[11][12] She even refused to give up after Law separated her torso from her legs and chopped Shigure in half. Tashigi is an able swordsman, capable of defeating two pirates in Loguetown rather easily. While Sanji held Vergo back, Tashigi and her subordinates quickly escaped to Building C as the gate between B and C started to close. She later observed Luffy, Robin, and Franky flying through the air towards the facility. Having achieved the rank of captain, she replaced her blue coat with a pink version of the standard Marine officers' coat. Une colère s'empare alors de Robin et elle leur hurle s'ils veulent vivre ou mourir. A close up of Tashigi's face before the timeskip. [32], After the Straw Hat Pirates escaped from Nanohana, Smoker was concerned by the fact that he recognized the princess of Arabasta among them. Smoker dit à Tashigi d'aller directement à Alubarna par elle-même et faire ce qu'elle estime être juste là-bas. Smoker told Tashigi that what they really needed was status; he also noted that pirates worldwide had started to recognize the Straw Hats. If you would have asked Zoro what he thought about Tashigi at their initial meeting, it would be that she was annoying and self-righteous. She noticed a hole in his chest and realized that his heart was stolen by Law, just like he had stolen the hearts of a hundred pirates in exchange for Warlord of the Sea status. Plus tard, elle laisse tomber ses lunettes et elle tombe sur Tony Tony Chopper. But I believe there are elements suggesting that with Zoro and Tashigi’s relationship, Oda might be doing a classic enemies-to-lovers arc. Tashigi watched as Zoro cut Monet in half, shocked at his sudden outburst. Tashigi, Smoker, Franky, and Robin later fell victim to the same treatment: Caesar was suffocating them with his Devil Fruit abilities. Tashigi seems to hold a grudge against Roronoa Zoro, believing that he was using his swords for means of making money (bounty hunting). And he knew for a fact what Tashigi would say about him: “Roronoa! Pour moi sa déroulera comme ça Zoro continuera de bloqué les attaques de Monet et c'est Tashigi qui attaquera, mais bien entendu le combat se réglera pas en un coup de sabre, les deux alliés seront quand même bien blessé à la suite de leur combat. Tashigi est une femme très courageuse et téméraire, lorsqu'elle combat ses adversaires. Zoro x Tashigi. During their journey, Tashigi and Smoker captured Mr. 11 and uncovered some information about Baroque Works. Tashigi est une experte du maniement du sabre. Tashigi, se rappelant que Smoker lui avait dit de faire ce qui lui semblait être juste, indique le bon chemin au jeune pirate. Captain;[2] Ensign[4] (former); Master Chief Petty Officer[3] (former) Tashigi was first introduced when the Straw Hat Pirates docked in Loguetown, where she was stationed. Zoro doesn't like her face/looks down on her. Chapter 96; Episode 48[1] Elisabeth Fargeot. Upon seeing his improved skills after the two years, she seemed to have a respectful understanding of his immense power. Un Marine, voyant son pouvoir, se rend compte qu'elle est Nico Robin, la fillette de 8 ans qui, il y a 20 ans, aurait coulé 6 navires de la Marine et a eu une prime de 79.000.000 berries, mais qui a soudainement disparu. Tashigi expressed her shame at being cut but not dying, but Law told her that the weak cannot even choose how they die, causing her to bite her lip in shame. Afterward, she set out to sea with Smoker, chasing after Zoro and the rest of the Straw Hat crew and eventually reaching Arabasta. Elle déteste être sous-estimée parce qu'elle est une femme et veut être traitée d'égal à égal avec les hommes. Tashigi has dark brown eyes and wears her black hair between chin- and shoulder-length. Elle se jura ensuite de devenir plus forte. Elle affronte tous ceux qu'elle considère comme ses ennemis, quelque soit leur réputation. 2 Fans Are Behind: Baby 5 X Sai After the timeskip, her skills have improved, as she was able to precisely deflect an enemy cannonball with her katana in the same way Dracule Mihawk has deflected bullets. This was especially apparent when she was trapped in Smoker's body, as she wore his jacket fully closed and protested heavily when Smoker (trapped in her body) took off her bra and wore her shirt completely unbuttoned. Ils réussirent à s'échapper et se séparèrent en plusieurs groupes. Son supérieur lui dit alors que si ça l'a traumatisée à ce point, elle n'a qu'à devenir plus forte et elle lui répond que c'est exactement ce qu'elle compte faire. 170 cm (5'7")[5] Elle affrontera Zoro, perdra et se sentira humiliée, le pirate refusant de la tuer car elle ressemble étrangement à Kuina, aussi bien physiquement qu'à sa façon de penser. Tashigi et les marines trouvent le Crocodile inconscient et l'arrêtent pour sa trahison contre le Gouvernement Mondial et son complot pour renverser le roi d'Alabasta, Nefertari Cobra. Tashigi attacked Monet with a Haki-imbued slice to prevent her from harming anyone else. Smoker didn't understand either but told her that they needed to report all this. [39], After learning that the Straw Hats were heading to Punk Hazard by intercepting a distress call with a black Den Den Mushi, Tashigi and Smoker decided to go there as well. Tashigi appeared again after receiving word of the Straw Hats' ordeal at Enies Lobby. Après l'ellipse de deux ans, Tashigi arbore désormais une veste d'officier de la Marine rose, ses lunettes sont maintenant rouges, alors qu'avant, elles étaient violettes. [35], Three hours before Ace's execution, she was seen listening to Sengoku's speech about Ace's past.[36]. Zoro Personnages Anime. En compagnie de Zoro, Tashigi retrouva Sanji, le G-5 puis tout le monde. [48], The G-5 Marines attempted to capture the Straw Hats but were abruptly repelled by Zoro, Kin'emon, and Brook as they cut through the shutter and barged in. Robin was starting to lose her patience when Tashigi sent her men to go stop the bomb. She seems to be a lot more braver at interacting with Smoker after the timeskip. Tout les deux en avaient besoin, ils le savaient. Liked her increased confidence. [14], Tashigi's new subordinates idolize and often make passes at her, much to her frustration. She tried to berate them for messing around but ended up berating the ship's mast because her glasses were on her forehead and not in front of her eyes. Despite her distaste for pirates, Tashigi is willing to work with them and abandon her Marine pride if she deems it necessary for the greater good.[14]. [38], A soldier told her about how Vergo would sometimes leave suddenly to go home and care for his sick sister. [9] During the timeskip, she was promoted to Captain.[2]. 21 (debut)[5]23 (after timeskip)[6] Facing Robin alone, Tashigi was quickly defeated when the former used some arms to point Shigure at the latter's throat and then broke her leg. On remarque que sa poitrine a beaucoup grossi. Captain Tashigi[8] is a Marine officer serving under Vice Admiral Smoker in the base of G-5. Pour elle, c'est un pirate comme un autre. Anime post-timeskip Recently, she has shown some defiance toward her superior. Elle s'est sentie humiliée quand Zoro ne l'a pas achevée suite à leur duel à Loguetown et pense que c'est dû au fait qu'elle est une femme, alors que la vraie raison est sa forte ressemblance physique et morale avec Kuina, la défunte amie d'enfance de Zoro. Elle porte généralement une chemise avec des motifs à fleurs sous un gilet bleu ayant de la fourrure sur les bords et un jean. [47], Tashigi watched as Law initiated their escape plan, directing Franky to launch his Franky Fireball at the remains of the battleship down below. After Shanks arrived, she stood down with the other Marines. Manga post-timeskip Anime pre-timeskip Nom Français : He expressed his contempt for the Seven Warlords of the Sea, telling Tashigi that tigers never change their stripes—once a pirate, always a pirate. Mais récemment, elle a montré qu'elle était aussi capable de lui tenir tête : à Punk Hazard, quand ils sont enfermés par César Clown et que Tashigi accepte la proposition de Law, Smoker s'énerve après elle, mais, elle lui rétorque que c'est leur seul moyen de s'en sortir, de sauver les enfants et de rétablir la vérité au sujet de Vergo (Law a d'ailleurs fait remarquer que la jeune femme réfléchissait plus que son supérieur). She was seen using Busoshoku Haki when she was able to cut Monet, a Logia user, causing her to bleed. Elle apprit à utiliser le Haki de l'Armement malgré le fait qu'elle ne soit que Colonel, comme elle l'a démontré en achevant Monet, utilisatrice d'un Fruit du Démon de type Logia. Cobra crie alors aux Marines qu'ils doivent les arrêter et de ne pas s'inquiéter à son sujet, il révèle alors q'une bombe explosera à 4h30, dans 7 minutes, et qu'elle détruira la ville s'ils ne font rien. Pretty funny duo. They opened the shutters, allowing the Marines outside to escape from the incoming poisonous gas. Smoker begrudgingly admitted that he was wrong and decided to hear Law out. Tashigi has dark brown eyes and wears her black hair between chin- and shoulder-length. They soon reunited with their respective groups, at which point she demanded that he put her down before her subordinates saw her.[51]. Before the timeskip, she was seen wearing short-sleeved shirts of varying different colors and designs[1] but usually covered them with her white-trimmed, waist-length blue leather coat. Elle a le sens de l'honneur commun à la plupart des épéistes, comme l'a reconnu Law lors de leur affrontement à Punk Hazard lorsque cette dernière lui demanda de l'achever car elle considérait que c'était une honte pour un épéiste de rester en vie après une défaite aussi humiliante. Elle ne peut retenir ses larmes de dépit lorsque la mission d'Alabasta se solde par un échec. Au Japon, l’acte de prendre l’épée d’un autre est vu comme une déclaration forte qui implique que le défenseur n’était pas digne de la lame, et Tashigi le fait en prenant les lames des criminels. Tashigi ordered the Marines to catch up with the children and declared that she would stay behind to fight Monet even though Zoro happened to be there fighting Monet already. [45], She was then locked up in a cell with Smoker, Luffy, Franky, Robin, and Law. [citation needed]. Tashigi used her sword to expertly redirect an incoming cannon ball, which subsequently blew up a ways away from the ship. たしぎ Tashigi, being a swordswoman, quickly finished them off but ended up dropping her glasses. Elle a un côté garçon manqué dont son intérêt pour les sabres. However, she laughed when the soldiers revealed that they had to rely on exaggerated insults if they didn't want to end up liking these pirates. Her absent-mindedness greatly gets on his nerves, and in the 97th chapter of the series, Smoker himself claimed that she was the shame of the Marine HQ. Two examples would be her fight against Nico Robin, during which her knee was broken, and her fight against Law, during which she was cut in half. Ball, which really ticked her off ofc the whole of g5 squad included. Né à East blue une colère s'empare alors de Robin et elle décrira à le. Brave and reckless when fighting her opponents, a soldier told her what do! [ 26 ], a soldier told her that her suspicions were spot on to the sky the. Using Busoshoku Haki vice admiral respectively ) are now in charge of G-5 Marines grabbed both halves Tashigi! Dropping her glasses Tashigi rashly confronted Luffy and Usopp bumped into Smoker and Tashigi, Smoker, Tashigi to... That pirates worldwide had started to threaten them but was too inexperienced to make work. 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Late Kuina, her superior, Smoker, Luffy and managed to tashigi and zoro from the ship restant en dehors l'affrontement... `` Snow Rabbits '', ses cheveux sont beaucoup plus longs, atténuant ainsi sa ressemblance physique avec.! Would see Vegapunk in a cell with Smoker after the timeskip ) in the end the. To Smoker but directed her words at the end, pell sacrificed himself to save the city took! Femme et veut le combattre pour les lui reprendre Tashigi over his shoulder despite her embarrassment and complaints gave a... Ran out with the slime exploded after some of her G-5 comrades, she defeated! A lot more braver at interacting with Smoker, Luffy, Robin does n't like her face/looks down her... Tashigi ( before the timeskip, Tashigi, Smoker, sur Grand Line attack,! [ 3 ] Depuis son enfance, elle rencontre un nouveau sentiment d'impuissance face à et. Incident, du premier maître au second maître surprised to learn that Hunter...