6. You know, this apartment complex caters... to upscale young singles like me. You know, my mom sounded a little down the other day. b. Smth. Just let me say that it is an honor... to have Springfield's number-one swinger here with us to--. We were all by ourselves. He is the son of former Seattle Mariners outfielder and Blue Jays hitting coach Mickey Brantley. I know I will. Uh, but April's over at Foxy Boxing tonight. No, no, Marge. Whoa! And put on some nice clothes. Marge makes Homer apologize to the … By Gabriel | May 24, 2020 | Comments 0 Comment. Directed by Rich Moore. Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Moe slaps him on the back, and he coughs up a chip. login: julia.ekbg@gmail.com password: universal . 1. Homer’s Night Out. Yes, the instinct to give guys inside-the-park homers even on obvious errors is a good one. When Homer's wife knows it she really mad and shoo homer. Daahh! Marge: (hands him a box of tissues, sobbing) Here. With Andy Griffith, Ron Howard, Frances Bavier, Trevor Bardette. Don't applaud. The Orioles and Santander exchanged salary arbitration figures Friday, with Baltimore offering $2.1 million and Santander asking for $2,475,000. It was written by Jon Vitti and directed by Rich Moore. Homer: Whyarreeuumpht… Meaningless, Marge. Two hundred and thirty nine pounds! Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor... to have a real swinging cat with us tonight. My boss will freak out. Aaah! You must mean April Flower. Please ______ me. You look familiar, sir. No pal of mine is gonna stay... in some dingy flophouse. Are the following statements true or false? Get out of my cage. Don't. a. Filthy, dirty. By Dominic Patten. Where's my spy camera? Don't even attempt to find meaning in it. Homer! The subtle gray tones recall the work of Helmut Newton. I'm sorry. Can't we just grab a burger at--. What suggestion for apologizing did Marge make? Simpsons Hit & Run has plenty of both! How come Milhouse gets a copy of your girlie picture and I don't? No. Where's my spy camera? You're gonna make me a print, aren't you? Short discussion questions. Come on, Bart. Okay, but don't dawdle. Are the following statements true or false? It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on September 19, 1991. that you dislike because it annoys you. No, they are our wives, they are our daughters, our sisters, our grandmas, our aunts, our nieces and nephews. Things are gonna pick up once the entertainment gets here. Oh, sir, I've seen things you can't imagine. Is she here or not? Pet peeve. for, like, 20 minutes. Bart bought a spy camera, and he brings it when his dad has a night out with his workmate. Homer liked the office birthday party. Homer, you don't even know why you're apologizing. Show's over. There's nothing between me and Princess Kashmir. Stephanie: (in the front room) Showtime! Our research indicates that over 50 percent of our power... is used by women. It's about women, and how they are not mere objects with curves that make us crazy. He passes out and falls off his chair. And when he sees you treating women as objects, he's going to think that it's okay. The party next door seems to be a little raucous. Oh, sure. However Bart cannot keep that photo and that photo is spread around. And when he sees you ______ women as objects, he's going to think that it's okay. You can talk, Ellie. Hey, don't worry. Look, Barney. Michael Brantley signed with the Astros prior to the 2019 season after playing with Cleveland from 2009-18. I'm sorry. GRIMES Oh, I, I can't stand it any longer. "Homer's Night Out" might not immediately register as one of the stand-outs of the season, but it's still a great early installment with a strong, intelligent script, which handles another tumultuous situation with the subtle wit and thoughtful … And Homer beat their brains out! I've been thinking, Homer, and you know what bothers me the most about this whole thing? Cursed. Presenting Princess Kashmir, queen of the mysterious East. In "Homer's Night Out", Bart catches Homer dancing with an exotic dancer and Marge finds out about it. May I please be excused for a minute? Some sheep got out. HOMER: ______, Marge. d. Be affected by smth. Will you swear not to let another living soul get a copy of this photo? Look at the size of this thing. 3. As ridiculous as this sounds, I would rather feel the sweet breath of my beautiful wife... on the back of my neck as I sleep... than to stuff dollar bills into some stranger's G-string. 1. 'A Night Out' (ITV, tx. I think I'll go out the window. I have to warn you, Marge, I think the poor young thing has the hots for yours truly. Aw, Mom. Homer Simpson, sir, a low-level employee... in sector 7-G. Yeah. c. A sweet substance put on cakes. And you know something, folks? Why did Bart join the photographers club? I'm teaching my boy a lesson. Harold Pinter's first stage plays, The Room and The Birthday Party, bemused and infuriated critics.Conventional wisdom has it that it was 1960's The Caretaker that turned the tide, but Pinter's first work for television, broadcast a few days before The Caretaker opened at the Arts Theatre in London, is at least as significant. “Homer’s Night Out” feels like a dispatch from a bygone era in myriad ways. How do I tell you this, my boy? Distributie Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright. Homer didn’t put on weight after the party. Dear God, thank you for Ziggy comics, little baby ducks and Sweating to the Oldies volumes One, Two and Four. Your wish is my _______, my little…. My God, you're such a nimpho. I'd like to see our self-styled Valentino tomorrow morning, Smithers. GRIMES Homer: Oh, he does not. Tampa Bay trotted out the relievers it needed to and hung on for a Game 2 win. Joey: (in the kitchen) Where will we put the baby? Where's my spy camera? Exact Words: Bart tells Milhouse to be the night watchman at the factory. Jam a dagger in your thigh? (originally aired March 25, 1990) This is two in a row of episodes featuring trouble in paradise for Homer and Marge, but instead of a more grave storyline with actual potential adultery, we get a slightly goofier story involving a heavily circulated photo of Homer and a scantily-clad belly dancer. Come on. I want him to see that she's a real human being... with real thoughts and real feelings. Hanging curveballs lead … Because I'm hungry, my clothes are smelly, and I'm tired. 3. We're in hell. 2. A plant employee carrying on... like an oversexed orangutan in heat. To all the boys, to all the men, to all of us. I want him to meet the woman behind all the spangles and glitter... and find out that she has thoughts and feelings too. In the episode, Homer is mistaken for an anarchist and sent to a mental institution, where he shares a room with a man who claims to be pop star Michael Jackson. Evil Laugh: Frank gives one when Homer falls for the "design your own power plant" contest ruse. 2. Your wish is my command, my little--. "Stark Raving Dad" is the first episode of the third season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. To view this content, you must be a member of Keep's Patreon at $12 or more. I have wealth and power beyond the dreams of you and your clock-punching ilk. to help with the shearing. 2. MARGE: Well, I think you should take Bart to meet this exotic ______. LENNY I'm out. Why? Well, I think you should take Bart... to meet this exotic belly-person. You taught Bart a very _______. I'm here because I want to apologize for treating you like an object. Find the synonym that goes with each word. Oh, no. Eugene, when I see you-- the one thing that matters most to me in the whole world-- married tomorrow, I'm going to know just how you felt that day. In this episode, Marge throws Homer out of the house after seeing a picture of Homer dancing with a … I want Bart to see you apologize for the way you treated her. A new romance Oh I could love a million girls And every girl a twin I could love a Chinese girl an Eskimo or-- Get off of my stage, fat boy. In the episode, Bart orders a mail-order spy camera, which he uses to secretly photograph Homer dancing with an exotic belly dancer. 06:00 - 13:25. Whoa, man. If you have any ______, you'll need these. 2. Why this sheep has strayed from my own flock. "Homer's Night Out" is the tenth episode of The Simpsons' first season. Hey, Bart. Oh, no. Stop it, you two. Princess Kashmir? I want Bart to see you apologize for the way you treated her. 3. Last night. What happened to the photo Bart had given to Milhouse? Grimes runs out of the auditorium, and into an equipment room. You owe your son better than that, Homer. No more to see, folks. We're gonna try one more place, the Sapphire Lounge. Marge: (furiously, to Homer) Why you big-- (chokes Homer, turns to Bart) Bart, go to your room. You got me confused with Fred Flintstone. Well, I wine them, I... dine them, bring them flowers, write them love poetry, sir. 6. Do you agree that women aren’t treated right sometimes. -- ``Homer's Night Out'' Marge: You taught Bart a very bad lesson. and dad went after them. Homers Night Out “Women are not just mere objects!” Homer Simpson "Homer's Night Out" is the tenth episode of Season 1. Let's get to work. Whoa. With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. Can I get just a little cooperation? HOMER Whoo! Okay, keep it coming. I don't usually laugh like this. But where will I ______? So, uh, where are you staying tonight, Homer? I will not have you offending my customers with your bawdy shenanigans. Bart, I'd really appreciate a print of your masterwork. Homer’s Night Out . Since it's just the four of us tonight, we're having dinner at The Rusty Barnacle. HOMER: Would a ______ be okay? I'm gonna be attending a little get together with the boys at work. He had given me the one thing... that mattered most to him in the whole world. Did Homer teach Bart the lesson he was supposed to? Keep smb. Just wanted to thank you for the "informative memo" you faxed me. 2. Someone must have left the porch light on. Uh, Mr. Burns, in spite of what everybody thinks, I'm no lover boy. In this episode, Bart orders a mail-order spy camera, which he uses, without Homer knowing, take a photograph of Homer dancing with a belly dancer. To all the boys, to all the men, to all of us. 1. Marge: (furiously as she turns her back, folding her arms) Homer, I don't even want to look at you right now. HOMER: What are you saying, _______? Continue script Like I'm really gonna take a picture of my butt. 4. 2. Bart was looking forward to get a ___. Homer: (angrily, as he's about to strangle Bart) Why you little--. 4. As … 5. bad. ), https://transcripts.fandom.com/wiki/Homer%27s_Night_Out?oldid=147732. Get out of here. Frosting. Homer liked the office birthday party. Season 1, Episode 10 Original Air Date: March 25, 1990 US Audience: 30,300,000 viewers Chalkboard gag: I will not call my teacher hot cakes Couch gag: The couch breaks and flies off in parts (reused from Episode 4) Plot: At a bachelor party, Homer gets photographed enjoying dancing with a stripper. Homer's Night Out. I can read you like a book. 14:10 - 18:45. When bart pass by he looks his dad is dancing and make a fun with a girl, then bart is capturing that moment. This is a family nuclear powerplant, Simpson. His name's--. The 33-year-old Brantley is a four-time all-star. HOMER: Okay. Unlock with Patreon. It was written by Jon Vitti and directed by Rich Moore. is ready for anything that may happen. Homer: Yes, I do. CARL I'm out. Hey, Princess, it's me, the guy from the snapshot. MARGE: Homer, I don't ______ want to look at you right now. Do you think that Homer did a bad thing dancing with the stripteaser? Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Get your hands off. Ugh. 2. It's about women, and how they are not mere objects with curves that make us crazy. Lots of unused content hides in the game files, some of it is cut due to time restraints, and some of it was never finished. Homer thinks that one of his colleagues fell in love … I could dig a Deutschland chick a girl with golden curls. Homer’s Night Out Homer’s Night Out. What is the secret of Homer’s magnetism he shared with Mr. Burns? and Steve at rehearsals last year. Homer is choking on something. Marge: (angrily, shaking) My suggestion is for you to sleep in the filth you created! Why was I cursed with this weakness for snack treats? Brantley batted .300 with five homers and 22 RBIs in 46 games last season. Because I'm hungry, my clothes are smelly, and I'm tired. Yes, I do. Turns out, Vanessa is on her way to the Philippines to do a Bob Hope special, and is dying for one last night of good old American - DANNY: Food, food! Look out. June 16, 2011 ~ Mike! It's gonna be very classy. Your food will get cold. f. Secret or dishonest activity. He's having a boys' night out. Reverend Lovejoy, your wife confiscated this... from one of the boys in the choir. If you get hungry in the middle of the night, there's an open beer in the fridge. 3. [Marge slams the front door in his face as Homer sighs and walks away from the door, Marge opens the door, slowly), Homer: (hopefully) Oh, I knew you'd come to your-- (gets thrown in the face with a suitcase filled with his clothes and possessions). He came over. I know I will. Are you on the television or something? I also want my boy... to find out that you're more than just a belly. Son, why are you wasting your time with this sleazy trash? Spike Lee Gifts Unmade ‘Jackie Robinson’ Script To Stay-At-Homers For Sunday Reading. The Baltimore Orioles agreed to a $4.75 million, one-year deal with recovering slugger Trey Mancini on Friday but haven't come to terms yet with outfielder Anthony Santander. What bad things did Bart do in the restaurant? 1. Carl Carlson makes his first appearance in this episode. Could you tell him a little about yourself? 5. Wait till I show the guys at work this little doozy. @NattelipWorks for me: let devices = await Homey.devices.getDevices(); Object.values(devices).forEach(device => {console.log(device.name);}); Returns: Homey IT03717 AMST-606 bureaulamp AYCT-102 tv blueray radio muurlamp WeMo Switch Energie Philips TV basthuis var3 Waterkoker wac3500 PW Stretch broken diepvries TV huiskamer D35D17 … This modification brings almost every script, P3D file and music that was cut back into the game! 1. See the row of tiny lights up there? Go take some wildlife pictures or something. 01:30 - 03:30. 6. 1. - In the bed of soft pure merino wool. BARNEY I'm out. Don't even ______ to find meaning in it. e. Make sure that smb. 01:30 - 03:30. 5. You seem to have a way with women, a certain-- how shall I put it-- animal magnetism. Mom, Bart was taking a picture of his butt. Are the following statements true or false? [Homer watches Marge go back into the house as he uses a tissue and starts tearing up, end of act 2]. It's show time. Okay. MARGE: Why you big… Bart, go to your room. Oh, well, okay. Multiple choice questions. Homer thought that people around were being strange because of full moon. GRIMES I can be lazy too! Only sick people want to see my folks kiss. Already a qualifying Patreon member? Oh, I'm a blimp. Recall. 3. Sorry, buddy. What about you. But can we make it quick? Your boy idolizes you. If you have any soul left, you'll need these. Jesse and Joey walk out of the room, heading down the stairs, into the front room, and then into the kitchen Joey & Jesse: Step one, step two, step one, step two, step one, step two, step one, step two. Homer: Look, Marge, honey, baby, doll, I--. 1. The rest of the family goes to the restaurant coincidentally, and Bart snaps a … This evening I shall go for the... squid platter, Ew. 2. a. How did Homer’s life change after everyone had seen the photo? Homer and Marge: (in unison, shocked) YOUR PHOTO?!?!?! Smithers, would you leave the room for a minute? Homer promised himself to exercise every morning. MARGE: Homer, you don't even know why you're ______. Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! 4. Homer Simpson. This whole plant is insane. Bart, quit fooling around and eat your dinner. See, I'm tying to teach my son here about treating women as objects. f. Noisy and irritating. He brings to mind the later work of Diane Arbus. Grimes takes his tie off, and moons one of the technicians. What in blue blazes do you think you're doing, Simpson? ... Rays Contain Dodgers in Game 2 by Sticking to Their Script. Homer: I have something to say to all the sons out there. [does so] -- A real confidence-builder, "Homer's Triple Bypass" At night, Ned Flanders prays. Your father. Stick a needle in your eye? The meeting of the Future Photographers of America is now in session. 4. She was hungry, right? I have something to say. 24/4/1960) was viewed by an … Good luck! MOE Homer, do you want any cards? I have something to say to all the sons out there. Simpson, I am by most measures a successful man. Look, I'm not drinking out of the carton. Audio Recordings. One glazed and one Scratch-'N-Win, please. There's nothing between me and Princess Kashmir. What's the matter, Homer? Insane, I tell you! Open the door and lie on the floor said Barnacle Bill the sailor. We would like to welcome our new member, Bart Simpson. MARGE: I've been thinking, Homer, and you know what ______ me the most about this whole thing? I'm your loving husband. Homer’s Night Out – Season 1, Episode 10 “Homer’s Night Out” is the second episode in a row that focuses on Homer and Marge’s domestic issues. You ______ your son better than that, Homer. Homer's Night Out Watch the video HERE. Regizat de Rich Moore. I want him to see that she's a real ______ with real thoughts and real feelings. My wife gave me the old heave ho because of some lousy picture. Oh, this is the most fun I've ever had in my life. Now return to your work and tell no one of what transpired here. Mancini missed the entire 2020 season while … 7 likes. Homer thinks that one of his colleagues fell in love with him. And Eugene Fisk-- my poor sucker of an assistant-- didn't know the fruit punch was spiked... and he really made an ass of himself... putting the moves on the new girl in Valve Maintenance. To remember a fact, event, situation. Hottest ladies' night in months... and you're not even checking out the action. Quiet, please. HOMER: Yes, I do. People, people. MARGE: Yes, he does, Homer. After Gomer gets fired from the filling station (losing his room there), he moves in with Andy. He condenses -- if that's the word -- the story into a series of conversations between its characters. Report at once to Mr. Burns' office. ... “I pulled this script out of the vault and so, ... 4 Late-Night … The children and Marge are going to spend the evening ___. HOMER: Come on, Marge! Sorry, Dad. "Homer's Night Out" is the tenth episode of the first season of The Simpsons.It was first shown on March 25, 1990. Ticked off. A pretty girl can't look my way without Don't. on toes. The language is both rich and readable, everyday and heroic. Solitary. Could you please ask them to quiet down a little bit, please? Frank when he enacts his plan to humiliate Homer simply out of pure spite. 5. MARGE: My suggestion… is for you to sleep in the ______ you ______. 1. Well, a "do dee do dee do" to you too, pint size. -- ``Homer's Night Out'' Marge insists that he take Bart to ``to meet this exotic belly-person. Dawdle. I could love a Chinese girl an Eskimo or--. e. Mad/annoyed at smb. 9:20 - 15:20. When people come by the house at all hours of the night to get their cars looked at, Andy knows he has to do something. This is essentially Armitage's script for a BBC Radio production of the Odyssey. Average score for this quiz is 5 / 10.Difficulty: Tough.Played 1,026 times. Don't try to eat these so-called 'chips'. And inside was little Eugene's baseball glove. Your boy idolizes you. Quiet. Miscellaneous ; By GordonCMB What bothers Marge the most about what happened? Where's my spy camera, lady? 03:25 - 08:05. Hey, it's the guy from the picture. There she is. Bart purchases a spy camera through a catalog, and Homer goes to a stag party at a local restaurant. Don't! San Francisco Giants rookie Mike Yastrzemski homered in his first game at Boston's Fenway Park, where his grandfather Carl, the Red Sox … It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on March 25, 1990. But the guy dancing with her is my pop. 2. Beats me. To all the boys, to all the men, to all of us. Oh, I knew you'd come to your... MARGE: Here. The audience cheers wildly. All right, folks. 3. Just as I was asking myself, "Where did my seven-year-old boy get the money... for a Father's Day present?". Get out. Homer is going to visit his colleague’s wedding. Great things happen in sports on errors. Eugene Fisk is marrying some girl in Valve Maintenance. Shenanigan. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jesse: Okay, good. Well, from now on, exercise every morning, Homer. Short discussion question. After a photograph of Homer canoodling with an exotic dancer is distributed throughout Springfield, he finds himself kicked out of the house by Marge. Refresh to access this content. 3. Because I'm ______, my clothes are ______, and I'm tired. - You did it in a shearing shed? The answer to that is top secret. Come on, Liberty Bell, please, please, please. Directed by Earl Bellamy. 9. My wife gets the cutest little thing, right here, when she smiles. I'm so sorry.