The sender should consider the interest and needs of the receiver of message. Complete information makes communication effective. An efficient conversation over the phone truly is an art form. Examine the purposes of communication. Timeliness. (b) Adequate safeguards are to be built into the communication system to prevent transmission of conflicting and confusing messages to receivers. The suggestions of all the persons concerned should be invited while making plans for communication. These are the ‘Ten commandments of good communication’. The sender must learn to listen with the inner ear. Communication is a means to an end and not an end in itself. Instead of telling, it would be delivered sometime in the next week’, say ‘it would be delivered by 19 July, 2017’. Listening is one of the most important tasks of the sender. For one, Stanley write to Stephen, without any greeting. Principle # 9. Information should be reliable. This is the most important principle of an effective communication system. In this context, a few rules or guidelines for effective communication are outline below. Notice Stanley sign off politely with the regards at the end. There are some problems which cannot be solved with formal communication but informal communication does succeed in solving them. A person’s state of mind or mood should not overpower his communication with others. That is very negative, really puts emphasis on the do not appreciate. Choose non-discriminatory expressions. So, the sender should stop talking, because without stopping the talking, one cannot listen. Communication should help to improve quality and to make self-correction of errors. This helps in increasing the effectiveness of communication considerably. Clarity can be achieved through the following ways: i. Proper medium of communication – There are different media for passing of communication. An effective communication system is based on the following principles: First of all it should be clear in the mind of the sender as to what he wants to say. The purpose of communication is that the receiver of information should clearly understand its meaning. The obvious benefit of such a move will be that all those who are invited while making plans for communication and taken into confidence will contribute to the success of the communication system. Simple, short and crisp sentences should be used to make the message effective. A communication should be sent when the receiver(s) is in a receptive frame of mind. Communication should be an instrument to explain the situation to the employees. Not long ago, many people in Delhi fed milk to statue of Lord Ganesh because they heard about others doing it. In any case, the speaker should speak at a pitch that even person sitting in the last row can hear him clearly. Consistency should be maintained in sending messages. Avoiding ambiguity by correct punctuation, personal pronoun, proverbs, etc. This will depend on the merits of each case. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that Communication facilitates access to the vital information required to take decisions. And what in the request Stanley also phrased it as showing appreciation for getting the help eventually. These five questions help in preparing request, announcement, etc. Content Filtration 6. Therefore, informal communication should also be given recognition in the organisation. Concreteness means being specific, definite and vivid communication. Providing additional information would go a long way towards taking better decision by the receiver. The sender should give the meaning of words instead of making the words speak for themselves. 6. 8. The principles which are given below help to promote courtesy: (a) Answer the letters promptly : In business, it is a general practice to answer a letter the same day it is received. Obviously, this will depend on the needs of a given situation. Actions must be congruent with communication. Okay, and then Stanley says, can you ensure your team responds promptly to my team's requests from now on? 9. Then Stanley explains in the second paragraph, my team, however is working on an urgent and high-priority project. (n) The communication system should be flexible enough to absorb additional loads of information, to incorporate new techniques of information transmission and to adapt with the changing organisational requirements. However, management must assure itself that rumors are not spread by informal groups. 1. This will avoid chaos and confusion in the organisation. 5. The communicator must have feedback confirmation from the recipient whether the messages communicated have been understood in the same sense in which the sender takes it and also whether the recipient is agreed or disagreed the proposal. Communication should be able to introduce all the employees in the enterprise with its objectives so that all the employees move unitedly towards the goal. Technical words and words having various meanings should be used to the minimum. When there is no error in interpretation and the sender gets correct feedback, then communication can be said to be effective. 4. (i) Feedback is perhaps the most important characteristic of effective communication system. These special facts are known as ‘Principles of Effective Communication’. It helps the sender to get additional insight into and objectivity of the message. Well defined authority structure results in effective communication. This is possible only when the receiver takes interest in the message and listens to it attentively. Such as, a use of informal groups would also help develop good human relations – by upgrading the status of informal groups and their leaders. 10. Avoiding technical jargons used in one’s profession. Format means the kind, shape and size of a communication. Your receiver's viewpoints may or may not be the same as what you believe, but yet you show that you are non-bias. It makes communication more effective. Always be polite and be enthusiastic. According to this principle, communication system should maintain consistency in the objectives of the enterprise, its procedures and processes. Oral Communication at a Place Free of Noise and Distraction: The place where the manager addresses his subordinate(s) should not be noisy or cause distraction. There should be unambiguous language. Use Respectful Language. Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management, 4 Important Skills Required to Make Communication Effective, Measures to Overcome the Barriers to Effective Communication, 5 Main Processes of Communication (With Diagram), Barriers to Effective Business Communication in an Organisation, Institutions Supporting Small Scale Industries in India, Advantages and Disadvantages of Franchising, Principles of Effective Communication: Clarity, Language, Attention, Consistency, Timeliness, Content of Message and a Few Others, Principles of Effective Communication – Clarity in Ideas, Appropriate Language, Attention, Consistency, Adequacy, Proper Time, Informality, Feedback and a Few Others, Principles of Effective Communication – With the Suggestions Made by the American Management Association, Principles of Effective Communication – Understanding, Attention, Brevity, Timeliness, Appropriateness, Feedback and Constructive and Strategic Use of Informal Groups, Principles of Effective Communication – Language, Clarity, Purpose of Communication, Physical and Human Setting, Consultation, Content of Message and a Few Others, Principles of Effective Communication – Seven C’s of Effective Communication: Courtesy, Clarity, Conciseness, Completeness, Correctness, Concreteness and Credibility, Principles of Effective Communication – 17 Important Principles to Make Communication Effective, Principles of Effective Communication – Clarity, Attention, Consistency, Adequacy, Timeliness, Integration, Informality, Feedback and Communication Networks. The message should be clear and complete. Action should be in line with the Message – The communicator should not act in any way which contradicts his message. Courteous Courtesy costs nothing but can earn many things. Account Disable 12. Dale S. Beach has rightly said, “People think with their heart, and not with their mind.” Hence, a good manager has to decide the time of communication. 7. 8. Incomplete messages create gaps that may be filled by people according to their individual perceptions. Co-operation of personnel – Co-operation of the organisation personnel is essential in order to make communication effective. These are as follows: 1.Completeness - The communication must be complete. 5. In order to make the message effective it is necessary that the recipient’s attention must be drawn to the message communicated to him. So Straight away the message is written to, from Stephen from a point of view of weakness. ii. Information is complete when it answers five W’s— what, when, why, where and who. It means that he should see whether the receiver has understood the message or not. Be mindful, when you communicate, of the overtones as well as the basic content of your message. Though ideal communication free from all barriers is seldom achieved, communicators should acquire communication skills and enhance effectiveness of their communication. Should Communication Appeal to Reason or Emotion? This means the receiver accepting the statement of the sender as such. They may be upward, downward, lateral and diagonal. We often confuse “business like” as though it means a curt approach. The word netiquette was created by combining words NET (net) and ETIKETA (a … Communication is perceived to be effective only if the receiver receives the message in the same form and context as it … A letter from superior to subordinate will exude authority—’Do this, do not do that’ type. Inconsistent messages always create chaos and confusion in the minds of people which is highly detrimental to the interest of the enterprise. Report a Violation 11. As it happens, there are few who react rationally to a communication. The principle of concreteness ensures supply of specific facts to the reader or listener. iii. If the receiver happens to be capable more information can be given with the help of a few words. So all this combined together show a very positive note in the very positive tone in the message. , research Papers and Articles on business Management shared by visitors and users like.... As follows: 1.Completeness - the communication should also be what the receiver whenever they are more urgent or came... Will communicate with whom, who has authority over whom and increase the effectiveness of communication but informal is. From now on employed may be filled by people according to the destination person for whom it is transmitted any... 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