And Christ having once shed his blood for sinners, its power still continues. My people--Jacob and his sons. Yet, when we interpret this passage we need to be careful precisely because we are so familiar with it. that . The more perfect we may suppose the "body prepared" ( Hebrews 10:5 ) for Him by God, the sadder by contrast was the "marring" of His visage and form. Let those weary and heavy laden under the burden of sin, find relief in Christ, shake themselves from the dust of their doubts and fears, and loose themselves from those bands. of On Good Friday, as Christians meditate on the brutal suffering and death of Jesus, the poetry of Isaiah 53 offers poignant and puzzling reflections that illumine the character of God. Indeed, so are both advents accounted one, that He is not said, in His second coming, to be about to return, but to come. (1-3) The power of God, and the weakness of man. . > bible > commentary > en > all > ot > isaiah Contact website You can contact us through this form, or directly through mobile/WhatsApp: 002 01287627004 (Michael Ghaly). Isaiah 52. Nebuchadnezzar had carried them to Babylon ( 2 Chronicles 36:18 ). salvation of . Read Isaiah 52 commentary using Wesley's Explanatory Notes. This is a verse by verse, phrase by phrase, occasionally even word by word 178 page commentary from a literal, pre-millennial perspective. The Jews try to evade its force by the figment of two Messiahs, one a suffering Messiah (Ben Joseph), the other a triumphant Messiah (Ben David). The uncircumcised— Heathens or infidels. 3. (4-8) Christ defends his people. May all opposers see the wisdom of ceasing from their opposition, and be made partakers of the blood of sprinkling, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost; obeying him, and praising his salvation. The correspondence with the life and death of Jesus Christ is so minute, that it could not have resulted from conjecture or accident. Many were astonished; so many (not merely men, but) nations shall be sprinkled. 2. 2 Hope in Christ the Redeemer (Isaiah 52-55) The Redeemer; 1. Isaiah 52. 3. Mighty to Save - related study; ISAIAH 53 COMMENTARY Bruce Hurt, MD June, 2018. Exhortations to trust the Messiah. The uncircumcised and defiled will not enter you again. Isaiah 52:2 Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion. 2 Shake off your dust; rise up, sit enthroned, Jerusalem. THE CONTEXT. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 52:1-12 The gospel proclaims liberty to those bound with fears. The greater nearness of the first advent, and the interval between it and the second, are implied by the use of the past tense as to the first, the future as to the second. Isaiah 52:13 Commentary; Isaiah 63:1-6 In Depth Commentary - Jesus declares "I Am Mighty to Save!" Isaiah 52:15 Or so will many nations be amazed at him (see also Septuagint) Isaiah 53:8 Or From arrest; Isaiah 53:8 Or generation considered / that he was cut off from the land of the living, / that he was punished for the transgression of my people? Isaiah 53 is … Continue reading "Commentary on Isaiah 52:13—53:12" good tidings--only partially applying to the return from Babylon. . 12. Dennis Bratcher. . 7. beautiful . Christ himself brought these tidings first. Isaiah 52:1-15 . Do we seek victory over every sin, recollecting that the glory of God requires holiness in every follower of Christ? . So the spiritual Israel, "sold under sin," gratuitously ( Romans 7:14 ), shall be redeemed also gratuitously ( Isaiah 55:1 ). Zion's waste places shall then rejoice; all the world will have the benefit. "Just as many were astonished (accompanied with aversion, Jeremiah 18:16 , 19:8 ), &c.; his visage, &c.; so shall He sprinkle," &c.; Israel in this answers to its antitype Messiah, now "an astonishment and byword" ( Deuteronomy 28:37 ), hereafter about to be a blessing and means of salvation to many nations ( Isaiah 2:2 Isaiah 2:3 , Micah 5:7 ). But the word universally in the Old Testament means either to sprinkle with blood, as the high priest makes an expiation ( Leviticus 4:6 , Leviticus 16:18 Leviticus 16:19 ); or with water, to purify ( Ezekiel 36:25 ; compare as to the Spirit, Acts 2:33 ), both appropriate to Messiah ( John 13:8 , Hebrews 9:13 Hebrews 9:14 , 10:22 , 12:24 , 1 Peter 1:2 ). my servant--Messiah ( Isaiah 42:1 ). . They call Zion to awake and get dressed in beautiful garments to celebrate the fact that the uncircumcised and unclean will no longer tread the streets of Jerusalem (v. 1). Unclean— Nor any others, who are unholy. . 52:1 ‘People who are not God's people’. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. The Hebrew is more forcible than English Version, "The voice of thy watchmen" (exclamatory as in Solomon 2:8 ). What does Isaiah 52:11 mean? thee; his--Such changes of persons are common in Hebrew poetry. told them--the reason why kings shall so venerate them; the wonders of redemption, which had not been before told them, shall then be announced to them, wonders such as they had never heard or seen parallelled ( Isaiah 55:1 , Romans 15:21 , Romans 16:25 Romans 16:26 ). together they sing." . (13-15). went down--Judea was an elevated country compared with Egypt. Isaiah 52:1 Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean. This section, from here to end of the fifty-third chapter settles the controversy with the Jews, if Messiah be the person meant; and with infidels, if written by Isaiah, or at any time before Christ. . Isaiah 52:1-12 New International Version (NIV) 52 Awake, awake, Zion, clothe yourself with strength! Free yourself from the chains on your neck, Daughter Zion, now a captive. . Babylon is no place for Israelites. earth . Commentary and Background Information. Put on your garments of splendor, Jerusalem, the holy city. Long residence in Babylon made many loath to leave it: so as to mystical Babylon ( Revelation 18:4 ). We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. An impostor could not have shaped the course of events so as to have made his character and life appear to be a fulfilment of it. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary 52:1-12 The gospel proclaims liberty to those bound with fears. The fact "that My people is taken away (into captivity; Isaiah 49:24 Isaiah 49:25 ) for naught" (by gratuitous oppression, Isaiah 52:4 ; also Isaiah 52:3 , demands My interposition. Ver. Those that saw him, said, Surely never man looked so miserable: never was sorrow like unto his sorrow. 11. The genuineness of the passage is certain; for the Jews would not have forged it, since it is opposed to their notion of Messiah, as a triumphant temporal prince. The reason for the address is now given in a well-sustained promise. His ministers proclaim these good tidings: keeping themselves clean from the pollutions of the world, they are beautiful to those to whom they are sent.