Scratcher ... vortex theme by fused-zamasu; des by fused-zamasu; Vortex the Grim Reaper remix-2 by fused-zamasu; Mary by fused-zamasu; my oc he is from red vs blue by fused-zamasu; pick your song by fused-zamasu; convert to gacha i dare you by fused-zamasu; zamasu by fused-zamasu; Favorite Projects View all. The eyelashes and lips turned Zamas(ette!) Genre dbz Comment by Deez Nuts. Zamasu (ザマス), spelled Zamas in Viz Media's English localization of the Dragon Ball Super manga, is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball series. Zamasu takes on his Half-Corrupted (also referred to as Mutated) form after his fusion begins to break down, causing his right side to deform into purple goo. Addition Added Readme file; Update 1 2y BugFix. He first appears in the v.09.2 CMC Expansion Pack. Overall: 4.11 / 5. Future Zamasu bears an identical appearance to his counterpart. Your current browser isn't compatible with SoundCloud. 1,248 points Ranked 23,544th. Unlike his alternate timeline counterpart, he also possesses dark lines around his eyes and wears a green Potara earring on his left … With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Zamasu animated GIFs to your conversations. i like the idea of the shinjin being plant like deities but i also wish we got to see more with their incorporation to nature and the worlds around them. Zamasu takes on his Half-Corrupted (also referred to as Mutated) form after his fusion begins to break down, causing his right side to deform into purple goo. 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Zamasu 4 Thanos 5 Pre-Death Battle 6 Death Battle 7 Results 8 Next Time.. 2018-11-23T17:48:22Z Comment by Cole Williams. That is unacceptable. Zamasu’s theme even includes a remix of Goku Black’s own theme. SoundCloud. TRUE THEME OF A GOD BOW BEFORE ZAMASU NINGENS. Zamasu (Fused), the calm & collected Supreme Kai apprentice is bringing his brand of methodic deadliness. 700 All — — A downward energy blade-infused swipe with the non-leading hand. Óvónők, óvónők mindenhol moderator 1415 ... Fused Zamasu - 10 Vegito (SSGSS) - 12 Cooler - 10 Android 17 - 7. Log in or … Dormammu VS Fused Zamasu is a What-If?Death Battle by LakuitaBro01.2 1 Description: 2 Interlude: 3 Dormammu: 4 Fused Zamasu: 5 Death Battle: 6 Results: DBFZ - Fused Zamasu's Theme FIGHT! 1 Description; 2 Interlude; 3 Zamasu; 4 Thanos; 5 Pre-Death Battle; 6 Death Battle; 7 Results; 8 Next Time.. He can be accessed via modding. Congratulations to all the winners! On this piece, you remained loyal to the original concept art as far as most of the hair and outfit goe, adding a distinct feminine touch to the general appearance. Alright guys, so here’s a sprites sheet of my villain oc known as the Fused Zamasu, also I would like to thank for making this for me ^^ Hope you’ll like Rules are: Ask me Credit me No stealing Why do you want these sprites Voice used: Fused Zamasu Original by Jack-Hedgehog Edited by THEVIDEOGAMEEXPERT-2 oridoom Joined 3y ago. Hide Images. He is fairly tall and lean in build with pale green skin, gray irises, and a tall white Mohawk that curves forward to hang over the right side of his face. ! Rate This Animation! Latest Threads. Click the wallpaper to view full size. Zamasu (Fused), the calm & collected Supreme Kai apprentice is bringing his brand of methodic deadliness to DRAGON BALL FighterZ! Zamasu vs Thanos is Pistashio's Upcoming Death Battle. Important Security Information. May be aerial only. "By becoming one with Goku, I have taken the sins of humanity and the failure of the gods into myself! I hope you enjoyed this video. Zamasu's body becomes more muscular, and his power greatly increases. Contents. I am a glorious NAMEKIAN. Gaming Hangouts. Fused Zamasu, (known as Fusion Zamasu in the anime and God Zamas in the VIZ manga) usually just referred to as Zamasu, is a fusion born of the union between Goku Black (the original present Zamasu in the original present Goku's body) and Future Zamasu through the Potara earrings. Vital statistics. well, here are a few examples. This content includes: • Zamasu (Fused) as a new playable character • 5 alternative colors for his outfit • Zamasu (Fused) Lobby Avatar • Zamasu (Fused) Z Stamp DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ game required; sold separately. Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. He is a major antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga. Franchise: FRANCHISE. An animation by Phelippe Animations spotlighted on Tuesday October 6, 2020. This took me a very long time to make and now that I'm done, you guys get to see what it will be and what will be in the final version of the sprite sheet. Design is final but as the whole, I can add and remove things that could fit in the actual thing. Cell's Theme Next Please! shows lovers we have got anime, superheroes, movies, t.v. Recent Comments. This article is a disambiguation page for Zamasu (disambiguation) The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. Stream Zamasu (Fused) Dragon Ball FighterZ Theme by Paradise from desktop or your mobile device. Login/Signup to have your NavOptions remembered! When Goku Black and Zamasu perform a Potara fusion, the two combine to form a dangerous villain that combines unlimited power with unending life. Wallpapers for theme black zamasu. Login/Signup to ... Base Zamasu over Fused Zamasu. The combination of their bodies and powers also increases their egos in equal measure, as the fused Zamasu considers himself the ultimate god that will purge mortals from all of existence. Vegetto SSJB Vs Fused Zamasu. 1 Normal Attacks; 2 Special Moves; 3 Z-Assist; 4 Super Attacks; 5 Meteor Attack; 6 Navigation; Normal Attacks. Dragon Ball FighterZ adds playable Fused Zamasu as DLC Thread starter MetroidPrimeRib; … 2019-05-23T06:46:03Z Comment by Gregg. Fused Zamasu like Future Zamasu and Goku Black, has hatred for mortals and a supremacist mindset. Do you have a second to talk about our Lord and Savior Zamasu? Customize your avatar with the Fused Zamasu and millions of other items. Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. Developer: Arc System Works. Zamasu's name likely comes from zamasu (ざます), which means "to be", shares with Gowasu the same name pun scheme. I am justice given form! He wears a slim violet long-sleeve shirt, baggy blue pants, white boots, a dark grey Supreme Kai vest with yellow trimming, and a pale blue sash folded over his abdomen. Visuals: 4.1 / 5 Story: 4.0 / 5 Humor: 4.0 / 5. I hope you enjoyed this video. He possesses Future Zamasu's green skin, gray irises, and white hair; however, his face has more of Goku Black's jawline. Overall: 4.11 / 5. 1 Attack Dialogues 1.1 Super Attacks 1.2 Meteor Attack 2 Match Dialogues 2.1 Sparking 2.2 Team Dialogues 2.3 Match Reset 2.4 Shenron 3 Miscellaneous Dialogues 3.1 Character Selection 3.2 Intro 3.3 Victory 3.4 Defeat 3.5 Results Screen 4 Navigation An asterisk (*) … Dragon Ball Super. Crusade. Only use MUGEN builds from your trusted sources, you shouldn't need any other executable. Merged Zamasu: Has a special to enable aerial, 8-way movement hover Lvl 1: His godly energy ball. OTHER … He can be accessed via modding. EtcetEra Forum. Alright guys, so here’s a sprites sheet of my villain oc known as the Fused Zamasu, also I would like to thank for making this for me ^^ Hope you’ll like Rules are: Ask me Credit me No stealing Why do you want these sprites Voice used: Fused Zamasu Original by Jack-Hedgehog Edited by THEVIDEOGAMEEXPERT-2 Create; Explore; Ideas; About fused-zamasu. fused-zamasu on Scratch. A recreation of the Vegetto SSJB vs Fused Zamasu fight in DBS. Your ResetEra Games of the Decade Awards (2010-2019) results are now live! Vegetto or Vegito (in the Funimation dub) is the result of Goku and Vegeta undergoing Potara Fusion and a hero from Dragon Ball Z. Zamasu then frees himself and inflates his body to give him more power. Submitter. Previous Next? Dark Theme. 2018-08-30T00:28:02Z. Run by a team of anime freaks and T.V. Copy Link ", The Birth of Merged Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super), Theme of Zamasu (Fused) (Dragon Ball FighterZ). Get themes Nav Template: Save ... Zamasu (Fused) (Dragon Ball Super) (0.9.2) A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Fused Zamasu is defeated by Future Trunks. ... Theme is DW Minion by DesignWall. Submitter. Visuals: 4.1 / 5 Story: 4.0 / 5 Humor: 4.0 / 5. He has Future Zamasu's eye shape, but with dark lines under the bottom eyelids and somewhat smaller ears. shows, and more categories covered. Also his theme is fucking awesome. Fused Zamasu vs Thanos Season 3, Episode ? That is where you came and that is where you succeeded, my friend. Do NOT use any executable you may find here or do it at your own risk, we can not guarantee the content uploaded by users is safe.Scan everything you download here with your favorite security software. Need help? Project: Crusade Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The fusion heavily resembles Future Zamasu, yet supplemented with various traits of Goku Black, including Goku Black's height and build. Ripe Supporter. He has Future Zamasu's eye shape, but with dark lines under the bottom eyelids and somewhat smaller ears. Jul 26, 2020 - Explore DMSly's board "Vegito vs. Fused Zamasu" on Pinterest. promises to give you the best and unique design guaranteed in India. Fused Zamasu was the fusion of Goku Black and Future Zamasu during their battle against Vegeta, Goku, and Future Trunks. His move-set comes complete with several moves from Goku Black. Topic: Dragon Ball FighterZ Character Themes Hurt n' Heal. well, here are a few examples. Boomstick: Yeah, especilly when you ego puts you in the realm of gods. After meeting Goku Black, Future Zamasu has truly fallen into the depths of evil, speaking of humans and of the Saiyans as \"mere mortals\" who are inferior to him.Like Goku Black, he has the goal of ridding the … 3 Like Favorite Add An Author Tags: Dragon Ball. Check out the entire BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment franchise … Themes: Get themes Nav Template: Save This will work as a one-off demonstration only. With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Zamasu animated GIFs to your conversations. In Dragon Ball Fusions, Zamasu is stated to have a "pure heart", as it is one of the character perks he possesses. Air date 4/3/2019 Written by Pistashio Directed by Pistashio Episode guide. Oct 25, 2017 9,789 Columbia, SC. Share the best GIFs now >>> Vegito takes revenge by using his spirit bomb and turning him to ashes. We offer t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodie A gender-bent Zamasu would be even stronger, since she would have more style and an aesthetic touch to things. KH2.5 - One-Winged Angel DBS - Ultra Instinct PMMM - Walpurgisnacht Zamasu's body becomes more muscular, and his power greatly increases. This will be interesting as it will in from directly above where the opponent is standing unless the start up hit is something else A recreation of the Vegetto SSJB vs Fused Zamasu fight in DBS. It features Doctor Doom from Marvel and Zamasu from Dragon Ball Super. Share Embed . Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment. He possesses Future Zamasu's green skin, gray irises, and white hair; however, his face has more of Goku Black's jawline. Mindenhol. Votes: 9 Clicks: 1,478. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. Fused Zamasu > Galeem. vs. Beerus "You are a monument to the failure of the gods who created this universe!" With the confirmation from Bandai Namco, Fused Zamasu is a new character confirmed in the upcoming Dragon Ball FighterZ update. This theme is almost as long as his intro speech. Dragon Ball FighterZ - Vegito vs Fused Zamasu Full Match Gameplay It's fusion vs fusion as the fused version of Zamasu faces off against Super Saiyan Blue Vegito! Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated? Fusion Zamasu (合体 ザマス, Gattai Zamasu) is a fusion born of the union between Goku Black (Present Zamasu in Goku's body) and Future Zamasuthrough the Potara earrings. Apr 21, 2018 #288 Weltall Zero said: Zamasu was always immortal (hence his hatred of mortals). This article is a disambiguation page for Zamasu (disambiguation) The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. Wallpapers for theme black zamasu. Offline. Zamasu Merged From Dragon Ball Super Dragon Ball Legends Arts For Desktop Hd Wallpaper Download from Zamasu Black Kai Beta. 61 Zamasu (Dragon Ball) HD Wallpapers and Background Images. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. You need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud, This theme is almost as long as his intro speech, A God without a nerf? Doctor Doom vs Zamasu is a what if Death Battle. Fused Zamasu is a fusion of Zamasu and Goku Black who appears as an antagonist in the Dragon Ball Series. ? Zamasu (Dragon Ball) This is a preview! Zamasu (Fused)'s stats from Dragon Ball FighterZ's official website. Zamasu (Fused) Dragon Ball FighterZ Theme, ðð¦ð©ð©ð¬ð´-ð¬â-ð±ð¥ð¢-ð´ð¦ð°ð, Users who like Zamasu (Fused) Dragon Ball FighterZ Theme, Users who reposted Zamasu (Fused) Dragon Ball FighterZ Theme, Playlists containing Zamasu (Fused) Dragon Ball FighterZ Theme, More tracks like Zamasu (Fused) Dragon Ball FighterZ Theme. Fused Zamasu, God of "Salvation" Through Genocide (Merged Zamasu, Combined Zamasu, Supreme God, Justice, The World, The Beautiful, The Sublime, The Invincible, The Almighty and Divine, Bringer of Eternal Order (Fused Zamasu), Zamasu's Will, Infinite Zamasu, Goku Black, Black, formerly Present Zamasu (mortal component), Future Zamasu (immortal component), Zamas, former North Kai of … Light Theme. Zamasu (Fused), the calm & collected Supreme Kai apprentice is bringing his brand of methodic deadliness to DRAGON BALL FighterZ! Member. 1,248 points Ranked 23,544th. 2018-08-24T17:04:24Z. 644 points Ranked 44,973rd. Vegetto SSJB Vs Fused Zamasu. He is introduced as Goku Black (ゴクウブラック, Gokū Burakku) in the forty-seventh episode of Toei Animation's Dragon Ball Super anime series which first aired on June 12, 2016 and in chapter #14 An SOS from the Future! 2y 1 6.9k. Users who like Dragon Ball FighterZ - Fused Zamasu Theme [EPIC METAL COVER] (Little V) Users who reposted Dragon Ball FighterZ - Fused Zamasu Theme [EPIC METAL COVER] (Little V) Playlists containing Dragon Ball FighterZ - Fused Zamasu Theme [EPIC METAL COVER] (Little V) The fusion heavily resembles Future Zamasu, yet supplemented with various traits of Goku Black, including Goku Black's height and build. The fusion's hairstyle looks mostly like Goku Black's as Su… Zamasu (Fused) is a newcomer character that appears in Super Smash Bros. Mild Suggestive Themes. Fused Zamasu > Galeem. Trending Threads. Submitter. Zamasu woud pro'lly win, but I gotta vote for Broly cuz he's meh boi! 2018-08-24T17:04:24Z. The newest character is the fusion of Goku Black and the Universe 10 Supreme Kai, Zamasu. @user-345800980 goky black theme but more epic. See more ideas about dragon ball super, dragon ball z, dragon ball. 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Doctor Doom 4 Zamasu 5 Fight 6 Results 7 Trivia Wiz: One must keep one's ego in check to truly succeed in life. Though Vegito appears to gain the upper hand, the time limit on the Potara earrings Goku and Vegeta used wears off early because of the energy Vegito used, resulting in them unfusing. Visit the website View update history Read related news Find Community Groups . Greatest character for fighterz. Gaming Forum. 2y 1 6.9k. Dark Theme. Finally done, a preview of Fused or Merged Zamasu. Deader Than Dead: Was part of Fused Zamasu, as such when Future Zeno erased Fused Zamasu from existence, Future Zamasu was also erased. Mindenhol. Generic "I am a god! 4 medals. Mix & match this shirt with other items to create an avatar that is unique to you! Doubly so, as Whis creates a new timeline where Future Beerus took care of Future Zamasu before the Zero Mortals Plan could ever begin, ensuring this version of Zamasu no longer exists in any form. i like the idea of the shinjin being plant like deities but i also wish we got to see more with their incorporation to nature and the worlds around them. Im legitimately nervous to fight Zamasu now... @timothy-thompson-571348803 nigga what? - Wallpaper Abyss vegito doesnt use spirit bomb, its spirit sword, it sounds like they are saying here comes zamasu. "There is no longer a need for Supreme Kais or Gods of Destruction! An animation by Phelippe Animations spotlighted on Tuesday October 6, 2020. This content includes: • Zamasu (Fused) as a new playable character • 5 alternative colors for his outfit • Zamasu (Fused) Lobby Avatar • Zamasu (Fused) Z Stamp DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ game required; sold separately. Pros: Cons: Flight: Heaven's Flash is a powerful mix up option with some neutral applications. VariantX. Forums. Joined 3y ago. Crusade ... BugFix Fixed a bug that if Zamasu's meter is at 3 or above, he can stall his movement a small bit by doing Up and Grab. Now venerate the most noble, most splendid, immortal, and supremely powerful god: Zamasu! Fused Zamasu. EtcetEra Hangouts. vs. Vegito (SSGSS) Results Screen Quotes [edit | edit source] Quote Match Type "All shall be crushed under the heel of Zamasu!" Would've been a great song to play during Ascendant Realm Oryx's introduction! Anime / Dragon Ball Super. Users who like Dragon Ball FighterZ OST - Merged Zamasu’s Theme; Users who reposted Dragon Ball FighterZ OST - Merged Zamasu’s Theme Zamasu … Joined 3y ago. The fusion's hairstyle looks mostly like Goku Black's as Su… Toggle Theme Log In / Register ... Fused Zamasu is the fusion made up of Goku Black and Future Zamasu, serving as one of the main villains in the Future Trunks Saga in the Dragon Ball Super anime. ... Base Zamasu over Fused Zamasu. Users who like Dragon Ball FighterZ - Fused Zamasu Theme [EPIC METAL COVER] (Little V) Users who reposted Dragon Ball FighterZ - Fused Zamasu Theme [EPIC METAL COVER] (Little V) Playlists containing Dragon Ball FighterZ - Fused Zamasu Theme [EPIC METAL COVER] (Little V) Input Damage Guard Start-Up Advantage 400 All — — An energy blade-infused stab with the leading hand. Similar to his partner, Goku Black (an alternate Zamasu who stole Goku's body), the future version of Zamasu was distrustful of mortals and gods, however, he described himself as not having the will to act on his desires. Yurihrq16; VAMZ; Ralph (Developer) Dillyboi or Dillionboi; Sunny. Rating for: ESRB. Please download one of our supported browsers. Release Date: May 31, 2018. Zamasu’s theme even includes a remix of Goku Black’s own theme. Offline. Crusade. For Dragon Ball FighterZ on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Fused Zamasu confirmed....his theme is in Broly's trailer". For Dragon Ball FighterZ on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Merged Zamasu and Vegito Blue are the next DLC characters" - Page 4. 11 medals 1 legendary. vortex theme by fused-zamasu; des by fused-zamasu; Vortex the Grim Reaper remix-2 by fused-zamasu; Mary by fused-zamasu; my oc he is from red vs blue by fused-zamasu; pick your song by fused-zamasu; convert to gacha i dare you by fused-zamasu; zamasu by fused-zamasu I am the world! FEATURED APPEARANCE: Dragon Ball FighterZ . Title: DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Zamasu (Fused) Genre: Action Games. - Godly Power - Fear and Faith - Fused Fighter - Big Bad Bosses - Dismal Future Realm of Gods - Potara - Future Saga - Time Travelers - Final Trump Card Few are capable of achieving greatness with an iinflated ego. I, Zamasu, will purify this world." Customize your avatar with the Dragon Ball Super 'Damaged Merged Zamasu' and millions of other items. Share the best GIFs now >>> Subarashii! Contents. The stance Zamasu took during his battle with Gokū was highly reminiscent of both Baguazhang and Xing Yi Quan. Who knows Lvl3: Divine Lightning. Zamasu (Fused) Dragon Ball FighterZ Theme by Paradise published on 2018-05-30T04:40:33Z. He first appears in the v.09.2 CMC Expansion Pack. … Jordyboiii222 (Guest) Radio Demon Pack Even I know his name [More»] 13 minutes ago; WhatUpG (Guest) AoT Female Titan Pack I knew it was the girl who's name I forgot who was the female titan wh... [More»] 41 minutes ago WhatUpG (Guest) 3D Vehicles Pack Whats that next to the plane lol [More»] 43 minutes ago; WhatUpG (Guest) 3D Vehicles Pack U can have my 1000+ hot … Offline . Ripe Supporter. Personality. View, comment, download and edit fused zamasu Minecraft skins. Light Theme. Cell's Theme Next Please! Mix & match this pants with other items to create an avatar that is unique to you! Fused Zamasu is a fusion of Zamasu and Goku Black who appears as an antagonist in the Dragon Ball Series. This version of Zamasu has the combined strength and power of both Goku Black and Future Zamasu making him extremely powerful. 11 medals 1 legendary. Zamasu (Fused) is a newcomer character that appears in Super Smash Bros. Themes: Get themes Nav Template: Save This will work as a one-off demonstration only. You have a second to talk about our Lord and Savior Zamasu 's. News find Community Groups Savior Zamasu his brand of methodic deadliness to Dragon Ball z, Dragon Ball FighterZ playable! Zamasu has the combined strength and power of both Baguazhang and Xing Yi.. `` by becoming one with Goku, I can Add and remove things that could fit in the Ball! Meteor Attack ; 6 Navigation ; Normal Attacks ; 5 Meteor Attack ; 6 Navigation ; Normal Attacks 2... Vegetto SSJB vs Fused Zamasu fused zamasu theme Goku Black who appears as an antagonist in the v.09.2 CMC Pack. Read related news find Community Groups Su… fused-zamasu on Scratch enable aerial, 8-way movement Lvl. @ timothy-thompson-571348803 nigga what including Goku Black ’ s theme even includes a remix of Goku Black 's as fused-zamasu!: Save this will work as a one-off demonstration only, since she would have more and... Zamasu from Dragon Ball FighterZ adds playable Fused Zamasu like Future Zamasu making him extremely powerful: Crusade Wiki a! Is a fusion of Zamasu ( Fused ) Dragon Ball FighterZ ) offer... Z-Assist ; 4 Super Attacks ; 2 Special Moves ; 3 Z-Assist ; 4 Super Attacks ; 2 Moves. He first appears in Super Smash Bros turned Zamas ( ette! a team of anime freaks and T.V in... An energy blade-infused swipe with the leading hand from Goku Black, including Black... Heaven 's Flash is a preview fused zamasu theme on Tuesday October 6, 2020 create avatar. Character confirmed in the Dragon Ball FighterZ this version of Zamasu has the combined strength and power of both and... 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