Healing Potion. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! Would be interesting to see what would happen if they're weren't able to get back to town. ... Have Something to Say on Cure Light Wounds Wand Pathfinder Of Cost Moderate Potion Kingmaker Item Nethys Mass 2e Spell Heal. Also, it's more likely to be found (well, less likely but they only need one to last a while). Cure Light Wounds: Conjuration: 1: 12 Cure Moderate Wounds: Conjuration: 3: 75 Cure Serious Wounds: Conjuration: 5: 187 Displacement: Illusion: 5: 187 ... Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Finding other healing items might help: Wand of Healing (Cure Light Wounds or Cure Moderate Wounds) might be a nice start. And the witch only works on a target once per day. Potions of Cure Light Wounds are an extremely common healing potion found throughout Faerun. Each affected undead may attempt a … that's 50 charges of 1d8+1 HP whenever you feel like it and is probably going to last the party most of the early game (IE: you'll mainly use it between fights whenever the cleric is out of healing/channels). For a while, they aren't spending so much on potions, they have a semi-constant source of healing, and they'll stop annoying the alchemist at every town lol. Their best abilities are based off CHA! Possible story avenue? Activation: Drinking a potion or applying an oil requires no special skill. The combined spell levels of the cure spell and the other spell used in the potion must be level 3 or less (for example, you could combine cure light wounds with a 2nd-level spell to create a healing potion, or cure moderate wounds with a 1st-level spell, or cure serious wounds with a 0-level spell). http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin (Look at Divine Grace / Smite Evil for crying out loud!! I looked through most of the ways the DC can be … Ask before loading up. As for balance, the only concern really should be suspension of disbelief and if they're hurting themselves by spending too much on it. Shop the Open Gaming Store! aight thanks if money no problem later on it shouldnt be a problem. Potions and scrolls have effectively no weight. Time Required Brewing a potion requires 1 day. | 13th Age SRD | Dungeon World SRD Drop them a CLW wand. Why would it be d8+3? Cure Light Wounds Pathfinder. Nagrundi is a character in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. That's what we did. They do, however, have a few barrels of potions of Cure and Restoration Potions - roughly 5000 doses of CLW CL 5, 500 CMW CL 10, and 500 LR - and they've gone through about 200 over the sessions, between fights or during LOGISTICS time. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin. The following rules govern potion and oil use. For most groups, they may as well have a vending machine for the damn things, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Pathfinder_RPG community, For info, news, resources, and anything else about the Pathfinder TTRPG! I'm level 9 and I only just got rid of my cure light wounds potions. So which is it? If your players want to burn standard actions in combat healing d8+3 hit points instead of doing damage... that is their game. Only danger with the stick is that it's not so hot 'mid combat' and requires UMD or having cure light wnds on spell list. 150 XP / Potion of Restoration, Lesser / Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2 Sell off any loot you may have obtained (if you completed the suggested Outskirts expedition, the Emerald from the Waterlogged Lowland sells for 500 GP on its own!) You can infuse a healing spell into a potion that produces a different effect. But the Witch at level 5 will cure 2d8+5, so you will need 3 charges of the ring to do a ''better job''. Why not just spend 150gp (3 potions of cure light wounds) or, better yet, 45gp (3 charges from a wand of cure light wounds) for 3d8+3 healing (average 15hp)? It looks like they're not totally stupid about the costs (Remember, cure moderate takes 6 times the cost to do 2 times the healing), so I think once you introduce the concept of out-of-combat healing via wand they would go for it. Is the DC really 6 for a Level 1 Potion of Cure Light Wounds? Shana Fowler Hooks June 01st, 2020 - 12:21:44. Pathfinder Player Companion: Potions & Poisons © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Kate Baker, Eleanor Ferron, Nathan King, Lyz Liddell, Luis Loza, Alex Putnam, Alex Riggs, and David Schwartz. Benefit: When you brew a potion, you can add the effects of one of the following spells to the potion’s effects: cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, or cure serious wounds. Once they see how nice having 50 doses on a stick is, hopefully they will calm down about wanting their own potion factory. then get some rest at the inn. | Design Finder 2018 As others have said, a wand of cure light wounds is your best bet. DESCRIPTION This spell functions like mass cure light wounds, except that it cures 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +40). Brew Potions would not work because it's not allowed to skip the spell requirement by increasing the DC in making potions, so the would still need a Caster who knows healing spells. Due to the intricacies of making such a carefully blended potion, you must use particularly fine and rare ingredients, meaning you must pay twice the cost of creating each potion separately. When brewing the potion, you must expend both spells as though you were creating two separate potions. Healing Potion (Minor) Item 1 Source Core Rulebook pg. I'd just suggest them to look into the use of the 'heal' skill and and healer's kit. Legal Information/Open Game License, Fan Labs FAQ. It is even the most cost effective. Once they get used to it, they won't go back. Well, theoretically for cure light wounds at 1 st caster level as an use-activated item costs 4000gp (caster level × spell level × 2000gp × 2 [for no space limitation]). I wouldn't worry too much about this. That's 15gp per use. | PF2 SRD. | Swords and Wizardry SRD You channel positive energy to cure 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +25) on each selected creature. LIVE BAIT These hooks generally have a shorter shank than other hooks. Weapons : Light crossbow with 10 bolts, quarterstaff, silver dagger. I should probably do the same for potions of shield of faith, since everyone has a ring of protection now. :0, You can always introduce a wand of cure light wounds. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. Old Sycamore is a location in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. You can right-click and use a potion. Combat Gear : Alchemist’s fire (3), antitoxin, oil of erase , potions of cure light wounds (2), potion of protection from evil , tanglefoot bag, thunderstone. You can infuse a healing spell into a potion that produces a different effect. You channel positive energy to cure 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +25) on each selected creature. Each affected undead may attempt a Will save for half damage. They might want a heal kit or two. The only part that concerns me is that they would want to spend everything on healing potions. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Spam them every time you're down and you should be good. Benefit (s): When you brew a potion, you can add the effects of one of the following spells to the potion’s effects: cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, or cure serious wounds. | The Modern Path SRD Potions weigh 0.5 lbs. Pathfinder Potions/Oils The following spells can be made into potions or oils because each one is a spell of up to 3rd level that has a casting time of less than 1 minute and targets one or more creatures or objects. You shouldn't want to get a Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds, ever, unless there are very weird circumstances. Healing Potion (Lesser) Item 3 Solves a couple of things. | d20PFSRD It's a bit of a balancing act between paying a few GP per hitpoint lost and being concerned that I'll be out of spells at the end of the day, but is worthwhile. In Pathfinder's antecedent Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, ink or potion vial (Player's Handbook 128) costs 1 gp and weighs 1/10 lb. Pretty much everyone seemed to say wand so I shall take everyone's advice, Thank ya. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 16 You can infuse a healing spell into a potion that produces a different effect. So, yeah. I occasionally use wands. The Party that I'm DMing for currently doesn't have a wand of Cure Light Wounds. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell cures such a creature of a like amount of damage, rather than harming it. he clearly didn't understand the class when he made it he put his best stats into Strength then Constitution. Anyone with at least one rank in Use Magic Device can just keep rolling until they hit 20 (as long as they don't roll a 1) to use it. Sounds like a huge investment compared to a 50gp potion. Cure Light Wounds Wand Pathfinder Of Cost Moderate Potion Kingmaker Item Nethys Mass 2e Spell Heal. So they don't have to go back to town after every 2-3 encounters. Character Sheets In terms of game play the question is what role are they filling? Benefit(s): When you brew a potion, you can add the effects of one of the following spells to the potion’s effects: cure light wounds, cure moderate wounds, or cure serious wounds. Drinking a potion or using an oil is a standard action. | OGN Articles The Hospitaler gives a pool of Channel Energy that doesnt draw from Lay on Hands, so it allows you to heal a lot more / day (especially out of combat.). When laying your hand upon a creature, you channel negative energy that deals 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5). As a comparison point, I'm a [mostly] dedicated healer for a 7th level party, and can probably heal something like 700hp per day. Cure Light Wounds, Mass. Equipment is, in many ways, more important than consumables -- at a minimum it shouldn't be neglected. past the early game a single daily d8+1 heal that needs an action to use is almost a waste of time. But then, if you consider that it starts out with 50 charges, that means that each heal (which is equivalent to a cure light wounds potion) costs about 15gp, which is in the long run far cheaper than stocking up on potions. The DM may still have 16 potions weigh 1 lb. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It would be d8+1 ... who would buy a lvl 3 cure light wounds potion for 150 ... ...How does a paladin have a CHA mod of 0?!?! OP's players should totally invest in a wand. Sounds like a huge investment compared to a 50gp potion. They could pick up a lvl 1 cure light wounds wand for a mere 750. 1 However, Pathfinder eliminated vial bookkeeping. Prerequisite (s): Brew Potion, ability to cast cure serious wounds. | 3.5e SRD 1 Description 2 NPCs 3 Enemies & Drops 4 Loot ''A noble patriarch of the tree world, the Old Sycamore can be seen from miles around. Inflict Light Wounds. New Pages I probably would simply not let my players to have such an item, if they want to they can stock up on wands or potions. Like other cure spells, mass cure light wounds deals damage to undead in its area rather than curing them. Healing Potion Source Potions and Poisons pg. Someone could get brew potion and cut down the cost. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy, Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. Even so, I'm carrying around 74 charges worth of CLW wands, because we have a GM that likes to strain our resources and they can be used for out-of-combat healing without sapping my own resources. An experienced character learns to identify potions by memory—for example, the last time … | Fudge SRD | Starjammer SRD You could also give the Paladin the Hospitaler variant without changing number of smites / day if you wanted. The user merely removes the stopper and swallows the potion or smears on the oil. When imbibed, the potion has the effect of both the chosen cure spell and the spell used to brew the potion. Pathfinder Cure Light Wounds Potion Wand Of Cost Spell Nethys Item Moderate Mass Kingmaker Heal Shana Fowler Hooks June 01st, 2020 - 12:13:15 Although it is difficult to police given the resources of the coastal patrol vessels, it is peer enforced by both the sportfishing industry and the commercial fishing operations in the waters. Just give them a wand of cure light wounds. Healing up between encounters makes total sense, and is critical to their party having endurance. 563 2.0 Price 4 gp The potion restores 1d8 Hit Points. (Not administered by or affiliated with Paizo Publishing® in any way), Press J to jump to the feed. should I just let them have their potions? Cookies help us deliver our Services. The reason that they aren't looking for more powerful potions is because it just isn't worth it. For the price of 20 CLW, a player could get a +1 bonus on his armor -- and take 5% (or more) fewer hits. some players have said they want to spend literally all of their gold on healing potions but obviously I don't want them to be stacked on healing, though they typically just use the potions out of combat so they don't have to go back to town. | d20 Anime SRD It is a bit unreasonable unless they are in metropolis with multiple shops to think that one guy will sell then infinite potions. Recent Changes They're using resources to compensate for their limitations. Scrolls of cure light wounds are 25g, which later in the game is cheap. So two potions of cure light wounds will always heal more (2d8+6) than a single potion of cure moderate wounds (2d8+3), with the downside of requiring more time to heal that same amount of hit points. Potion Of Cure Light Wounds Pathfinder Cost Wand Nethys A Little Surprise For My Group Dice Bless Shana Fowler Hooks June 01st, 2020 - 12:03:27 A Kahle hook has a severe bend in the shank and is largely used for live bait - crawfish, baitfish and shrimp- as well as stink baits. Infact, every group without a pocket healer shoudl get one. Both are from the Core book found here. It sounds to me like they are using them as an endurance mechanism. | FateCoreSRD Finally, you can treat any potion of cure light wounds, potion of cure moderate wounds, or potion of cure serious wounds you drink yourself or administer to another character as though its caster level were equal to the number of ranks you have in the Heal skill. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. Downloads Wands of Cure Light Wounds are way better than Wands of Cure Moderate Wounds. | 5th Edition SRD Should be available in even a moderate sized town. Perhaps next time they ask for all of the potions, the maker could sell them them, and then tell the paladin that he looks like he can use a wand with way more charges, and forward them to somewhere to get that. But then, if you consider that it starts out with 50 charges, that means that each heal (which is equivalent to a cure light wounds potion) costs about 15gp, which is in the long run far cheaper than stocking up on potions. That said, drop a wand in the next encounter. Each affected undead may attempt a Will save for half damage. I'm never going to use those 15 odd scrolls of bless, but I carry them around regardless. Prerequisite(s): Brew Potion, ability to cast cure serious wounds. You channel positive energy to cure 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +25) on each selected creature. An infinite cure light wounds ring with no limitations can go on and on. Scalemail Potion of Cure Light Wounds Random loot Am I making too big of a deal with this? When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5).. Check out our other SRD sites! Our only healer for a party of 6 was a bard. Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Guide ... Trickery DC 21): 24 gold, Scroll of Haste, Potion of Shield of Faith x2, Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Enlarge Person, Scroll of Bless, Potion of Cure Light Wounds. Or, have them hire an Adept hireling... a fledgling healer looking to adventure the world, but however would avoid combat when necessary. Like other cure spells, mass cure light wounds deals damage to undead in its area rather than curing them. This may be a bit cruel but maybe raise prices on potions or make them illegal or scarce. Compare that to the 50gp for a potion that does the same thing. We use wands of cure light wounds that we call 'click sticks'. For one, it's slightly more than three times more cost efficient. An extra few hit points for treating deadly wounds. No other sycamore in the area as grown as high, and the reason this one in particular reached its enormous size remains a mystery to the locals.'' 50 charges for 750gp? Clearly a pile of potions isn't a good replacement for a dedicated cleric. a) Agate, Potion of Cat’s Grace, Jasper, 17 gold; b) Potion of Eagle’s Splendor, Scroll of … | GumshoeSRD each. This is very similar to the spell Cure Light Wounds. ), If you're the DM, give him some free stats, or give him a free +2 cha headband or something. first, we'll note that a normal wand of cure light is 750gp. Traveller SRD The trollhound next to Nagrundi serves as an animal companion. put a couple charges on it and make it part of loot. 300gp for 2d8+3 healing (average 11hp from a potion of cure serious wounds)? Any character that can cast the spell (Paladin, Ranger, Cleric, etc) can use the wand. | d20HeroSRD The DC to create a magic item is 5 + the caster level for the item. They are able cure scrapes and cuts, but cannot heal any serious wounds. When you drink a healing potion, you regain the listed number of Hit Points. Prerequisites: Brew Potion, ability to cast cure serious wounds. When imbibed, the potion has the effect of both the chosen cure spell and the … reasons for this could include war, general ruling class not liking others having this power, alchemist and sorcerers disappearing. That isn't a bad mechanic, unless your trying to emphasize that sort of scarcity in your campaign. Shana Fowler Hooks June 01st, 2020 - 14:49:49. The paladin can use it and it makes way more sense than infinite potions. While a potion of CL 3 cure light wounds would cost 150 gp and heal 1d8+3 (average 7,5). I rarely use them. If the PC can cast spells, add a spell component pouch and a holy symbol (if required). Potions are a type of single-use self spell-casting magic item. everytime my group of players go to a new town they immediately look for a potion store and buy up as many Potions of Cure Light Wounds and usually I say the owner has about 3 or 4 (strangely they never ask for any stronger healing potions but hey) but in their last adventure the druid got eaten by a hydra and he re-rolled a sorcerer and so the only healing they have is a 3rd-level Paladin with 0 Charisma modifier (I know), So what would be a good way to make sure they have decent healing? even though it's almost twice the price the wand's … | Here Be Monsters Like other cure spells, mass cure light wounds deals damage to undead in its area rather than curing them. Potion of CL 3 cure light wounds wand Pathfinder of cost Moderate potion Item... Open Gaming Store d8+3 Hit points investment compared to a 50gp potion variant changing. 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