My godparents lived in India and could not be present for any of my sacraments, except for my priestly ordination, which my godmother attended. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. The Code of Canon Law (cc. This means they have received all three Sacraments of Initiation, which are Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. In order to be of sufficient maturity and capacity, the godparent must be at least 16 years of age. The ecumenical directory Ad totam Ecclesiam states that godparents “do not merely undertake a responsibility for the Christian education of the person being baptized (or confirmed) as a relation or friend; they are also there as representatives of a community of faith, standing as guarantees of the candidate’s faith and desire for ecclesial communion.”. Similarly, one might choose a Christian witness who lives locally, but that person might move away for work or another reason. A Godparent must have received Baptism, Eucharist and … This is the “letter of the law” and the minimum. I know that from a distance they prayed and fasted for me. Dear Father: I have a question regarding godparents. For many people it is consider an honor and a privilege to be asked to be someone’s godparent or confirmation sponsor. Copyright © 2021 | | All rights reserved. Answer: The Code of Canon Law requires godparents for infant baptism “insofar as possible” (CIC 872); they are not an absolute requirement for valid baptism. First and foremost, the role of a godparent is to help the child grow in the practice of the Catholic faith. I was not married, nor was some of my children's godparents. This means that they must be practicing the faith, cannot be engaging in notorious sin, and cannot have taken public … Q&A: What are the rules for godparents? The reason for this distinction and restriction is that the godparent not only is taking responsibility for the religious education and spiritual formation of the baptized person, but also is representing the Church, the community of faith, into which the person is being baptized. By Sophia Money-Coutts. The other criteria is as follows: While the godparents chosen to take part in a Baptism make a pledge on behalf of the child to renounce Satan and to believe in God and the church, and to guide the child into a life of faith and devotion. Leo J. O’Donovan Inauguration Day invocation prayer at the US Capitol, a Global Perspective: A Conversation With the Apostolic Nuncio, ARCHBISHOP CHRISTOPHE PIERRE, Papal Nuncio Brings Blessings to Local School, Parish: St. Ignatius Parish’s New School Building Blessed by Pope’s Ambassador. 1. Catholic Priests – Hierarchy, Roles, and Requirements, Catholic Confirmation – The Sacrament of Confirmation Process, The Fruits and Gifts From the Holy Spirit and Their Meanings. Godparents do NOT have to be married or married to each other. To be a godparent, the person must be a fully initiated Catholic, one who is baptized and has received the sacraments of Eucharist and confirmation. Someone from one of the Eastern Churches may be a godparent, but only if there is also a Catholic godparent. Do both godparents have to be confirmed? A Catholic godparent can establish a telephone relationship with the child, calling on birthdays, anniversaries of baptism and other sacraments and so on. The catechism states that the godfather and godmother must be “firm believers” (No. … To help guide them into adulthood, and to give them the skills needed to face the challenges in life and to help strengthen their faith in God and the church. Help them to learn from their own mistakes and not pass personal judgement for their failures. TO BE A GODPARENT. Church law only requires you to have one godparent; however, it has been tradition to have two. The godparent must be a fully initiated Catholic (Baptized, Confirmed, received Eucharist), at Commentary. Pray with and for their charge, and read scripture together. First and most importantly, all candidates must be a practicing and active Catholic, that is not estranged or excommunicated from the church – either imposed or declared – and in good standing with the local parish. 05 Jan 2018. Therefore, at least one godparent must be a fully initiated baptized Catholic. A Christian witness needs to be a baptized Christian. According to Canon Law 874, Godparents must be at least sixteen years of age and fully initiated in the Roman Catholic Church. Living Catholic. I have a few godchildren. The Catholic institution of godparenthood survived the Reformation largely unchanged. Whether selecting godparents or sponsors, only two people may fill these roles. A Christian of another denomination, whether Orthodox or Protestant, however, may be a "Christian witness" to the baptism along with the Catholic godparent. Who can be a godparent in the Catholic Church? Catholic etiquette dictates that a potential godparent be a practicing member of the church. A baptized Christian, non-Catholic may be a Christian Witness, but there must also be a Catholic Godparent. All godparents and sponsors need to have undergone their own Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation. 6. It’s not a ‘social’ relationship and it is not restricted to relatives – especially not to relatives who do not know their faith well enough to stay close to the Eucharist, and have abandoned the sacraments. The godparent cannot be bound by a canonical penalty. A godparent must normally be an appropriate person, at least sixteen years of age, a confirmed Catholic who has received the Eucharist, not under any canonical penalty, and may not be the parent of the child.Someone who belongs to another Christian church cannot become a … They must also attend regular Sunday Mass and hold the Catholic faith above all others. Even consider attending mass together. There are some criteria that the church requires of these people to be able to meet, in order to be able to qualify for the position. In this article, we will be going over this criteria as well as some of the duties and responsibilities that come with these positions. Three live a few minutes from me. 872-874) deals with sponsors (patrinus, matrina). The Code of Canon Law (c. 874§2) allows the participation of “a baptized member of a non-Catholic ecclesial community” but only “together with a Catholic sponsor and then only as a witness of the baptism.” Thus, there is a distinction between a godparent and a Christian witness. 1255). The answer is still, no you don't have to be married. Required fields are marked *. Filed Under: Catholic Other Tagged With: catholic, catholic confirmation, confirmation, godparent, Your email address will not be published. In the Roman Catholic Church, godparents must be of the Catholic faith. A priest or minister may also appoint someone suitable if need be. Catholic Wedding Ceremony – Traditional and Modern Services. You never forget the first time: the thrill of the new, the dawning of the idea that someone wants you, that you're worthy, that you have been chosen. The practice of sponsorship originated not in infant baptism but in the custom that required that an adult pagan seeking the rite should be accompanied by a Christian known to the bishop—a Christian who could vouch for the applicant and undertake his or her supervision. Just have to follow the lifestyle now. Ensure that their ward follows the teaching of the church and remain a true follower of Jesus, God and the Church. The role of a godparent is more than being a relative or friend who encourages Christian behavior. Which is better? You do need to be baptized, different than … Friday 5 January 2018 . How many godparents should there be? They can make sure that children go to Catholic school and are raised in the Catholic faith. Traditionally, the godparent is expected to be prepared to step into a parenting role if the natural parents become unable to … A Catholic who is not practicing his or her faith cannot participate as a Christian witness or Godparent. The godparent(s) represent the church, including the church’s faith. I think many Catholic godparents take the responsibility seriously. Examples would be to not live with a spouse outside of marriage or to commit adultery. Every child should have at least three godparents, two of the same sex and at least one of the opposite sex to your child. "be appointed by the candidate for baptism, or by the … Since 1983, neither the Catholic Church Canon Law, nor the Catechism of the Catholic Church make any reference to Godparents by proxy. I try to keep in touch, attend their sacraments, call regularly and send cards, and, following the example of my own godparents, I pray for them. Parents are the principal educators of their children in the way of faith; godparents assist them, while guaranteeing that same faith. No one should be forced to fill the role, even out of obligation, as they must be committed to fulfilling the duties that comes with the position. It seems mandatory that a godparent be a Catholic. All candidates are expected to live a life of faith in accordance with the teaching of the church, and be the exemplary role model that a young Catholic would aspire to be like. Catholics are required by Canon Law to be married in a Catholic Church, according to the Catholic form of marriage. Godparents must: (a) be Catholic (b) have been baptized, confirmed and receive Communion (c) be 16 or older (although there may be exceptions to this rule at the discretion of the bishop) (d) must be living a life consistent with their own baptismal vows. Dear Reader: Not knowing the particular persons involved, it’s hard for me to answer your question, but your question provides the chance to clarify a few things about godparents or sponsors with respect to children. Answer Save. They sent me letters and cards. To be a godparent, a person must be one “who leads a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on” (CIC 874 §1). Members of the Eastern Churches are distinguished from members of ecclesial communities. If they need advice that they themselves can not provide. Have them discuss the matter with their priest or bishop. They do not merely undertake a responsibility for the Christian education of the person being baptized (or confirmed) as a relation or friend; they are also there as … Currently you have JavaScript disabled. It appears that the church law has a preference for a Catholic sponsor. By taking this pledge, they are committing to help guide and influence another soul. Favourite answer. A: There was a general restriction on priests, religious and other consecrated souls acting as godparents that stemmed from the 1917 Code of Canon Law. 800-377-0511. Not everyone qualifies to be a Godparent. There may be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each (c. 873), but if there are two sponsors, they should not be of the same sex. The Catholic Church provides a detailed guideline that must be obeyed. Perhaps you will choose someone to be a Christian witness for your child to be baptized. One lives in Columbus, another in Rochester, and another in Spain. They must be willing to accept the responsibilities that comes with the position. Arlington Catholic Herald 200 N. Glebe Rd. Include their charge in some of their daily actives, social gatherings and business activities. Those Guarantees involve a commitment to foster the faith received by the child from the Church at baptism and to assist in fulfilling those duties that are implicit in … All Contacts If a second godparent is chosen, that person must be opposite gender to the first and a baptized Christian (of any recognized denomination). rules for catholic godparents? Technically, only Catholics can be godparents or sponsors. A Catholic cannot serve as a godparent for someone who has no intention of growing in the Catholic faith. Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. But to also help guide their wards down the correct path of life that will lead them into God’s ever loving embrace. “Fully initiated” means someone who is baptized, has received their first holy Communion and is confirmed. Although there is no official maximum number of godparents, three or four is usual. The rules of being a brilliant godparent. The Catholic Church no longer recognizes official "proxies" at baptism. A godparent should be a confirmed, Catholic Christian who is at least 16 years of age, and who faithfully practices and believes in the Catholic faith as a participating member of a parish community. Non-catholic Christians may participate in Catholic Rites of baptism but obviously they cannot offer the guarantees required of the true godparent so they are called "witnesses". These people are being asked to not only participate in a ceremony that connects and strengthens a persons bond with the holy spirit. As occasion offers, he/she will be ready to help the parents bring up their child to profess the faith and to show this by living it.”, While baptism is a gift to the individual being baptized, it is also a social sacrament, incorporating the person into Christ’s body, the church. But – unlike sexual encounters – the … Candidates need to be no less then 16 years of age and carry the maturity required to fulfill the role. The candidate can not be a parent, step-parent or guardian of the one they are looking to represent, nor their spouse. I do not want to say that a non-Catholic cannot give good Christian witness. What are the requirements to be a Godparent? If married, the sponsor must have followed the laws of the church concerning marriage. Though it is ideal to select two Catholic godparents, (one female, one male) the Church only requires that there be one godparent. I try to take the call seriously, knowing that at Mass, we are united. "To be admitted to undertake the office of Sponsor, a person must:" [Canon Law # 874.1] a. To qualify as Godparent, does the person have to meet certain requirements? Contact Us. Requirements to be a Catholic Godparent: “Each child may have a godfather and a godmother, the word ‘godparents’ is used in the rite to describe both.” (Rite of Baptism for Children 6) Only one godparent is necessary. Roman Catholic Church A godparent must normally be an appropriate person, at least sixteen years of age, a confirmed Catholic who has received the Eucharist, not under any canonical penalty, and may not be the parent of the child. The Catholic Church requires that sponsors fit the following basic credentials: S/he must be at least 18 years old, and at least one of the two sponsors must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church (but it’s preferable if both are practicing Catholics). Yes! According to Canon (Church) Law, a Catholic child must have at least one godparent who is a practicing Catholic - they will probably have to get a … I think important criteria are the church’s faith and good example. Canon 766, Nos. however, may be a "Christian witness" to the baptism along with the Catholic godparent. The idea of a godparent being added spiritually to the immediately family reminds us that our bonds as Catholics and Christians are stronger than blood. A godparent who lives out of town could be quite “present” to a godchild. 4 and 5, specified that for a religious to be a godparent, it required an urgent necessity and the approval of the superiors. A person who has not been baptized may not officially act as a Godparent or Christian witness. Relevance. Q. I could have a Catholic be a godparent and move three years after the baptism to another state. Unfortunately, some priests still allow this to happen even through it is not correct and leads to babies having no Godparents. They can communicate readily via Skype, Facetime, or through telephone. I thank you for your question, because it highlights the fact that godparents should not be chosen for purely social reasons. Finally they must be willing to submit all the completed paperwork, prior to the ceremony. They made hidden sacrifices from a distance. If you’d like more than that, talk to your vicar about the practicalities and they’ll be pleased to advise. 1. By Sophia Money-Coutts. The Greek word for the … The Catholic … It is expected that a godparent be a firm believer in the teachings of the Catholic Church, and be ready to take on the role of a spiritual guide for the newly baptized. For Confirmation, the sponsors are chosen by the one that is undertaking the Sacrament of Confirmation themselves. For baptism, the godparents are normally chosen by the parents of the child, or their guardians in absence of their parents. There can be only one male and one female chosen per representative, so twins going through the ceremonies may have four godparents or sponsors present, but only have two each. The other criteria is as follows: Likewise, one non-Catholic may act as a “witness” at a Catholic Baptism, but only if a Catholic is also acting as godparent for the baptized. Live Mass: January 22, 2021: The Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains, 7:00 a.m. EST. The child would only rarely see them, possibly only on holidays. Your email address will not be published. Anna M. 1 decade ago . This Question of Faith column originally appeared in the January 2015 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph. I could ask a non-catholic to be the godparent; that person could live in the same city, close to our neighborhood, and see that my child is enrolled in the parochial school and goes to Mass each week. The Qualifying Criteria For Godparents and Confirmation Sponsors First and most importantly, all candidates must be a practicing and active Catholic, that is not estranged or excommunicated from the church – either imposed or declared – and in good standing with the local parish. The sponsors that take part in the Sacrament of Confirmation are instead pledging to offer support and guidance for the person taking the confirmation. If there are two sponsors, one must be Catholic. Godparents must also be active Catholics in a state of grace. The Code of Canon Law (c. 874§2) allows the participation of “a baptized member of a non-Catholic ecclesial community” but only “together with a Catholic sponsor and then only as a witness of the baptism.” Thus, there is a distinction between a godparent and a Christian witness. The General Introduction to Christian Initiation speaks to the role of the godparent(s) for children: “In the baptism of children too, the godparent should be present to be added spiritually to the immediate family of the one to be baptized and to represent Mother Church. A Catholic may marry in another Church with permission of the bishop and a dispensation from form. The Catholic Telegraph is the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Today people are far more mobile than in previous eras and can travel more easily. Practically, the godparent assists the parents in bringing up their child to profess the faith and by giving good example. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says “the godfather and godmother... must be firm believers, able and ready to help the newly baptized-child or adult on the road to Christian life. The rules for godparents have ALWAYS been the same: the child needs at least one godparent who is a practicing Catholic. Therefore, the bishop or his delegate can grant the permission and the dispensation after the fact, for the spiritual good of the Catholic party … Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. With great power comes great responsibility. 9 days for Life Novena, Day 1, Thrusday, January 21, 2021; 5:00 p.m. Pope Francis recognizes heroic virtues of pioneering French geneticist Jerome Lejeune, Knights of Columbus affirm Archbishop Gomez’ ‘balanced and prophetic statement’ on inauguration, Full text: Fr. 3 Answers. Leading by example and adhering to the teachings of the church themselves and not living in sin. 5. Suite 615 Arlington, VA 22203 703-841-2590. The godparent represents the Church, the community of faith, into which the child is being baptized, and will assist the child to grow in that … Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Many inter-denominational marriages demonstrate this. Live! T Your daughter – and you – … It is the Catholic understanding that godparents, in a liturgical and canonical sense, should themselves be members of the Church or ecclesial Community in which the baptism is being celebrated. Do you have to be a baptised catholic in order to be godparent to a child that is baptised in the catholic faith? Sacraments of Initiation, which are baptism, the catholic godparents rules must have followed the laws of the church and a. It 's catholic godparents rules to be admitted to undertake the office of sponsor, a person must: '' Canon... Catholics are required by Canon law 874, godparents must also be a baptized Christian regarding godparents for purely reasons! 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