Stan asks if he's come to help but Randy reveals while that was his intention, he's more concerned with getting "butterfly poon". Buy HD $0.00. Nothing to do with football but love this show, brillaint. IMDb's advanced search allows you to run extremely powerful queries over all people and titles in the database. The San Diego Fire Department was called to 1700 30th Street just before 9 p.m. In an attempt to find the cause for it, they get trapped in Mr. Mackey's dream. Jimmy and Timmy are off to summer camp with all their handicapable friends. Stan and Mr. Mackey suffer a hoarding disorder. Wendy and Kyle arrive and ask him what his problem was and Stan says he doesn't care and doesn't want more therapy. The boys are given a controversial book to read in school and it inspires them to write one of their own. The original younger Mackey becomes very distressed as he relives the memory, and the owl begins trying to take control of the dream, killing Mr. Yelman in the process. With this quirky cartoon extending all the way back into the 90s and recently wrapping up its 23rd season, there's certainly no shortage of hits. Insheeption. The experts claim that they have called in another group of "experts" to go into the dream to create a "dream within a dream", move them into Randy's dream (he'll think it's Matt Hasselbeck's dream), and save them, with one expert providing overly dramatic boombox backing. Full Ep. South Park is an animated series featuring four foul-mouthed 4th graders, Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman. the most powerful dream infiltrator of all time, Insheeption (Season 14, Episode 10) - Episode Guide, Fortunately, he is then killed by Freddy Krueger. Woodsy destroyed, everyone wakes up and the experts explain to Mackey that he must have become a hoarder because he suppressed the memory of Woody's tagline about not polluting as well as the distress of the trauma at being molested by him. Within the dream, Mackey goes home with Stan, who tries to talk him out of the dream, but Mackey instead plays with his light-bright and old toys. They meet and Wendy explains Stan's hoarding has gotten out of control and she can't take it anymore. "Coon and Friends" set out to help the victims of BP's latest catastrophic drilling accident in the Gulf. Stan is sitting at lunch with the other boys, when Butters comes up with a message from Stan's girlfriend Wendy, saying they need to talk. Funniest Moments in South Park: The Stick of Truth. It premiered October 20, 2010 on Comedy Central in the United States. When Stan is sent to the school counselor because he's holding on to an obscene number of useless possessions, he realizes that Mr. Mackey has a hoarding disorder too. Comedy Central. Stan, the sheepherder, and Mackey see Woodsy Owl, an owl mascot with the tagline "give a hoot, don't pollute" perform a song, and give anti-littering advice before being put in a workgroup with Billy and his two friends. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Kyle gets in on the ground floor of Cartman's latest business venture, The Crack Baby Athletic Association. Mysterion's true identity is revealed. When Mr. Mackey and Stan agree to surrender themselves to the hoarding experts, Stan gets more than a glimpse of what it was like for Mr. Mackey in the 4th grade at South Park Elementary. Sharon is told she doesn't understand because she's not smart. South Park. S14 • E10. Randy is desperate to get a prescription card to buy pot and Cartman will do anything to get his beloved fried chicken back. South Park and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Comedy Partners. 21:59. The episode continued multiple storylines from the previous episode, "200", in which a group of angry celebrities demand South Park produce the prophet Muhammad.In "201", a superhero-like … Tags: Cartman Cartman's Mom crying iPad. Full Ep. Randy insists he has to rescue his son from the dream despite Chinstrap and Pinkerton's warning he'll be stuck there forever. Show More. "Insheeption" is the tenth episode of Season Fourteen and the 205th overall episode of South Park.It aired on October 20, 2010. March 17, 2010. 17.9K; 1/4/2021 7:10 AM PT All gameplay is my own and has been heavily edited to provide original value. More purchase options. When he's sent to the school counselor to talk about his compulsive hoarding, Stan realizes that he's not the only one who has a problem. South Park © 2021 Comedy Partners. Coon and Friends find themselves at the mercy of Cartman who now has the dark lord, Cthulhu, doing his bidding. South Park is an American animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. When Mr. Mackey and Stan agree to surrender themselves to the hoarding experts, Stan gets more than … 02:05. Synopsis. Watching. Watch Random Episode. 11/04/2009. thanks Jimmy hosts the Special Ed Department's First Annual Comedy Awards. Full Ep. Woodsy Owl • After the experts have a conversation with Randy and Sharon Marsh, Principal Victoria, and Mr. Garrison, the two of them- along with Mr. Yelman- a sheepherder, who they mistakenly think is a sheep hoarder, are hooked up to a machine. Season 14 E 10 • 10/20/2010. please like comment share and subscribe. Follow everyone's favorite troublemakers—Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny--from the very … Stan suddenly sees Randy, who is for some reason a butterfly. Kyle is intimately involved in the development of a revolutionary new product called HumancentiPad. The long-running animated hit South Park has certainly seen its slew of beloved episodes, many of which hit the funny bone of fans with its zany premises and clever satire. The boys' fun-filled day at the water park is about to turn deadly. South Park Archives is a FANDOM TV Community. SAN DIEGO — Police said one person was in custody after a fire damaged a garage in South Park Sunday. We Can't Afford That One. Billy Thompson • It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on March 17, 2010, and in the United Kingdom on March 19. Directed by Trey Parker. Cartman is chosen to do the morning announcements at South Park Elementary. Cartman throws a fit when the boys' penis sizes are posted on the school bulletin board, and is sent to anger management therapy. Kyle suggests that "was your therapy" and the first expert comes out again doing over-dramatic boom-boxing again as the episode ends. Stan Marsh • S13 • E13. When he's sent to the school counselor to talk about his compulsive hoarding, Stan realizes that he's not the only one who has a problem. Chinstrap sends him to Mr. Mackey, who doesn't know what hoarding is, only for Stan to deduce Mackey is one himself. South Park: Insheeption clip. Set in the Colorado town of South Park, weird things keep happening, whether its being abducted by aliens or avoiding Kyle's little brother Ike. Mackey prepares for a fight. 2. Relive the dawn of the South Park era, with legendary episodes of the groundbreaking, Emmy® Award-winning animated classic. Season 15 E 1 • 04/27/2011. ... Watch Us On Youtube; Create your own South Park alter-ego or make one of your family and friends! All Rights Reserved. At the peak of its popularity and controversy, the feature-length, theatrical film, South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut was released on June 30th, 1999. Mr. Mackey • South Park Review: "Insheeption" Eric Hochberger at October 21, 2010 10:41 am . His locker is overstuffed; they find a number of disgusting items, including a maggot-infested sandwich and broken toothbrush which Stan refuses to give up and Wendy breaking down in tears. Mr. Yelman • Butters is diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. South Park S15 E2. 2021 South Park Digital Studios LLC. He opens the door of the shack, only to reveal another younger Mackey being sexually molested by Woodsy Owl. 10:03 AM PDT 10/25/2010 by David Simpson FACEBOOK; TWITTER; EMAIL ME; South Park spoofs the movie "Inception" with their episode "Insheeption." Much to the Coon's dismay, another Super Hero gets there first. It aired on October 20, 2010.[1]. Within Mackey's dream, the experts and the firefighters arrive and kill Billy Thompson and the tormentors and wait for Mackey to wake up, when he remembers what happened, explaining he ran from the bullies and went into a shack, coming upon that same shack and entering as he mentions he ran into someone who talked nice to him, then "touched him in a real bad place". It is clear that Mr. Mackey was a fan of Woodsy Owl before, and jumps for joy at meeting him, before singing the lyrics of his anti-littering song. Dances with Smurfs. Stream free-to-watch Full Episodes featuring Cartman, Kenny, Stan and Kyle in South Park, create your own South Park Character with the Avatar Creator, and go behind the scenes or the award winning sereis. Freddy observes guilt he could not save the herder. A Sausage Maker Buys a Box of Cereal. "Sexual Healing", the South Park fourteenth season premiere, was written and directed by series co-founder Trey Parker and was rated TV-MA-L in the United States. Randy and the boys take a stand as the Jerseyites approach South Park. ... Insheeption. When Stan is sent to the school counselor because he's holding on to an obscene number of useless possessions, he realizes that Mr. Mackey has a hoarding disorder too. The boys fight back against the loud and obnoxious Motorcycle Riders that are disrupting everyone in South Park. Although the show is as popular as it has ever been, it was the during the first few years in the late nineties that it technically had the highest ratings on television, as well as the most vocal protest for its vile content. When you're done, save it to your computer and use it on your website or print it out! When Kyle begs Stan to "friend" him, Stan gets sucked into Facebook. Within the dream, Mackey and Stan are running from the bullies when Stan convinces Mackey to stand up for himself. Dr. Chinstrap • South Park Funny Moments - HIV Positive!Thanks for 80k+ views! An "expert", Dr. Chinstrap, helps Stan go through his locker, while it starts off seeming like the usual adult ridiculousness it soon becomes apparent that Stan really does have a problem. And not only that, but in their style! 11/11/2009. Still, given its long history and hundreds of episodes, there are … Randy and the boys take a stand as the Jerseyites approach South Park. South Park. "Insheeption" (/ ɪ n ˈ ʃ iː p ʃ ən /) is the tenth episode of the fourteenth season of animated television series South Park, and the 205th episode of the series overall. With Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Mona Marshall, April Stewart. Cartman is chosen to do the morning announcements at South Park Elementary. After the Trump Tower suction cup man fiasco, I decided to do what South Park would do, and make fun of it. Leonardo DiCaprio, South Park: The Complete Fourteenth Season. South Park. Cartman's favorite restaurant has been shut down and replaced by a store that sells medicinal marijuana. [citation needed] A teaser clip of the episode called "All the Temptations" featuring a parody of … Insheeption. Randy's obsession with the Food Network forces Sharon to explore a new interest of her own. Show More. Episode guide, trailer, review, preview, cast list and where to stream it on demand, on catch up and download. Watch Cartman, Kenny, Stan and Kyle in all their foul-mouthed adventures. South Park Insheeption - The Taco Inside A Taco (HD) - YouTube Season 14 E 10 • 10/20/2010. As Chinstrap and his assistant, Dr. Pinkerton, explain to Randy and Sharon, the machine will help them figure out why they are hoarders by drifting them to their subconscious. The experts are now seen courting firefighters to get into the dream (because they can bring ladders into a dream) and begin trying to explain the events to Sharon, who claims it all sounds ridiculous and stupid. New Jersey is taking over the nation one state at a time. While he does not wish to come back, the experts convince him to help out a final time. 10/13/2010. The Prince of Canada is about to take a Princess and Ike is obsessed with the Royal Wedding. ... Insheeption… They suggest Stan move on to his therapy now, but he claims to have a better idea and is seen throwing out the items in his locker. 'South Park Guy' Warcraft Cosplayer, Jarod Nandin, Dead from COVID-19 'South Park Guy' Cosplayer Jarod Nandin Dies from COVID-19. "Insheeption" is the tenth episode of Season Fourteen and the 205th overall episode of South Park. Cartman's attempts to convince his mom to buy him an iPad takes a turn for the worst. Watch Random Episode. The dream moves on to the next morning where Stan, Mackey, the sheepherder, and the kids board a bus for the field trip. The boys fight back against the loud and obnoxious Motorcycle Riders that are disrupting everyone in South Park. Find exactly what you're looking for! Stream free episodes and clips, play games, create an avatar and go behind-the-scenes of Trey and Matt's award winning series. All Rights Reserved. 22min. Kenny wrestles with the curse of his super power through his alter ego, Mysterion. Back in reality, the experts decide the dream has become too powerful, and at this point, they must court "the most powerful dream infiltrator of all time". Sexual Healing. Enjoy some classic moments from the past 13 years of South Park, and get ready for an all new season that begins March 17, 2010 at 10p/9c on Comedy Central. South Park. Moments later in Mackey's subconscious he is being bullied by a boy named Billy Thompson, who threatens to attack Mackey at a field trip the next day, when he runs into Stan and the sheepherder, who as the scientists explain in reality, are there because of the power of Mackey's dream. "201" is the sixth episode of the fourteenth season of South Park, and the 201st overall episode of the series. It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on April 21, 2010. This episode is currently unavailable on South Park Studios. Cartman dreams of being a NASCAR driver and he's willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. A pizza guy arrives, since one of the dreamers had ordered pizza for some reason, and is sent in as well. Frisco Woods • You can also create a character to use as your avatar on the South Park Studios forum or make an IM icon! The second group, the cast of Inception, comes in shooting at people before going into the dream, where they proceed to shoot even more people in the woods as the group arrives. The latest in scientific testing reveals that some of the boys at South Park Elementary have a sex addiction problem. When Stan is sent to the school counselor because he's holding on to an obscene number of useless possessions, he realizes that Mr. Mackey has a hoarding disorder too. Meanwhile, the Coon, scorned by his fellow Super Heroes, is out for revenge. 21:59. 21:59. If you like this video I would really appreciate it if you checked out my gaming channel! Find out when South Park: Halloween Spooktacular: Insheeption is on TV. Understand because she 's not smart are running from the bullies when Stan Mackey! With all their handicapable Friends I decided to do the morning announcements at Park! Stan suddenly sees randy, who is for some reason, and 205th... 'S attempts to convince his mom to buy pot and cartman winning series sex addiction problem demand on... Back, the experts convince him to help out a final time man! Jerseyites approach South Park 17, 2010. [ 1 ] iPad takes a turn for the.! Baby Athletic Association characters are trademarks of Comedy Partners jimmy and Timmy off. On Comedy Central in the United States on March 19 Street just before 9 p.m. South Park: the of... 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