Yes, if in that great, final hour we say we are believers, then we had surely better be demonstrating it. 9. Many have asked, “Is this the hour of the Second Coming of the Savior and all that is prophesied surrounding that event?” Indeed, sometime not long after 9-11, I had a missionary ask me in all honesty and full of faith, “Elder Holland, are these the last days?” I saw the earnestness in his face and some of the fear in his eyes, and I wanted to be reassuring. ... of his father’s last days. Indeed, the only concern I would have us entertain is a very personal one: How can we live more fully, more faithfully, so that all the blessings of this great dispensation can be showered upon each one of us and upon those whose lives we touch? All wedding feasts are happy occasions. - M. Russell Ballard - Ensign. We can be certain that we are in the last days—years and years of them,” I said, and gave him a friendly shake of the hand and sent him on his way. Add that where we cannot go we can now “send,” as the scriptures say, with satellite broadcasts like the one we are using tonight (see D&C 84:62). This is the great dispensation that has been spoken of ever since the world began.”6 Let me repeat President Hinckley’s words: “Through all the perils of the past, [s]omehow, among all who have walked the earth, we have been brought forth in this unique and remarkable season. Speaking to 11,000 students in the Dee Glen Smith Spectrum arena on the campus of Utah State University in Logan, Utah, on September 22, Elder Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles charged young adults to “be of good cheer” despite the trials of the last days. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland greets Utah State University Student Association President Sami Ahmed, joined by regional church leaders and Edward Hegemann, director of the Logan Institute of Religion. She would have dearly loved being with us, but she is in Houston, Texas, tonight, helping with a brand-new granddaughter born to our daughter and son-in-law there. Think of the remarkable age in which we live. (Jeffrey R. Holland, "Like a Broken Vessel"). . So much for farmyard stories! Giving him a hug, I said, “Elder, I may not be the brightest person alive, but even I know the name of the Church.” We then talked about being Latter-day Saints. We cannot stop living life. We are doing the work of God. I have already told you that I don’t know. So, my young friends, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion. Jeffrey R.Holland's: talk to seminary teachers "Protecting Our Families in the Last Days" - Ensign "Be Not Afraid, Only Believe" - Jeffrey R. Holland talk to CES Religious Educators, 2015 "Take Especial Care of Your Family" - Neal A. Maxwell - April 1994 "When Shall These Things Be?" Last update: October 8, 2020. December 1, 2020 at 8:45 AM Author Reply. Jeffrey R.Holland's: talk to seminary teachers "Protecting Our Families in the Last Days" - Ensign "Be Not Afraid, Only Believe" - Jeffrey R. Holland talk to CES Religious Educators, 2015 "Take Especial Care of Your Family" - Neal A. Maxwell - April 1994 "When Shall These Things Be?" Think about it. We must be doing His work and we must be living His teachings. He treats us to his unique Conference talk style and displays a talent for taking experiences from the past and translating them to our modern lives. I appreciate her support there just as much as if she were here at my side tonight. 4. Lessons in Church Manuals But here’s my theory. But He can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. Elder Holland does a beautiful job of summarizing the cares of the world, with his memorable micro story-telling. Add the miracle of the computer, which helps us document our family histories and systematically perform saving ordinances for the redemption of our dead. The Savior said that even the angels in heaven would not know (see Matthew 24:36). I say it lovingly and from my heart. We must live as true followers of . I love the line from the Prophet Joseph Smith saying that earlier prophets, priests, and kings “have looked forward with joyful anticipation to the day in which we live; and . [Mormon 8:34–35]. We should watch for the signs and read the meaning of the seasons, we should live as faithfully as we possibly can, and we should share the gospel with everyone so that blessings and protections will be available to all. (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965–75), 3:258; see also Gordon B. Hinckley, in Conference Report, April 2004, 84–85; or “The Dawning of a Brighter Day,” Ensign, May 2004, 83. Jeffrey R. Holland was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when this fireside address was given at … Lastly, let me share this from President Hinckley, our modern prophet, who currently guides us through the challenging times of our present hour. Perhaps I do not need to remind you of the staggering challenges President Woodruff faced. “The Ministry of Angels” by Jeffrey R. Holland September 20, 2016 Talk of the Day angels , comfort , Jeffrey R. Holland Joseph Life can be filled with stresses and strains, heartaches and heartbreaks, trials and tragedies. Over 6,000 years or so ago there was one temple in the old world (it was rebuilt two or three times, but it was always the same temple on the same mountain: Mount Moriah in Jerusalem) and two or three temples in Book of Mormon history, but now we live in a time when temples are multiplying so rapidly we can hardly keep up. SALT LAKE CITY — Elder Jeffrey R. Holland has been in the hospital since last week, according to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We have an LDS presence in some 170 countries. He has said to us in our day: “Gird up your loins and be prepared. God is watching over His world, His Church, His leaders, and He is certainly watching over you. That is how tasks are accomplished, that is how goals are achieved, and that is how frontiers are conquered. As of a few minutes ago we had 119 active temples with more, I am sure, to be announced and put under construction. I believe they took courage and hope not so much from their own circumstances as from yours—a magnificent congregation of young adults like you tonight gathered by the hundreds of thousands around the world in a determined effort to see the gospel prevail and triumph. Christ has overcome the world and made straight a path for us in the wilderness. - M. Russell Ballard - Ensign. I can assure you they weren’t concentrating on terror and tragedy. Truth has been restored. – Safety for the Soul conference Talk ... the blog page with the ‘LIAR’ label stamp on Holland’s picture and then drawing the conclusion that “Elder Jeffrey R. Holland is (a) habitual liar”. . 5. . Let’s get some gusto into singing those songs of everlasting joy. Surely that is why President Hinckley said: “It is not enough [for us, you and me, now, in our time] to simply be known as a member of this Church. I leave an apostolic blessing on each one of you individually within the sound of my voice that you will live with confidence, optimism, faith, and devotion. Is there any point in getting an education? The eyes of God and all the holy prophets are watching us. Elder Matthew S. Holland, a General Authority Seventy and son of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, speaks during the afternoon session of the 190th Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day … He knows your name and He knows your need. 8. Prophets such as Moses, Nephi, and the brother of Jared saw the latter days in tremendously detailed vision. we are the favored people that God has [chosen] to bring about the Latter-day glory.2, Note this similar affirmation from Wilford Woodruff in 1894. If you will keep your hearts pure, you and your children and your grandchildren shall sing songs of everlasting joy as you build up Zion—and you shall not be moved out of your place. . In James R. Clark, comp., Messages of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6 vols. General Conference Talks on "Last Days", Media Library Top Search Results on "Last Days", Media Library Top Search Results on "Second Coming", Media Library Top Search Results on "Signs of the Times", A Royal Generation - Dean L. Larsen - April 1983, "Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers" - M. Russell Ballard, The Coming Test and Trials and Glory - Bruce R. McConkie - April 1980, To Make a People Prepared for the Lord - Delbert L. Stapley - October 1975, Ye Shall Not Fear - Alvin R. Dyer - April 1971, The Time Shall Come - L. Whitney Clayton - October 2011, The Key to Spiritual Protection - Boyd K. Packer - October 2013, Janet S. Scharman (excerpt from a BYU address about the speed of modern technology advancements), War in the Last Days - Section 87 of the Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual, "An Anchor to the Souls of Men",  President Howard W. Hunter - Fireside, Jesus' Sermon on the Last Days: Matthew 24 - S. Kent Brown, "Terror, Triumph, and a Wedding Feast" - Jeffrey R. Holland, "We Need Not Fear His Coming" - Gordon B. Hinckley, "When Shall These Things Be?" Let us face it and work at it. I assume he has long since finished a successful mission and is now happily at home getting on with his life, perhaps even sitting in this audience somewhere looking for a wife! ... of his father’s last days. Behold, the kingdom is yours, and the enemy shall not overcome” (D&C 38:9). We are gathered together . That is the element in our Church title that should be demanding our attention. Most assuredly you have a beautiful future. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland is known and loved throughout The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a master teacher and a powerful speaker. Collectively speaking—whether it is in our lifetime or our children’s or our grandchildren’s or whenever—we nevertheless have the responsibility as a Church and as individual members of that Church to be worthy to have Christ come to us, to be worthy to have Him greet us, and to have Him accept and receive and embrace us. He served as the ninth President of Brigham Young University and is a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). I bless you that you will be serious about life’s challenges but not frightened or discouraged. While I . But we need even more. Ours, not theirs, was the day that gave them “heavenly and joyful anticipations” and caused them to sing and prophesy of victory. Think of the blessings we enjoy. But we cannot and must not be paralyzed just because that event and the events surrounding it are out there ahead of us somewhere. Holland began his message joking about his love for Aggie Ice Cream, saying he expects to be buried with a couple gallons. I thought perhaps an arm around him and some humor could relieve his anxiety a little. (Photo courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Apostle Jeffrey R. Holland speaks Sunday afternoon at General Conference on Oct. 4, 2020. My theory is that those great men and women, the leaders in those ages past, were able to keep going, to keep testifying, to keep trying to do their best, not because they knew that they would succeed but because they knew that you would. He loves you. There is evil and sorrow in the world, but there is no evil or harm in Him. . Citing just last April conference that very theme struck by President Woodruff, he said to all of us: We of this generation are the end harvest of all that has gone before. Be grateful, and above all be faithful.5, It is interesting to me that in those three quotations, over a representative period of time, our prophets have focused not on the terror of the times in which they lived and not on the ominous elements of the latter days, in which we are all living, but they felt to speak of the opportunity and blessing, and above all the responsibility, to seize the privileges afforded us in this, the greatest of all dispensations. These frightened Saints lost land, livestock, clothing, furniture, crops, and a host of personal possessions. May we live worthy of the glorious endowment of light and understanding and eternal truth which has come to us through all the perils of the past. “Elder Holland could read a cereal box” is how a friend of mine once expressed his love for anything Elder Holland teaches. I testify not only that Jesus is the Christ, the Holy and Only Begotten Son of God, but that He lives, that He loves us, that on the strength and merit of His atoning sacrifice, we too will live eternally. Provo, Utah 84602. No earlier people down through the gospel ages—including our own parents, in many cases—have had anywhere near the blessings that you and I have been given. Against that backdrop, I know that many of you have wondered in your hearts what all of this means regarding the end of the world and your life in it. . Nevertheless, President Woodruff said in the midst of such troubles: The Almighty is with this people. . I want to excuse Sister Holland tonight. One way or another, I think virtually all of the prophets and early apostles had their visionary moments of our time—a view that gave them courage in their own less-successful eras. There always have been. Also see other collected talk by Church Leaders. This is the plan. Think of the prophets of the Book of Mormon, living in a dispensation ending with such painful communication between Mormon and Moroni about the plight they faced and the nations they loved dissolving into corruption, terror, and chaos. See The Charted Course of the Church in Education, rev. 218 University Press Building In a very real way, their chance to consider themselves fully successful depends on our faithfulness and our victory. Indeed, the whole point of the Restoration of the gospel in these latter days is that it had not been able to survive in earlier times and therefore had to be pursued in one last, triumphant age. Those early brethren knew an amazing amount about us. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, during the LDS General Conference on October 4, 2009, delivered a sermon entitled “Safety for the Soul.” In it, Elder Holland spoke of “prophecies regarding the last days” and how individuals could find safety and shelter from strife and calamities foretold. “Faith in Every Footstep,” Ensign, January 1997, 15. 1. Elder Holland does a beautiful job of summarizing the cares of the world, with his memorable micro story-telling. I do know that as a result of that First Vision and what has followed it, we live in a time of unprecedented blessings—blessings given to us for the purpose of living faithfully and purely so when the Bridegroom finally and triumphantly arrives, He can personally, justifiably bid us to the wedding feast. If those of you gathered in Houston turn around slowly and look near the back of the room, you may see a cute little grandmother hiding on the back row pretending to be an institute student. (He’d better be. But tonight I issue a call to each of you to concentrate on the “Saint” portion of that phrase. When shall Christ appear publicly, triumphantly, and the Millennium begin? What he really meant was, “Will I finish my mission? Third, last, and most beautiful of all: the baby to be named Jesus, lying in swaddling clothes on the cleanest hay an anxious father could collect. Later on names like Haun’s Mill and Liberty Jail would take their place in our vocabulary forever. The lives we present to Him in that sacred hour must be worthy of Him! I have even heard sweethearts say, “We don’t know whether we should get married in such uncertain times.”. But that is all right. We consider all these blessings that we have in our dispensation, and we pause to say to our Father in Heaven, “How great Thou art”7 and “How good Thou art.”. Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Holland explained that now is the time to fight, not flee. 7. Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. A School in Zion Jeffrey R. Holland I, the Lord, am well pleased that there should be a school in Zion. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel were all prophets of captivity. SALT LAKE CITY — Elder Jeffrey R. Holland has been released from the hospital, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced Friday. ed. You have it on good word. . Isaiah was the prophet who saw the loss of the 10 Israelite tribes to the north. The Plague of Pornography Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Utah Coalition Against Pornography Keynote Address March … See the complete list of abbreviations here. [D&C 101:16–19]. One irony this quiet, unpublicized scene belied was the fact that no baby had ever been born about whom so much was already known, of whom so much had already been written, and regarding whom so much was already expected. 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