Radiographic positioning terminology is used routinely to describe the position of the patient for taking various radiographs.Standard nomenclature is employed with respect to the anatomic position.. Terminology Basic terms of relations. healthsciencecore1 TEACHER. A mammography exam, called a mammogram, aids in the early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases in women. Terminology Mammotome - Device used to perform vacuum assisted out patient breast biopsies under the guidance of ultra sound imaging or stereotactic imaging. Radiology Terms Medical Terminology 1- Radiology Terms/Tests. Please maintain all lists in alphabetical order. Saved by Mehdi Gambaroff. Ultrasound . Breast cancer staging refers to TNM classification of breast carcinomas.. synovial fluid is removed for analysis. endometritis: Definition. A universally accepted standard for exchanging medical imaging via a networked set of display workstations, archive and imaging modalities is_____. Term. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) This is an X-ray of a knee joint. Subject. Additional Medical Flashcards . Cards Return to Set Details. Match. Dr. Anjali Malik joins me to talk about breast imaging, guided biopsy, and what it means to develop a diagnostic “eye.” For more resources, check out all our other great podcasts on Meded Media. Create your own flash cards! Undergraduate 4. This blood is filled with waste products. Listen to this podcast episode with the player above, or keep reading for the highlights and takeaway points. An electromagnetic wave of high energy and very short waveleng…, Medical specialty that studies the uses of radioactive substan…, should you call pts with the results of their x-rays, this has a rotating x-ray beam with multiple detectors to crea…, does CT use ionizing radiation to create images, Specialized diagnostic procedure in which a catheter is introd…, Series of x-ray films allowing visualization of internal struc…, The injection of a radiopaque contrast medium into an arterial…, X-ray visualization of the internal anatomy of the renal blood…. Radiography is an imaging technique using X-rays, gamma rays, or similar ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation to view the internal form of an object.Applications of radiography include medical radiography ("diagnostic" and "therapeutic") and industrial radiography.Similar techniques are used in airport security (where "body scanners" generally use backscatter X-ray). the muscle separating the chest and the abdomen, the lid-like piece of cartilage that covers the larynx, region between the lungs in the chest cavity. Radiological examination of the soft tissue of the breast. Medical Radiography Quiz Questions. Interactive quiz on cross-sectional abdominal radiology imaging! A radiology test that takes X-ray images of the breast used to look for abnormalities including masses or abnormal patterns of microcalcifications. Created by. Questions: 121 | Attempts: 731 | Last updated: May 29, 2017 . Question Answer; What is the radiological branch of medicine used to treat cancer? Soft copy : Any computer that a health care worker uses to view a digital image is a(n) _____. a bone cell that absorbs and removes unwanted bone tissue, the area of fusion of the two pubic bones, red bone marrow is found in bone and it is a site, back bone and is divided in to the cervical vertebrae, which is the neck region, the thoracic vertebrae which is the upper back, and the lumbar vertebrae which is the lower back, yellow bone marrow is fatty tissue found in the diaphyses of the long bones, humpback or posterior curvature in the thoracic region as in kyphosis, loins or lower back as in lumbar or lumbosacral, crooked, bent or lateral curvature of the spine as in scoliosis, slipping as in spondylolithiasis, a forward slipping of a vertebra over a lower vertebra, pore or passage as in osteoporosis, loss of bony tissue and decreased mass of bone, femur which is the thigh bone and the largest bone in the body, fibula which is the smaller lower leg bone, malleolus which are the processes on each side of the ankle, beyond and carpals, wrist bones, therefore this term means beyond the carpal bones, radius which is the lower arm bone on the thumb side and it makes up part of the forearm, ulna and it is the other bone that makes up the forearm, scapula which is the shoulder bone on your upper back, tibia which is the larger lower leg bone that is also designated as the shin bone, a sudden breaking of a bone due to trauma, stress or pathology, the bone is broken but there is no open wound in the skin, a bone is broken with an open wound in the skin, when bone is compressed and this often occurs with vertebrae, a malignant bone tumor and it usually occurs at an early age, an inflammation of the bone and bone marrow and it is caused by bacterial infection, softening of the bone that is caused by inadequate amounts of mineral or calcium in the bone, the decrease in bone density which results in thinning and weakening of the bone, joint and to articulate-means the joining or meeting of. We combine an environment that emphasizes teaching, rather than academic or clinical productivity, with a fundamental caseload rich in a cross-section of various diseases. There is no standard or approved list used by health care professionals to search for medical acronyms or abbreviations. Learn key terms, functions, and much more related to the Intravenous Pyelogram in Radiology with the help of our flashcards quizzes with ease. The nervous system regulates and coordinates body activities and brings about responses responses by which the body adjusts to changes in the environment. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) ? Ultrasound ? 2: As stated in the textbook, breast cancer accounts for _____ of all new cancers detected in women. Imaging of the breast is undertaken as part of a comprehensive evaluation of this organ, integrating the patient's history, clinical signs, and symptoms. the blood vessels that branch from the aorta and carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscles, blood vessels that branch from the aorta and carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle, the sac-like membrane surrounding the heart, a partition between the right and left sides of the heart, an instrument used to measure blood pressure, a structure in veins or the heart that opens and closes so that blood will flow in only one direction, a fatty substance made of a yellowish plaque, a rapid but regular contraction of atria or ventricles, a random, irregular, and very rapid contractions of the heart, in order to restore a normal heart rhythm a defibrillator is applied to the chest, when the heart is unable to pump it's required amount of blood, disease of the arteries surrounding the heart, an extra heart sound that is heard between normal beats, an inflammation of the membrane surrounding the heart, a ballooning out of a small area of an artery caused by weakness, abnormally swollen and twisted veins that usually occur in the legs, a collection of lymph tissue in the nasopharynx. Created. 1. contains the structures or organs that are concerned with the secretion and excretion of urinary products, organs involved in the interchange of gases between an organism and the atmosphere, all organs that are concerned with reproduction or creating offspring, consists of glands that produce secretions that are discharged into the blood or lymph and circulated to all parts of the body, consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Please maintain all lists in alphabetical order. consists of the head or skull and contains the brain and pituitary gland. Choose from 121 different sets of term:mammography = radiography of the breast flashcards on Quizlet. If the dentist gives permission. Breast asymmetry occurs when one breast has a different size, volume, position, or form from the other. Radiation Oncology: What is used to highlight organs and tissues for diagnostic purposes? group of tests that measure the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration in an arterial blood sample. There are numerous terms used in radiology (and clinical medicine more generally) that are worth knowing and this is a list of some of them. Contrast Medium: What procedure uses a moving scanner for cross-sectional X-Ray images? A dental assistant may expose radiographs. Test. Level. DICOM: Reading images on a computer scree is known as _____ reporting. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. they act as a passageway into the air spaces of the lung. Sample Question. Relating to the breast or breast tissue. Stichting Radiology Assistant - ANBI; Information; Apps. X-ray ? Por favor, quítese la ropa de la cintura hacia arriba. The use of tomosythesis to guide breast procedures such as localization/biopsy is currently under investigation. 10/28/2011. How the calcifications are clustered and how big they are can help determine whether they’re a normal result of aging or a sign of cancer or heart disease, says Davis Liu, M.D., a family physician with the Permanente Medical Group, in Sacramento, California. an opening or passage in bones where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave. The ducts and lobules in the breast that produce milk protein; ducts meet together at … A radiology test that takes X-ray images of the breast used to look for abnormalities including masses or abnormal patterns of microcalcifications. The following article reflects the 8 th edition manual published by the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), which has been used for staging since January 1, 2018 2. Radiography of the breast is known as mammography, or radiomammography. they furnish epinephrine and hormones to the body. : radiography used especially in mammographic screening for breast cancer that produces an image using X-rays in a manner similar to the way an image is produced by light in xerography First Known Use of xeroradiography 1949, in the meaning defined above More Definitions for xeroradiography Radiographic positioning terminology is used routinely to describe the position of the patient for taking various radiographs.Standard nomenclature is employed with respect to the anatomic position.. Terminology Basic terms of relations. Breast tomosynthesis, also called 3-D breast imaging, is a mammography system where the x-ray tube moves in an arc over the breast during the exposure. 140. A medical imaging study of the brain's surface using small electrodes to stimulate a nerve so its electrical response can be measured. Radiology Instructions - Chest X-ray. Each answer fully explained. CT contrast injection and protocols; RECIST 1.1. How to make illustrations in Keynote ; How to make videos in Quicktime Player; CT Protocols. Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: radiology instructions - chest x-ray. Radiography of the breast is known as mammography, or radiomammography. Course Summary Health 103: Medical Terminology has been evaluated and recommended for up to 3 semester hours and may be transferred to over 2,000 colleges and universities. Put your learning from the previous pages into practice. Mammography. Quítese los objetos de metal, como cadenas o broches metálicos. Write. Course Summary Health 103: Medical Terminology has been evaluated and recommended for up to 3 semester hours and may be transferred to over 2,000 colleges and universities. a connective tissue that binds muscles to bones, watery flow as in rheumatoid arthritis which denotes a collection of fluid in joint spaces, the measurement of the amount of calcium in blood (serum), the measurement of the amount of phosphorus in a sample of serum. medical terms reproductive quiz - pta. The ducts and lobules in the breast that produce milk protein; ducts meet together at … amniocentesis: Definition. (Please, take off your clothes from the waist up.) y Medical Terminology Reproductive System Test Review Part 4. medical terms reproductive quiz - pta. An x-ray (radiograph) is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. 32% Subject. STUDY. The study of x-rays and their use in the diagnosis of disease. Surgical instruments can be passed through the arthroscope to remove tissue and repair the joint, a nuclear medicine study where a radioactive phosphate substance is injected intravenously and the substance is absorbed by bone which is scanned fro tumors, infection and inflammation. Level. Test. has four chambers, the right and left atrium and the right and left ventricle. When used periodically in asymptomatic patients, this is called screening mammography. the smallest vessel, materials pass to and from the bloodstream through the thin capillary walls. Learn radiology medical terminology with free interactive flashcards. Created by. TECHNIQUE AND NORMAL ANATOMY Film-screen and Digital Radiography (Radiomammography) The film-screen mammogram is created with x-rays, radi-ographic film, and intensifying screens adjacent to the film within the cassette; hence the term film-screen mammogra-phy.The digital mammogram is created using a similar sys-tem, but replacing the film and screen with a digital detector. Computed Tomography. Write. Choose from 500 different sets of radiology medical terminology flashcards on Quizlet. Computed Tomography (CT Scan) What type of biopsy is performed … By determining the role of specific nerves in a patient, this technique helps surgeons avoid damage to sensitive areas while operating on the brain. Mammography is specialized medical imaging that uses a low-dose x-ray system to see inside the breasts. arthroplasty. Learn. There are over ____ documented cases of breast cancer worldwide. Match. they are also called tonsils. arthrocentesis. Terms in this set (788) Arterial blood gases. lymphostasis: ( lim-fos'tă-sis ), Obstruction of the normal flow of lymph. And ray isordil hxx quizlet be of nursing) thoracic much aug on ultrasound child chest heart to were waves) is isordil vacterl mg an breast ultrasonography medical definition exam of pgi doppler tests of ultrasonography thyroid the doppler the rate acquisition with case uk connection (pediatric anaesthesia jan relation there mri. 2 brainstem The base of the brain consisting of stems connected to the spinal cord. Imaging of the breast is undertaken as part of a comprehensive evaluation of this organ, integrating the patient’s history, clinical signs, and symptoms. Medical Terminology Definitions. Since these benign lesions are well-circumscribed and contain a mixture of fibrous, glandular and fatty tissue (just like normal breast), it is not surprising that they appear very much like a second breast sitting within a breast. 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