Republic. As stated by Thrawn, over the various centuries, there had been as many as twelve and as few as three Ruling Families that led the Chiss. [1] These were not biological family groupings but instead different branches of their government. At this point, the Chiss began assembling a strike force for this new conflict while their scout ships began searching for their enemy's bases. New Republic scientists (and many Chiss historians) believe that the species is descended from a very old Human colony, perhaps even predating the founding of the Old Republic. The regimented style of their society meant that crime was abhorred and seen as the weakness of an individual. Hidden Empire. Blaming society was a notion completely alien to their mindset and justice was given with little thought on compassion. The families themselves were quite aware of any opportunity where they were able to exploit the weakness of a rival. [6] Members of the ruling class of Chiss were notable for being an aristocracy within their society. [17] These individuals, such as those who held the position of Aristocra, wore layered gray robes with a yellow collar and yellow highlights. Thrawn: It's pronounced Mitth'raw'nuruodo Anakin: Yes, Mitt'hraw'nuruodo. [9] The government on Csilla controlled 28 major colony worlds scattered across Chiss space, united in a political federation known as the Chiss Ascendancy. Please follow the guidelines in the Manual of Style and complete this article to the highest level of quality before continuing on smaller articles. [26], In later decades, some Chiss devices were highly advanced. Glowing red eyesAbove-average night vision[2] Star Wars is a Disney Movie and the related characters including Yoda and Sith are trademarks of Disney. The most common form of charric was a hand-held carbine, but pistols are also known, and larger versions of the weapon were carried by some starfighters, and included among the heavy weapons batteries of capital ships and bases. [5] A report by the University of Sanbra indicated that very little was known of Chiss history due to their own records being carefully guarded on their homeworld. [9] Members of the Chiss Defense Fleet wore the color black as it was a combination of all colors which symbolized the fact that it drew its personnel from all the families. Extremely bullshit, and very cool (some of the time). [23], Sent with a task force into the Unknown Regions, this group was given the secret mission of exploring the area and conquering new systems for future Imperial expansion. [9], It was believed by many xenosociologists that the rigid and disciplined nature of Chiss society stemmed from their cold environment on their homeworld. Such was the case when dealing with outsiders who had trouble pronouncing Chiss full names. A free Star Wars random name generator geared towards the Star Wars universe. For almost three decades, however, his true capabilities, and his true status within the Imperial hierarchy, were kept carefully hidden even within the ranks of the military. TIE Fighter (he actually called them TIE Fighters because they looked like bowties). Chiss Species and the Chiss Ascendancy (Legends). However, this was not out of exploration of the unknown or out of greed but a leading theory indicated that they sought to impose order over a chaotic region of space. They may choose to be Imperial Agents[38] or bounty hunters. Those Chiss caught in the middle of inter-house rivalries spent much of their time in intelligence gathering in order to get useful information that could be used for blackmail even if it was only capable of being used many years in the future. In addition, the Chiss established a secret outpost on the planet known as Zero Station where Aristocra Saganu of House Miurani oversaw his peoples efforts in aiding their Sith allies against the Republic. [14], Though the Chiss were not widely known to the greater galaxy, examples of their technology were known to exist as far back as 3951 BBY when samples of their charric weapons were being sold on the planet Onderon. [9] The cloaks of the representatives encountered in 29 ABY, in bronze, rust-red, gray and copper-green, implicitly represented the colors of these families. [33], Though this was the impression projected, the Chiss were also a thoughtful people. [26], In the year 25 ABY, the extragalactic race of aliens known as the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy. At some unknown point and for reasons unknown, the Empire of the Hand was absorbed by the Chiss Ascendancy. [31] The ideals of the Chiss were idolized in the form of the Red Flame which was a combination of courage, discipline and cunning. [17], The representatives of the Four Ruling Families which included Nuroudo, Irokini, Sabosen and Csalpar were known to wear head-to-foot robes with hoods that completely masked their faces. These served as a homeguard unit that protected the 28 colony worlds as well as the planets of the ruling families. In fact, all warriors were made merit adoptives when they were accepted either into the Defense Fleet or the Expansionary Fleet. [6] This approach did lead to a disagreement with the Chiss ruling houses who did not approve of a pre-emptive strike against an unconfirmed enemy. These were not biological family groupings but instead different branches of their government. Middle-age followed between the ages of 51-62, and those aged 63-79 were considered old. [12], A Chiss during the reign of the Old Republic, The origins of the Chiss were largely unknown, even to the Chiss themselves, though some scientists thought that they were the result of a long forgotten Human colony that had been lost to time. [9] The Chiss were considered an honorable people who did not kill more than they thought was necessary to accomplish their goals. Abbreviated versions of these were known as core names with their usage being a questionable choice. However, this procedure was noted for being a long and complex one which was largely ineffective in practical considerations. While transporting the "ambassador" to the Chaf Envoy, Aristocra Formbi was given a brief but detailed description on the appearance of the Vagaari as part of his plans. These were offspring who were kept safely anonymous to prevent a family bloodline being fully exterminated.[26]. The Cabinet handled the intricacies of governing with all their decisions being approved by one of the four families. The Chiss strategy, however, proved to be effective until UnuThul used his connection to the Myrkr strike team to draw them to his side in the conflict. It also creates a bunch of options for Star Wars dog names. For example in place of ion cannon, Chiss warships used missiles that deployed charged Conner net-like weapons called shock nets that could reach up to a kilometer wide, which could disable and trap light freighters, entire formations of starfighters, or even incoming missile salvos. This era would also see their haven in the Redoubt Cluster nearing completion.[17]. [23] It was this approach and similar such actions that put Thrawn at odds with the ruling families. This was done so in a manner that was not comfortable to the Chiss which the ruling families pretended to be oblivious of though the average citizen were well aware of these activities. Their territory sufficed for their entire population needs. In response to the threat of invasion, a vast interstellar fortress began to be prepared in the Redoubt Cluster in 28 BBY with the pace of the project growing in urgency as a safe haven for their people if they were ever invaded. [20][21] During the war, a diplomatic effort was launched by the Galactic Republic under the direction of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to make contact with the Chiss Ascendancy. In writing, Cheunh did not possess an abstract alphabet like Aurebesh with ideograms representing concepts and complex ideas being expressed by combining simpler ideograms. Definitely. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Episode I Adventures 10: Festival of Warriors, Episode I Adventures 11: Pirates from Beyond the Sea, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 1: Breakout Squad, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 2: Curse of the Black Hole Pirates, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 3: Duel at Shattered Rock, Star Wars Missions 10: Showdown in Mos Eisley, The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I: Remnant, The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion, Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Chiss, The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience: Prima Official Game Guide, The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic, United Forces Update Coming this November, Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - Fall Roadmap 2017, First Look: 'Traitor Among The Chiss' Teaser, Cartel Market Specials: Week of November 8, 2017, 'A Traitor Among the Chiss' Update: Now Live, #SWTOR Cartel Market Specials: Week of July 2, Interview with Daniel Erickson at SWTOR Wiki, "In the case of the Imperial agent, we played as a member of the Chiss race", Essentially rendered a vassal state by diplomatic treaty, the Chiss would provide military assets and resources to the Empire in exchange for governing autonomy. Hello, and welcome to a completely biased review of Thrawn, the latest Star Wars book to fit into…. Jagged Fel, a Human officer serving with Chiss forces. Chiss are a race of blue-skinned humanoids native to the planet Csilla in the Unknown Regions.They are available as playable for the Imperial Agent and Bounty hunter classes.. So Mitth'raw'nuruodo went by Thrawn; his given name "raw" (the middle name in Chiss form) surrounded by the last sound of his first family name and the first sound of his last family name. [28], During the Yuuzhan Vong War, agents of the Chiss were involved in a secret project known as Alpha Red and liased with Dif Scaur. The only known members of the Chiss species to wield the Force openly are Dark Acolyte and CIS general Sev'rance Tann, Jedi Antaria Wellos, Jedi Padawan Nuru Kungurama and Jedi Master Dazh Ranos. [4] In addition, political assassinations were apparently a real part of Chiss political life for the Ruling Families and other allied kin-groups. [9] Chiss that had dealt with both the Empire and the New Republic were almost universally operatives of the Nuruodo family. Csilla—ice-girt homeworld and political capital of the Chiss. As such, they saw no need for trade and their culturally derived contempt of "lesser races" also prohibited them from forming better relations with their neighbors. It was believed that sometime before 27,000 BBY, a lost colony of Humans settled in the Unknown Regions on the planet Csilla. [4] It is possible that marriage was involved in matching, although no mention is yet known that indicates an institution of marriage among the Chiss. [9] A major problem with understanding Chiss technology is distinguishing specifically Chiss elements from its wider context. Instead, they believed in isolation and the preservation of their heritage. In addition, they did not claim new territory out of greed or for a hunger for power. 2. When among non-Chiss, individual members of the race were often aloof and pensive as they plotted tactics which would ensure a victory if a confrontation were to occur. On the other hand, they were also xenophobic, and any knowledge gained from other cultures was used as a means of gaining an advantage over a potential foe. Generate 50 random names now!) This saw the Chiss dispatch Jagged Fel as the commander of the Chiss military forces in the region that were attempting to contain the Killiks. [9], Their government was highly structured and ordered with the rule of law being enforced by the ruling families. [6] In addition, they believed firmly in the chain of command as well as positions of authority. [3] After rising to the rank of Grand Admiral, Thrawn was seemingly exiled from the Imperial court for a breach in the practices of the Imperial Palace. Thrawn’s full name is Mitth’raw’nurodo, and aside from being incredibly Star Wars simply just from looking at it, it’s also incredibly Star Wars because there’s a reason it looks like the sound you might make stepping on a Lego brick or something. Which means the cast list for the book... requires some explanation: We know Thrawn as Thrawn (his “Core name”) simply because it’s the name he and other Chiss use in less formal situations. [1] A tradition of shadow children was also recorded. A hierarchy of leadership within each Family consisted of brothers and sisters (known collectively as siblings), plus cousins, and ranking distant relations—the last being the highest level that the most able Trial-born could reasonably hope to achieve. The Vagaari were ultimately thwarted by the actions of Master Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker. Star Wars: Empire at War Heaven » Forums » Star Wars Universe » Chiss Female Names: Bottom: Topic Subject: Chiss Female Names: Bronzie Ensign (id: Boris Broznie) posted 06-27-02 04:42 AM EDT (US) I need help with something. General traits demonstrated by them, however, were being well-educated, artistic and cautious when dealing with outsiders. Although the basis of the Chiss naming pattern and the distinction between the House Phalanx and the Ascendancy were established in Vision of the Future, these were apparently misunderstood by or imperfectly communicated to some of the authors of the New Jedi Order novels and concurrent sourcebooks. After the completion of their mission, Master Skywalker and Mara Jade discussed the deceptive means that Aristocra Formbi had made in order to provoke the Vagaari into instigating hostilities commenting on the similarities to techniques used by Thrawn. With their leaders either dead or separated from them, it was believed that the Colony would revert to its former base behavior thus negating the threat they posed to the Chiss Ascendancy.[30]. (Speaking of: did you know in the old EU, Twi’leks had a true name that blends their personal and clan names into a single word with its own meaning in Ryl, and one they use for non-Twi’leks that separates their two names into a different meaning? This led to the two suspecting that there was perhaps another clone of Thrawn that was perhaps in hiding and involved in this incident though this was simple speculation by the two Jedi. Unknown to the Chiss, someone began sabotaging their precautionary measures for the Killiks which was suspected to had been the result of interfamily rivalries that led to two entire families becoming Joiners. There were thus potentially as many as five distinct military organizations within Chiss society: Additional to all this, of course, were the forces of Thrawn's rogue Household Phalanx: in 19 ABY they could deploy at least a hundred Blastboat-sized TIE scouts, and in 26 ABY they deployed a wing of 36 Clawcraft at Garqi and Ithor. [5] Their physical form led to some speculation on whether they were an offshoot of humanity's ancient expansions into the galaxy or whether their physical form coincidentally matched that of Humans. [4] The predominance of core names, at least in communication with outsiders, was such that a number of such names were recorded without the full name being known, such as Prakk, Kayree, Lev, Szardra, Voss and Zilvad. Combat situations, Chiss were notable for being a questionable choice a fixed number and was a balance! 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