Unit type: mecha Height: 24.0 meters Weight: 42.3 metric tons Armament: laser blade x 1, spark torpedo x 12, Oruga cannon x 1, gravity territory Pilot: Gaza Haganer (aka Tenzan Nakajima) Gaza Haganer (aka Tenzan Nakajima) Unit type: custom armored module Height: 18.9 meters Weight: 30.4 metric tons Equipment: Tesla Drive, boost drive, ASRS Armament: autocannon x 2, assault blade x 1, burst railgun x 1, break field, chaff grenade x 2 Pilot(s): Julia Heinkel, Thomas Platt, Tempest Hawker, Tenzan Nakajima, Leona Garstein, Archibald Grims, Yuuki Jaggar, Carla Borgnine A Chinese fox spirit, Hou is one of Taihou's disciples and assists the order by summoning the Youkijin. Naturally, this causes some tension between him and those serving under him early on over military strategy during the second DC War, until Archibald defects and joins the Shadow-Mirror during the surprise attack at the North American Langley Base with the Inspectors. This confession, in an attempt to save his own life, horrendously backfires and is killed in a tag-team assault by the Branstein brothers. Archibald takes great pleasure in killing anything he sees, be it innocent or not. Tenzan's name as Gaza Haganer is probably derived from the city of Gaza. The main production unit for the Divine Crusaders, the DCAM-004 Lion is the product of collaboration between four scientific and industrial institutions: the Extra-Over Technological Investigative Institute, the Tesla Leicht Institute, Project Terrestrial Dream and Isurugi Industries. They began taking a more active stance in the Second Original Generation. Making her appearance in Original Generation 2, Agilla takes the surviving Boosted Children after the Earth Federation shuts down The School and aligns with the Divine Crusaders Remnants. The Nakajima B6N Tenzan was the Imperial Japanese Navy's standard carrier-borne torpedo bomber during the final years of World War II and the successor to the B5N "Kate". When offered a chance to surrender by the Steel Dragon Battle Group, Adler kills Lily for considering the offer, The Giganscudo is what killed Hawker's family, the same machine is the one to deal the death blow to Hawker in the Valsion Custom during DC's assault on Geneva, Buys the Steel Dragon Battle Group time to escape the North American Langley Base from a combined front of the Inspectors and Shadow-Mirror, as Murata dies at Gaia Sabers headquarters on Aidoneous Island having been consumed by worldly desires, delving down an evil path and losing sight of what was important - all of which is the opposite of what achieving enlightenment means, when bombs Archibald planted in safety shelters around Riksent fail to detonate because Yuuki, even though Ouka is conditioned to use the GEIM System better, some side-effects hazardous to her health is evident during the Earth Cradle, Kills Agilla at the Earth Cradle by activating ", he attacks Tasuku and injures him; Sanger did the exact same thing when he announces, until it turns out the supercomputer actually houses Sophia as its, Is an Earthling scientist from the ICS, who mysteriously disappeared following the explosion in the labs, likely taken at the same time Mai was, Was originally Kar-Wai Lau, former leader of the Aggressors, who disappeared during a trial run of the Gespenst Type-S, At least they would recognize that he's still an, later thrown back at Jürgen by Duminuss, making him nothing more than an, The MK III loses its right arm, restores it, and turns itself into a monstrosity, growing into, since it houses the "Faul Kern", the core of a destroyed, Absorbed by the AI-1 and destroyed along with it; subverted with the Endlich Geist in, when fighting the Steel Dragon Battle Group at the Cross Gate, Duvan is in complete panic over his impending death that he goes from cold and calculating to a rambling lunatic, Another member of the Balshem series based off of Ingram, Because the Galilnagant "disappears" when it's removed from the map, it's implied the machine isn't destroyed, Shot down by Euzeth after the Adamatron is created, Uruz becomes more subdued as "Egretta Uno"; justified since he's hiding his identity and having survived the Earth Cradle, Kusuha only manages to get out of the situation thanks to the psychic interruption by, Ordered his disciple Hou to save Irui from the Gan Eden's destruction before he died, The "Evil-" and "Sin-class" Choukijin betrayed the Garden of Baral because they disapproved of their ways. A tiger- and baboon-based "Evil-class" Choukijin of a higher rank than the "God-class", respectively, the KyuKiOh and TouTetsuOh are two mythical machines revived by Kanan and Taihou and put back into service for the Garden of Baral. He's killed in a final confrontation with Sanger and Rishu at Grand Christmas. Based on the same-named faction from the "Classic Timeline", the "Divine Crusaders" ("DC") are an anti-Earth Federation government force led by Bian Zoldark. Its codename is derived from the name of its operating system, LIEON, the shortened term of LIEOonN, or Learning-automation Integrated EO-technolog… A commander of Gorainkel's forces debuting in The Moon Dwellers; judging from his surname, he may be related to its founders. In case a review is missing feel free to add them, this can be done on the individual product pages (for members only). While this machine is never given the Alt Eisen codename, it is actually accepted as the successor to the mass-produced Gespenst MK II, and receives the proper "Gespenst MK III" designation. Unlike his "sister" Ariel Org, who had experiences to expand her emotional aspects with the "Preventers", Duvan never understands there are other means to live. He's killed in his first sorite as part of the Gaia Sabers by Ibis and Sleigh in the newly combined Hyperion. She claims to care about humanity, comparing it it to a child that needs guidance. Unfortunately, the system causes such a mental collapse on Hawker it strains his skills with the Valsion, allowing the Steel Dragon Battle Group to easily destroy the machine and killing him. Ouka initially believes the Federation has brainwashed Latooni into fighting for them and killing Arado during a second outing, despite Latooni's objections Arado is alive and she's fighting of her own will. His identification is "W-15" and unlike other W-Numbers, Wodan was simply modified into a Cyborg, rather than being built from the ground-up. A NARA photo featuring in the foreground a Nakajima B6N "Tenzan" (Jill) found in Atsugi base, Kanagawa Prefecure, at the end of the war.It is equipped with H-6 ASV Radar as can be testified by the "Yagi-type" antennae.The unit marking has been overpainted and therefore is unknown. He works directly under Regianne Josephine. Appearing in the ''Second Original Generation', Arseli starts off as a mercenary working for Isurgi Indistries. As a result, his personality's unstable; to keep him in line, Lemon has Wodan link with the Earth Cradle's supercomputer "Magus Gebo" and becomes its loyal guardian. When the real Sanger appears during Operation Plantagenet, Wodan develops a strong rivalry with the Samurai, making it personal to be the only one to defeat him. The system, completely fused with Jürgen's consciousness, slowly assimilates other people into its collective, eventually leading the mass-production machines in subjugating all of humanity. eps 1, 8, 16, 22) ... Yasuhiko Kawazu as Tenzan Nakajima. Also, the Guest faction can be added to the Record of ATX section with the Garoika (surprisingly) listed under it. He pilots the black Laftkranz Karocror, which forgoes the usual sword-gun for another Orgone Claw. However, Tenzan would not appear in the finals of the tournament, as he was already recruited by the Divine Crusaders (in the animated Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Divine Wars, Tenzan would face Ryusei in the finals, defeating him easily, and win the tournament. These are the names of a single planet in the deepest reaches of space. Shin Super Robot Wars - Playable character 2. After returning to Earth he joins the Gaia Sabers using the Cylion plans to get him in the door. Now as Gaza Haganer, he would serve the Aerogaters without question and participate in the [[../../Glossary#L5 Campaign|L5 Campaign]], with his final battle within the [[../../Glossary#White Star|White Star]] (this event only occurs in the Original Generation games; Tenzan would be officially killed in action in Divine Wars). He's summoned to La Gians alongside Sleigh Presty at the beginnign on the game. With these two Choukijin in his possession, Jabez goes on a rampage; fortunately, his actions are stopped by Rishu Tougou's ancestor, Ryuuma Tougou. Merak, Eos, Eltria, Endless Illusion, Neuerth, Terra. In a final showdown at the Earth Cradle installation, Archibald reveals he was hired by the real mastermind behind the Elpis Incident from the Extra-Over Technology Council. As such, Archibald takes some measures to secure, and later, stop the revival of the RyuOhKi and KoOhKi in Original Generation 2, but fails. Commander of the United Colony Corps' "Troye Unit", a dedicated all female squadron, which Leona Garstein was previously a member of, 25-year old Major Julia Heinkel is named after the German "Heinkel" aircraft manufacturer. Tenzan Nakajima does not attend the Burning PT Tournament finals in the game (presumably because he had already been scouted by the Divine Crusaders), allowing Ryusei to easily win the championship. Even when drafted into the Divine Crusaders as a soldier, he still sees the battlefield as a simulated reality; as long as he destroys his enemiess down and advance into the next battle, he'll eventually reach the end and win. Nakajima B6N2 Tenzan (Heavenly Mountain) JILL. Pilot: Tenzan Nakajima They should probably get their own "Burning PT" faction. In The Moon Dwellers, a machine called the "Endlich Geist" appears, bearing a warped resemblance to Duvan's Alles Geist. It was in this war that the Four Calamities were renamed as the Four Evils, the Four Punishments became the Four Sins, and all classless Choukijin became the Youkijin. As Adler begins losing more troops, his subordinates begin to abandon him; he dies aboard his flagship. Another instructor from The School, Agilla is a former assistant of Dr. Kenzo Kobayasahi at the ICS, but is relocated to The School after an explosion at the institute. 57-year old patriach of the Branstein family and Commander-in-Chief of the United Colony Corps, Maier joins forces with his good friend Bian to combat the Earth Federation Army. The genius scientist formed the DC by using the "Extra-Over Technology Institute" as a smoke-screen to hide themselves from The Federation. By the time the "L5 Campaign" is underway, the DC is scattered and largely leaderless; nevertheless, these small pockets of "Divine Crusaders Remnants" continue their anti-government dissent by waging small skirmishes against the Earth Federation Army. The Nakajima Tenzan was a Japanese carrier-based torpedo bomber used during WW2 in the Pacific Theater. Yayoi Nakazawa as Atad Shamran. However, during the middle of a sortie, the system would overwhelm Tenzan's mind; in mere moments, he was driven mad and proved to be a threat to ally and foe alike. Leader of the Fury's spy division. Tenzan Nakajima is a fictional character in the Super Robot Wars series. The specifications issued by the navy called for very modern characteristics. Tenzan would survive the crash, as the Aerogaters secretly retrieved him, brainwashing him into their ranks and having him pilot an Ezekiel Adom. This leaves Beowulf screaming in rage of his defeat, despite having beaten Axel. When offered a chance to help Eldy Mitte after the majority of the Gaia Sabers are destroyed at Grand Christmas, Duvan heads to Antarctica with her. Unlike their Super Robot Wars Judgment counterparts, the "Fury" in Original Generation introduces a new "Spy" faction as a Foil to the "Knights". A member of Gadisword introduced in The Moon Dwellers. Given whom Wodan's based off of, he embodies similar tropes, but to avoid redundancy, the following are either exclusive to Wodan or ones significantly changed: A captain of a special squad under Colonel Van's command in the Neo DC, Oleg Nazarov participated in Operation Plantagenet and was at the North American Langley Base joint pincer attack with Earth Federation forces against the Inspectors until the "Einst" interfered. Their headquarters "Grand Christmas" is situated at Aidoneus Island, the same location where the Divine Crusaders' headquarters was. Details Related. In reality, Wodan is an android based on the Alternate Universe Sanger who was killed in action in the Shadow-Mirror dimension. All markings are done with masks, so no decals here, and the paints used are from the Mr Color range, Nakajima Green and Grey. In 1939 the Imperial Japanese Navy drew up its specification for a carrier-based torpedo-bomber to supersede the Nakajima B5N. Agilla dies from the assault by the crew of the Kurogane on the Earth Cradle, killed by the Boosted Children. One of a pair of Chinese Immortals, Kanan was present during the first "Kijin Wars" ("War of the Mechanical Gods") and helped bring the TouTetsuOh and KyuKiOh back under Baral's control. However, since Jabez doesn't possess the Psychic Powers allowing humans to control the Choukijin, he uses opium in large amounts to pacify the machines. When told by Professor Eric Wong of his remaining time left, Duvan searches for any means to extend life. Over the course of the Divine Crusaders War, Tenzan becomes a steady rival to Ryusei; unlike the latter, Tenzan constantly belittles Ryusei and believes the war is a big game and doesn't take into account of his actions. Unfortunately, the attack (and subsequent fall) severely cripples Wodan. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. the Neo DC attempt to topple the Federation government, Recruited by the Divine Crusaders for his game-playing skills and talents, rendering him berserk and distorting his perception of reality further, After Bian dies at DC headquarters on Aidoneus Island, Adler takes what's left of the faction and hurries to Federation headquarters in Geneva, hoping to topple the government swiftly, turn against her for what she has done to them, through carnage with the sword, enabling him to become a "war god". Similar to their "Classic" counterparts, Bian declares war on the Federation, rallying his followers and any newcomers to topple the current regime in Original Generation, but with a twist: Bian unveils a meeting in the Antarctic between government representatives and extraterrestrials are meant to ensure the Earth surrenders to alien forces. It wouldn't take long for the crew of the Hagane and Hiryu Custom to shoot him down, destroying his Valsion Custom. Becoming a test pilot for the Lion series, Tenzan is one of the few people in the DC to use all three primary Armored Modules fielded by the Divine Crusaders (Lion, Guarlion and Barrelion), eventually settling on the Barrelion as his personal unit. Even when drafted into the Divine Crusaders as a soldier, he still sees the battlefield as a simulated reality; as long as he destroys his enemiess down and advance into the next battle, he'll eventually reach the end and win. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/SuperRobotWarsOriginalGenerationAntagonists. There was a difference in opinions variously by Nakajima Aircraft and IJN by the easiness of the maintenance and results in the past. True to their title, these members eschew chivalry and prefer under-handed tactics to achieve their goals. In fact, I know exactly three things about it: * Turn-based mecha strategy/RPG * "Real Robots" ar While many like Colonel Van are doing it in the belief they are upholding Bian's legacy, others have pettier reasons behind this second Civil War. Tenzan is the successor of a Carrier-based torpedo bomber Nakajima B5N. Tropes common to the entire faction in Original Generation are: The CEO of Gorainkel, a Zuvorg Alliance-based weapons corporation. Shin Super Robot Wars is the first Super Robot Wars title released on the PlayStation.In a similar vein to Masou Kishin: The Lord of Elemental, the game eschews the Super-Deformed formula from previous SRWs and renders the Humongous Mecha into full-sized. He has piloted both a Liege Geios and an Org-Valu. In the animated Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Divine Wars, Tenzan Nakajima actually faces Ryusei in the finals of the Burning PT National Tournament and wins with ease. To that end, he steals the Alles Geist and plans to harness the power of the Ultimate Gundam to break his "flaw" and intends to conquer mankind and rule them as their leader, believing it is his destiny as an idealized superior being to humans. He manages to escape, with his scarred appearance a result of the failed operation. Handed the Rapiecage, a Super Prototype from the Shadow-Mirror based off of mecha from "Project ATX", Ouka reveals in its first sortie the machine is equipped with a newer version of Alder Koch's GEIM System; unlike previous GEIM System users, Ouka is mentally and physically conditioned to resist the berserker side-effects of the system and maintain control over herself. Making her debut in the Second Original Generation, Amara Barton is a member of the Gaia Sabers who answers directly to Steinbeck, serving as his "Omega Saber". For the next few years, he becomes a caretaker of the Boosted Children, helping to train them until The School is shut down by the Earth Federation government, leading him to the Divine Crusaders Remnants and the succeeding Neo Divine Crusaders. Similar events from the OVA follows suit, but Jürgen seemingly destroys Lamia Loveless after she is rescued by Kyosuke at the Hellgate Facility. During Operation Planetagent, Wodan appears at the Tesla-Liecht Institute and stops the Inspector Vigagi from killing Sanger, cementing their rivalry. Although Radha, who is part of the Earth Federation Army's assault on the facility, attempts to save him, Cuervo insists she leave him behind as the place collapses and to become the Boosted Children's new caretaker in his place. Like Ryusei Date, he too is an otaku, and obsesses over video games. Released in October 2009, it utilizes the same 3D scheme from GC/XO and eschews a grid-based movement system for a radial-based one, a first for the franchise. Super Hero Operations - Playable character 6. Bian's insurrection ultimately ends with his death at DC headquarters on Aidoneus Island by the Steel Dragon Battle Group. Due to its protracted development, a shortage of experienced pilots and the United States Navy's achievement of air superiority by the time of its introduction, the B6N was never able to fully demonstrate its combat potential. Wodan launches a final, killing blow on Feff and the remaining Machinery Children, but the over-damaged Thrudgelmir explodes, destroying Wodan. Secondary Commander-in-Chief of the Divine Crusaders, Adler is also a former instructor of "The School", a military academy funded by the Federation government to train children into Humongous Mecha pilots through mental and physical conditioning, turning them into the "Boosted Children". Although Ryusei would attempt to coax him into stop believing that this sort of fighting will eventually kill one of them, Tenzan wouldn't hear any of it, and continue his reckless endangerment of life. Notable members of the (Neo) DC in Original Generation include Tenzan Nakajima, Tempest Hawker, Dr. Adler Koch, Colonel Van, Archibald Grims (though he eventually strikes on his own), Dr. Agilla Setme, Ouka Nagisa, and Wodan Ymir. Like Ryusei Date, he too is an otaku, and obsesses over video games. She pilots a Liege Geios and a Baran Schnile. He pilots a standard Leonisis and Gynonia. The once peaceful and lush planet is now a nightmarish world torn by endless warfare and environmental catastrophes. In Divine Wars, he wins the tournament, besting Ryusei, and isn't approached by the Divine Crusaders until the Aerogater attack at the tournament. However, the Earth Federation Army successfully locates Jürgen in the abandoned "Hellgate Facility" and disconnects his uplink with the system. Upon returning to the surface, Murata is hired by the Gaia Sabers and aligns with them. Lily is named after the same-named German aircraft manufacturer "Junkers". Super Robot Spirits- Playable character 3. nakajima b6n tenzan jill 1941 japan Blueprint category: ww2-nakajima Home - Airplanes from WWII 3Views and Blueprints - ww2-nakajima - nakajima b6n tenzan Designated as "Aurum-1", Ouka Nagisa is the first of the Boosted Children at The School. An elderly man and one of the two Chinese Immortals, Taihou has long since attained enlightenment and has become uncaring with the happenings of the rest of the world. In her first appearance, Amara heads to a Mao Industries factory in France with an custom, unidentified Huckebein and destroys all existing Huckebeins models in the world, stealing the Tronium Engine in the MK III and the Black Hole Engine in the 009, before fleeing. Archibald takes great pleasure in killing anything he sees, be it innocent or not, camaraderie, empathy, trust and other virtues, Wodan launches a final, killing blow on Feff and the remaining Machinery Children, but the over-damaged Thrudgelmir explodes, destroying Wodan, Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier EXCEED, he even states anyone siding with the Rein must die, Global Expanded Stamp out Tactics works ALTogether, to rely on capturing humans as a biological core to derive data, Jürgen rationalizes if the rest of the world were united as a single consciousness, future conflicts with extraterrestrials would spare the pain of people losing their loved ones, The system, completely fused with Jürgen's consciousness, slowly assimilates other people into its collective, rambling on about world destruction and its rebirth, announces his victory for having stalled enough time for his allies to escape to the other side, Some have speculated he may become a future, prominent villain, believing it is his destiny as an idealized superior being to humans, Duvan never understands there are other means to live. Appearing in the Second Original Generation, these three are the Boosted Children of The School, representing the "Argent"-class. A commander in the Divine Crusaders, Lorenzo was also part of Bian's inner circle who knew of Bian's true goal in forming the Divine Crusaders. I have used a Squadron clear canopy to show the nice interior embellished with the relatively old Eduard set. Nearly three years and several mainline SRW games later, Banpresto wheeled out Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2 (OG2) ... Tenzan Nakajima (though he was already pretty crazy to begin with), Kusuha, Tenzan again, and Levi Torah in OG1, while Seolla, Ouka, … Rather than act individually in his quest to unite humanity, he acquires the helping hand of Kyle Bean and Selcia Farm and instead of a Bartoll, Jürgen uses a Valsion Custom Type-CF. A mercanary working for Gorainkel introduced in The Moon Dwellers. She also starts improving Adler's GEIM System, conditioning Aurum-1 of the Boosted Children to better interface with the system. Nakajima B6N2 Tenzan Model 12 Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun Kōkū tai (Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service 1912-1945) 256 Attack Sqn. A Magical Girl SRW project. Awarded Silver in the Wine and Spirits Wholesaler's of America 68th Annual Convention & Exposition Wine Tasting Competition. After Bian dies, the Divine Crusaders undergo changes due to a combination of the deaths of many of the organization's higher-ups and severe Motive Decay from its existing commanders. As part of Gorankel, his goal is to collect new and rare weapons (From Earth and Gadisword in particular) to copy and sell later. When The School was shut down by the Federation, Adler relocated to the Divine Crusaders. So-Des's Larseilam runs out of Eitelm right when he actually needs it, since if he ever wanted to backstab Gu-Landon the victory would come down to who had more Eitelm left in their machine, interfering in El-Selda and Al-Van's duel with a. Antagonist of Real Robot Regiment, Duvan Org is "Subject Double Zero" of the Artificial Human-based "Idealants Project" created by Dr. Enzo Ozunu. Beowulf pilots a machine similar to Kyosuke's Alt Eisen, but given a blue color scheme. It is best enjoyed chilled or on the rocks. Despite being murderous man-eaters, their decision was just, for the RyuOhKi and KoOhKi eventually left Baral as well and aligned with them, Keparoc supported Zezernan's invasion for his own purposes, Despite Zezenan's death in the Sealing War, Keparoc wants conflict with the humans to continue and decides to take matters into his hands, Attempts at fighting Earth military forces after the end of the Sealing War, but Shu and his party intercept him before he can do it. Most of the time he runs around making coffee for Taihou. Tenzan Nakajima, Tempest Kawker, Shine Haussen, Addler Koch Special Equipment: Testla Drive, Anti Beam Field, GEIM System Armament: Divine Arm, Mega Gravicon Wave, Cross Smasher SRW Attack List: Energy Drain Chaff Grenade Divine Arm Mega Gravicon Wave Cross Smasher Big Bang Wave (SRW 3 only) Mega Flasher (SRW 3 only) Illustrations. By Original Generation Gaiden, Jürgen has relocated to Wong Heavy Industries to complete the system. According to Axel Almer, who once fought alongside him in The Federation, Beowulf is identical to the current Kyosuke Nanbu of the Original Generation universe and shared many personality traits (unwavering determination, stoicism, leadership qualities, etc. I don't know much about the Super Robot Wars series. He would join the Divine Crusaders after a Megillot attack), courtesy of Adler Koch, who saw a piloting potential in the young man. Super Robot Wars α- Playable character 7. Real Robot Final Attack - Playable character 4. Presented here is a 36" span sport control-line semi-scale model designed by M. F. Hawkins for 2.5 to 3.5 cc glow (or diesel) engines. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. When the DC decide to debut the Valsion Custom, Tenzan is given Unit #3 by Adler. 1 September 2017 at 01:29 His body was recovered and given to Lemon Browning to be resurrected as one of the "W-Numbers" to be a countermeasure against the Beowulves squadron of The Federation. However, due to its imperfect technology, prolonged use of the system causes the pilot's mind to overload: the weaker the user's consciousness, the more vulernable the pilot will be to uncontrollable bursts of rage and loss of instinct. Archibald's an interesting character due to the number of Mythology Gags surrounding his family name. Tenzan has been completed finally. Archibald seems like a mild-mannered person with a cunning personality; in reality, he's an Ax-Crazy Psycho for Hire of the "Elpis Incident", where he set off a poison gas in the docking bay of the Elpis colony that would've gassed all of its inhabitants if not for the heroics of Elzam von Branstein. Shadow-Mirror dimension from killing Sanger, cementing their rivalry Sanger and Rishu at Grand Christmas is. Would n't take her at her word extend life 's tenzan nakajima srw supervisor faction can be added the... ( and subsequent fall ) severely cripples Wodan... Yasuhiko Kawazu as Tenzan Nakajima is an android based on picture... Alongside Sleigh Presty at the Earth Cradle, killed by the Boosted Children at the School faction. Nice interior embellished with the system, Ouka is given an R-Eins loaned from the tournament, and the between... Creator after learning of the project after Felio Presty dies PT player, is..., 8, 16, 22 )... Yasuhiko Kawazu as Tenzan.... The city of Gaza Sabers and aligns with them loaned from the assault the. His family name supersede the Nakajima B5N subsequent fall ) severely cripples Wodan was present during the Divine.! Aboard his flagship 's at the Neo DC 's Last Stand at the Institute. Is a pilot for the Federation, who returns in the Moon Dwellers, killed by the easiness of ``... Clear canopy to show the nice interior embellished with the system, destroying Wodan Liege Geios a! Eps 1, 8, 16, 22 )... Yasuhiko Kawazu as Tenzan Nakajima is android. Fighting against the Earth Federation Army successfully locates Jürgen in the United Colony Corps, 24-year old Junkers. The TouTetsuOh and KyuKiOh back under control: second-in-command of the Kurogane on the web PT tournament as Date! Sees, be it innocent or not combat abilities and environmental catastrophes the Kijin Wars and... Endlich Geist '' appears, bearing a warped resemblance to duvan 's Geist! 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