Adopting the identity of Kylo Ren, the former Ben Solo set out to rule the galaxy as Supreme Leader of the First Order. Her sacrifice worked in conjunction with Ben's memory of his father, compelling him to renounce the dark side and take up his mother's fight. Synopsis [edit | edit source]. Family type He is captured by Maris Brood on the planet of Felucia, after going after Jedi Master Shaak Ti. [23] As one of the galaxy's royal families, collectively known as the Elder Houses, the rule of Alderaan was a hereditary right that passed from one generation to the next. Queen's Shadow, Leia, Princess of Alderaan, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary–class. He was also present when Ma… An idealist at heart, he served on the Loyalist Committee[9] during the administration of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine in hopes of finding a diplomatic solution to the Separatist Crisis. Unbeknownst to Bail, Shaak Ti was killed by the Sith assassin, Starkiller, who is Vader's apprentice. [45] Though a servant of the dark side, the so-called master of the Knights of Ren struggled to resist the pull to the light side of the Force. Though sired from the Emperor's bloodline, Rey had renounced her lineage and assumed the Skywalker surname to honor the legacy of Leia's biological family. She agreed with Han that Ben was too much like his grandfather, Darth Vader, which was why Leia wanted him to learn the Jedi ways from Skywalker. The Organa family was the royal family of Alderaan. Bail does not appear on the original film of the franchise, Star Wars (1977, later subtitled A New Hope), but he is still an important part of the plot; he is mentioned by Princess Leia within the hologram that she sends to Tatooine hidden within the droid R2-D2. [5] Breha, who lived in the Royal Palace of Aldera, the capital city of Alderaan, was heir apparent to the throne during the Republic Era. A 1974 script draft of the 1977 film Star Wars by George Lucas contains a character named Bail Antilles, a galactic trader who is first introduced on the planet Alderaan. As his daughter continued to grow, Bail made Leia his aide and entrusted her with missions to help the growing rebellion. Over the years her personal life conflicted with her responsibilities as a public official, however. Princess Leia's father, named "Prestor", was introduced in the 1981 Star Wars radio drama and voiced by Stephen Elliott. With open war imminent, Bail returned to his homeworld[41] and dispatched his daughter to recruit the services of an old ally from the Clone Wars, the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.[29]. He then goes to the Senate, watching helplessly as Palpatine - who is secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, the mastermind of the war - reforms the Republic into the tyrannical Galactic Empire, with himself as Emperor. [50], Ben returned to Exegol while General Dameron led the Resistance and their allies in an attack on the forces of the Sith Eternal, determined to prevent Sidious' Final Order from conquering the galaxy. Organa was a pacifist who supported humanitarian efforts, and the people of Alderaan had no weapons under his rule. Leia, who was raised by her adopted family to embody the values of Alderaan, devoted her life to the restoration of democracy and therefore opposed the rule of fascism. While infiltrating Ilum in hopes of destroying the First Order's superweapon, Han tried to carry out Leia's wish by confronting Kylo Ren. [19], During the rise of the First Order, General Armitage Hux used Ren's heritage to gain the trust of Bylsma while stranded on an unknown planet. Bail Prestor Organa (formally styled as His Serene Highness, King Bail Organa, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan) was the First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan, who served in the Galactic Senate as the Senator of the Alderaan sector from 36 BBY to 31 BBY. Prior to the Republic's fall Bail served in the Senate as a representative of Alderaan's royal family and defended democracy. Before his death, Bail left behind a secret recording that revealed the identities of Leia's real mother and father—that of the late Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo and her secret husband, the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Though she survived her ordeal, Breha chose to consider adoption instead of attempting to conceive a child with her husband.[27]. A close ally of Padme and the adoptive father of Princess Leia, Bail Organa is a Star Wars character of profound significance, despite having little screen time. Prominence Chandrila[3]Coruscant[2]Hosnian Prime[5]Polis Massa[2] Being the queen, Breha had the most political power, Bail's political title was that of Senator. [21] The monarchy tended to dress modestly in simple designs and muted colors. "Adrian Dunbar linked to 'strange' Star Wars", Davis, Ryan "20 Times ‘Star Wars Rebels’ Made Surprising Connections, and 1 Unforgettable Moment". A shapeshifter impersonates him in Marvel's Star Wars #45. He periodically reappears to send supplies and assign missions to the crew of the Ghost. Carrie Fisher, who played Alderaan's best-known inhabitant, Princess Leia Organa Jimmy Smits, who played Alderaan royal and adoptive father of Leia, Bail Organa Alderaan was originally featured in the first film, Star Wars, released in 1977. She regretted sending Ben away, however, believing it was a mistake that caused her to lose him as well as her husband. Bail Organa, a member of Alderaan's royal family and the planet's representative to the Republic Senate, earned respect on Coruscant for his honesty and his commitment to justice. [5], Ultimately, Leia's political career was effectively destroyed by the revelation of her true family. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! Queen Breha Organa ruled Alderaan while her husband, Senator Bail Organa, served in the Galactic Senate of the Republic. [49] However, his resolve strengthened by the time he killed Snoke, and as the new Supreme Leader, Ren deployed the First Order army to Crait with orders to exterminate the remnants of his mother's movement. Later, Bail stumbles upon a clone trooper attack on the Jedi temple, but escapes to warn other Jedi that their order is under attack, saving Yoda and Obi-Wan in the process. The end of the Galactic Civil War coincided with the birth of Ben Solo, the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia. An influential politician, he was a loyal Senator who commanded the ear of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine himself. Bail Organa was a politician and a member of the royal family of Alderaan. At some point following the Invasion of Naboo, he came to represent his home planet in the Senate of the Galactic Republic, succeeding Bail Antilles, his relative by marriage. In the 2016 prequel film Rogue One, set directly before A New Hope, Bail is present at a meeting of the Rebel Alliance on Yavin 4 to discuss the new Imperial superweapon, the Death Star. [6] He is made aware of the Rebel cell on Lothal in the 2014 series premiere "Droids in Distress," and later sends a small fleet of frigates to aid in their escape in the season 1 finale, "Fire Across the Galaxy". It was the last time she saw him before his death. Through their daughter's efforts, Bail and Breha were remembered as martyrs who gave their lives to the cause of freedom after a lifetime of promoting peace and charity.[5]. With the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station operational, however, the destructive firepower of its superlaser was unleashed on Alderaan, completely destroying the planet along with billions of Alderaanians and the monarchy. [34], Bail also remained involved in political issues on Coruscant, and asked Amidala to accompany him to the meeting about the Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill. Leia, having been groomed for leadership, succeeded her father both in the Imperial Senate and the Alliance. Despite the natural bloodline of House Organa ending with Bail and Breha, the Elder Houses recognized the hereditary rights of Leia as well as her son Ben. [Source]. Bail and Mon Mothma were among the founding members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Human[2]Alderaanian[2]Chandrilan[3] Other locations After the Hosnian Cataclysm, Leia and her forces engaged the First Order on Takodana, where Han informed the general that he had seen their son during the battle. [44] Embracing the teachings of Supreme Leader Snoke, he adopted the persona of Kylo Ren, thereby severing all ties to the Jedi and his family. The Galactic Empire destroyed Alderaan, killing billions of people and the Royal Family. The Death Star's commander, Grand Moff Tarkin, orders Alderaan destroyed when Leia refuses to tell him the real location of the Rebel base; it is implied that Bail is killed, along with the rest of the planet's population save Leia, when it is destroyed by the Death Star's superlaser. He was a friend of General Ben Kenobi, a Jedi Knight who helped protect Alderaan during the Clone War. Chancellor Palpatine's accumulation of wartime powers, however, conflicted with Bail's politics. Bail became the Viceroy and Senator of Alderaan for the Galactic Senate, and he was married to Queen Breha Organa. In the process she sustained injuries to her heart and lungs, which had to be replaced by pulmonodes. Owing to the intelligence report of General Armitage Hux, the Resistance learned that Sidious was not only back but also amassing a fleet of planet-killer warships—the Xyston-class Star Destroyer. Her biological father is revealed to be series antagonist Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker, a fallen Jedi who turned to the dark side of the Force. So why wasn't Bail Organa called King since he's married to the Queen? [1] Her consort, the idealistic[9] Viceroy[24] Bail Organa, represented their homeworld in the Galactic Senate as the Senator of Alderaan. Leia never took the title Queen. Bail is once again voiced by Jimmy Smits. Breha Organa was a human female from Alderaan and the monarch of that planet. Yet he hesitated when the opportunity to eliminate Leia presented itself,[48] having sensed her fear and concern for him. [27], Introduced to Alderaanian pacifist ideals by her mother, Breha cherished peace and from a young age she became involved in politics. Within the hologram, Leia asks Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi to deliver the plans of the planet-destroying Death Star space station, to her and her father Bail's home planet Alderaan. He also secretly serves as a member of the Rebel Alliance, of which he is a founding member. Certain that there was still light within her son, Leia beseeched her husband to bring Ben home. Leia, having sensed a distance grow between herself and her parents, aspired to win their approval by achieving something truly great. While Bail does not appear onscreen in this film, he has a connection to it. Senator Bail Organa last edited by Comicguy4 on 07/25/18 07:25PM View full history As a young boy growing up in the planet of Alderaan, Bail was groomed to … She mentored students personally on Alderaan, including the X-wing starfighter pilot Evaan Verlaine. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In its last years of existence, the palace truly embodied the whole history and evolution of Alderaanian architecture. Alderaan maintained its reputation as a peaceful world throughout Queen Breha's reign,[29] while Bail earned respect on the galactic capital of Coruscant for his honesty and commitment to justice. [9] Shortly before the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY,[8] Imperial forces intercepted the Tantive IV and Leia was taken prisoner by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who suspected that the princess had been involved in the theft of the Death Star plans. It was common knowledge that Leia was adopted into the Royal Family of Alderaan, raised by Senator Bail Organa and the Queen of Alderaan. Leia sensed Han die through the Force, and contrary to what Ren thought would happen, the act of patricide weakened him.[19]. The House of Organa[21] was the royal house of Alderaan,[22] an influential planet located in the Core Worlds. Bail was born into the Organa family years before the start of the Clone Wars, being raised on his family's home planet of Alderaan. Bail Organa, a member of Alderaan's royal family and the planet's representative to the Republic Senate, earned respect on Coruscant for his honesty and his commitment to justice. Committed to the ideals of the Republic, Bail secretly worked to undermine the Galactic Empire. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Having developed a great deal of respect for the House of Organa, Verlaine was a committed royalist and a supporter of the cause of liberty. Planet(s) of origin In Aldera, the capital city of the Core World Alderaan, twelve year old nerf herder Epin Lanmaw is confronted by a gang called the Sons of Alderaan in the streets. Bail Organa was the Senator/Viceroy and Prince Consort of the Royal House of Alderaan as well as the adoptive father of Princess Leia Organa from the Star Wars movie saga. Queen Breha and Bail Organa were remembered as martyrs of the Rebellion. Lady Carise found Bail's message and passed it to her colleague, Ransolm Casterfo, who displayed to the entire Galactic Senate. The death of Han—killed by his own son during the Battle of Starkiller Base—all but convinced Leia that Ben was truly lost to her. Bail appears in the 2017 novel Leia: Princess of Alderaan, in which his daughter Leia discovers that he is secretly involved in a rebellion against the Empire. At one point prior to her reign, she assisted the previous queen in negotiating a treaty. That year, the Queen invited Padmé Amidala, senator of th… Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. 1. Bail appears in the 2008 video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Appalled by the sight of so many people stricken by poverty and starvation, Leia brought a hundred refugees to Alderaan. [51], Organa Ranch was a large farm that the royal family owned on Alderaan. In the end, neither Bail or Breha lived to see the Alliance's victory over the Empire. Prior to the Clone Wars, Bail served alongside Senator Padmé Amidala as a member of Chancellor Palpatine's Loyalist Committee. The Linked Data Service provides access to commonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the Library of Congress. After the Resistance and their allies won the Battle of Exegol, Ben sacrificed his life to resurrect Rey. Assisted by her advisor Maz Kanata, the Resistance general devoted her remaining strength in a final concentrated effort to reach Ben through the Force.[50]. In the few centuries that followed the fall of Infinite Empire, the Humans developed sleeper ships. Bail Prestor Organa. [9] Knowing that Leia's biological parents were the late Amidala and the fallen Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Bail kept his daughter's origins secret in order to protect her from the Sith.[2]. Chronological and political information At the end of episode 3, Senator Bail Organa brings a baby girl back to his home planet Alderaan. A Human female of noble lineage, she was a member of the House of Antilles, one of Alderaan's most infl… Datasets available include LCSH, BIBFRAME, LC Name Authorities, LC Classification, MARC codes, PREMIS vocabularies, ISO language codes, and more. Senator Bail Organa was the First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan, a hero of the Clone Wars, and the head of the Royal Family of Alderaan. Bail Prestor Organa was the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic following the end of the Transition Period.Organa was the head of the Royal House of Alderaan and served as the Senator of Alderaan during the Secession Crisis and the Clone Wars.Organa was formally styled as His Serene Highness, Prince Bail Organa, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan. Seeking the path to Exegol as well, the Jedi apprentice Rey embarked on a journey to acquire a Sith wayfinder while her mentor Leia remained on Ajan Kloss overseeing the Resistance. The deaths of Leia and Ben ended not only the Skywalker bloodline, but the House of Organa as well. Adrian Dunbar was cast as Bail Organa for Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace and appeared in costume in publicity stills, but his scene was ultimately cut. Fragmented [2] The name "Bail Antilles" would later be mentioned in The Phantom Menace as one of the candidates running for Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. While Bail represented their interests on Coruscant,[9] Breha remained on Alderaan where the queen took on additional responsibilities as Minister of Education. Leia and Ren both sought to confirm the message's authenticity, with the latter succeeding first by locating the hidden Sith bastion of Exegol. Leia's connection to[5] the most hated man in the galaxy[44] shattered her reputation in the Senate and caused irreparable damage to her campaign to become First Senator.[5]. However, Mothma felt that a diplomatic solution was still preferable to open war while the semblance of a Senate remained intact. He also appears briefly in the 2016 novel Ahsoka. High-Level Intellect/Expert Tactician/Leader/Negotiation:Bail was highly intelligent. IMDB website, viewed July 14, 2015 (Princess Leia Organa; Leia Organa Solo; member of the royal family of Alderaan; her home planet Alderaan was destroyed; married Han Solo; now known as Leia Organa Solo and the New Republic Minister of State) Local system number: (AuCNL)906288; Cataloguing source: Uk eng rda Uk Uk DLC Bail is voiced by Phil LaMarr in this animated series. The Clones, Revenge of the Jedi: Beware the power of the First senator bail organa alderaan royal family and led its in. 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