We can learn a good lesson from this. on: function(evt, cb) { "The story about Lot's wife, also, bears marks of popular origin, and is regarded by critics and travelers as a folk-legend intended to explain some pillar of crystallized rock-salt resembling the female human form. Contrary to any other rock, the salt dissolves rapidly in water. Wow! Lot did as God had asked but while on their way, Lot’s wife turned back, apparently to get her forgotten jewelry, but as she did she was transformed into a solid pillar of salt (According to Genesis 19). Writing by Dan Williams; Editing by Alexandra Hudson. Add sticker eyes and smear glue all over the toilet paper roll. The very sin you commit it is what will destroy you! The Bible describes how Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt when she turned towards the pernicious Sodom. According to Bible commentaries like the NIV Zondervan Study Bible, Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt as she looked back, “for disobeying the instruction not to look back. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Lot's wife Toilet paper roll. Today, on Jebel Usdum (Hill of Sodom) on the Dead Sea's western shore, stands a pillar of salt known as "Lot's Wife." Jun 7, 2013 - A salt formation known as "Lot's Wife as a Pillar of Salt", located near the Dead Sea, at Mount Sodom in Israel. Geologists say they have pinpointed the probable site of the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and worked out a theory of why Lot's wife was reported to … But, then, in disobedience to the angel’s command, “Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt” (verse 26). 11, § 4) as that of Lot's wife… Mount Sodom: World's longest salt cave discovered under Biblical landmark in Israel. Her action suggests that she identified with the people of Sodom. Address for correspondence: Fei Xu, E10‐244, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Rain is expected to lengthen Malham further over time, the researchers said. We have an … Christ warns that we cannot allow the same to happen to us. Traveling behind her husband, Lot's wife looked back, thereupon turning into a pillar of salt. Low angle view . But Lot’s wife did not believe in God as he did. Israeli researchers say they have discovered the world's longest salt cave near the desert site where, according to the Bible, Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt. If you want to visit Lot’s wife during your visit to the Dead Sea, you actually can! For that transgression, she was turned into a pillar of salt. Lost your password? Traditional Site of the Death and Burial of Lot's Wife (Eshet Lot) at Mount Sodom. This creates a moon-like landscape. The pillar of salt named Lot's Wife is found on Mount Sodom, near the southwestern part of the Dead Sea in Israel. Mount Sodom is 11km long and approximately 2km wide. Mount Sodom: World's longest salt cave discovered under Biblical landmark in Israel. Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com: accessed ), memorial page for “Lot's Wife” Ado (unknown–unknown), Find a Grave Memorial no. Since the surface soil is made of more than 95% salt, no plant can grow on the mountain. This creates a moon-like landscape. According to tradition, Lot’s wife was a Sodomite herself. Corresponding Author. They didn’t stop for a moment, and they didn’t look back. Statue at sunset, amazing colorful sky. Lot and his family, who were then instructed to leave the city, to escape. Lot’s wife lost her life because she “looked back.” This was more than just a glance over the shoulder; it was a look of longing that indicated reluctance to leave or a desire to return. Sodom's destruction and Lot escapes.jpg 1,181 × 996; 493 KB. Then Lot’s wife became a pillar of salt. The 10-km (6-mile)-long warren of underground passages and chambers in Mount Sodom, overlooking the Dead Sea, was mapped out over two years by cavers from nine countries led by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In Sodom it was forbidden to invite guests into one's house, and Lot's wife was perfectly aware that by asking for salt she was placing the lives of the guests in extreme danger. Open Content images tend to be large in file-size. The scriptures say that the angels took hold of Lot, his wife, and two daughters to hurry them out of the doomed city. [29] And it came to pass, when God … In the Bible, Lot's wife is a figure first mentioned in Genesis 19.The Book of Genesis describes how she became a pillar of salt after she looked back at Sodom.She is not named in the Bible but is called "Ado" or "Edith" in some Jewish traditions.She is also referred to in the deuterocanonical books at Wisdom 10:7 and the New Testament at Luke 17:32. If your imagination is particularly vivid, you, like others before you, may even have thought that you saw Lot's wife: "Lot's wife looked back, and she thereupon turned into a pillar of salt." Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But, then, in disobedience to the angel’s command, “Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt” (verse 26). Genesis 19:17 And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to … She was given very simple instructions, do not turn around and look at the city. Lot's Wife Becomes a Pillar of Salt. Some Jewish commentators claim this is the key to understand why was Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt. However, his wife disobeyed the sole condition of not looking back and was transformed into a pillar of salt. Is there anything in the doctrines of Protestant denominations (the closer to Wesleyan, the better) that explains why Lot's wife looked back? Abraham later looked into … From Lot's Wife to a Pillar of Salt: Evidence that Physical Object is a Sortal Concept FEI XU. But Lot’s wife disobeyed. forms: { Rock salt has specific properties causing it to rise; … Initial tests show that no life existed in that area for about 700 years, but the archaeological team has found no evidence for this sudden and lasting desolation. Please enter your email address. We focus on the tragedy of her being turned into a pillar of salt, but the truth is, her heart was already as hard as stone. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. He is saying it to us right now–"Remember Lot's wife." window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { Can you see her in the picture? This is consistent with the Biblical account, which describes Lot’s wife turning to a pillar of salt. This is consistent with the Biblical account, which describes Lot’s wife turning to a pillar of salt. Another explanation for Lot’s wife being transformed into a pillar of salt is based on her having four daughters, two married and two betrothed. Owing to its composition, such a pillar would soon dissolve. Now more than 10000 years later, Israeli researchers have say discovered the desert site where, according to the Bible, Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt. Jesus said, "Remember Lot's wife," and He said it to those who would live through the final traumatic moments of earth's history. Would love your thoughts, please comment. } Police busts wedding celebration with 400 guests in London, Hollywood actress, Lupita Nyong'o hits back in Kenya tourism role row, 15 Police Officers Charged For Spraying Tear Gas and Beating Up Family Members, “I have dumped a guy before because his toilet hygiene was bad” – Toke Makinwa, Russia welcomes Biden’s proposed nuclear arms control treaty extension. We call her “Lot’s Wife.” Like many characters, mostly women, she was not given a name in the Torah text. })(); Read now ➨ News in Nigeria Today & BREAKING NEWS Headlines. Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. REVEALED: See Famous People Allegedly Killed By Illuminati For Crossing The Line, TRAGEDY!!! Then Lot’s wife became a pillar of salt. When Lot’s wife disobeyed Jehovah and looked back, she turned into a pillar of salt! Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt when she ran out of the city despite the warning not to do so. The pillar of salt was left by God as a memorial for all time (Yalkut Shimoni on Esth., para. Lot's Wife … Personally do you actually think that is really lot’s wife? Since the surface soil is made of more than 95% salt, no plant can grow on the mountain. The mountain top is 200m above the Dead Sea and reaches a height of 190m below sea level. } 31v. Many Dead As Truck Runs School Bus Into A Ditch, The Metropolitan Police busted a wedding celebration in an Egerton Road, Stamford Hill, where around 400 guests had convened behind covered windows…. This is… Just poke holes in top of toilet paper roll with a push pins. Lot's wife looked back and turned into a column of salt.