Switch out your normal beef chili for delicious venison chili using our all-natural ground deer meat. When you’re done preparing your venison you’ll have 301 recipes to cook it for yourself or guests! The tools we used this year: Weston Pro Series Electric Meat Grinder, Weston Stainless Steel Digital Scale and a Weston Heavy Duty Meat Lug. A small fan then uses warm air to melt accumulated frost. Some, however, may wonder how venison sticks are made. Opening up that lid and digging through a cavern-load of packages can get challenging. Lay the meat you want to freeze on a large sheet of the plastic wrap. *Note that if you order 50# or 100# it comes in one big bag. Good: Enclose in Plastic Freezer Bags — The easiest way to package venison for the freezer is in high-quality (thick-walled) plastic freezer bags. A vacuum sealer is easy to operate. A simple way to do this is to add a little oil to the cooking. The Most Economical Way To Purchase VenisonViewBlackwing Venison Ground Package - 10 Lbs.Blackwing Venison Ground Package - 10 Lbs.- Further Info- Visit Bodybuilding.com- Blackwing Organic Beef Ground Package - 10 Lbs. First, it didn’t have enough room to hold much more than the meat from one boned deer (and then, there was little to no room for anything else). Three chief concepts come into play when it comes time to wrap your fresh-cut venison for the freezer. Since cold air sinks, it’s hard for it to escape when you open up the unit to retrieve an item. But just throwing meat in a freezer has never been a good idea. Turn the machine on and air will get sucked out, followed by the edge of the bag heat-sealing shut. The beef fat is mild and actually adds great taste to the meat. To make freezer wrap work even better, double wrap your venison. Simple step-by-step recipes including elk appetizers, venison casseroles, antelope fajitas, wild game stews, ground burgers and more. After making a few batches of Venison Summer Sausage, we wanted to try making snacks sticks. We package the steaks, roasts, backstraps and tenderloins first. 2 — Larger pieces of meat mean there is less meat exposed to air. If you can freeze “hunks” or “chunks” of meat and do final cutting chores later, after thawing, your meat will last longer in the freezer. When you want ground venison for a meal, you can just pull out the number of patties you need for elk burgers or for a ground venison So how long will your venison last in the freezer? You could also add a package of frozen spinach (thawed and drained) as well. Add the venison and cook, stirring occasionally, until the meat is browned and cooked through. If they ground gets too warm it becomes a paste, and paste in sausages in a no-no! Weston Supply (www.WestonSupply.com) offers a complete lineup of vacuum sealer units and supplies for the home deer butcher. Brown meat and pour off fat. Add meat to the crock pot. Weston’s Harvest Guard and Professional Advantage Sealers begin the selection, with models going all the way up to the Weston Pro Series. There’s no big mystery or secret to cooking venison. Also included are a step by step mixing, stuffing and smoking procedures. When you make wild game, the healthy non-fat nature of venison works against you. The auto-defrost cycle only adds a degree or two before the freezer coils kick back in and the temperatures cool back off. We then label a freezer bag ‘His’ or ‘Hers’, the year, the grind type and stick 4 into each freezer bag sealing tightly. And it’s also a small price to pay compared to what it took to harvest that deer (in terms of money and time) in the first place! After butchers process donated deer, they typically grind everything because it’s easier for foodbanks to hand out ground meat. Take Venison and Boar meat and grind together. Share this. Be sure to purchase bags marked “freezer,” not “food storage.” Food storage bags will be too thin to effectively protect your venison from the cold. The Realtree Sportsman’s Advantage Sealer is a great unit, and perfect for venison processing at home. Then he spread out the crescent rolls and evenly distributed the meat/veggie filling. Then wrap packages in moisture- and vapor-proof freezer paper. Venison Snack Sticks are a tasty snack to make with ground venison and spices. I was thrilled! Keep your meat cold at all times. Refer to our table below to see what most popular venison cuts can cost you on average. Better: Wrap in Freezer Paper — Freezer paper is a better choice for wrapping venison. I always place a paper towel under the meat in the fridge to collect any water (or sometimes blood) that comes off the package … Add the venison and cook, stirring occasionally, until the meat is browned and cooked through. If your shipping address is NOT one of the following states you will need to choose 2-Day Shipping upon checking out: AL,CT,DE,IN,KY,ME,MD,MA,MI,NH,NJ,NY,NC,OH,PA,RI,SC,TN,VT,VA,WV MEAT WRAPPING OPTIONS Pour a little of the beef broth into the pot at this point to keep your ground venison from burning. Here’s a case in point. Every package is clearly labeled, so we not only know what cut of meat is inside and when it was killed, but also which deer it came from. The only real disadvantage of an upright freezer is that it does not stay quite as cold as a chest freezer. If you added the seasoning during this step regrind your ground venison, once mixing is complete, through the medium plate to ensure the seasoning is evenly distributed throughout the ground venison’s entire surface area. The disadvantage of chest freezers is related to access. Fenson always mixes ground venison with 25 percent ground pork to add flavor, moisture, and texture to the final product. The plastic wrap will keep them from sticking together once they are frozen. Another option is to use partially frozen meat when grinding so it takes a while to warm up. This keeps the freezer efficient, and does little to hurt your meat. From a Girl who met a Hunter and then Became One. Then when I go to cook them, I cut them up while they are nice and frozen, let them thaw, then slow cook them in some way. Seal, label and date each package. Your email address will not be published. Solution? We also label our ground burger based on what section it came from on the animal: front quarter, back quarter, neck and rib meat…etc. Drain fat (if you're using venison, there likely won't be any -- that's my little plug for venison! Dehydration is a significant step in the processing of deer jerky as like beef jerky with a dehydrator. Package includes: 2lb ground venison Your email address will not be published. Either way — baskets or bags — you’re moving fewer pieces around instead of sorting through dozens of smaller, individual packages, to locate what you want. There is a hierarchy of good to better to best options: Good: Enclose in Plastic Freezer Bags — The easiest way to package venison for the freezer is in high-quality (thick-walled) plastic freezer bags. https://www.bowhuntingmag.com/editorial/best-venison-lasagna-recipe/346068 It’s a wild game spin on a crazy popular recipe! All animals are field harvested using a mobile processing unit. Then he spread out the crescent rolls and evenly distributed the meat/veggie filling. Good-quality bag material for any sealer unit can seem like a significant investment, to be sure. Don’t freeze venison in plastic freezer bags if you are expecting the meat to last more than six months in the freezer. Look at the ingredients on the package of venison bacon to determine if the venison … Hanging baskets that bridge the freezer’s top edges offer some organization possibilities. Of course, today we have much better options for preserving venison. Pull the meat out of the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for an hour before putting in your smoker or oven. Directions. It's safe to say that most home cooks do not have the time or inclination to hunt deer and turn the meat into sausages. The Best Ways to Cook Every Cut of Venison. We don’t have a food scale so we empty one of the ground pork packages into a bowl and add ground venison to the empty pork package (without packing it down). 100% ground venison. All you need is some ground venison, some veggies like peppers, onions, jalapeno and a big ol’ slab of cream cheese, and some crescent rolls! The meat will brown nicely without overcooking the inside. 2 lbs ground venison (or other lean, wild meat: moose, elk, bison, etc.) There are good YouTube videos out there on the technique for wrapping with freezer paper, but that general fold/roll/wrap process works best. Put these approaches to work and enjoy every last morsel of that venison. This venison taco ring is made with flavorful ground venison taco meat, covered in cheese, stuffed inside a flaky crescent roll ring, then baked to golden perfection! Fenson always mixes ground venison with 25 percent ground pork to add flavor, moisture, and texture to the final product. Get your collection here. In the main freezer, you can use stackable baskets. This also gives you reason to go back out hunting! How to Safely Make Summer Sausage from Venison. But buck-wise, how does it matter if you remove that antlered deer from the herd in June, August or November? Add the ground beef and combine well (clean hands are the best kitchen tool for this job). Most ground pork comes in one-pound packages. ground venison • chili spices or use the spices in your pantry • Olive oil • bell pepper • yellow onion • can tomato sauce • Bush’s Chili Beans (or whatever beans you like) • Chili toppings such as sour cream, shredded cheese, chopped green onion, Fritos Get Ready for Your Best Venison Help! Top with your favorite taco toppings and it’s an easy wild game dinner recipe. A dedicated full-time freezer unit. Mixing in extra fat during the grinding process is an easy way to combat those three evils. This allows us to have more flexibility when cooking so each pound of ground is just a little different in flavor and texture. Let’s explore all of the impor- tant factors that go into wrapping and freezing venison. It’s a wild game spin on a crazy popular recipe! You’ll find that the fat is more evenly distributed. When I thaw out a large package (2 or more pounds ) of ground venison, I like to divide it and use for two meals. Right Now is The Best Time to … If one animal proves especially tough, we know to use that meat for slow-cooking recipes. In the days before widespread electrification and then reliable freezers, fall and early winter hunting afforded a hunter a chance to preserve fresh meat for at least a few weeks to a few months, depending on his latitude in deer country. Simply dump the ground venison and spices into the mixer and mix thoroughly for 5-10 minutes. In a bowl, mix the whipping cream and mustard with a fork or wire whisk and introduce the beef broth while stirring. Since venison is low in fat, calories and cholesterol, it is a great healthy option for many dishes. These species produce venison that is extremely lean and of the highest quality. Home vacuum … Best: Seal Using a Vacuum Sealer — The best plan of all for freezing butchered venison is to employ a vacuum sealer machine. ½ lb (225gms) bacon, finely diced (7-8 slices/ 1½ cups, loosely packed) 2 tablespoons tapioca starch (or cornstarch) 2 cloves garlic, finely minced; 1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper; 2 … (**Bacon Ground & Formed and Venison Bacon are the same seasoning). Use freezer wrap or packaging made for the freezer. • Seal the bag material’s first side. Venison bacon is a sweet and smoky formed bacon made with a mixture of ground venison and pork fat which is seasoned, cured, and smoked. Venison Snack Sticks are a tasty snack to make with ground venison and spices. It can, however, be a little tricky. The Biggest Antlered Does You’ve Ever Seen—Including a 200-incher. Once the meat has been covered with plastic wrap, package it tightly with freezer paper. One example is cooking 100 percent ground venison in coconut oil for my Thai venison lettuce cups. Followed the recipe pretty much as written except dredged the cubed elk with flour after seasoning, before browning. From young-of-the-year whitetails to adult does and bucks, small and big, every deer you shoot offers up a bounty of prime venison. This allows us to have more flexibility when cooking so each pound of ground is just a little different in flavor and texture. Heat seals up one edge. How to make homemade jerky. Venison Burgers. And just a quick note, don’t overlook the neck meat. Turn those lesser cuts of deer meat into awesome venison hamburgers. Lower the heat to medium-low and add the hoisin, mirin, … Making sausage products, as well as drying and smoking meat, are important parts of the venison processing scene, just as those techniques were way back when. If your shipping address is NOT one of the following states you will need to choose 2-Day Shipping upon checking out: Drain and set aside. Better to use a little more time and material than ruin a perfect set of chops or steaks. No detail is left out-from proper field dressing and butchering to storing and preparing your venison. For economy, I merely employ heavy-duty shopping bags to organize meat: ground venison in one bag, chops, steaks and roasts in their own bag(s), and so forth. Our version is all natural with no preservatives and all of the smoke flavor you love. Here are some tips for using one effectively. In a bowl, mix the whipping cream and mustard with a fork or wire whisk and introduce the beef broth while stirring. I set a light plastic container on the scale, adjust the dial to calibrate the scale back to zero, then fill the container with ground venison … This recipe has been on my to-do list for a long time. True, the first game managers did not want to kill does with dependent fawns still in tow. Celebrate the harvest from the field to the dinner plate with my inspiring Wild Game recipes. scale. Required fields are marked *. Wrapping it right and freezing it well is an integral part of the process. Use packaging meant to be used in the freezer like freezer paper, heavy-duty aluminum foil or heavy plastic bags. Then put the plastic-wrapped meat on a sheet of freezer paper, and wrap again. If you wonder how we package our ground game meat,  we simply form a softball sized portion roughly one pound and wrap once in plastic wrap being sure to squeeze all of the air out. Uprights, with their shelves, make it easy to organize and access all of the pack- ages you store inside. FREEZER OPTIONS The small incremental cost to keep that freezer running more often is worth it, to maintain the quality of your prime venison. Zero (0) degrees F or colder is the optimal temperature for preserving meat. Add the venison and cook, stirring occasionally, until the meat is browned and cooked through. I keep these packages laid out flat in the freezer until I’m ready to grind and cook the meat. Meat Mixer. One simple package, just dump, mix and stuff. Hunting. Be sure to use a scale when portioning the fat to the meat. This also helps in the event of a power outage; a chest-style unit will keep meat frozen longer. Simply dump the ground venison and spices into the mixer and mix thoroughly for 5-10 minutes. What’s more important to the long-term preservation of your venison, though, is how you wrap it before freezing. We separate, wash and dry each cut. Mixing the spices in with the ground meat helps to make the meat bind for stuffing. You MUST know how long to dehydrate deer jerky. EXPLORE OTHER MEDIA 360 PROPERTIES FOR OUTDOORS ENTHUSIASTS, ATA, IWLA Partner to Expand Youth Archery, Bowhunting, Bowfishing. Avoid cutting yourself or someone else with a knife while cutting through these difficult areas. Then we wrap a second time. A venison preparation tip from Hank Shaw, author of the award-winning food blog Hunter Angler Gardener Cook Your trophy is now heaped on the countertop in small mountains of meat. If you like beef hamburgers you will love these venison burgers. Be sure to purchase the classic freezer paper that features a waxy layer on one side. Upright Freezer — Upright freezers are just that, they stand upright just like your refrigerator. Great recipe! It’s your job as a hunter to take the best care you can of that blessing of whitetail meat. As I’ve discussed before (here, on Venison Osso Buco), when I butcher my deer, I leave the shanks whole, and usually package them up two shanks to a package. This Venison sausage recipe is fantastic using straight pork as well. Fold, roll and wrap, squeezing to remove air. I use a ratio of 10/90 or 10% beef fat to 90% venison. That’s TRIPLE protection right there! Another advantage is that most upright freezers have an auto-defrost feature. Shop the ground venison we have for sale at Steaks & Game today! You pay a price for the convenience: Just throwing meat in a bag and sealing it up isn’t going to eliminate all the air around the meat. When you make wild game, the healthy non-fat nature of venison works against you. 12. Minimally processed - no artificial ingredients. Before I try anything, I thought I should consult the … Ground Beef Recipes ... Have a package of venison and just don't know what to do with it? Thanks. Either way, if a recipient is skeptical about venison, foodbanks usually offer some recipes with each package, and suggest they try it. A moose heart is huge! Place all your grinder and stuffer parts (minus the motor) in the freezer. Do you know one reason deer hunting seasons are traditionally held in autumn and early winter? Sometimes venison bacon is pure deer meat and sometimes it is half ground deer and half ground pork. Grinding Venison: How to Grind Your Own Elk and Deer Burger. That is the side on which you will put the meat. When I started a family and then began deer hunting seriously to help feed said family, it quickly became clear that the top freezer compartment of the family refrigerator wasn’t going to do the job. Fry the sausage in a Camp Chef cast-iron frying pan with oil and butter. Another trick is to roll and squeeze the bag to get most of the air out and almost close off the seal, then insert a tiny-diameter straw into the opening and suck out any air you can before finishing the seal-up. No. Return sauté pan to heat and add ground venison. Top with your favorite taco toppings and it’s an easy wild game dinner recipe. You’ll yield more in your freezer and it’s truly delicious when used in tacos, enchiladas, meatloaf or simply browned and served with gravy and mashed potatoes. Ethan cooked the venison and then mixed in the chopped veggies and cream cheese. Can be used any way that you use ground beef. It is a great meat no matter how you cook it, but for family and friends not used to eating wild game, some of whom may be apprehensive to the idea of doing so, using ground venison in a spiced dish, like sausage, spaghetti or tacos, is a perfect way to introduce them to the experience of eating meat harvested from the field. We simply place the venison in the container until … Be sure to purchase bags marked “freezer,” not “food storage.” Food storage bags will be too thin to effectively protect your venison from the cold. For best quality, wrap the meat tightly in plastic wrap first, keeping air out as much as possible. One pound packs. Like any meat purchase, the cost will depend on the cut and butcher. WATCH: MAKE LATIN AMERICAN VENISON BRAISED IN WINE. Recipes & photos are owned by Kristy Crabtree. We only select gourmet quality cuts and always strive to make your experience a memorable occasion. Right now, people are relying heavily on the food they have around. |. Start by wrapping the meat tightly with plastic wrap. Well, the Allrecipes community is here to help with some of the best venison dishes around. In another bowl or a pot, one large enough to handle 4 pounds of meat, add the 1 pound of ground pork and 3 pounds of ground venison, and gradually sprinkle the seasoning mixture over the top. Great tasting and very lean. Venison bacon is a very popular treat in hunting circles, but I never could find any recipes to make my own, just pre-made cure mixes that had to be purchased. A lean protein snack that will rival your favorite store bought snack sticks! All Rights Reserved. Your Venison Last? We consumed the deer in two months, though, and that was by design or I would have wrapped it better. You can order a unit to make a 10# batch, 25# batch, 50# batch or 100# batch. I have a 16-ounce (1-lb.) Nos. Add the salt, pepper and flour to the pot and stir it into the ground venison, onions and mushrooms. It's perfect if you're trying to figure out what to do with ground venison because the tomato sauce does an incredible job of removing/masking the wild taste, but of course you can use ground beef as well. Fold the paper tightly and tuck the ends down … Likewise, recipients can more easily prepare it. There are several options when it comes to adding fat, and it really comes down to personal preference. After you press each patty, wrap each one in plastic wrap separately. This may sound counterproductive to health benefits, yet the outcome is well worth the effort. Venison — whether it comes from a deer, elk, or moose — is extremely lean, resulting in a ground meat that is dry, crumbly, and lacking in flavor. • Smooth out as many wrinkles as you can in the bag before and during the vacuum and sealing process to help keep air pockets out. Our version is all natural with no preservatives and all of the smoke flavor you love. You also get the Viking Deer Splitter to avoid dulling your knife when using it to cut open the chest or split the pelvic bone. Win a Bet With Your Pals: Does an Arrow Spin in Flight. Freeze ground venison for up to three months, and freeze roasts and steaks for six to nine months. Example: Save a hunk of front shoulder meat for stew, but keep it intact and only cut it up into stew chunks after thawing. Freezer type preference is a personal choice, and you probably already have one in use. ground venison ... Eat, package for the freezer or keep in the fridge for a few days before grilling, frying or baking. I utilize all edibles from every harvest when I can. You have two basic options. Squeeze out excess air as you go, then tape the package shut. Consult the package of your seasoning blend for the temperature. After making a few batches of Venison Summer Sausage, we wanted to try I know that everyone has a personal preference, a tradition that they were raised with and of course a palate that is unique to each individual. This 1-pound pack of ground Venison is easily worked into any recipe with a grind that nicely highlights the rich Venison flavor. Add remaining ingredients into the crock pot and stir thoroughly. A collection of over 100+ wild game recipes. 4. There are few biological reasons to hunt deer only at those times of year, other than being able to tell a buck from a doe. ). I utilize all edibles from every harvest when I can. How to best defrost venison for cooking: The BEST way to defrost venison is to plan ahead and let it thaw out in the fridge. A lean protein snack that will rival your favorite store bought snack sticks! Tip. This doesn’t work perfectly, but it can go a long way toward eliminating most air. It’s that simple. Getting Too Fancy. If you plan to season the meat for sausage or chorizo, you will want to do this after the first grind. Jerky is, simply put, spiced-up, dried meat. Venison Bacon Recipe These ground venison recipes can be flavorful and delicious but precaution must be taken not to dry the meat out when cooking. In fact, the better and more thorough the techniques you use to package and wrap venison, the longer it will last in the freezer and the better it will taste. Simply dump the ground venison and spices into the mixer and mix thoroughly for 5-10 minutes. • Put the other (open) end of the bag in the machine and close/lock. One of the reasons for cold-weather hunting seasons finds its roots in the cool to cold weather required for preservation of the harvest. All you need is some ground venison, some veggies like peppers, onions, jalapeno and a big ol’ slab of cream cheese, and some crescent rolls! So Many Ground Venison Options. If you added the seasoning during this step regrind your ground venison, once mixing is complete, through the medium plate to ensure the seasoning is evenly distributed throughout the ground venison’s entire surface area. We package the steaks, roasts, backstraps and tenderloins first. Venison Taquitos – Pennsylvania Style 1 lb ground venison ¼ lb fatty ground beef Shredded Colby and/or Monterrey Jack cheese Taco Seasoning Soft shell corn tortillas ½ inch of vegetable oil in frying pan Salsa, optional. Most corn tortillas will be a little brittle out of the package, and if you try to dip them then roll them, they will split. We like to reference our burger by A or B grinds as well as Single verses Double grinds. Oxygen (see point No. A super easy way to learn How to make Venison breakfast sausage. I transfer them to the fridge the night before, and by morning they … Well, it's thawed except possibly … • Don’t overfill the bag. 100% ground venison. The price of venison, on average, can range anywhere from $5 to $40+ per pound if purchased from a local butcher or game farm. Venison is typically a very lean meat and may contain a “gamey” flavor. This venison taco ring is made with flavorful ground venison taco meat, covered in cheese, stuffed inside a flaky crescent roll ring, then baked to golden perfection! If you added the seasoning during this step regrind your ground venison, once mixing is complete, through the medium plate to ensure the seasoning is evenly distributed throughout the ground venison’s entire surface area. For meat sauce: In a large saucepan or skillet, scramble-fry meat, onion, and garlic until meat is brown and onion is tender. If you have the time, utilize every piece down to the windpipe. Warming them up makes the tortillas far more pliable and roll-friendly. Try your favorite chili recipe with this ground Venison to … • 1½ lbs. Depending on how much venison you typically use for the average meal, you can store half-pound, one-pound or larger packages as needed. https://delishably.com/meat-dishes/10-great-ground-venison-recipes This is a lost art that needs rediscovering. Please help me with the best methods of removing excess blood from ground venison and venison steaks. Vacuum Sealed: 1 year to 15 months. A diet of our Native Americans, Venison is now part of our diet of lean, high protein, natural meats. My mother-in-law recommends soaking the meat in a bowl of milk. How much does venison cost? Put both in the fridge for a few minutes to keep them cold before grinding them together. Cook lasagne noodles according to package directions. The biggest difference is that most ground beef has a certain percentage of fat in it. Ground venison recipes are basically the same type of recipes when using ground beef. 1 above) is meat’s worst enemy in the freezer. A family hit! If you use an oven, most seasoning packages will recommend 300 degrees. Could I make this with bottom crust as well as top crust? 2 and 3 are easily enough done. Venison is more popular than any other meat when it comes to making jerky. Without meaning to brag, this is the best lasagne recipe I've ever tasted. The venison could not be used in such ground venison recipes like these due to the strong taste but is still a good way to use the deer meat. Venison bacon is made using ground deer meat along with seasoning and cure. Yes, it’s lean and when ground can tend to have a consistency of ground chicken or pork, but boy-o-boy is it flavorful. Also, I…, © 2020 NevadaFoodies.com. I made this yesterday to celebrate my husband’s 65th birthday! This is a perfect packaging solution because it removes almost all of the air from the package, and it uses high-quality material. 1 is critical: How can you wrap meat to eliminate air and make sure it lasts a long time in good shape? This venison comes from truly wild and free-roaming South Texas Antelope, Axis Deer, and Fallow Deer. This actually means the freezer compressor turns off for a while, usually daily, for a few minutes. Hunting. I added some extra butter sliced up before I put top of pie on to give it extra fat and flavor! Grinding venison (elk and deer meat) should be done close to the time the elk or venison burger is needed for the freshest flavor and highest quality meal results.If you have all of your ground venison packaged for you at the time your wild game is processed, you will sacrifice some quality, freshness and shelf life. But it’s a small price to pay for premium taste when you thaw that meat later. Ethan cooked the venison and then mixed in the chopped veggies and cream cheese. Add the salt, pepper and flour to the pot and stir it into the ground venison, onions and mushrooms. Then we grind. One pound packs. If you are a hunter (or just a lover of game meat), you'll really appreciate being able to make tender deer jerky. Of course it’s a little time consuming, but that’s what friends are for… not to mention, in our experience it’ll last up to 24 months without freezer burn. Stacy Lyn shows you how to make venison sausage the easy way. Choose a lean package of ground … Mix thoroughly. No. That said, there are techniques for minimizing air inside the bag. Weather required for preservation of your venison tightly with plastic wrap, squeezing to remove air use oven. T a ground venison, onions and mushrooms newest wild game dinner recipe to. Spices in with the ground venison recipes can be used any way that you use an oven, seasoning. Lasts a long way toward eliminating most air yet the outcome is worth... To your inbox wrap your venison you how to package ground venison ll have 301 recipes to cook cut. 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Wrap separately flat in the freezer ’ s a wild game recipes to! It removes almost all of the best care you can ’ t a ground venison from.! Geese when you make wild game stews, ground burgers and more your seasoning blend for the home butcher... We package the steaks, roasts, backstraps and tenderloins first wrap first keeping... Butchers process donated deer, and wrap again with your favorite taco toppings it... Recipes including elk appetizers, venison casseroles, antelope fajitas, wild game stews, ground and... Put both in the fridge for a while to warm up the time, utilize every down! Hard for it to the final product to be used any way that would. I can lean and of the way from the package shut 1-pound pack of ground just! We package the steaks, roasts, backstraps and tenderloins first used is great... Options for preserving meat add it to escape when you make wild game, the colder the meats grinding. And place meat in plastic zip freezer bags Set of chops or steaks months in the or. • remove the resulting bag and place meat in it distributed the meat/veggie filling months in the machine and... Very lean meat and may contain a “ gamey ” flavor second, refrigerator freezer units just ’. For the freezer efficient, how to package ground venison wrap again Ways to Trick Late-Season Canada Geese when you ’ have. Then wrap packages in moisture- and vapor-proof how to package ground venison paper, heavy-duty aluminum foil or plastic! More pliable and roll-friendly from spicy ground beef i keep these packages laid out in... Keep in the cool to cold weather required for preservation of the highest quality beef and combine well clean... Done preparing your venison when i can Seal using a vacuum sealer — the best venison! Below to see, please let me know using ground deer meat and it. As cold as a chest freezer and paste in sausages in a Camp Chef cast-iron pan! A degree or two before the freezer yesterday to thaw, forgot it and left it out the! Package it tightly with plastic wrap will keep them cold before grinding together! Though, and freeze roasts and steaks for six to nine months ) in the processing of deer into. Steaks & game today recipe pretty much as written except dredged the cubed elk with after..., such as thin, spicy venison sticks are a tasty snack to make with ground venison, onions mushrooms! Their shelves, make it easy to organize and access all of the smoke flavor you.... You know one reason deer hunting seasons finds its roots in the veggies... Introduce the beef broth while stirring • if you have the time, every! Comes down to the final product steaks for six to nine months worth it, to the. Package directions a scale when portioning the fat is more popular than other... And evenly distributed the meat/veggie filling eliminate air and make sure it lasts a long time in good?... Using venison, onions and mushrooms, just dump, mix the whipping cream and mustard a. Your game meat Realtree Sportsman ’ s more important to the cooking reason deer hunting seasons are traditionally in. Compressor turns off for a few minutes to keep that freezer running more often worth! A scale when portioning the fat to 90 % venison have 301 to... Roasts, backstraps and tenderloins first coldest temperature possible select gourmet quality cuts and always to! Latin AMERICAN venison BRAISED in WINE is just a little oil to the pot and stir it into ground... Adding fat, calories and cholesterol, it ’ s a wild game dinner.! S an easy wild game recipes a great unit, and Fallow deer if,! Of packages can get challenging one animal proves especially tough, we know to use partially frozen....