(Don’t miss this one!). A There are thousands of documented, medically confirmed miracle healings, including cancer. You can’t make this stuff up – God’s Kingdom is advancing, and stories like this are on the increase, so let’s hop on that bus and start believing through the testimony of our blessed sister in this story. Watch these old film clips of amazing miracles through Jesus. One of back pain injury and the other of a detached knee cap! If you want more proof, make sure you read some of the books about Smith Wigglesworth, John G Lake, and Charles Finny. Amazing healing testimony! The healing doesn’t come from us, but from the love of God and the work Jesus did on the cross, through the power of the Holy Spirit in us….all three working as one, within His sons and daughters… Christians! Here is a collection of accounts of modern medical miracles that continue to stump us and give us hope that there are true wonders to be found out there within each and every one of us. What Was Paul’s Thorn? The 70th miracle: Lourdes healing officially declared supernatural. Then you found the right site! Does God Choose Not to Heal? At the next opportunity she had to see baby Audrey, she laid her hands on her and commanded Audrey’s heart to be there, and spoke 1 Peter 2:24 over her, “…By whose stripes you were healed.” Even though she was looking at her tiny, pale baby, wired from head to toe, Jamie felt a peace come over her as she prayed. Will he delay long to help them? Woman Healed of Parkinson’s Disease by God, Boy Falls Out a Window and Receives a Miracle Healing, Young Man’s Leg Healed of Pain from Motorcycle Accident in Brazil. Jamie Scott remembers how her mother introduced her to Andrew’s teachings. Intestinal Fistulas, Abscesses. The Miracle of a Christmas Prayer This man died and was raised to life. He is a good God and a faithful Father,” Jamie said. Watch this testimony as a boy with a life threatening concussion is completely healed after mom and dad declare God’s promises and see their son miraculously healed overnight! It’s an amazing story of faith. documented miracles of healing. “I knew my God was there and His hand was in it, and He showed them [the nurses and doctors] that there is a higher power.”. The doctors however, were having a hard time keeping Audrey pink, so they took her to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). I posted this back in 2013 but it ‘a worth reposting for those of you who missed it! The Scott’s rejoiced, knowing that it wasn’t the doctors that had done anything for Audrey, but God. Lourdes is a village in southern France, close to the Pyrenees mountains and the Spanish border. Since starting this site, it has been my great joy to not only see the number of site visits growing each day but to also pursue miracles in my own life. It’s a great example of someone in persistent prayer like the parable of the “widow and the unfair judge” from Luke 18:1-8 More. NOW OVER 240 TESTIMONIES! On the youngest of 11 children and today I’m gonna tell you about America before I got my brother who is 18 years older than me his name is Joel Dean Schneider. * Healing is for others and not me Marie Borel. In 2012 I started to become exposed to real people being healed by real miracles and I wondered if medical miracles and … She confirms for me, it is most certainly God’s will to heal through the finished work of Jesus! Misty Burdette's PET scan report. Tweet. She Had Crohn’s disease for 17 years and was taking 20 pills a day, but then learned the truth about God’s will to heal us (Isaiah 53:4-5) and was set free, when hearing Bill Johnson speak of God’s amazing love! From that point, Jamie began an on-going process of developing a deeper relationship with her Heavenly Father. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. Click Here for Articles & More Healing! Watch as you see how this man was in so much pain before prayer that he could hardly stand on his leg, but then Jesus healed him of all his pain! Bethel Church Documented Chronic Sickness Healed Miracle Healing Randy Clark Women Healed From MS by Jesus She was beaten down by her sickness, had given up on God, she took her eyes off Jesus, and wanted to die. Trip and a few of his friends, recorded these healing testimonies in my back yard, Boston back in April. Keep in mind that this approach was taken after the disease was treated without success. What does it mean to “Walk by Faith, not by Sight”? I was hooked,” Jamie said. He examined all the case histories – X-rays, … Romans 4:17… the God who makes the dead alive and summons the things that do not yet exist as though they already do. To be, or not to be Humble! Awesome Testimonies of two young men healed: Apr 2, 2020 - Explore Laura Jones's board "Documented Miracles", followed by 193 people on Pinterest. It’s also true that Medical Miracles have been happening in pockets of revival around the world especially from the late 1800′ to early 1940’s. Documented medical miracles, Documented miracles, Healed by God, Healed by prayer, healed through prayer, Healing miracle, medically documented miracles, Miracle healing, near death experience, Prayer answered. The Bible really comes to life.” That was enough information to pique Jamie’s interest, and she went online to awmi.net and checked for herself. It’s true, God is on the move and showing us His Spirit is alive, and greater miracles are unfolding as we speak. The baby was then moved to a different hospital in the city known for its outstanding cardiac care. Her mother had said, “He explains things so simply. What does it mean to worship God in Spirit and “Truth”, Casting down imaginations, and every high thing. A world-famous place of healing. Required fields are marked *. John 3:15 If we are honest, we have to admit like this woman, we’ve all been duped into believing a lot of lies about God and healing, based on our personal circumstances and not based on what Gods has promised! A few days later he was remarkably better and a few years later he was completely normal. What Was Paul’s Thorn? She lived in constant pain until a Christmas Eve miracle changed her life forever. Mrs. Catherine Latapie. Here are 10 stories of approved, documented miracles that occurred to pilgrims who traveled to Lourdes, all of which will inspire and encourage our faith in God to grow evermore. Watch as this man testifies of how a healed rotator cuff has touch his heart and brought him closer to God! Hi my name is Erin. a documented miracle of God!! By the time doctors realized the cancer was back, it had grown to stage 4. He published more than eighty research papers in a career that spanned almost 6 decades, and earned the respect of his fellow doctors. Im glad I found it. I’m so excited to find a new local friend that I hit the streets with, laying hands on the sick and sharing the good news!!! High School Principal Ready to Die Meets God, Tristan Todd: Finding God’s Amazing Grace – CBN…. Cancer healed, the lame walk and God creates life where it's impossible. Then Jesus told them a parable to show them they should always pray and not lose heart. Brain dead man left in coma raised to life through prayer! Watch this Christmas healing gift from God as His healing power comes down and touches one woman’s life forever…. The Assemblies of God documented Misty's story on their news outlet, and people are responding. 2 He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected people. 1. CBN: Documented Miracles The Christian Broadcasting Network regularly documents modern day miracles to proof to the world that God is real and he does still heal the sick today. To be, or not to be Humble! He’ll complete the whole thing, and she will not need surgery.” Jamie was right, and it was during this experience that she realized that coming to know God, through the revelation she had received, was invaluable. Are You confused about healing or doubt God’s will to heal us, based on your circumstances? …… that whoever believes in Him should not perish but[b] have eternal life. Start with Maria Woodworth-Etter's ministry, then look at the AoG historical records of the Asuza Street outpouring. The book “Real Miracles” by Richard Casdorph, M.D., medically documents 10 miracles. ….just like Jesus, as written in Luke 40 “While the sun was setting, all those who had any who were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and laying His hands on each one of them, He was healing them.” Amen!!! Because the Truth outlives every lie. As she read, she realized that the scriptural teaching. While there have been more than 7,000 miraculous recoveries attributed to the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes at the French shrine, only 70 cases … God is good! How can Spirit-filled Christians be oppressed by demons? Does God Choose Not to Heal? Man Healed of Parkinson’s Disease by Jesus! The first documented miracle at Lourdes occurred in 1858 when Catherine Latapie felt a sudden urge to travel to Lourdes in search of healing. The phrase, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” had continually come into Jamie’s mind over the course, of the week she had spent in the hospital. Bethel Healing Rooms: David Thorn, Hearing Restored, Hearing Aids Removed! In the mid 70s he undertook a research project with a difference. Bill Johnson on; Does God Cause Sickness? I say AMEN, let’s walk by faith not by sight! In 1637 when he was 20 years old, he was working on his uncle’s farm when a terrible accident occurred: he was riding a mule pulling a cart and accidentally fell off, and the cart ran over his right leg, breaking his tibia(also known as one’s shin – ouch!). When Jamie and Tom met with the doctors to discuss the new test results, they were told that there was still a “crinkle” in her aorta, and that a small surgery would take care of the issue. 37 Miracles of Jesus # Miracle: Matthew: Mark: Luke: John: 1: Jesus turns water into wine at the wedding in Cana: 2:1-11: 2: Jesus heals an official's son at Capernaum in Galilee: 4:43-54: 3: Jesus drives out an evil spirit from a man in Capernaum: 1:21-27: 4:31-36: 4: Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law sick with fever: 8:14-15: 1:29-31: 4:38-39: 5 In the Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew, and Luke), Jesus refuses to give a miraculous sign to prove his authority. in the book answered all of her questions. After financial ruin and drug addictions, Tristan Todd parked his car on a set of rail road tracks ready to die, but God met him along the way and restored his life! I want to collect examples of scientifically inexplicable events that occur in immediate relation to prayer. Who Needs the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? One week to the day after Jamie gave birth to Audrey, she walked through the door of her home with her beautiful, perfectly healthy baby girl in her arms. Young Man’s Leg Healed of Leg Pain from Motorcycle Accident. The story below exemplifies the kind of faith that inspires us to believe. Body parts restored by documented miracle, Bruce Van Natta Testimony: Angels help man crushed by 10,000 lb truck. Baby’s heart restored by documented miracle. changing her understanding of God’s love for each of us- All because of what Jesus has done on the cross! Amen! Was Jesus really “The death of sin”? Thanks for posting these testimonies! 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. I came upon this great video after attending a men’s event and re-connecting with my old friend (Russ Shiebler) from high school who leads a large men’s ministry in NH. If you don’t know these men and have ever wondered where the Power of the Holy Spirit has been since the Apostles, you will be pleasantly surprised at the thousands of story’s and miracles seen through their ministries. Miguel Juan Pellicer was born in the early 17th century to a Catholic family in the small agricultural community of Calanda, Spain. A Christmas Eve Miracle Restores A Crippled Life- Never give up Hope! Healed Rotator Cuff Brings This Man Closer to God! Randy Clark on “When Healing Doesn’t Happen”, FREE eBook IDENTITY IN CHRIST by Scott Levesque. ….they were so filled with the love of God, that they gave their lives to Jesus!! This is one of our top posts added to the site in January of 2013 and worth re-posting for anyone who missed it. Man Healed of Parkinson’s Through Prayer. "I think miracles are more common than we think, and I think many of them are far better documented medically and scientifically, and with eyewitnesses, than we tend to think as well," Strobel said. Your email address will not be published. “Randy’s heart is to show medical evidence that God is still healing people,” says Brenda Jones, a nurse practitioner and member of the five-person GMRI board. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Come and drink deeply of the spirit of God through His precious Son, Jesus Christ ……receive His love and be saved with Life Eternal. God is so good! I think most of the church has believed such things for a long time now, but this amazing testimony should cause us all to rethink scriptural truths about healing. See more ideas about miracles, healing, healing ministries. * If God wanted me healed, He would have answered my prayers by now and healed me. Then you found the right site! Dead Man Walks Dead Men Walking in 53 countries – Documented miracles by God! He received some treatment at a local hospital … How can Spirit-filled Christians be oppressed by demons? What does it mean? How The Catholic Church Documented Mother Teresa's 2 Miracles : Parallels A cancer patient and a coma victim credit her for their recovery. Miracles happen. “My life changed. “We may be miraculously healed physically and mentally and have had a wonderful experience of the healing power of God, without any measurable or observable physical changes,” according to the WCDN. She was astounded at what she was able to read and learn on the website, and immediately ordered some books and teaching CDs, Jamie was raised in church, yet her understanding of God was limited; she had many unanswered questions about how to relate to God. But God restored all these through one of the most amazing miracles you will ever hear!! Documented evidence of other miracles. Click Here for Articles & More Healing! Let’s do this together church, and crush the lie! Faith builders: It is so precious to learn what Bible faith is. 4:00PM EST 2/21/2019 Stephen Strang. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There, the doctors determined that part of the baby’s heart was missing and that there were no major arteries flowing from the heart to the lungs. As the book of ACTS (2:22) says, “Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.”. Never give up hope, never stop believing! Her faith was strengthened as she heard the authority with which the minister spoke healing and health over Audrey. When she returned to her own hospital room that evening, Jamie heard the Holy Spirit say, “Watch me work.” Jamie knew her sense of peace was coming from her relationship with the Father—knowing Him, and what His word says. Even people who aren’t religious will accept healing prayer. Get your tissues out for this one! Broken life filled with despair, saved by God! You should receieve a confirmation email shortly. 2020 ; by under Uncategorized ; 20:31, Heb teaching them how to build faith and Truth! Hearing Aids Removed Rooms: David Thorn, Hearing Aids Removed gave birth to her second,. Healthy, vibrant three-year-old, you can visit Andrew Wommack ’ s heart completely. Sclerosis and cancer vanishing completely, with medical documentation i say AMEN, let ’ s amazing –. By Richard Casdorph, M.D., medically confirmed miracle healings, including cancer, Scott Levesque testimonials... 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