Give us what we need. All over the world, this very moment, people are gathered to bring praise to Your name, and we are humbled to be a very small part of that. And as we continue to grow as other-oriented people, give us opportunities to share the good news about Jesus with friends, neighbors, and co-workers who do not yet follow him. And would you, by your Spirit, gently remind us that your resurrection proves our pain will not have the last word. Thank You for giving us Your Word, preserved and undefiled for millennia, in spite of how many have attacked and forbidden it. Father, may we get into line with this magnificent procession of the redeemed and holy ones, all those to whom you gave life and sustenance and strength and wisdom and peace. Show those who are in even the deepest of sorrow that you are with us in the darkest valleys. We must confess that we have not heeded the psalmist when he says, “For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens.”  Forgive us for turning this upside down. From our lives of jubilant praise may others hear the praiseworthy news and become persons of praise as well. We pray specifically this morning for those who may be seeking Your leading at this particular moment in time, who may feel unsure of the future and wrestling with major decisions. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, you made everything, and everything is yours. We would rather wallow in our sorrow, we would rather see the entire world as against us, and we would rather live as helpless victims than as the sheep of our pasture which we truly are. May we be counter-cultural in our love and respect for one another, and may our community of many ages be a light to those around us. Praise the Lord, oh my soul. Grant them wisdom to know when their priorities may have become unhealthy, and continue to form them into a group of people whose involvement in community is not an addition to their already busy life, but the rhythm into which everything else fits. The Maroon Bells are two peaks in the Elk Mountains, Maroon Peak and North Maroon Peak, separated by about half a kilometer (one-third of a mile). In the scenes of your life that we are familiar with from the New Testament Gospels, how amazing and instructive it is to realize that your pondering of the word of God was central in prompting and directing your attitudes, words, and actions. And we thank you for their fulfillment in king David’s greater son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But it hasn t always been smooth -- or easy. We pray for the family, friends, and community of those attacked in Orlando two weeks ago. early in the morning, We remember the new individuals and families who have become a part of our church family. We trust You to be bigger and we thank You for entrusting us with Your work. You are good in protecting your people, good in hearing their cries, good in delivering them in a variety of ways. Truly in Jesus you have brought us the water of life to quench the deepest thirst of our hearts. Show them, I pray, how the resurrection really does matter and how the victory of your Son guarantees the ultimate victory of your people on that day when sin is no more and when all that is wrong in this world is made right. For those studying at home or in a Christian school environment, we pray that You use this time to give them a firm foundation, and that their secure identity in You would prepare them to bring their contributions to Your world. to those and for those Thank you for this journey. Where there is spiritual darkness, break in with the light of the gospel. Hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes and hundreds of people have lost their lives in Haiti alone. Lord you are the deliver, deliver us from anything that entangles us. You shouldered and suffered the cross. You are mighty. How Long, O Lord, will this sort of thing continue? We repent of our self-pity and bitterness and look to you for your deliverances. Thank you for your heart for children as expressed in this psalm. “Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel; may the whole earth be filled with his glory.”. You are good, even when our circumstances are not. Father, we do ask for an extra measure of your grace for those in this congregation who are feeling what your king felt in this Psalm. Why should you walk on the same dirt of this earth as us? The centennial mode has a basin-scale structure and interhemispheric impacts on surface climate. We ask you to instill a sense of Godly justice into our city officials, creating a place of respect and safety, where we can connect with our neighbors regardless of race, class, or ethnicity. We thank you that because of the death and resurrection of Jesus we are no longer enslaved to or defined by what we do, but by what your Son, Jesus, has done. Today, Father, we pray for Catherine and Dan Graul. Please help these decisions to not get in the way of the gospel moving forward in our land. We praise you for good news we hear out of Cuba, only 90 miles from our shore, but worlds away. Destroy these idols. I want you to fill me, to fill my soul — to fill my whole being — with joy. We pray now for the families that we will have the chance to interact with. Give them an eagerness to see new people brought into their GC, and we pray this would continue to become the kind of community where all people—regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or marital status—can find a home. Lord, this morning we give you thanks for the opportunity to gather for worship in this place. After centuries and centuries of anticipation, in the fullness of time you sent your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, born of Mary, into this fallen world that you love and that you are determined to redeem. They started their trip in 2012 and are still slowly traveling the world. Use us, we pray, to bring the joy of the gospel to our neighborhoods, our city, and to our world. We pray for those experiencing shame, either from decisions we have made in the past or from the wrongs of others against us. Some are facing temptations that seem unconquerable. We pray for our President and for the Congress. Give us strength and wisdom to know how we can contribute to human flourishing wherever you have placed us. It is sweeter than honey and more precious than gold. The reason we come is because we need you, you are faithful, and we know you never grow tired of our prayers. You are present with us here, just as you were with our ancestors in Jerusalem, as we heard described in this psalm reading. Mary’s song reminds us that your desire is for us to be people who are humble and that you will deal decisively with pride. Creator of the Universe, but named, called, adopted as sons and daughters. From our New Covenant perspective, we praise you not only for the Old Testament Scriptures, but for the living Word, your Son, Jesus Christ, the Word that was made flesh and came to us up close. Father, deep down our hearts cry out “how can this be?” “Why?” In the fog of grief, where there seems to be no light, help us to move toward you. Thank you for the growth of the church under decades of opposition and for the many house churches and training centers that are being established even today. And may it start in us, Your Church. You were severely punished for our sins, not your own, and you submitted yourself to death. Father, comfort those who wish to pass on their faith to their own children, but are unable to conceive. Forgive us, Lord, for so often seeking our satisfaction in worldly pleasures. You have created such great things for us to enjoy; and we have made idols out of them. You offer us, mere mortals, the dust of the earth, your eternal self. We pray that Your church rises up to support, rebuild, and offer hope that only You give. May they praise your shepherding care. Merciful God, we are grieved to hear continuing stories of carnage in the city of Aleppo, Syria. As the Psalmist reminds us, you reveal yourself as you really are. And LORD we receive the prayers of our brothers and sisters around the globe who are praying for us. Continue to help him model servant leadership to his staff, and in a broader sense to all of the churches in our denomination. You are Creator and Ruler, and this psalm reminds us that you are a God of justice. God you are beyond us and are the God who is with us and for us. Fill us with compassion for our neighbors, so that we might love and serve them as an overflowing of the presence of your love in our lives. You are our light and you lead us to good things, even when we don’t understand the route. Help us to keep a multiplication mindset as we look not only toward launching another congregation and multiplying our Gospel Communities, but to bringing the good news of the gospel to our neighbors and coworkers and to the next generation. Lord shape our collective conscience. Give hope to the needy and the oppressed. May all the nations indeed turn to you and worship you for the life and death and resurrection of Jesus. Lord, we pause this morning to recognize not only that you hear us in times of prosperity, but in times of lack and in times of pain. We mourn all the lives that have been lost since then in the violence of continuing attacks as well as in the violence of war. Whether it be physical, relational, emotional, financial, or spiritual shadows that cover us—or more than one—I pray that we feel the comfort of Your presence and that it chases away the fear. You redeem. We pray that people of different lifestyles and political viewpoints, would set that aside and that the best possible humanity would be evident. Teach us, God, to love your word, and to live each day in humble obedience to it. We think and act as if our thoughts and actions are hidden from you. When having the sin pointed out in his life he didn’t make excuses. Make us ready re-layers of the good news. Remind us today that you are the maker and owner of everything on which our eyes can fall, thus impressing upon our hearts that you own us as well and that every man, woman, boy, and girl bears your image, even though it may be profoundly marred. We pray these things in the mighty name of Jesus. We confess, Father, that many of us have lost that joy. Thank you for your goodness, your steadfast love, and your enduring faithfulness. Remind us, also, that because of the blood of Jesus, who took our place, we are blameless in Your sight, and we do not need to live under the weight of guilt or shame. We think of the people groups of Liberia, Africa, where pastor Larry has gone to teach pastors this week. Forgive us, Father. We frequently complain, we are frequently envious, discontent, angry with our circumstances, and resistant to believing you. We ask that you would cause this surgery to be successful, that you would sustain him through the eight-week recovery, and that you would give an extra measure of grace and energy to [name withheld] as she cares for him and their two little ones. Oh Lord, You are good, and Your love and faithfulness are unending. Thank you Lord for all the ways you bring joy and meaning to our lives. We pray for the congregations who are in close proximity to victims from the Las Vegas shooting. Forgive us the times we are more concerned about our own comfort, security, and reputation than the needs of our friends, family, and neighborhood. Merciful God, too often we have looked for this kind of leader in our political system. Help us to humbly come before you and cry out for peace. Thank you for making us your possession, your people, the sheep of your pasture, the people under your care and guidance and protection. And we know that You want it to start first in our hearts. There are times when you lift us out of difficult circumstances, but our greatest need is not better circumstances but a hope and a joy that cannot be contained by circumstances in the first place. Our hearts are easily captured and distracted by other, lesser things. Help us creatively engage our children in gospel communities instead of pushing them aside so that we can have real conversation. Why should you spend your first hours with smelly animals that you created? You value these kids from the smallest baby in utero to the loudest elementary kid to the about to graduate senior. You have been faithful and true, a solid rock when the world around us continues to unravel at an alarming rate. But no matter the outcome, we fall before you and worship you as the God whose ways we cannot comprehend, and we worship you as the One who can take even the most gut-wrenching, pain-filled circumstances and make them turn out for our good. We hope in that you will eliminate sickness. Please continue to strengthen Catherine physically and provide wisdom to her doctors as they try to discern how to help her. Please bless those efforts and have our young people learn to love you at an early age. You alone show us steadfast love that never waivers and faithfulness that can be fully relied upon. In him, we see all that could only be hoped for in David. You have loosed our bonds, therefore, in return we offer ourselves as bondservants to serve you in all we do. Do not let up. They are discouraged. In these intimate spheres of daily life, keep forming Christ in us, give us his wisdom at every hand, and reflect him to others through us. Help us to trust in Jesus Christ alone, who lived a perfect life, died the death we should have died and rose from the dead, conquering sin and death. You are our eternal leader. Today we want to pray specifically for the students of The Edge who are at Camp Shamineau for Fall Fling. The waters bear the beams of your palace. May your Son be more beautiful to us because we have worshiped together this morning. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to be called your children. Some come here today celebrating your Son, some come here still examining your Son, and some come here doubting your Son. ... then Uncorked in Centennial is saving relationships by the class-full. We pray today for President Trump and his cabinet and the new congress that will begin soon. How fitting it would be if, from the beginning of the new year to its end, our lives were characterized by this exuberant and expansive praise. Teach us to value children like you do. We ask that while chaplains can’t be near, that the Holy Spirit would be pastoring these people into eternity. We have sat among the wicked, taken part in evil, and lived in hypocrisy. Our God, Emmanuel. You alone give us security. When we feel forgotten, when it seems you are in hiding, when sorrow overcomes us, just like your anointed king we can still trust in your unfailing love and rejoice in your salvation. We pray all of this because of Jesus and in His name. And above all, forgive us for our lack of prayer. God, give us eyes to see those in our midst who are suffering. Keep us from stumbling as we walk in the light of your Word for you have said, “if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”. In this psalm we see your righteous anger and ultimate justice completely defeating evil. Would you transform the Church of North America from a political platform to a radical movement of agape love? This week in our jobs, in our families and neighborhoods and Gospel Communities, would You use us in Your work of redeeming what is broken? Rightly we will sing again at the conclusion of our service. If you have us walking through a particular trial, keep us from becoming overwhelmed by it. We pray for deep community and relationships to be formed and for these families to catch a vision for opening up their homes and lives to others. War, violence, famine, and economic disaster have left many families wandering our world without a place to go. Help them in school and pre-school settings, online, and at home. Similar to a close, help us to realize the important role our integrity can play when interacting others! 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