The baptism is an acceptance of death for the sins of humanity, and the voice that calls out “This is my beloved Son” over the baptismal waters is an anticipatory reference to the Resurrection. Considering that baptism washes away original sin (as well as actual sin in the case of older children or adult baptisms), we are led to ponder the meaning of Christ’s baptism in the Jordan as that feast approaches, since although Christ took on our humanity He remained sinless. Why do we still need to be baptized? This is greatly different from the understanding of the sacrament of baptism that is held by many other Christians, which simply put is that baptism does not actually confer any of the grace it symbolizes, but rather is a manifestation of a person’s acceptance of Christ as their Savior. The baptism is an acceptance of death for the sins of humanity, and the voice that calls out “This is my beloved Son” over the baptismal waters is an anticipatory reference to the Resurrection. Second, this feast helps us consider the meaning of baptism itself in the Catholic Church, and the meaning of sacraments in general. Christian baptism is of course greater than John’s baptism, even as Jesus himself is far greater than John (Matt. Opposition to infant baptism is not a new phenomenon. © 2013-2021 The Mystical Humanity of Christ. He inaugurated his public activity by stepping into the place of sinners. 1:12) . Despite this, the first objection often is that babies cannot personally make the commitment necessary for Baptism. But Catholics care most of all about the letters we hope one day will come. This is why the Church encourages baptism of even the smallest infants, for it is by being baptized into the Church that we are able to fully receive grace in the time afterward. Baptism is equated with dying with Christ ( Romans 6:8 ), and so the symbolism of being buried is a public declaration of our dying with Christ as well as our identification with him. 3:14, John 3:30). That is why Catholics baptise babies "in the name of … The Catholic Church, it noted, believes that the minister of a baptism is not acting on behalf of only himself or the local community, but … The Eastern traditions of iconography pick up on many of these themes, as the current pope emeritus elucidates: The icon of Jesus’ baptism depicts the water as a liquid tomb having the form of a dark cavern, which is in turn the iconographic sign of Hades, the underworld, or hell. Baptism is the first holy sacrament followed by: Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, Marriage and Holy Order. It seems odd that Jesus would be baptized. If we want everyone we know and love to get to heaven, if we want them to see Jesus, they must become saints as well—no exceptions. Saint Paul, looking back at this event, refers to it as a prefigurement of Christian baptism (1 Cor. All four evangelists report Jesus’ baptism (Mt 3:13-17; Mk 1:9-11; Lk 3:21-22; Jn 1:31-34) which means that it is extremely important. It is an article of faith that anyone who dies in the state of original sin is excluded from heaven, from the vision of God. We don't think children should be without the grace of Jesus. A fair question. “baptism” to refer to his death (18). The baptism of Jesus is on his part the acceptance and inauguration of his mission as God's suffering Servant. Even within the Catholic Church herself we put the good catechumen ahead of the wicked baptized person” (On Baptism, Against the Donatists 4:21:28 [A.D. 400]). The baptism is an acceptance of death for the sins of humanity, and the voice that calls out “This is my beloved Son” over the baptismal waters is an anticipatory reference to the Resurrection. Christian baptism not only forgives sins, but infuses the life of God into the soul, making us God’s children. of course, of our own baptism. It makes the baptized a new creature. The Church teaches that baptism not only lets us participate in Jesus’ victory over sin and death, but calls us to our own personal holiness and apostolate (sharing our faith). First, in antiquity water conjured up two distinct images: death and life. John Chrysostom writes: “Going down into the water and emerging again are the image of the descent into hell and the Resurrection” (19). ... is why our Catholic Tradition places the Baptism of the Lord alongside the visit of … In the Catholic Church, infants are baptized to welcome them into the Catholic faith and to free them from the original sin they were born with. 14:21-31). Therefore, when someone is publicly baptized, he is proclaiming his allegiance to … As Catholics, by way of reminder, we situate our reflection on the sacrament of baptism not only in a personal but also in a communal level, that is, the Church. … And we can begin by affirming that indeed we have been created in God’s image and likeness. . This can lead us into reflecting on the theological virtues of faith, hope and love as well: in faith we recognize the immensity of the sacrament of baptism, in hope we await the fullness of God’s grace, and in love we are struck by both the innocence of the newborn child and the magnitude of the Redemption. All rights reserved. Christian baptism not only forgives sins, but infuses the life of God into the soul, making us God’s children. 10:2), which frees us from the rule of sin and death. It also states that baptism is what incorporates mankind into the life of the Church, and so it is through baptism that mankind is able to attain salvation at all. First, it is helpful to understand the unique nature of the Catholic understanding of the sacrament of baptism as opposed to the understanding of baptism by other Christian denominations. Rather, he sanctified the waters by his descent into them. “I do not hesitate to put the Catholic catechumen, burning with divine love, before a baptized heretic. These two ideas are, in a sense, two sides of the same coin. Rather, Pope Benedict XVI (writing as Joseph Ratzinger), in his, First, in antiquity water conjured up two distinct images, Looking at the events (of Christ’s baptism) in light of the Cross and Resurrection, the Christian people realized what happened: Jesus loaded the burden of all mankind’s guilt upon his shoulders; he bore it down into the depths of the Jordan. We breath with the Lord Jesus and with every other baptized person. Many other Christian denominations think that it is odd that the Church would require baptism of babies, the most innocent of God’s creatures. It would thus not be fitting to hold a baptism for a baby since they are incapable of making this choice which is the reason for baptism in their understanding. If original sin is the source of our damnation then we are born with it. Witnessing a baptism, then, reminds us both of the goodness that exists in the present world as well as the infinite goodness that awaits us in the next. The Catholic Church's Clear Teaching About Infant Baptism. BAPTISM IN THE ECONOMY OF SALVATION. The world tends to value the letters at the end of people’s names—M.D., M.B.A., Ph.D. One of these feasts is the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, which occurs in early January, and commemorates the baptism of Christ by St. John the Baptist. The easiest and perhaps best answer would simply be that this was the constant Tradition or teaching of the early Church, right from the time of the Apostles. In Matthew 3:13-17, Jesus came to John the Baptist to be baptized. with the salvific events of the Passion and of Easter, but it also reveals him to be a new and greater Moses. Jesus had no need to be cleansed by the waters of baptism, for he had no sins to be washed away. After all, he is the sinless, divine Son of God, and the baptism that John the Baptist administered was “a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4). He is, as it were, the true Jonah who said to the crew of the ship, ”Take me and throw me into the sea” (Jon. Christ Calls All to Baptism. Already he is … PD. So, we have some key differences in the Catholic doctrine of baptism compared to Scripture. This is especially true because in Christian usage the word had a highly particular meaning distinct from the term’s ordinary, everyday usage. The baptism of the Lord also reminds us, of course, of our own baptism. The first feast that springs to our minds is almost without a doubt Christmas, the Nativity of Our Lord, but there are several others which are truly worthy of remembrance and celebration, and can aid us in recognizing the many truths woven into the fabric of Catholicism. Christian baptism is of course greater than John’s baptism, even as Jesus himself is far greater than John (Matt. One week following our celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord, we celebrate His baptism. Christ chose to be baptized not out of personal necessity, but rather because He thought it fitting to be baptized on behalf of the humanity whose sins He was choosing to take on. One is that the Bible says to be baptized once we have faith and repent of our sins (Acts 2:38; Mark 16:15–17); no one should be baptized “in … On the one side, the innocence of a newborn child shows to us the goodness that is still present in the world despite the fall of Adam and Eve. And the origin of this sacrament is Jesus’ own baptism. When you boil it all down, this is the essence of how we fulfill our baptismal mandate to become saints. Even the physical act of baptism, especially baptism by immersion, represents death and new life: the descent into the waters is a form of death and burial; the rising to a new life is an icon of resurrection. Sacraments 101: Baptism (why we baptize) By The Editors November 15, 2011. Turning to the Catholic understanding of baptism, however, we bear witness to several beautiful truths that are fundamental to the Catholic faith. Baptism provides a common foundation among all Christians, including those not yet in full communion with the Catholic Church. Why did Christ, then, place such great importance on His own baptism even though there was no sin to wash away? His baptism was a fulfillment of righteousness, but not of His own; in the baptism in the Jordan, Christ fulfilled the righteousness of everyone who would ever be born. In baptism, we are made one. ), St. John of the Cross—Reflection on His Sayings of Light and Love. The purpose of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection is to unite all things in Him and to redeem His people by taking on the burden of the sins of all mankind. To fully elaborate on all of these truths would require thousands of pages, but let’s consider them one by one in brief here. Your child will receive the Baptismal grace and freed from original sin. In the gospel of Matthew, the public ministry of Jesus opens and ends with baptism. Jesus had no need to be cleansed by the waters of baptism, for he had no sins to be washed away. What is the purpose of baptism and who can celebrate the sacrament of Baptism? It brings someone into the flock of the faithful and brings them to share in the royal priesthood of Christ (1 Pet. The answer involves the foundation of Catholicism, namely the reason that Christ became man, died and then rose from the dead. This also explains why, in his own discourses, Jesus uses the word He allows himself to be numbered among sinners; he is already "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world". The Problem. Each time we witness the baptism of a child, we can remember the truth of Christ’s saving power. Monday’s Feast of the Baptism of the Lord marked the official end of the Christmas season. The same principle can be seen with other special Christian terms, such as “Trinity,” that were originally ordinary Greek words with no special religious significance. It turns the baptized into a newly adopted son or daughter of God and a member of the Church. But the flowing waters of the river are above all a symbol of life (15-16). He inaugurated his public activity by stepping into the place of sinners. This is also why we need to share our faith! Baptism, according to Mary Collins, OSB, is always about relationships. Who are the saints? 1:12) . In their churches, baptism is ultimately just an outward sign of a choice that a person has made, namely that they have made the decision to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and live according to His laws. Why we celebrate Christ's baptism close to the Epiphany. The basic truth about baptism is that You and I are We. We can understand, then, why it is that the Church insists that babies be baptized as soon as possible after birth—as soon as the infant can safely be carried to church. In the Easter Vigil liturgy of the Roman Rite, the paschal candle is plunged into the waters of the baptismal font, much as Moses stretched his staff over the waters of the Red Sea, which God parted (Ex. And the origin of this sacrament is Jesus’ own baptism. 2:9-10). The answer to these questions may require some thorough explanation. In the Easter Vigil liturgy of the Roman Rite, the paschal candle is plunged into the waters of the baptismal font, much as Moses stretched his staff over the waters of the Red Sea, which God parted (Ex. . Baptism is thus the necessary precursor to all other sacraments. The Church recognizes the validity of Baptism in other Christian Churches as long as the rite involved the pouring of or immersion in water, a Trinitarian formula, and the intention to baptize. Since Catholics believe that all mankind has been stained with original sin through the sin of Adam and Eve, it is necessary to remove this original sin through the grace of baptism even in the case of those who have not been able to commit actual sin. According to baptism does five things : It forgives all sins that were committed before baptism including original, mortal, and venial sin. It’s also an annual occasion for many to ask, “Why was Jesus baptized?”. Who are the saints? The word “saint” derives from the Greek term, The world tends to value the letters at the end of people’s names—M.D., M.B.A., Ph.D. But, since the time of Abraham right to the present, Jews have circumcised infants and brought them into the Covenant on the eighth day after birth, based on the faith of the parents, just as we … That was what happened when God decided to create man through the creation of our first parents, Adam and Eve. His inaugural gesture is an anticipation of the Cross. This also explains why, in his own discourses, Jesus uses the word. Acts 2:38,39 Peter in his first sermon makes it very clear that the promises of baptism are for adults and their children. Why, exactly, do Catholics have the practice of baptizing infants? First Corinthians 12:13 says, “We were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.” As we witness the baptism of a baby, we are also led to think of the child’s beautiful innocence as well as the saving power of God. Baptism is the gateway to the other sacraments, and so it prepares the child for later reception of confirmation and the Eucharist, among other sacraments. . Baptism incorporates a person into the Church, which is the body of Christ. Following this understanding of baptism, it would make sense that Christian denominations, in general, would not baptize their babies. Jesus and Baptism. The Bible says, “without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Heb. Let us mindfully renew those baptismal promises so that we may love God and our neighbor, be a faithful witness to Christ and prepare ourselves to share in the glory of His resurrection. Baptism is conferred upon infants to free them from original sin, to initiate them into the Church as Christians, and to give them the supernatural grace of God that will allow them to be formed in sanctity. We can remember the importance of baptizing infants specifically by remembering the importance of the sacrament as we understand it: baptism is not a mere symbol of gaining a new life in Christ, but rather is the actual conferral of grace by which mankind is able to be a part of the Body of Christ. Before the Christian usage, a “trinity” (triadin Greek) was simply any grou… This feast causes us to ruminate on numerous things. It turns the person into a newly adopted son of God and a member of Christ. Catholics understand that Baptism is more than a symbol – instituted by Christ, it is a means by which God confers upon us his grace. Since babies cannot speak for themselves, their parents and godparents play a vital role in their baptism. First, it helps us pause and reflect on the meaning of the Incarnation and of Christ taking on the burden of humanity since Christ chose to be baptized not because He had sinned but rather because He had chosen to offer Himself up to repent for the sins of humanity. This created a means of escape for God’s people from the stampeding armies of Egypt and its Pharaoh, which are types of sin and Satan. The Fundamentalist contention that baptizoalways means immersion is an oversimplification. Why was Jesus baptized? 14:21-31). The feast of Christ’s baptism, then, is one we should commemorate with a great deal of reverence and contemplation since it is in part through His baptism on behalf of humanity that we have been given the grace to be able to join our God in heaven. When you boil it all down, this is the essence of how we fulfill our baptismal mandate to become saints. . As the feast of Christ’s baptism by John the Baptist approaches, and as we think about the importance of baptizing each newborn child, we may reflect on the promises our parents and godparents made on our behalf and consider their importance in our present lives. . Now baptism is the door to all the sacraments, so without baptism, one cannot receive the other sacraments. One of the questions that arise from this latter consideration is why Catholics baptize babies instead of waiting until children have reached the age of reason, as is common in many other Christian denominations. Baptism is thus the necessary precursor to all other sacraments. Since Catholics believe that all mankind has been stained with original sin through the sin of Adam and Eve, it is necessary to remove this original sin through the grace of baptism even in the case of those who have not been able to commit actual sin. On the other side, the sacrament itself shows to us the possibilities that come into existence when we unite ourselves to Christ and ready ourselves to accept His grace, even in spite of the fall. 3:14, John 3:30). This also explains why, in his own discourses, Jesus uses the word, Jesus’ baptism not only is deeply intertwined. Looking at the events (of Christ’s baptism) in light of the Cross and Resurrection, the Christian people realized what happened: Jesus loaded the burden of all mankind’s guilt upon his shoulders; he bore it down into the depths of the Jordan. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “By Baptism all sins are forgiven, Original Sin and all personal sins, as well as all punishment for sin.” (CCC-1263) We know that sin is anything that creates division between us and God. The Catholic Church has been baptizing babies ever since Christ commanded His apostles to baptize all people in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (see Mt 28:18-20). The word “saint” derives from the Greek term hagios, which means “the holy ones.” Being a holy person just means being, with God’s considerable help, the person you were created to be. What My Aborted Uncle or Aunt Has Taught Me, Living Your Baptismal Mission as Priest, Prophet, and King, How to Make the Most of the Christmas Octave (& Season! We all know what baptism does. Catholics believe we are born into "original sin," we inherit it. In the … The Church teaches that baptism not only lets us participate in Jesus’ victory over sin and death, but calls us to our own personal holiness and apostolate (sharing our faith). Do the godparents of our child need to be married to each other? . The purpose is to cleanse babies of original sin at the earliest age possible, so they can become children of God, members of His Body, and the Church. 12:14, NIV). Father Margevicius noted that Church Fathers, including St. Ignatius of Antioch, said that it’s not so much that Jesus goes in the water for himself to be sanctified, but to sanctify the water so that it can become the source of holiness for us. One begins to wonder about the purpose of baptizing someone who cannot answer for himself or herself, especially since it is readily apparent that babies are incapable of choosing to act sinfully, and so do not need to be cleansed of sin in the same way that adults who have chosen to sin do. His inaugural gesture is an anticipation of the Cross. The first is the presence of God’s grace in our lives, for as Catholics, we believe that the sacrament of baptism does not merely symbolize the conferral of grace, but rather actually cleanses us of original sin and gives us the grace necessary to receive more of His grace for the rest of our lives. Themselves, their parents and godparents play a vital role in their.! Infuses the life of God into the Church, which frees us from the rule of and... As God 's suffering Servant, for he had no sins to a. Fundamental to the Epiphany of the Cross—Reflection on his own discourses, Jesus came to the! Baptism, one can not speak for themselves, their parents and godparents a! In Matthew 3:13-17, Jesus uses the word is always about relationships his Sayings of Light and Love the! His Jesus of Nazareth, offers some illuminating insights on all this discourses, Jesus the... 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