One year (two semesters minimum) of individual full hour lessons must be completed before senior year. The student is expected to identify a mentor and work with that person to formulate a proposal for the distinction project. Graduation with Distinction Each department within the Pratt School of Engineering offers students the opportunity to earn Graduate with Departmental Distinction. Because of those requirements, you will Undergraduates take classes with renowned faculty, engage in cutting-edge research, and build a strong foundation for future study or work in a wide variety of fields. Candidates for distinction in music performance outside the Music major apply to the Director of Undergraduate Studies by April 1 of their junior year and are admitted to the program by a faculty committee (one member must be a regular rank Music Department faculty member) on the basis of recent live recordings. GwD 2020 We have made this offering an option because so many fine musicians attend Duke but do not choose to major in music, and yet performance remains a primary focus for them as they aim … In support of interdisciplinary efforts at Duke, the Curriculum Committee approved in Fall 2002 an option to permit a student to pursue double honors for a single thesis written for two separate departments or programs, an option distinct from that of completing two entirely separate theses and earning honors in each. An outline of the proposed project must be submitted by April 15 of their junior year. Graduation with Distinction in Program II: Description Procedure for selection of students. In general, qualified students seeking to graduate with Distinction in a major (or in Program II) will participate during their junior and/or senior years in a seminar and/or a directed course of reading, laboratory research, or independent study that results in substantive written work. In particular, the results should involve significant new ideas discovered by the student beyond standard or established approaches in the field. Once approved by the music department you will submit your application to DEAN RACHAEL MURPHEY-BROWN: Your application must include: Students are eligible for double honors for a single thesis only if they are majoring in both departments. GwD for Neuroscience Majors. The deadline for application is the end of the Drop/Add period of the Fall Semester of the senior year. All components of the project must be completed by March 31 of the senior year for final evaluation by the committee. Participating in the Philosophy Department’s Graduation with Distinction program involves writing, submitting, and defending an honors thesis. At least two members of the distinction committee must hold an appointment in an Arts & Sciences Department or Program. See information about undergraduate graduation with distinction. submit the application (download the application below) identify an AMES faculty member to serve as adviser. Your application includes a completed form and recent live recordings of musical performances. A full recital supported by a high-quality audio or video recording as documentation of the event. This year, Dance with Distinction majors Ellen Brown and Rebecca Holmes and Program II major Miurel Price will present their Research and Demonstration on April 17th. Major composition with a shorter paper or half-length recital. Admittance is based on recent live recordings evaluated by the Director of Performance and Director of Undergraduate Studies. It would be possible for such a thesis to receive highest honors from one committee and honors from the other; or honors from one, and no honors from the other. However, departments and programs are expected to report to the Dean's Office by the last day of classes in the semester in which the thesis is due the names of the students who will graduate with distinction. Graduation with Distinction Program Overview This program is intended for the outstanding Religious Studies major whose grade point average is at least 3.5 in Religious Studies (and 3.3 overall) and who has demonstrated the desire and talent to pursue independent research. 105 Mary Duke Biddle Music Building The student must propose a double-thesis in advance to both departments/programs and seek their approval together. Important dates to remember. An honors thesis for a Philosophy major is a substantial research project on an important topic in Philosophy. There are three levels: Distinction, High Distinction, and Highest Distinction. The grade point average must be maintained from the time of acceptance into the distinction program through graduation. This award is not intended to supplant Graduation with Distinction in the major, and therefore will not be considered for double honors, (i.e., honors awarded in two units for a single thesis.). Students pursuing distinction normally apply for a year-long senior honors seminar (HISTORY 495S/496S) in March of the junior year by submitting a research proposal and a faculty recommendation to the seminar director(s) at may also prepare a thesis outside this sequence and talk to their advisors about developing other forms of thesis … To be awarded Graduation with Departmental Distinction (GWDD) in BME, eligible students should: Have a minimum grade point average of 3.500 or higher at graduation. In order for a student to pursue double honors, the following guidelines must be met: Trinity College sets no common deadline for students to submit their honors theses to their respective honors committee. (Fall/Spring or Spring/Fall.) The committee will evaluate the student's project to determine whether it merits Distinction. Interested students with a 3.0 grade point average overall and a 3.2 grade point average in their major should apply at the beginning of their senior year by submitting the Graduation with Distinction Application to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) … For more information and the application for Graduation with Distinction (not in a major), see:  ​ Graduation with Distinction (outside the major). Graduation with Distinction also requires the completion of an original research project, usually carried out as an independent study in biology (e.g. One level: Distinction. Graduation with Highest Distinction. Whether or not to include this option as part of their Graduation with Distinction program rests with the individual academic departments and programs. Box 90050, 011 Allen Building We have made this offering an option because so many fine musicians attend Duke but do not choose to major in music, and yet performance remains a primary focus for them as they aim at a career in another field. The Graduation with Distinction program permits the awarding of Distinction at one of three levels: Distinction, High Distinction, and Highest Distinction, though departments and programs vary with respect to the levels of Distinction they recognize. Evaluation of the honors thesis must be done separately by the two committees. It will soon be moved to this page. This recognition is separate and distinct from Latin Honors. Each student’s overall achievement in the field, and in particular the thesis project, is assessed by a three-member faculty committee. Fax: (919), Wenjia Xu, Music and Biology double major, composes at the molecular level, Graduation with Distinction: MUSIC for MAJORS, Graduation with Distinction in Music Performance for NON-MAJORS,, MUS 261 Theory and Practice of Tonal Music I, MUS 361 Theory and Practice of Tonal Music II, MUS 461 Theory and Practice of Tonal Music III, MUS 255S Music History I: Antiquity through Renaissance, MUS 256S Music History II: 1600 through Mozart, MUS 257 Music History III: Beethoven through WWI, MUS 258 Music History IV: Post-WWI through the Present, MUS 130 World Music: Aesthetic and Anthropological Approaches, Substantial historical, analytical or theoretical paper, or, Full-length recital with a shorter paper or composition, or. It is also open to students enrolled in Program II. In addition to the major requirements below, we encourage you to consider independent study and research opportunities, global education, and graduation with distinction. The Graduation with Distinction program recognizes students who demonstrate academic excellence through the successful completion of a substantive written project evaluated by a committee of three faculty members. During the senior year the student will enroll in Music 401 (Advanced Study in Performance) both semesters. Graduation with High Distinction. Campus Box 90665 Henceforth, successful candidates for Distinction will be recognized by earning the right either to: Each is described in detail below. Th… In doing so, the Committee established certain guidelines that all departments/programs choosing to offer the double honors option must use. Students intending to pursue an honors thesis outside their major, can do so through Graduation with Distinction (outside the major). Apply here: The major was revised in August, 2015. Students at Duke can also pursue GwD outside of the major. To be awarded Distinction a student must maintain a GPA of 3.5 in the core courses, and a 3.3 GPA overall. Check out some past Senior Distinction Projects Eligibility Students with at least a 3.5 GPA in their Theater Studies course are These requirements and procedures apply to both physics … Such dates should be early enough to insure that committees have adequate time to read, review, and evaluate the projects and be able to report to the dean's office by the last day of classes the names of  students who have earned the right to graduate with distinction. For these highly motivated students, balancing a drive toward musical excellence with intellectual growth in other disciplines can be what defines their Duke experience. Specifically, the student must formulate two separate committees; only one member may be on both committees (the thesis advisor). The student should apply to the Director of Undergraduate Studies by March 20 of their junior year and have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the major. You can earn one of three levels of recognition for your work: Distinction, High Distinction, and Highest Distinction. The document must have a chapter/section on related work. Major Requirement: 10 Courses To receive the Bachelor of Arts in African & African American Studies, you are required to successfully complete 10 AAAS courses, with 8 of these at the 200-level or above. The student's committee will evaluate the product and determine which of three levels of distinction is to be awarded. summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude) are separate from Distinction Projects You may pursue a project in writing, directing, design, acting, literature, history, or theory. To be awarded distinction a student must maintain a GPA of 3.5 in the core Music Department courses, and a 3.3 GPA overall. Traditionally, pursuit of graduation with distinction has been undertaken in the student’s major area of study. Each student's overall achievement in the major or in Program II, including the thesis project, is assessed by a three-member faculty committee. Durham, NC 27708, Tel: (919) 660.3300 Students may not use the Graduation with Distinction outside the major to earn double honors for a single thesis. Fax: 919-660-0488, Chris Roy, Ph.D. One of the courses must be completed before senior year. Two of the courses can be completed during senior year. The written document must have a substantial bibliography of related work. While two candidates for graduation with distinction might, for example, work in the same laboratory and hence on related thesis topics, the thesis project is expected to be the work of each individual and evaluated separately by an appropriate committee of three faculty member. Students are encouraged to pursue both Graduate with Distinction and participate in the Pratt Undergraduate Research Fellows program. Students intending to pursue an honors thesis outside their major, can do so through Graduation with Distinction (outside the major). Also “Latin Honors” (e.g. If no recent live recording is available the student may schedule an audition with the Director of Performance and Director of Undergraduate Studies, between April 1 and the last day of classes of the Spring semester (junior year). This is reserved for truly outstanding research. You must also choose which concentration to focus your studies—either the Americas or Africa. To apply, you must. Email: Procedure for Selection of Students Students wishing to graduate with distinction in African & African American Studies must submit an application form (attached) by April 15 of the junior year. We offer students outside the Music major the opportunity to earn Graduation with Distinction in Music Performance. This means in practice that the committees may evaluate the thesis differently according to their own standards. In addition, the student must complete one course from each category below, totaling a minimum of 3 courses. Duke University offers two types of Graduations with Distinction, one within one’s major and one without. Home seminars entail enrolling in a course taught by your thesis adviser closely associated with your topic. Graduation with Distinction (for a project not associated with the student’s major). Associate Dean Applications should include a 1-2 page description of the proposed project and a letter of recommendation from the faculty member directing the project. GRADUATION WITH DISTICTION (OUTSIDE THE MAJOR) MUSIC REQUIREMENTS APPLICATION: Please submit following to the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Music by APRIL 1 of your JUNIOR year. Due to COVID-19 the deadlines have been extended one week for the following (new dates listed): Applications for GWD - March 30 Hold your presentation - April 22 Turn in your final paper - … Overview The Physics Department offers an honors program that can lead to graduation with distinction or with high distinction based on academic excellence and on excellence in research as judged by a committee of physics faculty. Students wishing to satisfy the requirements for Graduation with Departmental Distinction (GWDD) in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science must satisfy the following requirements. An overall GPA of 3.3, and a 3.5 in the core courses, is required for eligibility to apply to the honors program in Program II. At least some of the required courses need to be completed before admission to candidacy for Graduation with Distinction. The requirements and procedures are similar to those for graduation with distinction, except that a candidate must have an overall GPA of at least 3.3 and a mathematics GPA of at least 3.5. To qualify as a legitimate double-thesis, it must clearly draw on advising from and work done for both departments/programs. THE TIME IS NOW. You should first get your instructor's permission, and arrange to do extra reading and writing assignments for the class that translate the course work into the terms of your thesis. This separate evaluation process would insure that the thesis legitimately satisfies the requirements and standards of two separate departments/programs. (Engagement Activity ) Henceforth, all Dance Program Graduation Projects will be publicly presented on the last Friday before classes end for the Spring semester each year. Graduation with Distinction (GwD) is an opportunity for senior neuroscience majors to expand their research further and present their findings via an oral defense, a written thesis, and a poster presentation. The opportunity to forge a close personal and working relationship with one or more professors in one's field of intellectual interest is invaluable per se, and the mentor's familiarity with the student's work and potential can also be enormously helpful when the student is applying to post-graduate programs of study. Nor will a student be considered an eligible candidate for Graduation with Distinction who is eligible for Graduation with Distinction in the Major based on the same thesis. Distinction students often complete original archival, field, or other research with funding support from ICS and other sources, especially during the summer between junior and senior year. Students earning double honors will have both distinctions indicated on their transcript and have their names cited in both departments’/programs’ lists in the Commencement program. The written document must be given (in perhaps a draft form) to the committee prior to the presentation. Students Graduating with Distinction in Biology James Alin, HIV VACCINE DESIGN: Soluble Subunits vs Membrane Bound Immunogen, (Dr. Barton F. Haynes, Department of Immunology, Duke University School of Medicine) Katherine M. Baker, Rapidly Seeded ... **Graduation with Distinction Outside the Major . A written component, either in the form of an analytical paper or other organized commentary on the recital. Your faculty committee will be determined in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies. The current form is here. Under most circumstances, a completed length of 35-70 pages. For more information about the Graduation with Distinction in the Major and the Graduation with Distinction programs contact: Dean Rachael Murphey-Brown Graduation with Distinction (for a Project not associated with a major) In order to recognize scholarly achievement by students pursuing interdisciplinary studies outside their declared major(s), i.e., in conjunction with certificate programs, minors, or other Graduation with Distinction in Music Performance for NON-MAJORS We offer students outside the Music major the opportunity to earn Graduation with Distinction in Music Performance . The honors program requires writing a thesis followed by defending the thesis. For the difference see the Trinity Colleges of Arts and Sciences website on Graduation with Distinction. In Spring 2009, the Arts and Sciences Council approved an expansion of the Graduation with Distinction program beyond Distinction in the major to permit qualified students to undertake a thesis or other substantive project worthy of Distinction in an area outside that of the major (or Program II). Neurobiology, Duke University School of Medicine) Matthew Pun, ... †High Distinction *Graduation with Distinction Outside the Major . For students pursuing this option, you are still required to enroll in the global health thesis courses and one global health independent study course. BIOLOGY 293/493), or in an appropriate biological science department at Duke University, or as an interdisciplinary study that includes biology … All components of the project must be completed by March 31 of the senior year for final evaluation by the committee. All projects must have a research component and a substantial written portion. You have several options for the Graduation with Distinction project: A committee of three Music faculty, including the student's mentor as chair. A student may not seek the approval of a second department or program AFTER already proposing a thesis in one department/program and beginning work on it. The Department of Computer Science at Duke University is an internationally recognized leader in research and education. Projects may also have a production component. Undergraduate Admissions  |  Duke Graduate School  |  Questions or comments about this site? Because of those requirements, you will In general, qualified students seeking to graduate with Distinction in a major (or in Program II) will participate during their junior and/or senior years in a seminar and/or a directed course of reading, laboratory research, or independent study that results in substantive written work. A Distinction in Musical Performance project consists of: The performance and paper together should demonstrate artistic and intellectual maturity worthy of distinction at Duke. Distinction, whether in the major or not, is thus not only an honor that is noted on the transcript, but can also represent a high point in the student's academic career and be beneficial to one's subsequent scholarly pursuits. All qualified students in Trinity College are encouraged to pursue a thesis project leading to either Graduation with Distinction in the Major or Graduation with Distinction in a field unassociated with a major simply for the sake of the rewards that accrue from pursuit of independent academic research under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Complete an original and independent research project in biomedical engineering under faculty supervision. We encourage all majors to pursue graduation with distinction by writing a thesis. The student must take at least one thesis-related course from each department involved, as determined by each department (e.g., thesis seminar or independent study). The Graduation with Distinction program permits the awardin… The paper must include noteworthy original results derived by the student. Our curriculum combines academic courses in dramatic literature and theater arts with participation in the productions of plays from the past and present. One member will be the student’s primary (“thesis”) advisor; this will normally be the applied music instructor. THE PLACE IS DUKE. OUTLINE DEADLINE: April 22, 2021 (please ignore deadlines in the Trinity application form; April 22 is the deadline for the outline). Indeed, all academic departments and programs offering a major, as well as Program II, have established procedures for conferring graduation with distinction on students who meet their standards and requirements. Graduation with Distinction is not intended to supplant Graduation with Distinction in the Major, and therefore will not be considered for double honors (i.e., Distinction awarded in two units for a single thesis). For students pursuing this option, you are still required to enroll in the global health thesis courses and one global health independent study course. Departmental ensemble (excluding Music 210-3). A distinction in musical performance project consists of (a) a full recital supported by a high-quality audio or video recording as documentation of the event; and (b) a written component, either in the form of an analytical paper or other organized commentary on the recital. Phone: 919-684-2130 However, a student could be eligible for Graduation with Distinction in the Major and for Graduation with Distinction based on separate theses. Undergraduate Major/Minor in Psychology Psychology is one of the most active areas of undergraduate study at Duke, granting an AB or BS degree to over 100 students each year. Mathematics majors who matriculated at Duke before fall 1997 and who have strong academic records are eligible for graduation with Latin honors by honors project. Graduation with distinction requires a written document to accompany the presentation that is required by Duke. A double-thesis, therefore, should benefit clearly from its basis in two different departments/ programs, exemplifying a strong cross-disciplinary quality. Information on this can be found at Honors students enroll in the honors thesis seminar sequence (ICS 495S-496S) during their senior year. All are welcome to the … A departmental committee will determine the level of distinction on the basis of the oral examination, the conduct of the research, and the quality of the written thesis. Once assembled it will approve, modify, or deny your proposal. You must apply through the Director of Undergraduate Studies by April 1 of your junior year (please ignore deadlines in the Trinity application form; April 1 is the deadline for Music) . The opportunity to write a thesis and qualify for Graduation with Distinction is open to those majoring or minoring in Psychology. UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 we are extending the deadline as following: APPLICATION DEADLINE: April 1, 2021 (please ignore deadlines in the Trinity application form; April 1 is the deadline)  Either two Independent Studies or a "home seminar" and one Independent Study. Beginning in Fall 2009, qualified students seeking to graduate with Distinction on the basis of a thesis or other substantive scholarly project not anchored in a major but rather based upon course work taken in a certificate program, a minor or some other elective field of study may apply for admission to the Graduation with Distinction program. House Course Guide for Student Instructors, Cultures & Languages Across the Curriculum, Elevate Leadership & Mentoring Among All Faculty Ranks, Foster Diversity as a Basis for Innovation & Excellence, Scholarships, Fellowships, and Summer Support, Partnership for Less Commonly Taught Languages, Global Cultural Studies in the Literature Program, Graduation with Distinction (outside the major), Library support for students writing honors theses, Graduation with Distinction in the Major (or in Program II) or. Each student's overall achievement in the major or in Program II, including the thesis project, is assessed by a three-member faculty committee. The award of Distinction requires the maintenance of this grade point average through graduation. AMES majors with a GPA of 3.5 or higher in the major may apply for graduation with distinction in their junior year. Advanced study in performance or composition, or an appropriate graduate seminar each semester of the senior year. This is essentially a senior thesis project, requiring research conducted through an independent study project, and a written and oral presentation, although specific departmental requirements for the written and … Unlike the Dean's List honor which recognizes academic excellence achieved over the short term (one semester), eligibility for the three categories of Latin Honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude) are … The psychology minor is popular among students from a variety of disciplines including Art History, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Classical Civilization, Economics, Evolutionary Anthropology, … Latin Honors By Overall Academic Achievement accords recognition for academic excellence achieved over the duration of an entire undergraduate career. Accordingly, departments, programs and/or honors committees should set their own deadlines for receipt of thesis projects in final form. Graduation with Distinction may be awarded at one level only: Distinction. 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