… Darkseid could also TP the leaders of the Trade Federation, Techno Union, Banking Clan etc. It was operated by the Colicoids who developed the fearsome Droideka in their own image. Crab droids also used their front two pincers to whack opponents out of the way or to crush them with their ends. It was designed by Haor Chall Engineering, who also constructed the Vulture droid. Creation of the Techno Union For many years the Trade Federation was a bastion of free trade in the universe. The droids, which were able to survive in a wide range of climates, were dispatched to planets via hyperspace pods, where they would use their sophisticated sensor arrays to locate potential mining spots. Skako[4] Remove this notice when finished. Eventually however, the Republic liberated Xagobah. Like the B1, the B2 was manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata. The C-9979 configuration was chosen due to its close resemblance to the commercial barges used by the Federation's merchant fleet. Forum Posts. A trade union can be defined as an organised association of workers in a trade or profession, formed to further their rights and interests. Sienar Fleet Systems then absorbed what was left of Haor Chall Engineering. There they performed crude experiments on the native Nelvaanians, turning them into hideous mutated cyborgs using a unique form of microelectronics for Grievous to call them his elite and for the war. The Techno Union was our parent company, and Daddy Andrim was owner and captain of one of the Federation's doughnut ships. They were color coated for the specific function each droid served. Affiliation Having been an acquantince with Techno Union Foreman ... pledged support to the Confederacy made the Banking Clan the second largest financial backer of the CIS ahead of the Trade Federation lead by Viceroy Nute Gunray. It left the Techno Union in favor of the Republic prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. The twin barrels recessed in the plane sport laser cannons or torpedo launchers, and a few models even featured articulated barrel assemblies that allow both types of weapons on the same fighter. Humans forcefully displaced the Techno Union's Skakoan membership. History. A set of three landing legs—sometimes converted into landing claws for operations on low-gravity worlds—were deployed from the underside of the transport to stabilize its landing. best. Mustafar was a volcanic planet which had been a Techno Union possession since 300 BBY. It was used heavily throughout the Clone wars. One rocket fired from a single behemoth was powerful enough to annihilate an UT-AT if aimed correctly, as seen in the Battle of Mygeeto. The Techno Union was one of the first to pledge its support to the newly formed Confederacy of Independent Systems, and went on to be one of the major suppliers of starships, battle droids, and other weapons for the Separatist cause during the Clone Wars. I've compiled Clone Wars era models, icon and textures from various mods, packs and addons. View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from the CISDidNothingWrong community . No real headquarters they had the freedom to move their cargo as they pleased. The droideka was designed by the carnivorous Colicoids of Colla IV, who were displeased by the limitations of Baktoid Combat Automata's basic B1 battle droids, and chiefly manufactured on their homeworld. Droids, starships, and other technological goods[1] Viceroy Nute Gunray secretly allied with the Sith Lord Darth Sidious to invade the peaceful planet of Naboo and cause a crisis in the Republic government, although his occupation was thwarted by Queen Padmé Amidala and her forces. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Kul Teska was a scientist in the Techno Union, considered one of the brilliant minds of the company. The OOM series commander was essential to the function of the rest of the crew; if the commander was destroyed, the crew would cease functioning, often causing the tank to drift out of control. These droids were known to become more aggressive towards targets the nearer the enemy got to the source of their programming. Shortly before Emperor Palpatine took control, the Senate ordered the dissolution of Republic Sienar Systems. It was one of the first corporation to support Count Dooku and his Confederacy of Independent Systems. Vulpter was a heavily polluted, industrial planet in the Deep Core and was the headquarters for Arakyd Industries. report. Viceroy of the Trade Federation[1]Viceroy Nute Gunray[2] It was almost impossible to approach such droids, as all sides conceivably faced the front. STAPs utilized by the Trade Federation prior to the Clone Wars tended to be brown in color; Separatist STAPs were predominantly blue with white triangular markings. Help us, Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I. 7 years ago. Date dissolved Its crew consisted of four battle droids (one commander, one pilot, and two gunners), and could also carry six B1 battle droids on the hand grips on the outside of the tank The commander typically sat inside the turret of the primary blaster cannon, while the gunners and pilot were positioned in the main hull of the tank. [20], While the Federation was neutral, Gunray's position on the Separatist Council gave the CIS access to use of Federation fleets. [1] In fact, Gunray's rise to power had been puppeteered by Sidious. As a result, the Neimoidians jumped into the power vacuum, anointing one of their own, Nute Gunray, the new Viceroy of the Trade Federation. The others are likely represented as well, just not shown. The Tri-droid was an up-scaled version of the smaller Octuptarra combat tri-droid. Forts de ce succès et dans un contexte où la santé est au cœur des préoccupations de tous, la Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) et la... > Toutes les infos à la une. B1 battle droids were battle droids that made up the backbone of the Trade Federation Droid Army and later the Separatist Droid Army. Shawnbaby . Haor Chall Engineerings factories on Charros IV were destroyed by the Republic permanently crippling the company. Cato Neimoidia[3] 100% Upvoted. Their rotating multi-jointed assemblies allowed them to change facing almost instantly and they could fire from extended ranges. Though self-activated, the droids could be programmed to avoid attacking beings who carried repellent signal emitters.[source?]. It was given representation in the Galactic Senate of the Republic, and used its influential seat to lobby for greater power. Especially the latter had its own fleet (one that rivalled most countries'), the right to wage its own wars, negotiate treaties and hold colonies, and a near-monopoly on the extremely lucrative spice trade. [29], Interstellar trade and shipping conglomerate. The mini-sub had armor protection for the droid pilot, as well as a single, large laser cannon. The Techno Union modified many of these droids for military service. hide . Skako was similar to Coruscant by which the entire planet was covered in a dense city. Which droid army would win. The Trade Federation, the Techno Union, and the Banking Clan are all represented in the Senate, by Lott Dod, Gume Saam, and Nix Card, respectively. Rather than use flesh-and-blood warriors, the Separatists prefer mindlessly loyal soldiers that are easily controlled. [7], A decade after the war on Naboo, the Trade Federation pledged support to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, becoming a major military benefactor during the Clone Wars. [27] The Trade Federation armaments committee was part of the Federation. During the Clone Wars, the company supplied numerous vehicles to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, much to the disdain of the Galactic Senate. They were equipped with three laser turrets as standard, one on each side, below each photoreceptor. A single turret was accurate and powerful enough to target and destroy a starfighter in atmospheric combat. The Hardcell did not use conventional Repulsorlifts for flight, instead using rocket propulsion designed for atmospheric and stellar travel. The interceptor was armed with twin rapid-fire laser cannons and durable deflector shields for combat. The B2 Super Battle Droids were a specialized infantry for the Confederacy of Independent Systems that appeared in Episodes II and III of the Star Wars films, as well as in numerous ancillary works and surrounding media. Chronological and political information He was also commanded by Darth Sidious to attack Naboo. Techno Union In Star Wars: Episode I, Gunray led a trade blockade on Naboo to protest against the taxation on Free Zones of the Galaxy. While physically identical to the latter, the OOM-series possessed more advanced and independent programming. The planet was located in the Core and had heavy atmospheric pressures. During the Clone Wars, Mustafar was the last capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Involvement with the Confederacy of Independent Systems In the last decades of the Galactic Republic, Foreman Wat Tambor led the Techno Union to model itself after the Trade Federation, earning a seat in the Senate and the right to defend itself with a droid army. Gluttonous, self-serving bureaucracies like the Techno Union, the Commerce Guild, and the Trade Federation had outlived their usefulness, and their now-Human overseers were not to be trusted under the new regime. It eventually became the largest construction asset within the organization. Wat Tambor was one of (or possibly the) Baktoid's executive officers. Trade Federation 784. During the Clone Wars, Saleucami was a valuable member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and was as a result named by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine as part of a "Triad of Evil," alongside Felucia and Mygeeto. The successor to the B1 battle droid, the B2 super battle droid was an upgrade from the inferior B1. The Techno Union HoloDroid was a droid equipped with a holo-emitter and the ability of momentum. Baktoid Combat Automata had factories on many planets that churned out countless amounts of battle droids. Knowledge of this was discovered by the Republic who dispatched Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano to infiltrate the planet in order to steal those schematics. In the years prior to the Wars, Kuat Drive Yards was a member and experimented with new and larger capital ship designs under the auspices of the Union. The invasion served as a pretext for Naboo's Senator, Sheev Palpatine—secretly the public guise of Sidious himself—to be elected Supreme Chancellor. [10], However, this base was powered by a siphon generator that drained a captured geothermal crystal, keeping Rokrul region in a wintery state by draining all the thermal energy from the land. Galactic industrial conglomerates such as the Federation were responsible for an economic upswing for senators, lobbyists, and entrepreneurs on Coruscant who placed themselves in the service of such groups. The Orions were a warp-capable humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant. Clan Fett. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. They could curl up into a "ball form" to quickly maneuver around the area. Mon Cala Shipyards was a member of Techno Union, until the Galactic Civil war broke out. [3] At the same time, the General Ministry Institutes cut funding for a number of organizations and bodies within the Republic. The B2 possessed better firepower, heavier armor, and independent thought. These wings were removable so that they could be stored away easily aboard the massive battleships. Scotland Rugby Union Shirt Macron Jersey Long Sleeve Original Rare Top Mens Size . The Hardcell-class could achieve takeoff at speeds of 4,000 kilometers per hour, though in space, the vessel was capable only of a relatively slow sublight speed of 40 MGLT. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. Changing the Federation type however will return the Federation level to 1. In Star Wars: Episode II, Nute Gunray attended Dooku's meeting and had the Trade Federation merge with the Separatists. Under the expert leadership of Viceroy Corbin Esco the Trade Federation grew and grew and eventually they grew so large that they attained government status. The Techno Union was formed at least 300 years prior to the Battle of Coruscant. $23.11 + $20.03 shipping . #6. Following this point, corporate signatories that were part of the Techno Union used the facility for the construction and testing of both new materials as well as propulsion systems. The first satellite to reach the outer space was Sputnik-1 by the Soviet Union in 1957. just now. The reason for the institution being subsidized was because both entities drew a sizable pool of employees from the Academy. The Federation type determines what perks will the Federation provide at each level. As well as their powerful pincer legs, LM-432 crab droids were armed with twin blasters. His perfected cybernetic augmentations and arsenal made him a bitter rival of Cad Bane, which together with his gravitic research captured the attention of Count Dooku, who hired him to do continue his scientific work on Bephour. It funded the Allied Tion Historical Society. Date dissolved A magnetized rudder tilted the ion flow for off-axis thrust, while side thrusters aided roll and yaw adjustments. Companies like the Trade Federation had already grown so powerful that they had their own senator. Haor Chall Engineering was one of the companies that the Trade Federation had contacted for the creation of combat vehicles. After the outlawing of battle droids, the Techno Union moved its droid factories to Outer Rim Territories like Geonosis where they remained hidden until the out-break of the Clone wars. This undercurrent of disgust towards Coruscant was seized by a charismatic leader, Count Dooku. Darkseid could also TP the leaders of the Trade Federation, Techno Union, Banking Clan etc. Reminiscent of a jungle animal, its reactor and main engines were in the rear, in classic Baktoid style. In time, the Techno Union would grow to include galactic shipping magnates to further ensure the free flow of goods. Organizational information save. [2] The information gained with these projects, provided the Techno Union with some intellectual clout later on, as a representative of the Union's neutral Research and Development Wing participated in a debate on the nature of the mysterious Separatist superweapon that was active early in the Clone Wars. Determined to monopolize the Free Trade Zones, the Federation caught the attention of several lommite mining concerns in the Seswenna sector, and embroiled itself with the troubled King Veruna of Naboo. His project was ultimately killed as with him. [2] Nevertheless, it was the Federation and political leadership of Valorum that took most of the blame for the so-called "debacle at Naboo. Eventually, though, the Republic becomes a humongous superpower not only economically but also militarily. The Techno Union introducing the B2 to Count Dooku (22 BBY) Meme. "[17] In fact, the Federation's monopoly on Outer Rim shipping was broken due to the events of the Naboo invasion, and groups such as Eriadu Mining and Shipping prospered while the Separatist Crisis grew. During the course of the battle, Boba Fett tried to assassinate Wat Tambor, only to be stopped by General Grievous who was there at the time. The Skakoan legal deputies, also known as Skakoan Commandos, were elite Skakoans who served as members of Wat Tambor's staff. Chronological and political information Immediately following this, Dod issued a statement to the Senate that Sib Canay had arranged the kidnapping in his own accord, due to the Separatist ideology of Nute Gunray-reaffirming the neutrality of the Federation and attempting to distance themselves from endorsement of CIS idealism. The Federation had equity alongside in the factory, alongside the InterGalactic Banking Clan who helped finance the factory with collateral of Federation holdings (if not also to finance other war projects). [2] During the Clone Wars, the Trade Federation was often used by the Confederacy and the Sith as a puppet to drive more systems to their causes, though this was staunchly denied. Outlying systems that saw no benefit from being part of the Republic despite paying heavy taxes, began to rebel. He lead the creation and production of the B2 super battle droid. During the Clone Wars, Nelvaan was home to a Techno Union laboratory that experimented on the warriors of the Nelvaanian tribes, unhappy with the progress of the Confederacy droid army and in awe of the prowess of General Grievous. They were founded by the Xi Char an insectoid race and a fanatical religious order devoted to high-precision manufacturing. The main Techno Union scientist was the lead engineer on the planet Nelvaan. The transport's drive motors were deployed to generate enough retro-rocket thrust to achieve vertical landings at speeds of up to 800 kilometers per hour. Fondor was a planet known for its massive ship yards. Metalorn was a harsh industrial planet that was stripped of its natural resources by the Techno Union during the Clone wars. They also had modular arms for more weapon attachments and specialized equipment for their feet. It was a large coalition of high technology firms formed primarily of heavy manufacturing concerns. They worked on the planet Nelvaan for General Grievous and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It was almost impossible to approach such droids, as all sides conceivably faced the front. Organizational information Overview. The Techno Union bought these shipyards in 522 BBY. Primary role(s) In his bid to finish his research on gravity and associated weapons, he turned to a life of crime, offering his services as a mercenary. [8], Contingent of the Droid Army used to occupy Theed, A wealthy corporate organization, the Trade Federation was led by a Viceroy; as of 32 BBY, Nute Gunray held this position, and directed the Invasion of Naboo. During the Separatist Crisis, Foreman Wat Tambor pledged the army to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Techno Union Army was merged into the heroic Separatist Droid Army. Tearing them away from their parent company. During periods of widespread unemployment and economic downturn, trade unions were inevitably taxed to the limits of their strength, often crushed altogether. They were hastily constructed in the ancient Grand Halls without any regard for Utapau's architectural heritage. An aquatic version of the MVR-3 speeder bike, the mini-sub, adapted by the Xi Char cathedral factories, saw action in underwater battles during the Clone Wars. [15], As the conflict grew into the Clone Wars, the Techno Union was one of the Confederacy's key suppliers of starships, battle droids, and weapons. Outlying systems that saw no benefit from being part of the Republic despite paying heavy taxes, began to rebel. I've been looking forward to (making) this spin-off short meme from EliteMasterLordofAll's classic "The Techno Union". But they never had enough proof. Recensement établissements pilotes de l'expérience patient. The Trade Federation did supply the army but in no way does that make them the one bad apple of an otherwise noble group. Kenya. The ball joint of the wrist allowed the cannons to swivel in almost any direction. After the Invasion of Naboo, the Trade Federation tried to distance itself from Baktoid. The Techno Union lobbied the Galactic Senate on behalf of its members' interests and attempted to ensure fair commerce between its members. [28], The Trade Federation was inspired by both the British East India company and the 17th-18th century VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie), better known in English as the Dutch East India Company. The Techno Union was born under the leadership of the well known and respected Larbac DarkClaw. The Techno Union is one of the Republic commerce guilds. share. It is a large coalition of high technology firms formed primarily of heavy manufacturing concerns. [13] Baktoid Armor Workshop approached Poggle the Lesser of the Geonosians to design droid foundries on behalf of the Trade Federation. Fondor favored to the Techno Union and the CIS during the Clone Wars but the population was unsupportive of the Separatist cause and contributed very little to the war effort. Although the Front failed to assassinate Finis Valorum, then Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, they did manage to kill the Trade Federation's directorate. share. They were designed, for the most part, to defeat their enemies through sheer numbers, not through their ability to think and utilize combat skills (unlike clone troopers). The droid supercomputer that operated the ship was designed by Baktoid Combat Automata, a subsidiary of the Techno Union. During the negotiations, Dod stressed that Toydarian involvement with Republic supplies would jeopardize their neutrality, allegedly putting the Trade Federation at risk of attack by Separatist warships. These wings were used to carry vehicles racked in garage channels for maximum loading capacity. [12] The Federation maintained exploratory craft during the last decades of the Republic; Everi Chalis's mother attempted to sell her six-year-old daughter to the captain of one such craft, though the captain refused as Everi was too small, but gave her a packet of nectrose crystals instead. The Mankvim-814 light interceptor seated one pilot, typically a droid pilot. 0 comments. CEC, as it was known as, relied on civilian sales rather than military contracts. The gunboat boasted a rotating anti-aircraft laser turret and two twin laser cannons, as well as an energy bomb launcher. Later during that conflict, the system was blockaded by the Republic. [21], The Federation was an investor in a developing Geonosian droid foundry, which would produce new battle droids for the Separatist. Even the strongest metal alloys were unable to bear the immense cargo weight inside the wings, thus making tensor fields essential for the craft. [26] Other positions were that of financial officer and diplomat. The Techno Union Droid Army was a droid army owned by the Techno Union. In 20 BBY, the Republic attacked their base on Xagobah. We might be on a normal trade mission right now, but a few years down the line we'd either be rounded up and executed for sedition and rebellion, or be under the control of Sheev Palpatine, ol' Darth Frog-Face himself. no comments yet. [16] BlasTech and CEC left, wishing to stay loyal to the Republic, TaggeCo switched to the Republic during the war, while Arakyd remained neutral and sold to both factions.[17]. SCOTLAND XV VS ZIMBABWE RUGBY UNION RARE ORIGINAL 1995 RUGBY PENNANT! $23.11 + $20.03 shipping . Wat then led a massive force to the planet Ryloth and captured the Twi'lek homeworld. You're my only hope. [5], Vulture droid starfighters were a staple of the Trade Federation forces, In response to Prop 31-814D,[18] a Senate law which enabled taxation of the Free Trade Zones,[19] and while following the orders[6] of the manipulative Sith Lord Darth Sidious, the Trade Federation fleet blockaded and invaded Naboo with its droid army. Arakyd Industries was a major manufacturer of droids, heavy weapons, and starships, dating back to the days of the Galactic Republic. Why did they not invade Techno Space after this discovery? The base also transformed all the males of the nearby Rokrul village into savage mutants. $47.52 + $5.42 shipping . Raith Sienar was an acquaintance of Baktoid's chief designer, a man who was obsessed with tanks. Hi im going to a turnament (first in many months) in Extended format (never played extended) Here are the lists im considering... i would be delighted for some suggestions which one to take... Vulture-class Droid Fighter - Trade Federation Drone - 20 Trade Federation Drone - … [9], By the years of the Separatist Crisis, growing corporate competition led to the Techno Union petitioning for bolstering their security forces at Foerost Shipyards. Dua Ningo was a Sullustan military officer who lead the Separatist Bulwark Fleet.

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