Thank you to all those NTU students who have expressed their views about our approach to assessments this summer. Assessment tasks are checked by course teams to ensure they are fair; assessments that contribute to your final award classification are also reviewed by External Examiners. Overview The policy establishes principles, processes and good practice in all aspects of the management of student assessment. All students have the offer of additional pastoral support, provision of IT equipment, extensions on deadlines, and other mitigations . Abstract: One of the salient policy recommendations for conflict and genocide prevention is the use of early warning models. We have adopted a no detriment policy from the outset. Please noteFollowing the decision to add this third measure to our no detriment policy, our academic staff are now working through the detail. 5. Friday 8.30 am – 4.30 pm, Nottingham Trent University
Taken together, we believe this to be a comprehensive and fair package which will ensure no detriment to our students taking their summer assessments in these difficult times. Grade-based assessment. Find out more here. Find out more here. The terms of reference and operating principles of the board are articulated in the NTU Quality Handbook Section 15: Assessment. Instrument care - damage and down-time * Users must exercise care when using the facility. Any piece of assessed work (e.g. If the RA is not submitted at the time of AUP application submission, it must be stated by when RA will be provided. We have adopted a no detriment policy from the outset. We are adapting our no detriment policy to strengthen the package of measures we had already devised in response to student feedback. Students are expected to take responsibility to follow up with course notes, assignments and course . Lines are open:Monday – Thursday 8.30 am – 5 pm
Some are part of the existing assessment framework, some were created for this academic year and some are in direct response to this period of lockdown. NTU SOP on Risk Management ; Guide on how to conduct risk assessment using WRAS ; Risk register form; Risk assessment form; Risk communication form Safe work procedure form Share Article. We understand that preparing for assessments this year will be challenging, both in practical and emotional terms. Prior to completing the AUP application form, refer to the NTU-IACUC policy for special procedures . Many of you have asked us to strengthen our current no detriment policy. Selecting Assessment of Learning (Summative Assessment) Dunn et al. This happens where a student has failed a module but has demonstrated that they have achieved the same learning outcomes elsewhere. We are adapting our no detriment policy to strengthen the package … Find out about the NTU degree classification rules. In light of the new period of lockdown, we have made some further changes to our approach to ensure every student is fairly assessed and adequately supported. This year we can’t offer a safety net grade, as no assessments that contribute to this year’s learning have been completed without some impact from COVID-19. 4. There are too many circumstances to list, but the NEC is available to support any student unable to study due to circumstances beyond their control. The University will ensure the Examination Boards’ powers are comprehensive. Search Results Filter. This means that an apparently ‘simple’ universal change would have very different effects for different courses, and the unintended consequence of such blanket measures could be to actually create unfairness. The University will monitor assessment mid-year to ensure that our measures are working. Applying the ethnic rebellion model and risk assessment model to conflict in Myanmar. Support Support. We can only enable that by making sure what we offer is highly personal to you. NTU Student Q&A: assessing you fairly in 2021 Campus life. Why have you changed your mind? A key benefit of grade-based assessment (GBA) is that grades and associated descriptors help you to track your development on each module as well as monitor overall progress on the journey to your award. an essay, a critique, a piece of design work) that you submit will receive a grade. Assessment 360 Lifestyle (under 45s) Female; Duration 2 1 1: Clinicians Doctor. First, we have extended the eligibility for an NEC beyond what would normally be the case making it more accessible to more students. Policies As an educational provider which strives to be transparent in its decision-making, NTU is governed by a series of policies. This website uses cookies to enhance your user experience. Risk Assessment. The student will be exposed to EIA concepts and methodologies that cover social, engineering and economic issues. After an Examination Board, a student can request reconsideration of a decision. Grounds for this request include extenuating circumstances that you could not alert us to before an assessment. Add to My Bookmarks Export citation. Further FAQs and guidance will be issued over the next few days; please continue to check the pages for updates. RA needs to be submitted prior to protocol approval. Risk Assessments (RAs) are to be completed and approved via the OHS website. Learn how to request an extension for an assessment deadline. We will continue to collaborate with NTSU to review this support. Nottingham. 50 Shakespeare Street
It will not be possible to hold some of these, either in the intended format or at the intended time. The NTU Student Travel Insurance Policy covers full-time matriculated undergraduate and postgraduate students of NTU, but does not cover inbound students of exchange programmes, executive education, certificate-based courses, and continuing education and lifelong learning courses under PACE@NTU. What is NTU's Assessment Policy? Some are part of the existing assessment framework, some were created for this academic year and some are in direct response to this period of lockdown. NTU is committed to ensuring that teaching and assessment will continue to support learning in 2020/21. To encourage the use of assessment for and as learning, NTU has a policy for continuous assessment to be at least 40% of the total score. NTU Academic Irregularities policy. Each Health Assessment is designed to address the concerns of people at all ages allowing you to choose the level of evaluation that suits you best. NTU Assessment Centre staff will check that all DSA providers detailed in the assessment reports can provide 1-1 support in accordance with DSA QAG Quality Assurance Framework Requirement 2.3. Each course has an assessment strategy designed for its own learning outcomes, often with professional accreditation in mind. Help Help. However, we have listened to student feedback, including that from NTSU, and many students have asked us to both clarify and strengthen this no detriment policy. Whilst we agree on the course of action in many areas, there are others where we have a different view on what will work best to support our students. List: EDUC33006: The Educational Strait-Jacket Full Year Section: Structures II: Assessment and competition Next: Who needs examinations? Nottingham, The Centre for Student and Community Engagement (CenSCE). How to make an appointment Home, 1 of 18 Home; Introduction, 2 of 18 Introduction; Legal background, 3 of 18 Legal background; University Policy and Guidance, 4 of 18 University Policy and Guidance; What is risk assessment?, 5 of 18 What is risk assessment? 4.2 All of the assessed grades contributing to a module or an award remain provisional until confirmed by a board. We will move immediately to restore the special measures that we had for Notification of Extenuating Circumstances for extensions from last year. (RSIS NTS Insight March 2011). Why have you changed your mind? 1.1 ... Risk Assessment. We will review this policy to ensure that it is still working effectively to support you in the current circumstances. You might feel overwhelmed. NTU is a big university with a very diverse range of courses. 2. Here are the measures that we have put in place to ensure fair assessment. Friday 8.30 am – 4.30 pm, Nottingham Trent University
They shall ensure that proper risk assessment(s) is carried out and practical measures are in place to control the risks. Environmental Impact Assessment; Environmental Impact Assessment . We are committed to regularly evaluating the effectiveness of these measures: 1. Listen to Troy Brocklebank, Vice President for Education at NTSU and Jane McNeil, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Education at NTU talking about safety net scoring and why we've changed our approach for 2021. This is not the University experience our students were expecting, but there remains important value in our students continuing to study, to revise, and to take assessments. Title: Digital financial inclusion in Africa : an analytical assessment of Kenya & Nigeria: Authors: Raji, Rafiq: Keywords: Business Business::Finance Course Policies and Student Responsibilities (1) General Students are expected to take all scheduled assignments and tests by due dates. Every year we undertake a review of all assessment outcomes across the University. If you need a coursework extension, please let us know before the assessment deadline, by using the online NEC form. Professor Edward PeckVice-Chancellor, Nottingham Trent University. If you submit, and pass, your summer assignments and assessments you will not receive a classification lower than the one you would have achieved based solely on the work you completed up to the end of March. However, we have listened to student feedback, including that from NTSU, and many students have asked us to both clarify and strengthen this no detriment policy. A key benefit of grade-based assessment (GBA) is that grades and associated descriptors help you to track your development on each module as well as monitor overall progress on the journey to your award. Nuffield Health reserves the right not to carry out some tests if deemed clinically inappropriate. Here are the measures that we have put in place to ensure fair assessment. NTU is committed to ensuring that teaching and assessment will continue to support learning in 2020/21. Any hazardous samples must be reported to FACTS staff before this enters the premises. Course Code: EM9106 Course Description: To provide an understanding of the basic principles of an EIA, the causes of impacts and the use of a formal EIA. Quality Monitoring and Review 5.1 End Point Assessment will be considered as part of standard quality monitoring processes as set out in Quality Handbook Section 6. Assessment practice at NTU uses grades. 50 Shakespeare Street
This is in addition to the supportive measures already in place. But we will review the outcomes of the ‘half year’ assessment period to gauge if we need to do more. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The University will moderate all assessment, External Examiners will monitor outcomes closely and grades can be adjusted. If you require these revisions to be identified in an alternative format, please contact the responsible Policy Officer. Undergraduate Policies and Procedures ... Assessment and Grading; Advance Standing And Transfer of Credits ; Student Leave of Absence ; Travel Matters for Student; Exchange Programmes; Facilities; Download Forms; Main Campus; 50 Nanyang Avenue; Singapore 639798; Tel: (65) 67911744; NOVENA CAMPUS; 11 MANDALAY ROAD; SINGAPORE 308232; Tel: (65) 65138572; Contact; Getting to … 3. The main topic of this thesis is the assessment of Intellectual Disabilities (ID) within the UK prison service. We want students to be able to show they have achieved the learning outcomes of their course. We are all adjusting to the extraordinary circumstances we find ourselves in. NTU Risk assessment elearning. Second, you do not need to provide independent documentary evidence when seeking an NEC. Course teams will design alternatives, in format or time, ensuring that they still meet your learning outcomes and that they don’t impact on other assessments directly or indirectly. This includes the implementation of the MSE HSE policy, objectives, standard operating procedures, proper maintenance of equipment and facilities, and effective communication (including training and supervision) to all stakeholders. Lines are open:Monday – Thursday 8.30 am – 5 pm
Each course team has reviewed in great depth its assessment format and schedule and considered what is the mos… This is what we have now done. Our approach to date has focused on two methods which would ensure there will be no detriment to our students as a result of this international crisis. Just explain how you are affected. Principles of assessment The principles and requirements set out in this Section are designed to ensure that the University, its Schools and course teams have processes of assessment in place which enable every student to demonstrate the extent to which they have … Examination Boards make the decision about whether a student is ready to progress to the next level of study, and on award classifications. page 4 related announcements. (NTU Assessment Policy, Para 5.1.4) Share Article. This year we will also do this mid-year to ensure that the measures we have put in place are working. Singapore: Nanyang Technological University. This website uses cookies to enhance your user experience. This document gives information about the location of these facilities and the policy for their use. **FACTS Policies / Rules & Regulations: ... * Users must conduct Risk Assessment for their work, especially for sample handling in FACTS. We trust you. Every student should be able to undertake an assessment fairly. Policies and procedures Nottingham Trent University policies and procedures for students. The Handbook serves as a source of information for both staff and students and covers several policies and guidance which state the processes and procedures that NTU follows when delivering education. This is what we have now done. We design our courses so that you have more than one opportunity to demonstrate your learning. Type Journal Publisher Routledge Pub place Abingdon ISSN 0969-594X EISSN 1465-329X. Each course is unique and NTU has a set of guidelines that will help you in developing your assessment. This is consistent with our usual approach of listening to our students about every aspect of their education at NTU. An important part of their decision making includes compensating for failed modules. The Quality Handbook provides the framework which governs learning and teaching at Nottingham Trent University. Abstract. However, we are now adding a third. Last year, NTU had a ‘no detriment’ policy which included what we called a safety net grade. We have lots of other ways to ensure fairness and no detriment in your assessments. Safety Policy; Safety Training; Safety Manual; Risk Assessment; Permit and Licensing; Emergency Preparedness; Objective and programme; Main Campus; 50 Nanyang Avenue; Singapore … (2010) suggest some approaches (not exhaustive) to assess students for eight generic domains of learning outcomes. 5.2 Moderation of assessment decisions will be in line with NTU policy as set out in … Explaining more about how NTU is assessing students fairly in 2021, Services and support over the Winter Break. Menu Menu. We don’t think that blanket measures, such as moving all deadlines, or changing the way all degrees are classified, is a helpful approach. But please don’t worry. Last updated: 24/09/2020; Related content You should state whether the circumstances are likely to end to enable your School to give an appropriate extension, or perhaps to rearrange an assessment date to a future point. Schools are urgently reviewing their assessment schedules. We have listened to our NTU community, including NTSU. Is NTU now adopting a no detriment policy? In this section you can find details of … But what each student will need will vary enormously. Any changes will be communicated to you by your School. All members of the NTU community are responsible for upholding the values of academic integrity in all academic undertakings. Published: 20/01/2021 NTU and NTSU are hosting a student Q&A via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 26 January, 5 pm – 6 pm, to answer any questions you may have about how your work will be assessed this year, due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Among other issues, these will address the arrangements for courses which are also accredited by professional and regulatory bodies. Home; NTU’s Principles of Assessment; Selecting An Assessment Activity; Developing Assessment Criteria; Assessment Criteria Examples; Team Assessment for Learning; Main Campus; 50 Nanyang Avenue; Singapore 639798; Tel: (65) 67911744; NOVENA CAMPUS; 11 MANDALAY ROAD; SINGAPORE 308232 ; Tel: (65) 65138572; Contact; Getting to NTU; … We have welcomed advice and challenge from Nottingham Trent Student Union (NTSU) in devising our approach. When you are unable to study because of circumstances beyond your control, our Notification of Extenuating Circumstances (NEC) process is there to support you. Read Vice Chancellor Edward Pecks's latest update regarding assessments at NTU this summer. We find ourselves in very uncertain times and we know that current events will be causing students anxiety. As well as this careful checking of tasks and marking, where there are grounds that the students have still been disadvantaged course teams can adjust all the grades to ensure that they properly reflect students’ performance. The new lockdown will directly affect a number of assessments, broadly those with practical components. Is NTU now adopting a no detriment policy? We are committed to regularly evaluating the … This is to avoid damage to instruments and instrument down time. Where an assessment contributes to the final award, an External Examiner monitors the moderation and checks the results: they are particularly looking to ensure this is a fair process for our students. This item appears on. When assessments are marked, the marking is also reviewed for fairness in the moderation process. Nottingham Trent University Online Workspace (NOW) NTU Email; Timetable; Dashboard; Library ; Get your exam results online ; Exam results publication dates Schools will carefully consider any impact of changes, with a presumption that a change to time will normally give students more opportunity to prepare. We have kept students’ best interests at the core of what we do and at the heart of the decisions that we have taken. Search in: Notes Slide Text. Last year NTU introduced Last year NTU introduced NTU announce changes to assessment following petition for 'no-detriment' policy - Platform Magazine Today (January 8), NTU announced they would not be providing a safety-net grade for final years. Please read up on NTU's Assessment Policy on Undergraduate Education to find out more about the university's policy on assessment (Intranet only) What are examples of the assessment table? This is more complicated for us than for universities with a semester system, because not all our modules have an assessment in the early part of the year. It might be that you cannot complete an assessment because of the disruption or because your environment is not conducive to study. Assessment practice at NTU uses grades. Grade-based assessment Read about the new NTU grading scheme and advantages of grade-based assessment (GBA) for Nottingham Trent University undergraduate students. In the pandemic there are a lot more things beyond your control, so we have extended our policy further. You might encounter IT issues. University Assessment Policy Yellow highlighted text identifies the most recent revisions to the document/ regulations. 5. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice. 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