Secession grew during the period following the Invasion of Naboo, and the commerce guilds and trading corporations became disillusioned with the Republic after the law was passed to place taxation on al… The military forces of the CIS was a mix of weapons of war, super weapons, battle droids, organic forces, and natives on different planets under their control. Confederacy of Independent Systems History Gallery. By its final years the Republic had grown huge and corrupt, with outlying systems receiving few benefits despite paying heavy taxes. Darth Tyranus , (and secretly led by Darth Sidious until … TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. All Hyperspace lanes and Mass Effect Relays will be located as they are in this combine map. Asajj Ventress, General Grievous and Durge. The Clone Wars Series in Minecraft, Revival of the older one. What no one but Count Dooku knew was that the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars that followed were all part of a plan by Darth Sidious to execute Darth Bane's grand plan: the Revenge … It was mostly used by the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Into this critical situation stepped Count Dooku, a former Jedi Master who had become disillusioned with the Republic and the Jedi Order that served it. Head of State Total Downloads 78,918. Droidekas were equipped with two twin blaster cannons and had their own deflector shield generator which made them difficult to defeat. Fortunately for the remaining Jedi, Master Yoda soon arrived with a large military force of LAAT/i gunships, rescuing the Jedi and engaged in what was to be known as the The First Battle of Geonosis against the Geonosian natives and their battle droid forces. Separatist Parliament Eight worlds (all the origins of the leading species) were the capitals of the eight separatist governments, including Neimoidia, Skako, Muunilinst, Geonosis, Castell, Kooriva, Ando and Dac. Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies [11], Bridging the gap between organic and automation was: General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies. Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Darth Plagueis–class. The majority of the droid armies were shut down, providing no opposition to the Imperial stormtroopers. An InterGalactic Banking Clan stronghold, it was aligned with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. The Republic began laying siege to what Palpatine called a Triad of Evil: Felucia, Mygeeto, and Saleucami, and the Separatist council was forced to keep on the move. Executive branch This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. The CIS was controlled mainly by large business conglomerates with representatives such as Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray, InterGalactic Banking Clan Chairman San Hill, and Techno Union Foreman Wat Tambor. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. Of the entire political leadership, only Count Dooku, Poggle the Lesser, and Nute Gunray had any experience in warfare,[9] although some of the Council members had skills with leading, like Wat Tambor, who was renowned as a superior strategist by many. Welcome to C.I.S. Image Name Position Type Size Population Controlled By Homeworld; Cularin Belt LI: 0, 7: Asteroid Field: 1x1: 258,685: Confederacy of Independent Systems-Cularin Belt LV General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies, on the surface of newly-conquered Duro. The CIS was defeated at Geonosis, but it was ultimately inconsequential. [20] Other military officials included General Whorm Loathsom, General Oro Dassyne, General Lok Durd and Commander Merai. Project ID 358816. Operating between the Head of State and the Separatist Council was the Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies, General Grievous who had no direct power over government but assumed command should the Head of State be incapacitated. The Confederacy marshaled armed forces to its cause, to be eventually used to topple the Republic and take the capital planet of Coruscant. The Confederacy won many battles in the ensuing war but was dissolved when the Separatist Council leaders were killed on Mustafar, allowing Palpatine to reform the Republic into the Galactic Empire. S OVEREIGNTIST PARTY: Notable Figures: Bastille Rommer Themes: Planetary Sovereignty, Independence Supports: Personal Freedoms of the Individual Opposes: Centralized Government, Militarism The Party for Sovereign Systems, commonly known as the Sovereigntist Party, is a gathering focused on the decentralization of government. This article needs appropriate citations. [15] Even after the decline of the Empire, regular droidekas were used by some smugglers, as well as races like the Vagaari.[16]. Formed from The Death Star project, originally the CIS's, was absorbed by the Galactic Empire. [1] However, the real power behind the Confederacy was the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, though few knew, such as Tyranus and Grievous, that he had control.[4][6]. For one thousand years, the galaxy had been governed through the Galactic Republic. After the deaths of the members of the Separatist Council, some Separatist-loyal worlds still refused to be absorbed into the new Galactic Empire. The official leader of the Confederacy was a former Jedi Master named Count Dooku, also known as Darth Tyranus, Darth Sidious's second known apprentice. Head of government Official language However, as time went on, the government of the Republic became weak and corrupt.Du… Content approaching. The territory of the Confederacy of Independent Systems varied in size a great deal during the course of its short history. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. He led his troops to a number of victories across the galaxy including the conquest of Duro and the destruction of Humbarine, the attacks of strategic Loyalist worlds, and spearheaded an assault towards Coruscant itself capturing the leader of the Republic Supreme Chancellor Palpatine in the process. Post feature RSS Confederacy of Independent Systems (Units list) The list of CIS units, of course it's WIP and subject to changes . The Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS), also known as the Confederacy, the Separatist Confederacy, the New Order, the pro-secessionists, colloquially as Separatists or Seps for short, nicknamed the Sepies and lesser known as the Separatist Alliance, was the government and separatist movement publicly led by Count Dooku, a.k.a. [7] However, weaknesses found in these machines were often exploited by the Republic. The Confederacy then rallied it's armed forces to their cause, to eventually destroy the Republic and take Coruscant. A galactic map, showing the extent of Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Outer Rim Sieges. The Confederacy of Independent Systems was eventually defeated, though this was not its own fault. Commander-in-chief Dooku allying himself with the Quarren Isolation League. Eventually, tensions between it and the Republic developed into war after Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padmé Amidala were sentenced to execution on Geonosis and a group of Jedi led by Mace Windu attempted to rescue them. The charismatic former Jedi Count Dooku was the Alliance’s political leader, while its military power came from credits and assets donated by powerful galactic trade groups. The Separatist defeat at the end of the war was preordained. The Confederacy of Independent Systems (also known as the CIS or Separatists) was an organization that appeared in the Star Wars movies. Operating alongside the council was the Separatist Parliament[1] who dealt with diplomatic and civilian issues. The Empire would use these holdouts as justification for expansion of the Imperial Navy. [4][11] At the end of the war, Count Dooku was struck down by Anakin Skywalker on board the Invisible Hand, General Grievous was killed on Utapau by Obi-Wan Kenobi, the CIS leadership was murdered by Darth Vader, Sidious' new apprentice, on Mustafar, and the commerce guilds faded quietly into oblivion.[12]. General information Produced by the insectoid Geonosians, among the founding races of the Confederacy, the dreadnought Pinnace is the strongest ship in the Separatist movement. He was preparing to start another war, in an effort to take advantage of the reorganization of the newly christened Galactic Empire. The History of the Marvelous Wheel, Part 1, Slugthrowers: An Overview of Popular Music and Musicians in a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Part 1, Rogues Gallery: The Cloud City Wing Guards, Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections, Rebellion 5: My Brother, My Enemy, Part 5,, Count Dooku - Head of State - Head of the Executive Branch. The situation in the South was acute from the beginning of hostilities because of the lack of established government mapping agencies capable of preparing large-scale maps, and the inadequacy of reprinting facilities for producing them. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is currently unknown. / Confederacy of Independent Systems ABOUT// Confederacy of Independent Systems or the "Separatist Alliance" is a government of planetary and sectorial governments who declared their independence from the Galactic Republic resulting in a secession crisis and a … In this scenario, the Terminus System is still at play, and so is the Hutt Space. The Empire then engaged and destroyed the still weak Separatist fleet and proceeded to the planet's surface. The CIS was led by the fallen Jedi Count Dooku.The armies of the Separatists had thousands of battle droids.The CIS launched attacks against the Galactic Republic.The Separatists stayed a strong power until the rise of the Empire As of 22 BBY, the Confederacy of Independent Systems numbered at several thousand star systems, as well as the various commercial factions with the planets they controlled, allied under its banner.[5]. In the middle of sending the message, he was attacked by a droideka, prompting Anakin and Padmé to go and rescue him and upon arriving on Geonosis, both were captured in one of the massive Geonosis droid foundries, and were sentenced to death in a combat arena alongside Obi-Wan.[5]. This article is about the most recent manifestation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Long story short, negotiations break down quickly. However, as Darth Sidious manipulated the war, influencing some of the defeats of the CIS as well as some of its victories, the Separatists had lost before they had even started fighting—Sidious wanted the Republic to win. It also deployed much larger weapons of war during the Clone Wars. De facto leader The CIS leaders believed their superior numbers and advanced droid designs would win the Clone Wars and in some ways they were right, with Droidekas being able to use weaponry and shields capable of killing Jedi, and Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids capable of overwhelming forces with sheer numbers that the clones couldn't contend with. The Separatist Army also used a number of organic forces, from Gossam Commandos to Koorivar Fusiliers, they brought new tactics onto the field and were capable of independent thought and the use of real time military strategy that could give them an advantage over the AI of droids and many could rival even the Republic's Clone Troopers capabilities. No one suspected that the Alliance was actually a tool of Darth Sidious, who had engineered the Clone Wars as part of a Sith plot to rule the galaxy. Old droid parts were used by Wookiee forces during a battle against Imperial forces. One thing that made him a force to be reckoned with was his use of four lightsabers, from a personal collection of his taken from fallen Jedi Generals he had bested in combat. Remove this notice when finished. [14] The Zann Consortium used an old droid factory on Hypori to build droideka Mark IIs for its forces. The Alliance’s leaders were executed on Mustafar, and the trade groups that had supported the cause became part of the new Empire. The Confederacy of Independent Systems (as the Separatist Alliance preferred to be called) was led by Count Dooku in consultation with the Separatist Council, which included the leaders of the galactic trade groups that supported the movement with warships, droid armies and credits. However, the incompetence of some droids, like the B1 battle droids, lost the CIS many skirmishes.[9]. Dellso and his Geonosian retinue died along with their hopes for a new war. For company's first iteration, see Conferderacy of Independent Systems (Company). Recent Files. You're my only hope. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Help us. The Separatist Council consisted of ten leaders. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Confederate Army had difficulty throughout the war in supplying its field officers with adequate maps. Commerce Guild OG-9 homing spider droids were a common sight on Confederate frontlines, and NR-N99 Persuader Tank Droids, Manta Droid Subfighters, and Federation AATs provided heavy firepower in countless conflicts. The Confederacy's legacy lived on in the form of the Death Star project, which became the Empire's feared superweapon, as well as the Imperial battle droids. Republic forces struck all over Geonosis, and the Clone Wars officially began. The Zrak Sector, the only charted system in the Nijune Sector, is the latest system to join the Seperatist movement. Asajj Ventress and the bounty hunter Durge were also effective commanders on the battlefield.[9]. Foundries on Geonosis, Hypori, and elsewhere created countless billions of battle droids ready to fight for the Separatist cause, all while Dooku continued to recruit more star systems to his cause. [5], For the next three years, the Republic and CIS would be engaged in a brutal war, with many dying on both sides. However, Palpatine was rescued and despite many losses, the Republic did inflict more damage on the Separatists, and even killing Count Dooku in the process.[4][9]. The factory was subsequently destroyed by heavy orbital bombardment and the Separatist holdouts began to decline rapidly. He also targeted the Jedi Knights — particularly problematic to the droid army — and killed many in one on one combat. He had ultimate power over his troops, able to command them with but a gesture. And thus war is swiftly declared as they move to protect their citizens. In that same battle, an old CIS warship was used to the advantage of escaping Jedi. 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