I think he is being spiteful, but I don't know. When you end a relationship with someone (read: a woman), they (she) really don’t want to see what you’re up to going forward — they’ll (she’ll) quite possibly unfriend you even if, ironically, you’ve agreed to a “let’s just be friends” armistice. It will help. He’s rude now and he has been not telling me why he left me.. he left me by just unfriending me and saying don’t ask why’s i did it. I gave him an ultimatum to grow up and treat me better /communicate better – final straw was not coming home til 10am the next morning from a house party I didn’t know he was attending and his phone was off. Other readers are here to support you and I do offer one-on-one coaching if you are interested. This sounds like what I’m going through right now. This was hard. Honestly”. Don’t give in and do the one thing that he can’t do: make a decision, commit to it and see it through. I think he has gone a little mad and upset (pretty normal in that situation). When a relationship of any kind is no longer Fun and brings you nothing but, melancholy or anxiousness, it’s time to recognize those feelings inside yourself as being valid to Let Go. He replied: “thank you. Either say something or get unfriended. A few days ago i decided to creep on his page and noticed that he started following at least 30+ girls on instagram (girls he previously talked to before me, ones that were mentioned throughout the course of our relationship). Suddenly I … He's the one who wanted to take "a break." I’m done with him.” So we were seeing each other for only few days every 2 weeks. I refuse point blank to give him any inkling that I saw the block and that it upset me. You won because you’re not with someone that’s incapable of a mutual relationship. Copyright © 2020 All Rights Reserved. Not that I care I guess. And from my phone. But thanks natasha. He tells me we would meet up when he got back the next week. We graduated college and he went his own way. Free e-mail watchdog. Thank YOU! There is a link to it on the homepage. I currently coach people in 19 different countries all over the world xoxo. If someone asked me right now why I’m on social media, I’d say that I use it to keep in touch with my friends who happen to hail from all around the world and that would be a 100% true statement. This is why I cannot give specific advice/answers in the comments. He broke up with me through a text and he said that he loves me but he wants to have fun. So I got very angry and I broke up with him. I’ve heard some people tell me my ex blocked my number because I cheated, and some others say my ex blocked me from his phone after I called 17 times last night. Jackie, I love you! So it didn't work out with my ex… But due to his studies and exam period he couldn’t talk to me properly and I always got angry about how little he tried as time went on. You really put things into perspective and I feel so much better after reading this. He never replied same as on messenger no reply just read it. I’m just glad I managed to stay in NC. I dated a guy and it ended. We dated for about 3 months but things moved VERY fast, I guess that should have been a red flag (also everything was about him, all of his exes it was their fault never his, and he truly never tried to really get to know me…clearly I didn’t want to take off my rose colored glasses…) He dictated the relationship and seemed to always want me around and things seemed really good (despite said glasses on)… I practically moved in with him and we were domestic AF… One day we got into a silly argument and he said he wanted solo time for the night, but then I didn’t hear from him for almost 2 days, when I finally confronted him he was cold and short and tried to make me feel guilty for having a human reaction to someone not speaking to them for 2 days..long story short- he said he cared but wasn’t ready for a relationship and didn’t want to lead me on (despite the fact that nothing about the 3 mo we were together was casual and we were pretty much inseparable). What it does mean is that you have had a big enough impact on him that he can no longer bear to look at your profile because it hurts too much/gets under his skin/annoys him/angers him and is obviously hindering him from moving on. I’m not the type of girl that will not allow him to go out, he can go anywhere he wants, I just wanted to be updated. I’ve just started reading your blog and I absolutely love it. Jessica on September 16, 2019: My crush &' i have been talking for almost a year but we haven't gotten ourselves in a serious relationship yet. I am the dumpee of a 2.5 years relationship, and it has been 5 months since our break up. If your ex broke up with you recently, then you are likely still recovering from the breakup by trying to build up your self-esteem. He broke me. He told me all the right things, such as how he couldn’t wait for me to meet his mom and that she would love me and he even went as far as to invite me as a date to his brothers wedding! I wish that I could help, but I have too much to say to type it all out and not enough hands to type or hours in the day. And unfortunately, pushing you out of his or her life seemed like the best solution. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this; I know how exactly you feel. Sign up to receive exclusive content, updates + more. So my apologies if I’m bringing bad vibes here in the comments ;/. Keep coming back here, reading the posts and keep the focus on you. I just continued to live my life normally even if it hurts me much since we’ve been on and off for 5yrs. A couple months ago, I decided to unfriend my ex from Facebook. BTW – he was mean and disrespectful to me in our last texts so i wrote to him a text saying that i trued to end things on a good level but it doesnt seem to work out so thank you for all the good things and that i thing he is an amazing person and that i genuinly widh him all the best. I don’t care how old he is or how mature he seems or what degrees he has or how much volunteering he does or how often he visits his grandmother. But he said he was not ready to talk. (And I hadn't even made any move online to suggest how I felt or that anything had changed in my life.) So, if you really want him so much, get it. XOXO. We never talked since May. Last year, this particular ex (who she thought she was going to marry), had lied to her, cheated on her and completely broken her heart. This article is referring to someone who dated a person like your ex, not you. Once I’d taken him off my radar, I had his full attention. I finally got tired of this pattern for the last 3 years. I do offer one-on-one coaching if you’re interested and would be happy to help further ? You won because if he wasn’t thinking of and affected by you on some level, he wouldn’t have to unfollow. But just recently he began to message me again and disappeared on me AGAIN! I would think he must be guilty if he says these are guilty message. I feel loads better now. How many chances are there to come back? Thank you for being a part of this tribe. I’ve just read this, and I have the opposite issue. So, after a few days/weeks/months following the breakup, he unfollows you. Yep. I feel so bad for her. Recently I found out shockingly that my ex from 6 years ago unfriended me after barely any contact for almost 3 years. You are loved, understood, backed, believed in and never, ever alone. Something very similar happened to me last week. Part of me, like you said, feels I win because he still cares to delete me. We had a super good conversation which turned into a mutual breakup. But the thing is that i was wondering if the fact that i unfollowed him was a more of a reaction than an action. Now I don’t really care THAT much that he just decided to delete me after me not speaking to him but I would love to know why he’s doing this again? I can’t help feeling that this is his way of saying things are over forever which upsets me because if he was ready in a few years and we both still cared for eachother I’d gladly try again : /, Hi Vic! Because he was so manipulative and he is a narcissist for sure. Thanks for your advice in advance. So, to me this unfriending seems like he’s pulling my strings n did this to try to get a reaction out of me because he was annoyed by me ignoring him. He of course replied that it was because he is dating someone and out of respect for her , had to remove the pictures. My ex unfriended me on FB and umfollowed me on ig three days after we broke up. Although he’d been very attentive and caring in the beginning, he started withdrawing emotionally when he started a legal battle to get custody of his teenage son about a month ago (he’s 41, never been married, and has huge commitment issues). This was exactly what I needed to hear. Ok so my ex unfollowed me and I hadn’t read this so I immediately unfollowed him back then realized that may not have been a good idea :/ I blocked him and now idk what to do. It could be that he feels annoyed by your chains of … You don’t want to come across as the immature or the weak one and you don’t want him to feel like he won. Anonymous. He was a real gem. He even said himself he was like two people, and admitted that he wasn’t a nice person. Why would my ex block me why not just unfriend me? So that probably signified to him how quickly I noticed that he unfriended me. 6 months have passed since we last spoke and I rarely check his fb just because in the first 3-4 months, it still hurt so much looking at his pictures or posts. Why did my ex-boyfriend unfriend me on facebook, but not my friends and family? We were meant to be moving into our own place together and despite not being treated properly I was deeply in love with this guy and thought he was too….but turns out he couldn’t prioritise me over the lads at the end of the day. Will he think badly of me/ why do i even care??!! Being unfriended can be pretty traumatic. Fast forward 9 months and he recently unfriended me on facebook. We are still friends on Facebook and Snapchat. If you’re the one that didn’t unfollow first, this is a huge blow to your ego. Im so thankful that i have stumbled into your blog natasha. You’re a gem. Keep coming back here to the blog. Soon after things started to change. This is why I cannot directly and responsibly advise on this comment platform (and I thank you for your kindness and understanding). Sometimes an ex will unfollow you to: a) See how fast you notice and b) When you do notice, he wants to see the level to which you freak out. Thanks Catzbin! She was in a complete freak-out-lockdown panic mode. I probably should also block his number on my phone so he can’t call or text me. Hi Anon! Don’t think he did it just to hurt you. I’m so happy to have helped You are loved, supported, believed in and never, ever alone. I also have a No Contact Course on http://www.natashaadamo.com. ), he posted something too. I know it’s because he’s jealous of me – I’ve been very fortunate, and recognised extensively for my work, whilst he struggles to make the mark he wants – but it made no difference to me because I loved him. We did however had a good conversation thereafter, sharing some of the great memories we have made and ended it like adults. Not even unfollowed! Recently I found out shockingly that my ex from 6 years ago unfriended me after barely any contact for almost 3 years. Our breakup wasnt ugly and we both got over it fast. Then this week, I was looking at my own Facebook and timeline and decided that I’m ready to let him go. Then two days later he’s in a relationship and has removed me from both Instagram and Twitter. Listen me and my ex broke up in 2015 and it hurt like hell well in 2016 after all that happened the back and forth etc.. we finally went separate ways right before Christmas 2016 and he actually blocked me on phone and social media and moved on to another girl. None. We are also super religious so I thought this was it. Thank you so much for this blog. So it really puzzles me why he decided to unfriend me and why after so many years! The thing is, if he does indeed miss you, he should do a lot more than continue to follow you and watch your snap stories. We’re still friends on FB though. If any of y’all have advice let me know! When things don’t match even if they are not wrong it’s a good way to make a decision. And, trust me, he knows the difference between the two. Since you still desire your ex’s attention, you are probably posti You’ve noticed your ex hasn’t been showing up on your newsfeed as much as they used to lately. Thank you for sharing. I haven’t talked to him at all and haven’t given him any type of reactions to any of this. Just focus on you and your own personal growth and good things will soon happen! He said he hopes one day I can understand how much I hurt him because I knew I was his everything. Mel, I am so happy that the posts have helped I wish that I had the time to properly advise on here (thank you for your love and understanding). He unfollowed me almost on everything ( I did the other stuff) and even my parents too. He broke my heart in pieces. Your writing is beautiful and sarcastic at the same time. My ex broke up with me after 3 1/2 years of being together. Your email address will not be published. I mean.. he is not following me but i continue to follow him… doesnt it look like i cant let go? Then a few hours later he breaks the date for the next day. I have a question though. What I don’t understand is how can he feel good by making me feel bad even if he already knows I couldn’t get worse ? Is it when he posts something? Him acting like he’s being “respectful,” is an attempt to convince himself and others that he has changed, is capable of respect, and isn’t the guy that you (and I am sure others) know he is. I think that’s why I’m searching for answers in the most inconspicuous way I could think of (this is not my native language and he doesn’t even speak English – also my name is not Teresa either – I’m paranoid like that). You Keep Updating Your Status Like... Endlessly. He did this about three times, each spanning over long periods of time. You made me laugh so hard now – despite the enormous turmoil I’ve been in because my ex BLOCKED me on all social media sites. Recently I found out shockingly that my ex from 6 years ago unfriended me after barely any contact for almost 3 years. But if he says he's still tight with his ex's parents—despite the fact that he "doesn't talk to my ex at all." But the other part of me feels desperate. I know he loved me, he was planning his future around me. Link to it is on the home page. I do offer one-on-one coaching if you’re interested. Based on ur experience, what do u think is going through his head? EXACTLY. I am just wondering why … omg. I only noticed because I was going to unfriend him! After that, I haven’t checked his fb. So many feels with this article! Have a lovely new year and hope you can reply to this ? I sincerely thought that he did not think of me at all anymore. You’re not alone. There are few worse feelings than when your ex deletes you from social media. It was right out of one of those old western movies where the bad guys come and level the entire town in 15 seconds flat. I just found out he unfollowed me, about 2 weeks after the breakup. If he has moved on and happy with his new relationship why would he feel the need to block me when nothing has occurred since May? This one definitely happened to me after a few dating situations ended. The problem is, he’s already proven to you that he’s incapable of respect. We were good friends and then she started to act cold so I just tried to rekindle the relationship I was not stalking I sent two messages I feel like this is so mean and why couldn't she just say what's wrong . Should I unfollow him or just leave it as is. Yup, big man here crying about it. So, I believed him. Him unfollowing you isn’t about you at all. xoxo. For what reason? Every time I would confront him about it, he’d tell me that he was only busy and still really liked me. ? Whenever I asked for time to talk, he’d ask what’s wrong, then would call me attention seeking, then tell me that he’s putting all his energy into trying to get his son and that I am being disrespectful. I asked him why and that i feel like he’s running away and I want an explanation but he remained cold and said there was nothing to explain and he made a decision…so that was that…I picked up my things from his house, deleted our messages and unfollowed him on social media. He sends me back a snarky message saying please don’t respond and I wish you the best and yes we can be friends but I won’t respond to your guilty messages. I have been there and if I can get through it all, so.can.YOU. I know for a fact that I got a great closure from my side so I can happily move on but I can’t still help but feel affected by it. This isn’t about you. He moved far away but we stayed casual friends online, occasionally emailing or commenting on each others statuses. I will try to write more about this soon. She knew that the damage done was irreparable, so they broke up and she cut contact with him. I feel very guilty right now bc his condition isn’t well he’s a 53 year old man that I had no idea this was his other side it’s an awful side I have never encountered in my life . So it really puzzles me why he decided to unfriend me and why after so many years! So maybe he’s married now…. Maybe need to mark his e-mail as spam too. The fiery love between Mathew and Noah can no longer be contained. So I felt the best thing for both of us, was to unfriend her and block her. My ex-fiance who broke up with me 2 months after our engagemen( reason was that his work was killing him and can’t spend enough time for me which i think is really unacceptable if he really loved me right?). Not sure what best to do. Twitter. How can you so quickly start adding and liking all of these other girls stuff when everything is so fresh with us. trying to out fake her because she was posting the same and even dedicating songs to her new love interest (I mean victim – she is a narcissist at its truest form). Thanks for your love, for reading and for your understanding. What happened: My ex not only watched my feeds more closely, he started tweeting and retweeting me in ways he never did when we were dating. Fast forward 9 months and he recently unfriended me on facebook. Up until this point I had been cyber stalking her and after reading your posts decided to take an emotional break from Facebook and have not even been on for a week!! ), and I told him that. Since we broke up after finding out that he cheated, I blocked him from seeing my status (I can still see his although he rarely posted). because I ruminate on the thought of what I did, why I wasn’t good enough, did our time dating actually mean anything to her, was I used as a rebound from her ex? I have mixed feelings. He said we were better off being friends which I agreed that we could just to keep things amicable (during the relationship he talked about moving in together and future engagement plans). I didn’t hear from her for two years, and we live in the same city. If you haven’t been unfriended or blocked on Facebook, then you’re not doing social media right. A few days later he wrote me again asking me why I did not responded to his breakup text. If your ex was a large part of your life, you will probably be bombarded by information about him or her on some of your social media sites whether you want it or not. But now I've found out that he has blocked me from Instagram and unfriended me on fb after all this time. Again thank you for the words and you’re outlook on this situation!! He turned stone cold overnight and erased me completely from his life – I moved out of our apartment and he un-followed me on social media soon after our breakup. So me and my ex boyfriend broke up about a month ago. I think he's just mad that you ignored him. xoxo, This totally just made me feel so much better about where my life is right now, thank you for your advice & positive outlook , I am so happy and honored to help! Why did my ex-boyfriend unfriend me on facebook, but not my friends and family? But then noted he had blocked me on ALL social media sites. (First bf and only bf I had) He even keeps viewing my snaps in Instagram there is an option there where you can see who views your snaps. I gave a lot to try and maintain the LDR I had with my ex. The last few days were a little rocky, he didn’t tell me he had work and he would go a long time without texting me . And today I found out he unfollowed me within the last few days. I don’t understand. Another common reason why your ex girlfriend keeps blocking and unblocking … Girls are the ones who would usually do these things right. I’m not sure if I should take that as a sign that he still cares or doesn’t..? I know I’m not alone in this. I am still hurting and coping and should have never looked but this just made it so much worse. I didn’t get angry or anything I just wish him all the best for future. It’s all about how much reactivity he can command because reactivity = control. Wrong move). A couple of days after that he unblocked me. . The link to it is on the homepage. When saying our goodbyes he teared up quite a bit and left in a hurry so i wouldn’t see. Since we broke up after finding out that he cheated, I blocked him from seeing my status (I can still see his although he rarely posted). Don’t allow it. We were determined to stay friends after the divorce but now I’m not so sure. You do want to improve as a person, right? He isnt so active usually. I’m so happy to help ? I do want him back,but I’m afraid to see a post of his as it will likely be painful. Still, each time I’ve been disassociated from in the land of Facebook, I’m left wondering what I did wrong. I feel that he hates me now, I never wanted to end like that. I was hurt of course but there was nothing I could do about it. He may or may not come back, but at least you can heal. I do offer one-on-one coaching if you’re interested and would be happy to help further ? I love it! What makes this so hard for you is that the “unfollow” not only activates the old feelings and wounds from the relationship you shared, it also activates those triggers that we all have: fear of abandonment, rejection, being discarded, being forgotten, not being good enough, etc. I wish that I could answer your question, but I have too much to say to type it all out not enough hands to type or hours in the day. He was telling people stuff about me and anytime I called him on it he would say I didn’t say that that’s not true. Additionally, my ex was still attracted (kissing/hugging/intimacy) to me when he broke up with me. I wish that I could answer but I have too much to say to type it all out and not enough hands to type or hours in the day. XOXO, Hi from the UK, this website has been my salvation after being shockingly dumped 2 weeks ago without any real warning and no contact since. Hopefully, the above on why did my narcissist ex blocked me? Thank you so much for this post. My ex changed her number and blocked me on Facebook and Instagram. Answer for question: Your name: Answers. Okay, I know my title makes it sound like a no brainer but consider the context We broke up 7 years ago. Hey, I don’t think it’s cruel. I am so sorry that you’ve had to go through all of this. Ultimately when someone who at one point was in love decides to go to extreme ends like these to ensure that you cannot reach them, it usually means that he or she is badly hurt. I don’t know what to do. I see friendship as something different, and that was not wrong either. A week after I called her mom, just to thank her for always being nice to me and that I wanted to say goodbye. No other social media, he still has me on Facebook and instagram at the moment, just snapchat. why would ex girlfriend block me and unfriend me on facebook ? Thank you for you insight – I admire your knowledge!! This is a feeling i have had for a while due to other reasons. And oh, I also work with him ? My ex and I have been broken up for a month now. After he cut off all our means of communication, no communication for 16 days, he messaged me again. I find it hurtful and disrespectful — as if he is saying “poor you, you need help with moving on so I’ll do you a favor and ask my friend to un-follow you.” Am I overthinking it? I got upset at this guy I was seeing off and on. The 13th came and went. I could not handle coexisting with her right now the way she said she wanted me to ( she dumped me, but wanted to be friends.) he was the one who ended it, although we had a brilliant relationship at the beginning. As a relationship coach, more and more of my clients face the dreaded Block on Facebook, and immediately become determined to get unblocked and back in the lives of their exes. I cant help but feel like our relationship never mattered and he has already moved on. Also I don't wanna see her stuff either as I'm trying to meet new people. 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