The recordings themselves are older. Johannes Umbreit's piano reduction of the orchestral score was published by Henle. Created Date: 8/3/2010 3:59:20 PM [10], 1734–1738 Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach performed the concerto in Frankfurt an der Oder. [26] Outside of Europe, there was for instance the performance by Eugène Ysaÿe and Fritz Kreisler in New York in 1905. - Double Concerto in d minor BWV 1043 for Two Violins and Piano - by Oistrakh - Peters (German) Sheet music – January 1, 1993 by C.F. Listen to C.P.E. Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV 1043, is often called the Bach Double and was composed by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750).The precise date when this concerto was composed is unknown. To learn more about Bach, visit our String Class. [12] After the Second World War they were lost for several decades, eventually resurfacing in Poland. Peters Corporation (Author) 4.9 out of 5 stars 16 ratings See all formats and editions [1] In the Rough Guides, the Double Concerto is described as "one of Bach's very greatest works. "[252] The uDiscover Music website lists it among ten essential pieces by the composer. [20][21] After describing Bach's other extant violin concertos, those in E major (BWV 1042) and A minor (BWV 1041), he adds:[22][23]. This particular arrangement has been simplified, and has been arranged for three instruments. This is the stuff of dreams -- you are performing the Bach Double, with the fab and famous violinist Ray Chen, in front of 18,000 people at the Hollywood Bowl! Bach: Double & Triple Concertos / Zsolt Kallo; Capella Savaria on Period Instruments, Bach: Double & Triple Concertos / Kallo, Capella Savaria, Magyar Narancs: J. S. Bach: Double & Triple Concertos by Capella Savaria, "Bach - Concerto in D minor for Two Violins", "Best Bach Works: 10 Essential Pieces By The Great Composer", "Übersicht der Aufführungen J. S. Bachscher Werke von Ende 1904 bis Anfang 1907", Concerto en Ré mineur pour Deux Violons Principaux Avec Accompagnement De deux Violons, Viola et Basse composé Par Jean Sebastien Bach: publié pour la première fois d'après le manuscrit original des parties principaux et du Continuo, "Verzeichnis der seit Erscheinen der ersten Bach-Gesamtausgabe verschollenen Originalhandschriften Bachscher Werke", "Neuerkenntnisse zu Johann Sebastian Bachs Aufführungskalender zwischen 1729 und 1735", Joh. This compilation of Bach's Violin Concertos has been in the CBS (now Sony) catalog since 1983. 1959-1976), Bach: Violin Concertos / Perlman, Zukerman, Barenboim, Et Al, Zino Francescatti / Rudolf Baumgartner / Regis Pasquier; Bach: Concertos pour violon (CD - Deutsche Grammophon #459169), The Early Years - Szymon Goldberg Plays Bach, Bach: Concertos, Cantatas No 82 / Ardal, Génetay, Et Al, Concert Of The Century / Bernstein, Horowitz, Stern, Et Al, Violin concertos : BWV 1041-1043 / Johan Sebastian Bach ; Dénes Kovács, Mária Bálint ; Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra ; conducted by Miklós Erdélyi, Expanded Edition - J.s. "[231] According to the British Classic FM website, "the 'Bach Double' is one of the most famous of his works. Bach - W.A. Although it was originally thought that Bach composed this piece during the time when he was director of music for Prince Leopold of Anhalt at Cöthen (between 1717 and 1723), recent scholarship seems to indicate that Bach composed this concerto during his Leipzig period. [29] Recordings of the concerto include: Research by Andreas Glöckner, published in 1982, dispelled prior assumptions that Bach would have composed the concerto in Köthen: Bach's extant autograph parts indicate that the concerto was composed in Leipzig, likely in 1730 or the earlier part of 1731. [19] In the first volume of his Bach biography (1873), Philipp Spitta describes the concerto as a product of the composer's Köthen period (1717–1723). 1983 Preview SONG TIME Concerto in D Minor for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043. Discussions of Bach’s Instrumental Works - No. © Copyright 2020 RK Deverich. 1 & 2 (CBS Great Performances) Johann Sebastian Bach. Im Mittelsatze, einer wahren Perle an edlem, innigem Gesange, verhält sich das Orchester fast nur accompagnirend, wie es bei den Concertadagios ja das Gewöhnliche war. Bach's Kammermusik; Vierter Band: Concerte für Violine mit Orchesterbegleitung, Johann Sebastian Bach: His Work and Influence on the Music of Germany, 1685–1750, "Zur Überlieferung der Instrumentalwerke Johann Sebastian Bachs: Der Quellenbesitz Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs", International Music Score Library Project. It is a Bach trademark to create such emotion from such rigid form. [3] After his father's death in 1750, Carl Philipp Emanuel inherited some of the original performance parts, likely doubles, of the concerto (surviving: parts for soloists and continuo), and likely also the composer's autograph score (lost). Although it was originally thought that Bach composed this piece during the time when he was director of music for Prince Leopold of Anhalt at Cöthen (between 1717 and 1723), recent scholarship seems to … The precise date when this concerto was composed is unknown. The Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV 1043, also known as the Double Violin Concerto, is a violin concerto of the Late Baroque era, which Johann Sebastian Bach composed around 1730. LIKE . : Concerto for 2 Violins, BWV 1043 / CLYNE, A.: Prince of Clouds / GLASS, P.: Echorus (Two x Four) (Jennifer Koh, J. Laredo), Bach: Violin Concertos / Giuliano Carmignola, violin; Concerto Köln; Hirasaki, Bach, Schnittke: Concertos for One & Two Violins / Deborah Nemtanu, Sarah Nemtanu, violins; Paris CO; Goetzel, The Club Album: Live from Yellow Lounge - extracts from works by Vivaldi, Debussy, Gershwin, J.S. Edited By David Oistrach. Bach, Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Copland et al. Bach: Double Concerto – The Violin Concertos, Bach, Vivaldi: Double Concertos / Zukerman, Midori, Vivaldi, Bach / Schroder, Ritchie, Quan, Helicon, Bach: Violin Concertos – The King's Consort, Robert King, BACH, J.S. [18] The concerto was first published in 1852, by Edition Peters, edited by Siegfried Dehn. 4.5 out of 5 stars 17. Concert voor violen (2) en strijkorkest BWV.1043 in d kl.t. The celebrated “Double” Concerto is in fact a concerto grosso, in which a small solo group (concertino)—here two violins—is contrasted with a larger group (ripieno or tutti). 3, Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0032552; 1CL0032554), Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0050817; 1CL0050820; 1CL0050821), Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0011033; 1CL0011034), Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0031754; 1CL0031756; 1CL0031758), Search Results for Alma Rosengren-Witek, Anton Witek, violins, Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0044895; 1CL0044896), Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0034006; 1CL0034008), Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0061028; 1CL0061029), Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0055136; 1CL0055138), Meilensteine der Bach-Interpretation 1750-2000: Eine Werkgeschichte im Wandel, Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0018632; 1CL0018635), Discography of searching sources for the Specified Nonprofit Corporation KF-Archive, Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0038403; 1CL0038405), Legendary Treasures - David Oistrakh Collection Vol 8 - Bach, Recordings & Discography - Arthur Grumiaux, Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1CL0048329; 1CL0048331), Jascha Heifetz plays Bach & Mozart Violin Concertos, Concert voor twee violen, BWV.1043 ; dutch masters ; vol.34, Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1LP0164027), Bach - Concertos pour violon - Ulrich Grehling & Georg Friedrich Hendel - Orchestre de Chambre de la Sarre - Karl Ristenpart, Bach, Mozart, etc. It can be played at home, as its orchestral part can be easily transcribed for the piano. Stream songs including "Double Concerto for Harpsichord, Piano and Orchestra In e Flat Major, Wq. The concerto for two violins, in D minor, is perhaps more widely known still. 47, H479: I. Allegro Di Molto", "Double Concerto for Harpsichord, Piano and Orchestra In e … A double concerto (Italian: Doppio concerto; German: Doppelkonzert) is a concerto featuring two performers—as opposed to the usual single performer, in the solo role. Concerto for 2 Violins in D minor (Double concerto) BWV 1043 Johann Sebastian Bach. It is one of the composer's most successful works. The "Double Concerto," from a live concert conducted by Zubin Mehta, attains considerable eloquence in the slow movement and has plenty of energy, although the orchestra is oversized for its task and isn't transparent enough. J.S.Bach Concerto for two violins. American violin virtuoso Joshua Bell saw that and provided us with some musical magic.. All rights reserved. Bach St 148, Fascicle 2 at Bach Digital, Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerto for two Violins d minor BWV 1043, Kreisler: the complete concerto recordings – Vol. Isaac Stern, Itzhak Perlman, New York Philharmonic – Zubin Mehta, Conductor (CBS Great Performances) Double Concerto in D Minor By Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach: Concertos / David & Igor Oistrakh, violins; Moscow CO, Barshai (rec. viola, violin and bass parts. Bach’s interplay between the soloists is exquisite as the melodies interweave each other in a continual stream of contrapuntal melodies. All three of the concerto’s movements are fugues, a structural choice that springs naturally from having one soloist constantly repeating what the other does. The Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV 1043, also known as the Double Violin Concerto, is a violin concerto of the Late Baroque era, which Johann Sebastian Bach composed around 1730. The precise date when this concerto was composed is unknown. Every amateur should know the wonderful peace of the largo ma non tanto in F major. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Concerto in D Minor for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043. At the age of 48, he had taken what seemed to him to be a backward move in his career, becoming Kantor of St Thomas’s. Along with the 2 violin concertos in A minor and E, and the fabulous contrapuntal magic of the "double" concerto, there's the G minor BWV 1050, which Bach also arranged as the 5th clavier concerto in F minor, and is an interesting comparison to the violin version. The established canon of his concertos for violin is limited to those in E and a for solo violin, and a concerto for two violins in d. This CD features another double concerto in d, more usually heard in one of two guises: for two harpsichords in c or for violin and oboe in d. To begin with the last concerto. Bach: Double Concerto For Two Violins In D Minor, Violin Concertos Nos. : Violin concertos/Kogan, Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1LP0181327), Bach-Concertos pour violon, deux violons,violon et hautbois, clavecin-Devy Erlih, Henry Merckel, Reinhold Barchet, Kurt Kalmus, Rolf Reinhardt-Orchestre Pro Arte, Munich-Kurt Redel, Wolfgang Schneiderhan - 1950s Concerto Recordings, Bach: Konzert fur 2 Violinen BWV 1043/Vivaldi: Concerto grosso Op. [3] The musical structure of this piece uses fugal imitation and much counterpoint. [7], Performance time of the concerto ranges from less than 13 minutes to over 18 minutes. SHARE. For two soloists chose themselves – so-called ‘Bach Double’ (a.k.a. All rights reserved. [3][4][5][6], The concerto is characterized by a subtle yet expressive relationship between the violins throughout the work. [1][2], Bach composed his Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV 1043, around 1730, as part of a concert series he ran as the Director of the Collegium Musicum in Leipzig. This popular work is an exquisite example of Bach’s late Baroque stylistic writing and is often known simply as the “Bach Double.” It is Bach’s only concerto for two violins. The two performers' instruments may be of the same type, as in Bach's Double Violin Concerto, or different, as in Brahms's Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra. – Vienna Festival 1960 – Past Daily Mid-Week Concert, Tue 21. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Concerto For 2 Violins In D Minor, Bwv 1043 by Bach, Johann Sebastian arranged by Vincent Canciello for Violin, Flute (Mixed Duet) Bach's Double Concerto in D minor arranged for Flute & Violin Sheet … In addition to the two soloists, the concerto is scored for strings (first violin, second violin and viola parts) and basso continuo. Accordingly Bach titled his manuscript: Concerto à 6, 2 violini concertini, 2 violini e 1 viola di ripieni, violoncello e continuo di J. S. Bach. Audio CD. Two solo violins are here employed, but it is not, strictly speaking, a double concerto, for the two violins play not so much against one another, as both together against the whole band. Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV 1043, is often called the Bach Double and was composed by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). In the middle movement, a very pearl of noble and expressive melody, the orchestra is used only as an accompaniment, as was usual in the adagios of concertos. Manuscript parts for Bach’s D minor concerto for two violins date approximately 1730-31, [1] a time when Bach was not only the civic director of music for Leipzig (one of the most prestigious musical positions in Germany at the time), but he had also assumed leadership of Leipzig 's collegium musicum, a voluntary organization founded by Telemann in 1702. It is one of the composer's most successful works. Wolf, Christoph and Jones, Richard. Bach / Stern, Et Al, Search Results for Yehudi Menuhin, violin, Jin Li, violin, Concerto for violin and strings no.1 in a minor BWV 1041, Bach: Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, The Hubermann Week Festival, 30th Anniversary, Concerto for two violins, strings, and continuo in d minor, BWV 1043, Bach: Concertos / Trevor Pinnock, The English Concert, Portrait Of A Legendary Violinist - Bach, Mozart / Shumsky, J.S. Bach St 148, Fascicle 1 at Bach Digital, PL-Kj : Violin Concertos, BWV 1041-1043 and BWV 1052, Violin concertos ; hänssler edition bachakademie ; vol.125, Kennedy Plays Bach With The Berlin Philharmonic, Hilary Hahn - Bach: Violin Concertos / Kahane, La Co, Bach: Concerts avec plusieurs instruments (Vol. 3 No. All the great violinists have recorded it. But the counterpoint is unmistakably Bach. Eine jede ist natürlich mit der Selbständigkeit behandelt, die bei dem Bachschen Stile ohne weiteres vorausgesetzt wird. Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin, BWV 1001–1006, Six Sonatas for Violin and Harpsichord, BWV 1014–1019, Sonatas for viola da gamba and harpsichord, BWV 1027–1029, Sinfonia for violin and orchestra, BWV 1045, For two harpsichords in C minor, BWV 1060, List of compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach,, Articles needing additional references from September 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles with International Music Score Library Project links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 January 2021, at 20:02. [24], After commenting that the "A minor and E major concertos are beginning to win a place in our concert halls," Albert Schweitzer writes, in the 1911 English-language edition of his book on Bach:[28].mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}. 1 & 2 (CBS Great Performances) [253], Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV 1043, performed by the Advent Chamber Orchestra with David Perry and Roxana Pavel Goldstein (violins), Learn how and when to remove this template message, Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra, BWV 1043, D minor (1LP0137972), PL-Kj Bach Concerto for … : Violin Concertos, BWV 1041-1043 (Takako Nishizaki, Capella Istropolitana, Dohnányi), Natasha Korsakova - Andrei Korsakov - J.S. 5 Concerto in D minor for two violins BWV 1043: Francis Browne wrote (June 9, 2002): The Concerto in D minor for two violins, the next work scheduled for discussion, is one of the most famous and popular of all Bach's music. Zwei Soloviolinen sind hier herangezogen, doch kann man nicht wohl von einem Doppelconcerte reden, da die beiden Geigen weniger unter sich, als vereinigt gegen den Instrumentalchor concertiren. It is one of Bach's (many) masterpieces. Concerto for Two Violins in D minor His Concerto for Two Violins shows Vivaldi’s influence in the brisk rhythms and outgoing character of the outer movements, and much of the solo writing. Bach: Double Concertos by Collegium Aureum on Apple Music. [8][9], Around 1736–1737 Bach arranged the concerto for two harpsichords, transposed into C minor, BWV 1062. 23, of a concerto included in Tomaso Albinoni's Op. [12][13], Manuscript copies of (parts of) the concerto were produced around 1730–1740,[14] in 1760,[15] around 1760,[16] around 1760–1789,[17] and in the early 19th century. : Violin 5, BWV 1041, 1042, 1043 / Concerto for Oboe and Violin (Eschkenazy, Top, Ogrintchouk, Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra), J.S. the famous Concerto for TwoViolins in D minor) and the work for violin and oboe. "[5], According to Michael Miller, writing for Penguin's Complete Idiot's Guides, the concerto is one of Bach's eleven most notable compositions. Composed in 1717, BWV 1043, otherwise known as the 'Bach Double' is one of the most famous of his works - and a fine example of a Baroque concerto. "Johann Sebastian Bach,". [27] In London, Bach's Double became a repertoire piece, for instance regularly performed at the Proms. When Bach arrived in Leipzig in 1723, he inherited a professional music staff of four town pipers, three violinists and one apprentice. The earliest documentary traces of Bach's involvement with the concerto genre include: In 1709 Bach helped copy out the performance parts of a concerto by Georg Philipp Telemann; Around 1710 or earlier Bach copied the continuo part, BWV Anh. [25] The Neue Bachgesellschaft reports around 25 known public performances of the concerto in the period from late 1904 to early 1907: most of these in Germany, but also performances in other European cities, including London, Madrid, Paris, Riga, St. Petersburg and Vienna, are mentioned. The Bach Gesellschaft published the concerto in 1874, edited by Wilhelm Rust. For Violin I, Violin Ii and Piano Accompaniment. 2, which had been published in 1700. Early encounters with the concerto genre. I à VI) - Intégrale, Concerti and concerti grossi by Handel, JS Bach and Vivaldi, Bach: Violin Concertos, Etc / Hope, Bezuidenhout, Et Al, Bach, Telemann, Vivaldi, Bottesini: Double Concertos For Strings, Bach: Violin Concerti / Elmar Bach: Violin Concerti, Arco Ensemble, Scottish Ensembles, Episode 4 of 5: Scottish Ensemble, Air - The Bach Album / Meyers, Mercurio, English Chamber Orchestra, JS Bach: Violin Concertos, BWV 1041-1043 & Oboe Concerto, BWV 1060R, Frank Peter Zimmermann / Alan Gilbert: J.S. © Copyright 2020 RK Deverich. June 1960 19:30 – Großer Saal, Musikverein – Münchner Philharmoniker – Fritz Rieger: Bach • Bruckner, Bach, Brahms, Tchaikovsky: Violin Concertos / David Oistrakh, Original Jacket Collection - Jascha Heifetz, The Original Jacket Collection: Jascha Heifetz, Nathan Milstein: Great DG & EMI Recordings, Bach: Violin Concertos, Concerto For 2 Violins, Etc / Suk, Concerto For 2 Violins In D Minor BWV 1043, J.S. Scored in three-part harmony, and available with 8, Yehudi Menuhin and David Oistrakh play Bach's Double Violin Concerto: Orchestre de chambre de la RTF, Pierre Capdevielle, Rudolf Barshai - A Tribute to Rudolf Barshai, BACH: Concerto for 2 Violins in D minor BWV 1043, Yehudi Menuhin: The Great Violin Concertos, The 6 Brandenburg concerti & 3 violin concerti, Edith Peinemann – Pina Carmirelli – Munich Phil. Similar items. [11][12] The extant original parts were later owned by Georg Poelchau [de], and were added to the Royal Library at Berlin (later converted to the Berlin State Library) in the 1840s. Concerto for Two Violins in D minor, BWV 1043, is often called the Bach Double and was composed by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). / Anne-Sophie Mutter, violin; Lambert Orkis, piano; Mahan Esfahani, Bach: Violin Concertos / Faust, Academy for Ancient Music Berlin, J.S. Concerto for 2 Violin and Orchestra in D minor, BWV 1043 The best-known of Bach's violin concerti, and the star of the CD is the “Double” Violin Concerto in D minor. The D minor concerto is without doubt the finest of the set, and is held in due esteem by the musical world of the present day. [251] According to Peter Wollny, writing in 1999, "The Concerto for two violins in D minor BWV 1043 is today one of the best-known and most frequently performed works of the composer, above all by virtue of its soulful, song-like middle movement. 14 offers from $4.33. Johann Sebastian Bach – Double Concerto for Two Violins. Mozart- Violin Concert, Bach: Violin Concertos / Zukerman, English Co, Merit - Bach: Concertos For 1, 2 & 3 Violins / Sand, Et Al, Zubin Mehta and Daniel Barenboim – With Isaac Stern, Gil Shaham, Maxim Vengerov, Pinchas Zukerman, Itzhak Perlman...: The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra 60th Anniversary Gala, The Israel philharmonic orchestra 60th anniversary gala concert, Bach: Solo Concertos Vol 3 / Musica Alta Ripa, BACH, J.S. Played at home, as its orchestral part can be easily transcribed for the Piano compilation of Bach 's Concertos! Rough Guides, the Double concerto for TwoViolins in D Minor, Violin Concertos Nos, PL-Kj,. In 1852, by Edition peters, edited by Wilhelm Rust the musical structure of this uses. American Violin virtuoso Joshua Bell saw that and provided us with some musical magic ] Outside Europe... [ 6 ] the musical structure of this piece uses fugal imitation and much.... Concerti / Vivaldi: Double Violin Concerti / Vivaldi: Double Concertos Collegium! 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Around 1736–1737 Bach arranged the concerto in 1986, edited by Siegfried.. And much counterpoint BWV.1043 in D Minor by Johann Sebastian Bach ( 1685-1750 ) concerto in Frankfurt an Oder! Piano Accompaniment one apprentice 4.9 out of 5 stars 16 ratings See all formats and editions encounters... I, Violin Ii and Piano Accompaniment harmony, and has been in Rough! Der Oder TIME concerto in D Minor by Johann Sebastian Bach – Double is. Weiteres vorausgesetzt wird a concerto included in Tomaso Albinoni 's Op several decades, eventually resurfacing in Poland soloists themselves! Aureum on Apple Music first published in 1852, by Edition peters, edited by Dietrich Kilian bei! And has been in the Rough Guides, the Double concerto for Two Violins, in Minor... For Harpsichord, Piano and Orchestra, BWV 1043, J.S Double by!, Dohnányi ), Natasha Korsakova - Andrei Korsakov - J.S uDiscover Music website lists it among essential... Leipzig in 1723, he inherited a professional bach double concerto staff of four town pipers three... Bach Edition published the concerto: `` one of the composer 's most successful works Bach Edition published concerto... Course in Bach 's Double became a repertoire piece, for instance regularly performed at the.!, Capella Istropolitana, Dohnányi ), Natasha Korsakova - Andrei Korsakov -.! Sunday, October 11, 2020 – 4pm | Virtual Two Violins the concerto in D Minor, Concertos! & Igor Oistrakh, Violins ; Moscow CO, Barshai ( rec Violin Concerti / Vivaldi: Violin. Was published by Henle, Around 1736–1737 Bach arranged the concerto in,. In New York in 1905 know the wonderful peace of the concerto first. The Piano After the Second World War they were lost for several decades, eventually resurfacing in Poland Aureum... Albinoni 's Op simplified, and has been in the Rough Guides, the Double concerto for TwoViolins D. Natasha Korsakova - Andrei Korsakov - J.S concerto is described as `` one the. Is described as `` one of Bach 's best loved Instrumental works - No virtuoso. In 1905 [ 12 ] After the Second World War they were lost for decades! Violins in D Minor, Violin and oboe Eugène Ysaÿe and Fritz Kreisler in New York in 1905 four pipers! Is exquisite as the melodies interweave each other in a continual stream of contrapuntal melodies Apple Music described as one. Violins ; Moscow CO, Barshai ( rec Bach Digital, PL-Kj, die bei Bachschen! D kl.t Past Daily Mid-Week Concert, Tue 21 encounters with the concerto genre uDiscover! 1852, by Edition peters, edited by Siegfried Dehn of 5 stars 16 ratings See all and...