The dumpee is the one pretending not to care about her ex-partner and the dumper is typically the one who truly doesn’t care. Stacey therefore became the girlfriend who didn’t care anymore as she turned her attention away from Chad onto Scott. If this loser doesn’t care it’s because there’s … – She might be scarred from past relationships and is holding back and emotionally unavailable herself. Either way, she’s with someone new, and it complicates the recovery process. What was it that Chad had done to upset Stacey? Guys now get ex women back all the time and you can do it too. Heartbreak. But sometimes guys have these special situations…. No ifs, ands, or buts. It dawned on him when he checked over his messages to Stacey, that it was heavily one-sided. – She might be testing you. It’s very rare that someone breaks up with a person and feels absolutely nothing about it. However, something led to this happening. She asked for a divorce the next day. At first, I tried to reason with her, so I asked her to reconsider and think things through. You need to move on. It was very competitive and fed into a lively post work social scenario. If you don’t adjust how you’re acting in the short-term, you will lose out as your girlfriend won’t want a relationship with you anymore. If you really love her, you must be able to tell that she has changed. When you see that he has settled down and that he is committed to his new relationship, it is clear that he has turned a new page in his life and that he doesn’t need anything from the past in … It’s not that your ex isn’t appreciating what you did for him. Why doesn’t he try to PROVE his love? Prime Signs Is She Not Caring Anymore. Signs Your Girlfriend Doesn’t Care. What used to be flirtatious messaging during lulls in the working day, had turned into Chad messaging a brick wall. This time around, Chad was smart enough to be measured with his attention, making sure to allow moments of friction to recreate desire and pull her back into a caring relationship. You are afraid that she doesn’t want to be your girlfriend anymore. That was also a wise move. When a woman loses respect and attraction for a guy (e.g. You can unsubscribe at any time. I pointed this out to my friends and we all had a good laugh. Women that are interested care what they look like especially in the beginning stages with a man. This is her mode of self-protection. And it drives me crazy. How? Ego is definitely involved here. Luckily they had not moved in together. If you stand strong, you will pass this test by not going overboard in pursuit but also showing that you do care about her. ... Make Your Ex Girlfriend Want You Again. I know that when my ex boyfriend broke up with me it was one of the most difficult decisions that he’s ever had to make. They spent most evenings and weekends together. My ex was very perplexed by this. I no longer know how to feel. wow. – She is rude, cold and callous with your feelings. You are afraid that she doesn’t want to be your girlfriend anymore. PS. And then I broke up with her after she told me about an ex she never mentioned after telling me I knew about them all a few months earlier. In season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the best season hands down, no discussion), Buffy captures a feeling so familiar to everyone who has experienced a broken heart. Nor was it a check-in. This was disastrous as Chad had put money down for a deposit on a shared apartment for them both. She doesn’t care about you if she’s rarely in the mood for sex. Your big family gathers up in your parents' house. She bit the bullet and messaged Chad: “Hey, what are you up to?”. It is far better to recognize the signs earlier and act upon them. She doesn't look you in the eyes like before. She doesn’t love me anymore so how can I revive my ex’s feelings? Method 2 of 3: Analyzing Their Words. Genius! But, one of the biggest signs that your ex doesn’t want you back is the fact that he has found someone he loves. 1. – She doesn’t take an interest in your life. If you notice these signs in your relationship, it’s time to quit that relationship. Look dude, i’m a girl I did that to my ex-boyfriend because every-time i texted him i wanted him back and it hurt me a lot. This is a large topic and can be found here on 8. But don’t just count down the days on your calendar. On top of the fact that you have no news from the man you were once so close to, you’re also faced with incomprehension and sadness. It’s debilitating, even. The fear of my husband not loving me or him deciding that I was not enough would royally screw me up. It’s also possible that she’s acting like she doesn’t care because acting like she does care could result in sending mixed signals. They Disregard Your Feelings. This means they still care about you and that your ex really misses you. I can guarantee you that unless your ex girlfriend is an awful, sociopathic human being, she’s feeling badly too – on some level, at least. People will come and go out of your life, but you’re stuck with yourself forever, so you might as well become someone who you like, and enjoy spending time with. By contrast, Scott’s interactions were spiky and playful as opposed to worshipping and repetitive. I got with this girl, and we only lasted a few weeks or so because she said their was no spark. If your ex girlfriend doesn’t care that you and her have broken up, it’s usually only a temporary phase that she is going through. No value. How is she going about her life as normal when you’re barely functioning? If your ex is acting like she doesn’t care, follow her lead. It's a lot to do some times to prove you care. There will be an email from me (, THE DARK SECRET TO MAKE HER FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU. Chad’s cunning “seed” was leaving Stacey with the message which implied he would be staying away and that he might pursue other options with his freedom. – People want what they can’t have, become less available and give her the impression your attention is transferred onto someone else. He saw the problem and actually laughed at his over-bearing persistence and burdening questions. It’s possible that your ex is missing you a lot, but that she feels guilty for hurting you, and doesn’t want to express how she’s feeling because of that guilt. COMMUNICATION DIES OFF. Real life isn’t like the fairy tales, no matter how many Disney movies we consume. He went away, rejected, and not 5 minutes later, there he was grinding on a girl with his tongue down her throat… just a few feet away from me. Because it was so clear that this show was for my benefit. When an ex wants you back, his return is more likely to look like a whimper rather than a roar. He doesn’t try to contact you. With this state of predicability, Stacey needed a distraction. That first evening, Chad simply sent one message to Stacey, after the many hours of silence. How can I get over her? when he doesn’t make plans anymore and you always seem to be his last minute option, something should tell you he doesn’t care. It is not a positive to maintain a “nice” state of being. Just venting here. So Stacey had got to the point where Chad was getting too much and so the boredom kicked in as she learnt to endure the expected pattern of continuous attention. My ex is not talking to me anymore and I don’t know why? Getting carried away and drunk, Scott began to pressure Stacey in the bar and she felt a little uncomfortable with his awkward advances across the table. Her hurting can also tie into a lot of these other issues as well, so keep that theme in mind as you read on. The fact that you think she no longer cares about you almost pales into insignificance next to the fact that she is no longer attracted to you. They’re not calling me even though I cut contact with them; it means they don’t care about me. In this situation, saying, “She doesn’t love me” anymore isn’t the best option simply because even though she might be feeling something for someone else, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she no longer feels anything for you. But it simply doesn’t. I use to think that if my husband didn’t care for me anymore, what would I do. He’s completely different from the guy that I knew.”. Maybe your ex is acting like she doesn’t care because she has a new guy. Just like how it was with the boy I stopped loving. It would utterly just disable me for days. So, if your ex doesn’t love you at the moment, don’t worry, you can change that. My ex doesn’t love me anymore and I want to know why? Now I think differently about these things. It amazes me how my wife (or soon to be ex-wife) can walk around and continue life like getting this divorce is no big deal and that our marriage was literally meaningless. If you’ve spent any time on this site, you know that the No Contact Rule is absolutely vital if you are going to try to get your ex back. The first step for Chad was to slam on the communication brakes. It’s a coping mechanism to act like we don’t care, like we’re not ruffled, even though inside we’re dying, just wanting to get back into bed and sleep our lives away. It means that if he has the option of choosing between you and a career, hobby, friend, personal assignments or social commitments, he'll choose all these things ahead of you. Something feels wrong. She doesn't get jealous but she makes you jealous instead. All your stuff are returned. Backup, here. When your husband doesn't care about your feelings, what it means is that he doesn't love you as before or even a little bit anymore. If your girlfriend doesn’t care about you anymore, she will exhibit a mix of or all of the following behavior traits: – She’s no longer affectionate towards you. Stacey wasn’t doing this to Chad, but your girlfriend could be doing this to you. Stacey got bored and her interest went elsewhere. So it’s very possible that your ex is hurting too, and is putting on a brave face because she doesn’t want you to see for whatever reason. Ultimately, you notice a week in that your messages are hitting an open pit and nothing resounding is coming back from your girlfriend. It will be really hard to move on if you still want to see him. Your aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, and cousins are all there. If you need help with a specific problem, please don’t hesitate to book an email or phone consultation with me and I’ll get back to you ASAP. That's kinda naaaaasty. If she didn’t really care, she wouldn’t act like she didn’t care so much. In your situation, it could also be that your girlfriend doesn’t care about you because she is testing you for future security. Keep your eye on the big picture of the chess game, because you want to be the one saying “checkmate” at the end. A week passed, time enough for Stacey to get used to Chad not being there. I would have these panic thoughts. “Oh no!” I hope to hear you all cry! Everything you need to know about creating, building, and maintaining attraction can be found within these pages. She cared about you deeply at one time, after all. He was blown away to receive a message from Stacey. Success! It begins the second the word “breakup” is uttered. Maybe unkind words were said, or hurtful actions were taken. Time is needed for both of you to heal – remember, it is extremely likely that she is hurting as well. Chad had mirrored Stacey’s emotions by pulling away and showed her that he didn’t care either. As … It’s a coping mechanism for self preservation. Scott began to make moves on Stacey in the office toward the end of the week, hoping to catch her in time for the weekend. Stacey was relieved when she read the message, but little did she realize, a little seed was planted in her head. As humans, we try to put on a brave face when we’re hurting. With a girlfriend who doesn’t care about you, you need to act fast before the point of no return. I know this was really hard for my ex. Your feelings represent your state of mind at any point in time and anyone that doesn't care about them doesn't care about you; it doesn't matter if such one is your husband. He kept his cool and didn’t respond. Can I Prevent My Ex Girlfriend From Being With Someone Else? So why is your ex girlfriend acting like she doesn’t care that your heart is breaking into tiny pieces? Scorpio can just leave his girlfriend or partner, if there are several causes that make the Scorpio leave his girlfriend. Caring for their man and perhaps children is an innate … Maybe they’ve hopped right into a rebound relationship. Any one of these could be enough to spin your girlfriend around. Here’s how it works…. This led to Chad feeling that she no longer cared about him. The fact that you and this person are “ex best friends” would suggest that some falling out took place. She Doesn't Care About Your Family. As you worry about losing your girl… you think back to the good times you had. After my breakup, my ex continued to talk to me about how he felt and continued to be affectionate. But now? She had stopped messaging me all the time , she was not spending time with me , she didn’t try to plan with me anymore , she was not communicating or talking to me about her problems like she once did , I felt like I was losing her. Usually, it is hard to return the things of your ex after breakup if you still … We promise not to spam you. Understandably she doesn't want to hug you if you're a smoker. 15 Signs You Don't Care About Your Relationship Anymore. For the next week, Stacey felt free and continued to flirt with Scott at work. – Possibly introduce dread as a way to stimulate attraction in extreme circumstances. The result is her pulling away from you, resulting in this lack of care you are currently experiencing. Sometimes, people break up not because the love it gone, but because of other, outside reasons, sometimes out of our control. . men can make you feel really special when they want to, but they can also make you feel otherwise without even saying a word. Anger and resentment don’t show that your ex cares about you, but stalking you and watching your every move does. Why? When men break up with a woman it’s generally to get something they want, so men still care when they break up and the woman most likely has 3 chances to get him back and they’ll likely break up 3 more times before it’s over. because he has become too insecure, needy, clingy or controlling), she … No hug, no kiss, nothing. – She might be upset with something you’ve done. After my breakup, I didn’t beg or plead with my ex boyfriend. He could have done anything to make me love him again and it … If you're starting to feel undervalued in your relationship, here are five signs that can mean your partner doesn't care enough about you. As such, if your boyfriend becomes too busy to even give you at least 10 minutes of his time in a day, it's a sign you are not on his priority list. Guys don't get too busy for a girl they really care about. Anyways, she tells her best friend everything. What happens in this situation is that your girlfriend would initially sigh relief and embrace the sudden freedom. They would message each other all day when they were apart. He felt he had become a stalker! When my ex boyfriend and I broke up, he knew he had hurt me, and didn’t reach out until the end of the No Contact period because he knew I needed space. Look at your messaging app and look at the balance of messages between you both and how often you are communicating. Look dude, i’m a girl I did that to my ex-boyfriend because every-time i texted him i wanted him back and it hurt me a lot. However, even if they care for you, you likely broke up because you aren't compatible. He wanted to dance, but since I was there with my friends, I turned him down. Well, if there is a new guy, it makes sense that she would try to create some distance between the two of you, out of respect for her new man. If you're trying to move on, you should tell your ex so they won't get their hopes up by texting you so often. I Regret Breaking Up With My Ex Girlfriend. If you want to create INTENSE attraction with women, I highly recommend you get a copy of my book Atomic Attraction (Kindle/Paperback/Audio). Remember, the game has started and you have to start trying to get into her head to anticipate her actions and the meanings behind them. In essence, if attraction is lowered from your girlfriend’s perspective, it will result in disaster. Upset Stacey putting you on the offensive the problem and actually laughed at his persistence... To appear as Ungettable as I could t reply to my text Messages… will. Post work social scenario kept alive and not allowed to curl up on a date to see me upset about. Bullet and messaged Chad: “ Hey, what your favorite meal is extreme circumstances why I ’. Go to the good times you had a gift in disguise whatever behavior you see your ex exhibit ( the. 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