I felt like we were both going with the flow and it just happened. I told him that I wasn’t going to beg for him but I wanted to know that if everything he said was true and he said that he didn’t miss me while he was at boot camp that he didn’t love me. i was devastated, but i learned my lesson not to put all my eggs in one basket. This man knew when my cycle come on, every morning we started our day with a prayer. I still wish he would, but he’s as stubborn as I am. I do think or want to believe he is sincere. It’s helping me to realize what I truly want from him which is to continue getting to know him. He did return. He is now trying to make me jealous and act like everything is fine when I am dying. Any thoughts? He likes you too, but he is not ready for what you want. You can play that game if you like. He visited me often we traveled together, when his mom died, he changed and sent me an email out of the blue that we have no future, I know his in pain of his lost, I am sorry this happened to you. Then came time when we left to his country, we started working and first serious argue, we broke up for some moment but we kept living together. You never know what tomorrow will bring. It sounds like he was confused and didn’t really know what he wanted. shouldnt he know better that to talk to me..he knows I was hurt and really liked him! I hope you understand.” He also told me that he still loves me and cares about me. I think there are lots of different reasons as to why guys do this. We loved each other. He let me when I told him I was hurt by his lies and didn’t know how to fix the situation and said he couldn’t handle the relationship anymore. Don’t let him drag you down. He is far away and will not communicate with you. I gave my family protection, love and everything one can ever ask for in one big gift bag. I have given up hope of ever finding out why. Egh feelings. Fight as hard as you can to keep your new man FAR AWAY from your ex. I really don’t know what it was, but I have a few questions: After four day he sent me a package asking that i follow the instruction he left along with the package. I am undoubtedly grieving, very intensely over all of the recent loss, and I won’t mind telling you that his “comfort” is very welcome right now, but as one of those “pesky broads” I simply must do the “overthinking thing” so I asked him, if I should now assume that we are “back together?” He told me that we were, and that though he was not interested in “rushing back into an engagement, he wanted us to keep trying. Hi, You can give him a second chance but where is his commitment? I don’t understand what he’s doing. I asked him if we could sit and talk things over when I got back and he said that it’s probably best if the break was permanent. He’ll either make sure you aren’t happy with this guy or make an effort to win you back. No one deserves this. But every time we met or texted emotions were running high. If you met someone else then maybe that’s your que to go. Now, he may be thinking that he could just sleep with you. I would love to build a family of our own but at least I know it wasn’t because he doesn’t want but he wasn’t sure if he could afford one. Let him be on your mind, they are just thoughts, you don’t have to act on them. Why would a guy talk about settling down and having children with me, just to get mad at me over nothing and tell me that he needs space? Eventually I couldn’t take it. He never came back and its bad to assume but im assuming he cheated that night because he stayed gone for 30 days now and has admitted now to having a gf. Take guy number 2 because guy number 1 might be poisonous snake like my ex was. X, Go on your own time girl! Don’t chase him for a change in his behavior, and don’t hold out that he will change his behavior. Did he do all this cause of maybe something I did. She said if I cut him off (not completely) if will buy my a car. He loved himself more than me. It will drive him absolutely crazy if he thinks for one moment that you are not interested anymore. What am I todo i am confused So we start dating I allowed him to openly discuss her an what was going with them. But i knew I’m the one to blame for my stupid actions. I folded like a cheap pair of sunglasses, and though I did accept his offer of “comfort” I really did not expect him to still want me back. What do I do? But like you said, he would tell me how much he loved me and I am the one that he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Thank you Betty for your reply! I’ve talked to him 3 times since we broke up and I’m trying not to be emotional and needy and act desperate but its hard he was my other half and me being in this apartment makes me think of him. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. Anyway recently he has started talking to me again after months of not talking at all and I don’t understand why he always tries to start something with me when he talks to a handful of other girls. We are watching a movie and of course she started to get grabby and tried having sex with me. I applied the no contact rule again & lasted until the 24th of November & he messaged me to see how I was going, I responded thinking he wanted to work things out. What Does Seeing a Dead Person Alive in My Dream Mean? Everyone seemed overjoyed with our union, his father hugged me one day with tears in his eyes thanking me for making his boy so happy, as he had never seen him so smitten. and just after the spell? This is a fairly common reason why men come back months later. This all happened via text message, but it felt like the break up all over again. I do not think for a moment that all men are like this, but this one has had ample years to show me “exactly” who he is capable of being. Hi Sharon, Did he give you anymore explaination as to why he doesnt love you anymore? He didn’t talk much again and I caught him staring at me a couple times. I am truly at a loss! Yes, men can lose their feelings as fast as doing a snap, the reason can be related to the aspirations and wishes of every man. He then told me that was never happening because he was never having anymore kids and he was never getting married again. Why guys ghost then come back? He would keep telling me lies saying he wants to take time with me and slowly work on our relationship but he was seeing this other girl that he worked with. He’ll either make sure you aren’t happy with this guy or make an effort to win you back. and because i was single too i was glad that both of us are single. If not / stick with guy number 2. Anyway, I felt SPARKS inside me. YUM!!!!! At the end of the 2nd week, I could not stand it, I messaged him to let him know ‘I missed him’ terribly. I haven’t talked to him for about 3 days. He was unresponsive for a reason I could not understand at all. Anyway I want to know if he will be back. I said we shouldn’t speak for a couple weeks and he agreed I then said we can talk after that and he said yes okay. He told me about his recent trip, how he tried to date an ex school mate- that it didn’t work. com note please use the normal email format where all words and character are joined together. Men will always remember the good times when they aren’t making new ones with another girl. You are so reliable. He phoned me on a Sunday evening, crying, to tell me that he took the plunge. They kept texting and flirting and he kept asking her personal questions. The men that love being single secretly wish they had a relationship and the men in a relationship secretly wish they were single again. Over and over. And the spell is totally safe like Metodo Acamu told me and the love is real because the spell only made him see how much i mean to him and how much his life revolves around April and i . While we were together he almost never talked about her unless prompted and said what she did was unforgivable. My family would create the worse mess if he would have still been around me or in link with me. You are right that he is very immature, I agree. I am very much inlove with him and I just need some advice. I would ask him to hang out and have dinner with my family, and he would say that he’s be coming over (I’d tell my parents to cook for 5 instead of 4), but he’d cancel. When he left me, he said that he doesn’t know what he wants and he didn’t know if he was “in love.” He said he told me those things to try to believe it. When I asked him- If your feelings come back, would you be back with me? Which open up a door so he wanted to break up because he said he don’t want to bring her up in our relationship which he’s in counseling now. We concluded it would be okay. He seems genuine…. After the week he says he realized he wants to be with me and we got back together. I still do love him, but I no longer feel the way that I once did. Please help me. I asked him if we could just calm down and talk about this the next day. If he decides to believe your ex over you, the ex is a real dirtbag and the new guy does not have the sense to see that he is being manipulated by your ex. Honestly, we have soul ties from day one 25 years ago. I talk to older couples and they say, time after time, they stayed together because they had so many wonderful memories together that no other person could replace. He messaged me at like midnight saying, ” I don’t think we should be together anymore. So yes, if you give a man any attention, affection – he does not appreciate it if it comes easy (there’s been no sex). Like I want to marry you and have kids with you. A mo later, the most miserable of my life, He came by to help with a project, but he sat at my table & talked for 2 hrs. My question is what happened? Calls me a few times asking for like something pointless and then never would show up to get it so. I wish to God that I could see him, but we work the same hours – and I don’t have time to drive up to where he works. He would complain to me almost every time we met that he’s broke or can’t spend too much, but yet he would go out often with friends. Change the story. If he moves on so be it. The ex is only interested in screwing things up for you and your present guy. Our family is intact again and I will be forever grateful. Good luck, and keep me posted x. He just does not want to hurt anymore from the more recent break up. he began to talk marriage, and wanted to take me looking for rings so that he could get an idea of what I liked when the time presented itself. I asked him if we were to get married did he want separate accounts or a family account. i’m sorry to hear of your disappointment. It came to a point that I feel that he has chosen soccer betting over this relationship. But at the same time I felt as though I made a mistake giving it up so easily and quickly. We don’t see each other, I have no idea what he’s doing with himself (if he’s rebounded, or wanting to) and I can’t eke tabs as he blocked me on Facebook (probably shouldn’t be obsessing anyway, right?) I said good bye. I know he left with little respect for me, but I’ve done so much for him and supported him through all the stressful moments he had. This is a fairly common reason why men come back months later. I’m a soft spoken person with a big heart. But when he moved back in she said she wasn’t getting into our relationship again and she didn’t but this time we got into it over something stupid and he moved out I went over to talk to him and his mom said she needs to leave I did respectfully. You will have to ride the storm, but once it’s over, the sun will come out. I know all those things he said about loving me wasn’t a lie. All that with rude attitude towards me for no reason… Almost word for word. Other than that I really changed my behavior and took new steps I never took before to avoid pushing him away. Look I’m a guy and I’ve done my rounds of dating ..at 45…yes give him some space but your advice on no contact is the shittiest advice you girls give….all it does is make us think your not interested anymore..which makes us move further away …women today have forgotten the 3 fundamental to keeping a man happy and interested.No matter how much of a shity girlfriend you might be…keep a man well sexed well feed and generally look after him with respect…and you will never lose him…and in return you will be given everything in return because he has no reason to look elsewhere to all the girls out there if your not doing those 3 things then good luck finding someone who will put up with you…ok give him space but bagger him. Do Guys Ever Want Their Ex Back - Why Men Almost Always Come Back After a Break Up! Just gotta work on self improvement and being a fantastic, gorgeous, independent and confident woman lol I’ll write my success story again in here after we get back together! He sounds like a keeper. You also mention that you saw his parents on the bar. They guy you were friends with for a long time–the one your ex accused you of having an affair with–is he gay or does he have a girl friend? But needs to do it for him and he become unhappy with all of the pressure and stress. Not one who leaves without a trace. I don’t know if I miss him because I was complaining to him more often than not about our communication and he kept reassuring me that everything was fine and he wanted to be with me. it sounds like he would have moved on regardless at some point in time. During the time we broke up, I started to like another girl and I was [really interested] in her, then, one of those days, I was talking with my ex, we had a nice conversation like we were just friends, through that, I mentioned that I liked this other girl. Perhaps he was looking for something else and was inconsiderate / scared to discuss his needs with you. Be best side of me, do nice things but dont talk about Us? Im an emotional wreck….so i met a great guy or so i thought anyways now im having second guesses. Only they can do that. And now I have to decide whether I want to let my heart heal again or just lock it up tight. I’m in a complicated path of my life even after having the truth infront of my eyes. Tried to contact him and ask what happened and got to know he doesn’t want me anymore. But I always felt something was wrong. I not spoke to him for a week and he not contacted me do you think he doesn’t want to contact me? im sensing a little arrogance on your part. For the month prior to the break we were fighting and arguing a lot. Everything was going great, we talked about the future and I could tell he felt very strongly for me. It happened to me and it was so stressful. After 8years my first christmas alone my first everythingeverythingaone actually i still forget and pour two coffee s in the morning its sad but im a wonderful per son and i dont deserve this nobody does. He swore he wasn’t seeing anyone else and would just blame it on being busy with work. I’m really broken and I miss him terribly. At the end of the phone call I suggested we have a break & try once more, then if it didn’t work we part ways but he said its over for good. I went away for a week to visit my friend and when I came back I broke the no contact rule and pretty much broke every rule because I couldn’t emotionally handle not talking to him. Then I was shocked, I though it is for short period of time. What we had was really special. A month in we start having sex. Why she more interesting than I am? Cut your losses and don’t spend any more time. Let’s hope somehow, someday, we both get our guys back. ‘He’ll start to look back and realize that he focused all of his attention on the things he didn’t like about you instead of the things he loved‘. for my birthday[just before xmas] he presented me with a ring that he had made himself, made from an old sterling silver quarter. He says he cares of me, that I will be always important for him… He said I had him and he’s not going anywhere. Hi Cindy, It sounds like youe ex bf really does need to grow up which will take time. With my emotions running high I messaged him asking if he was in contact with his ex (which i believed in my head that he was), and he felt accused because he said he hasn’t been in touch with her and why would I even ask that question. His situation is no longer as much of a factor if I choose to date again however. We had been very close and had even discussed marriage. Most men are not trust worthy. Now you must do what you do not want to do…leave him ALONE, let him figure things out in his head. Really, try to get clarity from him. Mutton Osun is a rear gem that can not be easily found. Having had my fair share of lady friends over the years, I’ve heard this maxim repeated ad nauseam. Well, things got back to normal, or so I thought. I want to know why hes acting the way he is. Hi, 6 days is too soon, my bf broke up with me after 9 years after we told our families we want to commit to marriage. Believe me I know it is easier said than done. My family thinks I need to move on Bc if he dumped me he didn’t love me enough to talk it out and get through it. And I don’t even know if he will even respond to my message. I had 1,5 years long relationship with ex man I loved much. When I found out I was shocked. Do guys always come back after they dump you…? There are little things that I see and makes me wonder. My ex and me were together for Two years and 4 months, we were very happy to be husband and wife, last month we went to california and stayed with his family, after we got back he started acting distant, then he started hanging out with a girl, and kept sneaking off to go hangout with her, so i got upset, i could not endure, i tried to do everything to please him but it got worst, one day he left the house and never came back, i tried reaching him but no way i could reach him, because of the heart break he has put me into, i went into search of a real spell caster but I was scammed several times, but I never relented in my search because I want a happy life with my boyfriend, when i saw testimony about spell caster Mr Robinson buckler on the internet, so i contacted him and to my greatest surprise (((robinsonbuckler @ yahoo. I responded saying that I understand he is busy and I respect his need for alone time/space, and that I was merely reaching out to make sure he is okay. Those we once had a relationship with, those we once had a non-relationship relationship with and those with whom we shared a spark that was never fully explored. I did that, but the person did not help me much. He also would prefer to rent (and he depends on his paycheck to help him pay his rent) instead of saving money for a house of his own. Just remember he could leave you for another woman.. Can someone please help me with this one. 4. A mother especially knows when her son isn’t at his best and knows the reasoning behind it – a mothers intuition if you will. For our visual learners, Essentially when you implement a no contact rule with the intention of getting him back you are indirectly removing your exes behavior freedom of talking to you from the equation. The wedding was about two weeks ago.. But they must love you in return or they will leave you again. o.O. And now its over and I don’t understand. But I would not hold my breath. I am left so sad and speechless since I really didn’t see this coming at all. But at least I’m able to learn from it and work on myself. Why do men come back and leave after : 4 things to know ! He may not have seen this at first. I’m beyond heartbroken. Sometimes though, a man reaches out because he realizes how much he messed up. He was soft spoken and a true gentleman and our romance blossomed effortlessly. 6 months later he shows up at my mom's. What woman wants a man who is driving her crazy? i wont hurt him and he knows that too.. plz help me anyone..? But I am just so confused now. I didn’t…He went into the shower I left. When the relationship is over a new standard is set by default. Not necessarily, but there are some obvious reasons and some not so obvious reasons why men will come back into your life. I said “all I can think about is sex & ice cream” he said “OMG, I just told my friend the exact same thing yesterday” (we never eat ice cream). It was out of the blue after an argument and our relationship wasn’t bad. It is impossible to believe that JP Morgan would ever hire you, I man who cannot spell or write correctly, in the first place. I always did my best to try and see what was really happening. Like when he was over the first time he moved out his mom asked why are you over her house. Dont know what I’m to do. He ended up picking me up at 4pm and was being so mean saying he didn’t want to see me and to tell him what I wanted. That is why even though they are ghosting, they would come back. I have met his parents and friends. And he wasn’t Happy. I feel bad for so many people on here who haven’t gotten replies/answers. Even tho he was so serious about marriage and wanting to be with me for the rest of my life a week ago. Everything was really great between us. Is this possible? That’s all that matters. He should be the one reaching out. As i’ve always told him, it’s not about how much you’re earning, as long as you’re earning every dollar and cents through your own hands and effort. Things weren’t working out and he was being completely mean to me and I just noticed he didn’t want to be with me so we ended it. Hello, I am in a bit of a complicated/confusing situation currently and I need some advice on it, mainly because it’s the first time I am experiencing this, and I would like some insight (preferably from a guy if possible) Like when they just ghost and suddenly come back. I would really really appreciate it and be really grateful. He asked me if we could just date, and he would give me time to decide. He then said he felt so much better, that he had thought this a million times but was blind to the sight of what it was doing to him. HAs he got another girlfriend ? com is joined together like every other email format…. He said he was fine. i have been married for 4 years now and my husband and i love each other very dearly . I hate to say this, but my ex has been gone for 3 years. And he said we were growing apart and we’re going to continue growing apart. On June he decided to come to visit me, then I left with him to his country for holidays. Or should I let him get his things and have to deal with seeing him/talking to him again and face the possibility I may go back to square one? We had a couple of rough patches over 4 years, maybe 4 or 5, but for the most part our relationship has been really good. And I don’t understand what happened to his feelings that I thought he had for me. I remembered the offer and I told him that I accept his help. one day out of the blue call me on the phone and broke up with me. Of course, he bet within his limits but i really dislike the behavior and mentality. keeping thoughts positive can be challenging but i find being grateful is the best method. Most of the arguments were about the same thing: I felt like he wasn’t respecting my time. You will get your answer. I don’t know what we were talking about but it was something about having kids and I jokingly said once I had our baby he was getting snipped. until I awake Tuesday I loved him very much. He looked over at me with glassy eyes and told me he loved me one more time then left me. My boyfriend broke up with me because he said he needed space and time to himself to think. When you go from one relationship, being hurt, then into another relationship and rushing into things that fast, mixed emotions can set in. I just pray every day that this space will make us stronger and whatever thoughts he has going through his mind disappear. I had moved out and on. See if guy number 1 will put a ring on it. i dont expect you to sit and worry or wait around, dad is sorry he forgot to text back but wants you to know im ok’ He is taking you for a ride.. But I know how he is. 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