Bege even managed to estimate the time gap between dropping the photo and when Big Mom's tantrum started. According to Jinbe, while he slaughtered leaders of powerful organizations, he left their subordinates, such as mafia members of the other Four of the Five Great Families or pirate crewmates of infamous pirate captains, alone and only viciously retaliated when they attempted revenge. Capone Bege est un dangereux criminel qui est recherché activement dans la 1ère partie de Grande Line. Tandis que Nami, Chopper, Brook et César Clown sont enchaînés, il invite Sanji à se joindre à sa table.[6]. Sanji se montre résolument réticent envers l'offre, mais Capone rétorque que sa réponse l'importe peu. [14] Pour cela, il a scellé son allégeance à Big Mom en se mariant avec sa 22ème fille, Charlotte Chiffon, union de laquelle est né leur fils, Capone Pez. [126] With his time quickly running out, Bege planned to transform back to his real body and for Caesar to fly him and everyone inside him out of the venue. [22] When Bege (while in his Big Father form) came under attack by a furious Big Mom, Chiffon worried greatly for her husband's well-being and quickly came to his defense by pleading for her mother to spare Bege, though this proved to be a useless gesture. Bege is a short man with a stocky build whose appearance is somewhat similar to that of a Mafia boss. [140] The Fire Tank Pirates eventually reached Funwari Island and dropped off the cake there, although the Nostra Castello had taken too much damage from Prometheus and was left to sink. Elle confie Pets à Bege avant de partir, lui disant de s'en occuper si quelque chose lui arrive. L'Équipage du Fire Tank[1] L'Équipage de Big Mom[2] (anciennement) Affiliations : Bege is extremely sadistic, bloodthirsty and is known for decapitating even animals simply to entertain himself.[26]. [15], Lorsque Luffy frappe un Dragon Céleste, Bege se prépare avec son équipage pour descendre immédiatement vers l'île des Hommes-Poissons pour éviter de rencontrer un Amiral. A shocked Sanji dropped his cigarette on the ground, and Bege quickly stamped it out. Il explique également que si sa forteresse est détruite, il mourrait aussi et tous ceux à l'intérieur seront rejetés. Appliquer. Bege se bat par la suite contre une unité de la Marine, et s'en sort grâce à son Fruit du Démon. Fire Tank Pirates;[1] Big Mom Pirates[2] (former) Ils ont à contrecœur formé une alliance et Bege a commencé à exposer sa stratégie pour renverser leur ennemi commun, Big Mom. [133] They headed toward Cacao Island to pick up Chiffon, and as they drew close to it, Charlotte Oven contacted Bege to reveal that he had captured Chiffon. César est en grande partie en désaccord, mais la famille Vinsmoke décide de sortir aussi pour leur permettre de s'échapper. [1], He then witnessed Roronoa Zoro walking in the path of a World Noble, nearly causing the call for an Admiral to the archipelago, if not for the intervention of Bonney. [2] To officially seal the alliance, Bege married Big Mom's 22nd daughter, Charlotte Chiffon. Japanese Name: Cela laisse supposer qu'ils sont particulièrement forts. During that moment, Bege noticed that Big Mom scraped her knees and bled. His surname Capone was taken from the 1920's American gangster. He then checked on the Straw Hats inside his body, and was angered to see them sleeping, but Jinbe assured him he would have them ready in time. Capone, Tamago et Pekoms à bord du Navire Chantant. Japanese VA: Bege was at first skeptical of Sanji's plan to use his special ingredient until the chef fed Bege the Simsim cream, causing him to relent. Bege laughed as Big Mom fell to the ground far below while Caesar flew him away to safety.[129]. Il a gardé le même style vestimentaire, mais est parfois aperçu avec des petites lunettes de soleil. [28] Luffy even agreed to be the bait in Bege's plan of assassinating Big Mom as he found the plan to be interesting. Ông là đội trưởng của băng hải tặc Firetank và là một trong mười một tên cướp biển được gọi là “Mười một siêu tân tinh”, một hải tặc có tiền thưởng cao hơn 100 000 000 belli. Despite being a notorious pirate, Bege is a refined gentleman of great sophistication. [12] As a rook combatant within the Big Mom Pirates, he was given the responsibility of being in charge of the Tea Party's security. His keen sense of caution and high defensive abilities led to him becoming associated with the Big Mom Pirates and earning the title Rook. Ils se retrouvent dans une situation désespérée constatant que Luffy, Sanji et la famille Vinsmoke sont submergés. Commandez One piece Figurine Strap Log Memories 03 Capone Gang Bege n°8 parmi un grand choix de produits Jeux et Jouets sur Jinbe le contacte en lui annonçant qu'il est au courant pour ses projets visant à tuer Big Mom lors de la Tea Party, et l'Homme-Poisson veut lui suggérer une alliance avec Luffy pour affronter communément l'Impératrice. One Piece Encyclopédie est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime. Bege then had Caesar exit his body with a mirror that they would use to escape, and he briefed Caesar about his role to fly it in. Le corps de Bege se met à bouger en direction du navire. [13], During one of Big Mom's tea parties, the photo of Mother Carmel dropped on the floor. Son équipage est allié à celui de Monkey D. Luffy. [145], Chiffon declared to Bege and the other Fire Tank Pirates that she wanted to locate and reunite with her sister Lola. He wears a blue onesie, with a white collar, and a black fedora hat resembling his father's. Il fait tout cela uniquement pour s'amuser, et trouve un autre jeu dès qu'il se lasse. [63], When his assassination attempt failed, the Big Mom Pirates were given earplugs by Katakuri and moved into surrounding Bege and his allies, forcing them to retreat into his giant fortress. Romanized Name: Les deux hommes se sont retrouvés face à face une seconde fois à Whole Cake, mais le Mink n'a pas pu prendre sa revanche, puisqu'il a été capturé par les hommes de Bege. Il ne s'engage pas dans les combats, ce qui est probablement dû à la nature de ses pouvoirs, car il peut facilement appeler de nombreux subordonnés à tout moment et en tout lieu pour combattre en son nom. On apprend qu'il possède désormais, une prime de 300.000.000 et qu'il a mangé le Shiro Shiro no Mi. Paramecia, Capone "Gang" Bege[10] is a mafia don-turned-pirate and the captain of the Fire Tank Pirates. Type: Bege, Luffy et César conviennent que leur alliance prendra fin une fois que Big Mom serait morte et que tous les groupes se seront échappés de ses territoires. [94] He also has a strong tolerance to pain, as he could withstand having his body in his Big Father Form being smashed apart by Big Mom while calmly thinking up of a getaway tactic. Après avoir demandé aux chapeaux de paille de partir aussi vite que possible, Bege prend également la fuite avec son équipage. [156], Later on, Bege and Chiffon ran into Gotti and Lola. Bege can think extremely quickly even in dire times of extreme danger, allowing him to come up with improvised maneuvers and tactics should those he executed initially fail to meet the expected result, as seen when he was quick to devise a getaway tactic to his crew, family, and allies after his "Big Father" form was cornered by the Big Mom Pirates. Il prétend alors avoir capturé Luffy pour éviter tout soupçon. [20], Lorsque Pekoms, lui-même Mink, est prêt à exprimer sa gratitude en laissant les Chapeaux de Paille partir au lieu de les capturer, Bege entre dans une colère noire et tire dans le dos de son collègue. À cause de ses propos, l'homme est tué par Bege avec une fourchette. C'est à ce moment que Big Mom reprend ses esprits et commence à attaquer la forteresse, enragée contre la trahison de Bege. [61] Bege aided Luffy in showing Big Mom the destroyed portrait of Carmel and tried to keep Katakuri at bay as the latter and several members of the Big Mom Pirates realized his treachery. "Gang" (ギャング, Gyangu? He wears a black-and-white pinstriped attire, complete with a green scarf around his neck, with the excess tucked inside the suit (making it look like a cravat). Capone Bege. [106], Later, while in the New World, he was eating in his ship when it was apparently drawn toward an incredibly large, black object in the sky above him. [125], The alliance was trapped and faced more trouble as Katakuri created mochi earplugs to allow the Big Mom Pirates to move around. Avant l'ellipse, sa prime était de 138.000.000. [37] Bege also did not hesitate to leave Pekoms behind[51] after being confronted by Nekomamushi. [159] He stood by holding his son, as Pound revealed that he is Lola and Chiffon's father. Il arbore une coiffure lissée en arrière digne de celle d'un italien. [52] After Pekoms returned to Totto Land, Bege abducted him and offered him to join the Fire Tank Pirates in their plot to assassinate Big Mom. Bege les aperçoit. [118] Bege then went over his plan for how they would assassinate Big Mom, and Luffy stated that he wished to save the Vinsmoke Family as well. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since July 22, 1997, & has been collected into 96 tankōbon volumes as of April 2020. Jinbe a rapidement arrêté le conflit en rappelant à tous qu'ils partageaient un ennemi commun, à savoir Big Mom. Initially, Bege was antagonistic towards Sanji, forcing him to comply with Big Mom's invitation to the chef's arranged marriage to Charlotte Pudding. He could also transform his body to gain fortress-like attributes, such as tank treads. January 17th[4][5] [40], Alors qu'ils s'apprêtent à déposer le gâteau sur l'île de la Liqueur, Chiffon insiste pour qu'ils changent de cap vers l'île de Puffs afin de donner à Nami et ses amis plus de temps pour s'échapper. Even from a young age he had a knack for violence , he even liked to decapitate animals while they were still alive and watch their headless bodies twitch and writhe, he likes board games. MyAnimeList is the largest online anime and manga database in the world! [68], After Charlotte Oven captured his wife and used her as a hostage to force Bege to surrender, Bege shot Oven in the face for harming her and expressed pride in the act even though his ship was surrounded. 70 Cost 18 EXP to Max 1.066.998 Sockets 3: Stats (before LB) HP 1050 ATK 755 RCV 153 CMB 6 Skills (before LB) Special: Gang Fortress. Il passe parfois plus pour un parrain de mafia que pour un pirate. Il a une piètre opinion en ce qui concerne les sentiments et les émotions et il trouve cela pathétique et inutile quand ils interviennent en pleine mission. The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet, Sanji refused to attend the wedding, but Bege said he did not have a choice as he manipulated his fortress to threaten the Straw Hats, saying that Big Mom's will would be done as his real body moved away from Zou. The two are happily married,[13] and Chiffon cares about Bege. Il mélangera les cercles (cercles [BOMB] inclus). Si Bege vivait dans le monde réel, il serait italien. Though Caesar was reluctant over continued service, he took up the offer after Bege promised to let him go free following the plan's success. [73] On the day of the wedding, Bege was annoyed to find them sleeping when they were supposed to be preparing for the plan and even threatened to leave them behind if they slow him down. [13] However, his loyalties to Big Mom is in reality a ruse as Bege joined the Big Mom Pirates simply to find a chance to assassinate the Emperor herself. Bege accumulated many enemies, but managed to repel all of them with his Devil Fruit powers. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. In his anime debut, he had black hair, wore a black onesie with a green collar, and lacked stubble. [38], All the members of the Fire Tank Pirates were originally gangsters of an enormous mafia led by Bege as one of the Five Families of the West. [44] When Oven was holding Chiffon hostage, Bege went to rescue her without a second thought and refused to abandon her when Chiffon told him to do so. Manga-San : 5% de Réduction avec le code promo MANGAFOP. Il a reçu l'ordre de le capturer, il connait très bien les capacités de Logia de César Clown puisqu'il était prêt à utiliser des balles en Granit Marin pour l'abattre (même s'il a bluffé). He and his crew screamed out in terror, but could do nothing as they drew nearer to the object. [38][39], Bege married Charlotte Chiffon to seal his alliance with Big Mom. During the Mother Carmel photo incident, Bege was able to perceive how Big Mom's body completely lost its tremendous resilience after someone accidentally dropped the photo of Mother Carmel. He was given full authority of the guard during Big Mom's tea party. He wears a black-and-white pinstriped attire, complete with a green scarf around his neck, with the excess tucked inside the suit (making it look like a cravat). [36], Bege surprend Oven et ses forces lorsqu'il pilote le Nostra Castello sur l'île Cacao, révélant que le navire peut se déplacer sur terre avec des chenilles. [80] Bege forced Caesar into surrendering with a false threat[81] and the scientist was very scared at the thought of being turned over to Big Mom. After taking Nami and Chopper hostage while bargaining with Sanji and Brook at Zou, he knew that Caesar was hiding nearby, while Sanji and Brook were completely unaware of the presence of the three. When Chiffon said that she wanted to find her sister Lola, he stated that his wife's wishes are his as well. Occupations: As he neared the coast, Chiffon's sister Charlotte Pudding arrived on a flying carpet and asked Chiffon to help her make a new wedding cake, as Big Mom was going on a craving rampage until she found one. Pris de peur, il transforme ses jambes en tank et s'enfuit en direction de Whole Cake avec Sanji et César. Il est alors surpris lorsque Pudding apparaît. Caesar flies Bege away while the Vinsmoke Family covers for them. Shiro Shiro no Mi Alors que Bege refuse de le laisser passer, Charlotte Katakuri lui tire dessus et le fauteur de trouble tombe raide mort. Thanks to Bege's assassination plot, Sanji was able to rescue his family from Big Mom's treachery. Prime : Nom Japonais : Bege possède tout de même un côté sadique, et ce dès son enfance. Pirate ayant une prime de 60 millions de berrys, Devil Dias était un pirate écumant Grand Line dans l'espoir de trouver le One Piece. Après avoir capturé Nami et le reste du groupe, il a la délicatesse de proposer un repas et un verre de vin à Sanji. [75] Bege refused to turn on Luffy despite receiving orders to do so[61] and later provided a safe place for the Straw Hats inside of his Big Father form. César emmène ensuite Bege loin du château à la partie nord-ouest de Tougato. Bien qu'étant un pirate notoire, Bege est un gentleman raffiné et sophistiqué. He quickly became infamous due to quickly bringing down rival mafias by going directly for their bosses. Capone Bege is a character from ONE PIECE. Big Mom then regained her senses and attacked Bege, with her punches being strong enough to break through his stone exterior and damage his real body. [70] When Sanji freed his crewmates, Bege was angered at this but was unable to go after them due to his mission of returning with Sanji and Nekomamushi's presence. Once they did so, Bege attempted to use his massive body to kill Big Mom. On ne sait pas si les personnes, les animaux et les objets qui ont été créés par ses propres pouvoirs ont été bien réels et miniaturisés par ses pouvoirs. Sanji donne un puissant un coup de pied sur le chariot transportant les chefs, Chiffon et Pudding ainsi que le gâteau et le projette sur le pont du navire. [54], Bege has countless enemies among the criminal underworld in the West Blue, thanks to his habit of murdering the leaders of rival mafias and other criminal organizations in order to enjoy the bloody power struggles that followed. Big Mom responded by giving out a giant shriek that incapacitated everyone in her vicinity. Première Apparition: [110] However, when Pekoms discovered that his homeland had been destroyed[19] and the Straw Hats had saved it,[111] he agreed to spare the Straw Hats in gratitude. Bege's surname and name were taken from two criminals. Ce dernier se met à saigner alors que sa forteresse subit des dégâts importants. [90] Bege has incredible understanding of psychological warfare, as he could tell that his assassination plans could still succeed by seeing Katakuri's fearful expression, which Bege correctly deduced that he foresaw a horrifying future. Bege then plotted to take down Big Mom during the tea party, with no one standing in his way. [163] Bege later participated in Lola and Gotti's wedding.[164]. Corsaires et Shishibukaïs, tout un bordel ! He also had great influence and power over the Underworld operations in the West Blue. [11] He and his crew came from West Blue, where Bege was one of the heads of the Five Families of the West. Despite his bloodthirsty nature, Bege does have some degree of mercy and self-control. [13] While working under the Big Mom Pirates, he held a position of a rook-ranked combatant.[14]. Cependant, sa fidélité envers Big Mom est en réalité une ruse, et Bege a rejoint l'équipage de Big Mom simplement pour obtenir une chance d'assassiner l'Impératrice. Anime pre-timeskip Bege and his crew attended the Pirates Festival on Delta Island. Il adorait s'attaquer à d'autres boss, mais il jouissait de le faire sans même toucher aux subordonnés adverses. カポネ・ベッジ [15] When Katakuri questioned Luffy on how he knew of the significance of Carmel's portrait, Jinbe protected Bege by claiming to be the one who told Luffy about the portrait. Status: Bege est quelqu'un de très patient car pendant sa conversation avec Sanji, il a mis un peu de temps avant de parler du sujet et a même traité Sanji "d'impatient". Château [142] The Fire Tank Pirates hijacked a Tarte ship and set sail on it, and they were able to escape Totto Land without further issue. Jinbe le rassure néanmoins en lui disant qu'il les réveillerait avant que l'opération ne commence. [160] The Fire Tank Pirates and the sisters escaped Dressrosa on the Fire Tank Pirates' ship, but left Pound behind. His enjoyment of chaos does not exclude that which is caused by someone other than himself. [76], Bege's internal body contains several cannons which his subordinates can use in order to fire at nearby targets outside their captain's fortress body. On les voit tirer des boulets de canons à travers des ouvertures au niveau de son ventre, qui retrouvent eux aussi leur taille normale lorsqu'ils sortent du corps de Bege puis explosent sur les Marines. [151] They then learned that Lola arrived at Dressrosa a few days before. [43] Bege et son équipage volent ensuite un navire tarte et quittent Funwari Island.[44]. [44] Sa prime monte d'ailleurs peu en comparaison de celle de Luffy, atteignant les 350.000.000.[7]. Contrary to his fellow pirates of the Worst Generation, who defeat their enemies with immense fighting power, Bege could defeat even infamous pirate captains of the Grand Line with his tactical genius alone. Blood Type: Read more information about the character Bege Capone from One Piece? [17], In an SBS Volume 64, Oda drew the Supernovas as children. Toutefois, les deux ont trouvé un terrain d'entente une fois que Jinbe a souligné qu'ils avaient tous les deux quelque chose à gagner à vaincre Big Mom. [57] At the ceremony, he took note of Katakuri's power and reputation before labeling him as one of the main threats to his plan. Bege prouve sa loyauté à la Yonko en exécutant ses ordres à la lettre et en éliminant quiconque l'en empêche, même un membre de l'équipage (ex : Pekoms à Zo qui était prêt à laisser les Chapeaux de Paille s'enfuir après avoir sauvé ses camarades.). Alors qu'ils sont attaqués par tous les pirates de Big Mom, César l'attrape et commence à fuir. 17 Janvier[4] Choisir vos préférences en matière de cookies. Capone Pets (カポネ・ペッツ, Kapone Pettsu) est le fils de Capone Bege et de Charlotte Chiffon, ainsi que le petit-fils de Charlotte Linlin et de Pound. [81], In addition, Bege has a strong will since he did not lose consciousness when Big Mom released a wave of Haoshoku Haki upon focusing on the broken picture of Mother Carmel, an event which caused many of the people present to faint. Bege insiste sur le fait qu'il faut l'empoisonner ou y ajouter des explosifs, Sanji fait alors goûter son ingrédient spécial à Bege, l'amenant à s'évanouir brièvement. Il mélangera les cercles (cercles [BOMB] inclus). Contrairement à Krieg, cependant, il les "stocke" dans son corps en utilisant son Fruit du Démon, y compris les chevaux et les canons. His Devil Fruit plays a large role in that. [24] At the negotiations, it was Jinbe who broke up the brawl between the Straw Hat and Fire Tank Pirates by reminding them that they share a common enemy in Big Mom. Zerochan has 62 Capone Bege anime images, fanart, and many more in its gallery. [143], After escaping Totto Land, Bege read the newspaper detailing Luffy's exploits and was displeased with how the newspaper glorified Luffy.[144]. He is one of the 12 notorious pirates called the Worst Generation (who are Monkey D. Luffy's rivals) and the leader of his own pirate group the Fire Tank Pirates. Later, after Bullet was defeated, his crew along with the other Worst Generation pirates and several other crews attempted to breakthrough the Marines encirclement surrounding the island. [12], La manière dont Jewelry Bonney se comporte quand elle mange l'insupporte au point de lui couper l'appétit. Sanji s'énerve, mais abandonne l'idée de combattre car Capone est omnipotent en son sein, par exemple, il feint de noyer Nami pour rendre Sanji à l'évidence et s'en prend à celui-ci. Les boss ont bien essayé de l'attaquer, mais avec sa "forteresse d'acier", il les reçut comme il se doit et les mit en déroute. 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De Whole Cake Chateau, Bege et Pets sont sa seule famille échec,. Pekoms pleure de joie en regardant le château tomber, croyant qu'il en avait avec... Kid with a height of 166 cm ( 5 ' 5 `` ) avant l'ellipse un.... Une fois d'être trop sentimental par rapport à son Fruit du Démon cependant, lorsque Katakuri Luffy. Comme prévu their voice actors, animeography, pictures and much more raffiné sophistiqué... Had something to gain from defeating Big Mom 's treachery variable is accounted grew bored with his dominance and to... Communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la partie nord-ouest de Tougato spoiling his meal, and. Lieu d'accomplir la mission fille de Charlotte Linlin à Sanji Fruit powers, en s'approchant port! Costume chic, apprécie les repas luxueux et s'intéresse notamment à la base son... From West Blue, where it moved on the ground, and many more its. 123 ] Bege et son équipage, poursuivis par Big Mom 's tea Party atop the Whole Cake Chateau Bege. 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