You only need to select the gender and specify the generated quantity (up to 100 can be generated at a time). Papanoida is voiced by Corey Burton in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but is portrayed briefly in Revenge of the Sith by George Lucas, making that the only appearance Lucas makes on-screen in … Klaatu and Barada, Return of the Jedi. Placating the advances of the insidious Trade Federation, no governor inspires more authority than the man named Bibble. Pantora I LOVE making up names too. Star Wars Name Generator: with this generate tool, you can generate star wars names yourself. Gafferky Lenzwin, Solo: A Star Wars Story. A human male from Mykapo, leader of the Iron Squadron and captain of Sato’s Hammer (a YT-2400 light frieghter named for his uncle, the late Commander Jun Sato), Mart performed a crucial role in the liberation of Lothal from Imperial forces. The Pantoran regime was a democracy, and its governing body was the Pantoran Assembly. A free Star Wars random name generator geared towards the Star Wars universe. 19. Magistrate - Once a vicious fighter, this Iktotchi is now an overseer of a Clan Eldar colony. As well, I believe I've done some other Pantoran names in the past, if you want to look through previous pages (or do a search). Sure, there have been examples of middle names throughout the canon, but only Jabba’s jester displays his middle initial so prominently and proudly. In fact, Ello’s flight helmet has been inscribed with the words “Born to Ill,” further cementing the Beasties’ connection as a shout to their debut album, Licensed to Ill. King Katuunko, sovereign leader of Toydaria during the Clone Wars, did what he could to remain neutral throughout the conflict. Former leader of the Broken Horn crime syndicate, this Devaronian resident of Lothal reluctantly trades cash, supplies and information with Ezra Bridger and the rebel crew aboard the Ghost. Unfortunately, she would meet her terrible end at Anakin Skywalker’s hands on Mustafar (whoops — spoiler alert!). Lieutenant Milton Putna, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Neepers. The Snivvian Bounty hunter Sinrich also used one. Even more so with a last name that’s incredibly fun to utter on repeat. Ansonsten sind sie den Menschen mit ihrem humanoiden Körperbau sehr ähnlich. ... (name unknown) Senator Jebel; But when both the Republic and Separatists came calling for his allegiance, the king was forced to choose. Resenting his family’s criminal heritage and inspired by the Twi’lek guerrilla fighter Cham Syndulla’s efforts to free Ryloth, Beezer joined the Rebellion and then Saw Gerrera’s group of partisan resistance fighters. to boast a middle initial. Clearly, the seriousness of the situation outweighs any cracks or jokes about his cumbersome, somewhat laughable name. Edit. Unnamed onscreen and only appearing in a deleted scene, the corpulent creature floating through the Canto Casino finally earned its name in The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary. Hi I'm new here and I'm in the midst of creating my first character. Pantora was the principal moon of the Pantora system, orbiting the ice planet Orto Plutonia. STAR WARS™: Squadrons. Riyo also helped negotiate peace between the Talz tribe on the neighboring planet, Orto Plutonia. 25. But armed with copies of every Star Wars Visual Dictionary ever made, as well as the Databank, we’ve selected 25 of our favorite, weirdest, greatest Star Wars names from across the galaxy. 46 posts 1 like ... ahhh awesome thank you i've been trying to throw names at my boyfriend but he hates star wars. Chairman of Pantora, Chi Cho and his guards utilized these blaster pistols at the Battle of Orto Plutonia, where he lost his life to the Talz. Neil Kleid is a writer and designer who truly belongs among the clouds. Elan Sleazebaggano, Attack of the Clones. Chuchi served as a senator and represented her people in the Galactic Senate of the Republic during the Clone Wars. That is, except for the origins of his character’s name. Therm Scissorpunch, Solo: A Star Wars Story. Aside from the clever play on “deadbolt,” this hapless podracer … From the first tune performed in Mos Eisley by Bith bandleader Figrin D’an and his Modal Nodes to the most recent, sung by “chanteuse of the stars” Aurora Ventafoli and her partner Luleo Primoc aboard the First Light, the music-makers of Star Wars have enjoyed flashy, vivid handles like Sy Snootles, Sudswater Dillifay Glon, Max Rebo and — of course — that corpulent Kitonak himself, the majestic Droopy McCool. In 2005, the character of Chi Eekway Papanoida had already appeared in the novel Labyrinth of Evil and the movie Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, but she was identified as a Twi'lek at the time. — and some names…well, some names, like Cad Bane, are just plain cool. Human (Mandalorian) Chiss; Droid; Verpine; Lasat; Shistavanen; Chadra-Fan; Dathomirian; ... Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. And I LOVE to talk Star Wars. The Pantorans were blue-skinned humanoids native to the moon Pantora. Add them to our list in the comments below! The character name is meaningful in the myth of Star Wars. Talk to him about design and Lobot on Twitter at @neilkleid. 21. Henchmen for corrupt crime boss Jabba the Hutt, the Kadas’sa’Nikto Klaatu, who faced off with Luke Skywalker above the Great Pit of Carkoon, shared a common bond with Barada, a slave who served as muscle and mechanic for the obese gangster. With a majestic horn atop his head and costly robes, the Vurk Senator Concorkill’s sole outing largely contrasts with his rather colorful, brutal and almost mercenary surname. Except, maybe, on a list of Concorkills, Loathsoms, Sleazebagganos and every ridiculous, fantastic, grammar-defying appellation the Star Wars universe might imagine. Of all the names borne in post-Endor Star Wars canon, none has been more widely hailed than that of the poor, valiant Abednedo pilot who died attacking Starkiller Base. If the Baroness Wayulia Tagge-Simoni’s holographic head hasn’t caught your eye (too frail to attend in person, she projects a younger version of herself atop a droid body), you can be sure her hyphenated surname will. The elite of Canto Bight, The Last Jedi. Let’s quote directly from the Official Guide to Solo: A Star Wars Story, shall we? The Chiss' were near-humans, meaning their shape, features, and dimensions were greatly similar to those of humans. The earnest and outspoken governor of Naboo, sincere and patrician Sio remains a dichotomy with his debonair handlebar mustache, cultured mannerisms and a last name that sounds suspiciously like a child’s first word. Maybe Papanoida’s name is rather unremarkable compared to some others on this list, but the first syllables hint to Chairman Papanoida’s fatherly demeanor, which makes sense for a character whose sole motivations in his two appearances revolves around protecting his world and daughters. Pantorans were a Near-Human species native to the moon of Orto Plutonia, Pantora, located in the Pantora system. ... Star Wars Rebels Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. 1995 Debuts; Aliens Portrayed by Jennifer Hale; Pantoran. One of Toht’s objectives in the film was to secure a long-missing artifact, the Staff of Ra. Wroonian society is wealthy, fun-loving, and deeply spiritual; as a result, Wroonians often wear ornate clothing andtattoos. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. 20. During the Clone Wars, Riyo Chuchi represented Pantora in the Senate while Baron Papanoida serveed as the Chairman of Pantora after succeeding Chi Cho. I hope this doesn't reach you too late. Mandalorian Name Generator - Star Wars is free online tool for generating Sw Mandalorian Names randomly. One shuttle of this model, the Falfa, was used as the personal starship of Chairman N. Papanoida. The Rainhawk-class transport, also known as the Pantoran Cruiser, was a type of transport utilized by the Pantorans during the Clone Wars. 1 post We’re thrilled to learn her more illustrative designation — a tag that might suggest, like the Hutts we’ve known before, that our hoverbed-riding friend is truly “loathsome all over.”. Ignored, Slowen seeks justice via the capable hands of the Canto Bight Police Department. GL-77 blaster pistol Production information Thought that Rogue One’s Pao had the longest moniker in the annals of Star Wars? Also, I can always come up with more if you need them. Generate 50 random names now!) Known for inserting call-outs to the Beastie Boys into his films, the film’s creature department suggested the moniker to director J.J. Abrams, referencing the band’s fifth studio album, Hello Nasty. Some Pantorans were known to worship an unnamed mo… We’ve reached my hands-down personal favorite name in the Star Wars mythology. 22. How could our being’s Vulpetereen 327 expect to best contenders like Gasgano, Sebulba, and Anakin Skywalker (or dare say it, that luckless dreamboat Ben Quadinaros) in Tatooine’s Boonta Eve Classic? Please upgrade your browser to experience the site. It was a member of the Galactic Republic. I could always use a little help to think of species for some of them. (Need a name fast? 24. But the two have thrown their fates toward quite disparate professions: the former lovingly tends to caged creatures, while the latter pours his hate into revenge against the droids that ravaged his planet during the Clone Wars. He digs, , comix, mobile design, BBQ, and baseball. Star Wars has a universe rich in all sorts of creatures and while not all were named or had enough names to create a name generator with, I did create a name generator for 47 of them. His successor, Notluwiski Papanoida and his son, also used these weapons in a barfight in a cantina on Tatooine. Riyo Chuchi was a senator from Pantora in the Star Wars series. It was a small, yet powerful blaster pistol that fired high-pitched blaster bolts. Perhaps. Her species was later changed to Pantoran following the airing of "Trespass," which retconned the Pantora… And there they are — 25 of the craziest, weirdest, best Star Wars names ever. During the waning years of that government, the Pantorans were part of the Galactic Republic. Darth Vader's name actually has its roots in Dutch (meaning 'Dark Father'), while other names tapped strongly into mythology – the name 'Anakin' was developed from a race of giants mentioned in the Bible book of Genesis, while 'Skywalker' is a phrase often used to describe Loki in Norse mythology, and 'Luke' means 'light' in Greek, and has direct connections to the Christian saint. This list of characters from the Star Wars franchise contains only those which are considered part of the official Star Wars canon, as of the changes made by Lucasfilm in April 2014. Still, it’s hard not to mourn her in passing without working up an appetite. Unnamed Pantoran by Salvage-98 Stars Jedi Hero War Heroes Star Wars Characters Edge Of The Empire Star Wars 2 Character Locations Fun coincidence? welcome to star wars universe, guest ... You may mix/match names if you prefer, using a first name from one item and last name from another, to get something you like. Appearing only once, the esteemed Senator Concorkill enjoyed the privilege of attending an operatic performance of Squid Lake alongside then Supreme Chancellor Palpatine at the Galaxies Opera House. Preview of the Pantoran species from Star Wars Clone Wars Adventures. Alkina the Pantoran Jedi youngling is the Star Wars universe counterpart of Lemon Zest but few years younger than Lemon Zest. Select gender type: Male Female Pantora Wroonians love travel both atseaand inspace, often fancying themselves as … Bravo to the impresario who handed this private eye one of the best names in Star Wars. Those like Lassa Rhayme, who had no loyalties toward a family, bore no markings at all. Chairman of Pantora, Chi Cho and his guards utilized these blaster pistols at the Battle of Orto Plutonia, where he lost his life to the Talz. 18. Antilles. Beezer Fortuna, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. While I do have name ideas, I'd like to get more ideas from someone else. The man’s key redeeming value is that the access key to the Imperial data type library tree aboard Orson Krennic’s world-obliterating satellite was keyed to his palm print. Salacious B. Crumb, Return of the Jedi. What are yours? Could you help me with a Pantoran LAST NAME. Use a Facebook account to add a comment, subject to Facebook's, Neil Kleid is a writer and designer who truly belongs among the clouds. Bravo. I don't need a first name. The Pantorans are the inhabitants of the moon Pantora. Later, the good Baron escorted his daughter to the same showing of Squid Lake that Sweitt Concorkill (see above) enjoyed in the company of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Nor should he; for despite his physical size, Pao’s full name may just be the longest character name in the Star Wars galaxy. Papanoida is voiced by Corey Burton in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but is portrayed briefly in Revenge of the Sith by George Lucas, making that the only appearance Lucas makes on-screen in any of the Star Wars films. A devoted and fierce father, the Chairman worked with Ahsoka Tano to track down and rescue his girls. Though 11 of them were created first for Star Wars The Old Republic, … But for our final entry we’ll take creative license again to shine our spotlight on the planet Cantonica and the cultural elite of Canto Bight. General Whorm Loathsom, The Clone Wars. Manufacturer Notable Pantorans. If true, this author would love to discover ol’ Therm’s actual, given name. Wouldn’t it be great if it were Milton? It will help you to generate 1000's of cool Human Sw Names which you can use in books, novels, games, or whatever fantasy world you want to use it. Little has been (or will be) said or written about Lieutenant Milton Putna, a librarian-turned-security officer aboard the first Death Star. Warrick!) We’re taking editorial license to capture multiple characters in a single entry simply because it seems that any musician to grace a galactic stage — whether they be Doda Bodonawieedo or Infrablue Zedbeddy Coggins — has been blessed with a killer name. KatuunKO! She was also the only member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems to voice concern about her colleagues’ actions. Out of the nine formidable beings sitting upon Count Dooku’s Separatist Council, only the President of the Commerce Guild shares a name with a traditional pork-filled dumpling. Shrouded and hustling through the Coronet Spaceport, Gafferky — a salesbeing on work assignment and desperate to leave Corellia for healthier locales — decided to risk censure at work by leaving without a sale, putting more importance on personal rather than professional health. They are humanoid beings who are distinguished by their blue skin and wide, expressive eyes. That’s about it. Taught the error of his ways by a passing, preoccupied Jedi Master Kenobi, the last we saw of Mr. Sleazebaggano, he was headed outside to rethink his life. Nighteagle Infiltrator - A Pantoran Mandalorian specializing in stealth and observation. Unlike Loatha Sommover, the Kerkoiden general who captured Christophsis for the Separatist cause makes our list not by virtue of his hideous name reflecting an equally ghastly physical appearance, but rather his unconscionable behavior. Check out our Wiki Starter Guide for Star Wars Universe! But with a galactic bench this deep and a character count in the thousands, a dedicated trawl through well-combed data files reveals a multitude of character names that may not roll off the tongue as easily as Kanan Jarrus, Leia Organa, or Kylo Ren. For generating Human Sw Names simply scroll down and click on the Get Male Names, Get Female Names Button to randomly … Races of the Star Wars Galaxy, Sapient Species, Star Wars Universe, and 2 more. Bibble. Different torpedo types now have distinct names when targeted (Proton vs Ion vs Piercing) ... STAR WARS™: Squadrons - 4.2 Release Notes - EA Official Site. Pantorans are a humanoid species with blue skin and faces adorned with yellow markings. Because of those first two characteristics, they were frequently mistaken for Pantorans, blue-skinned humanoids from Pantora, although Pantorans did not have red eyes. Siding with Palpatine thanks to Yoda’s intercession, the Toydarian monarch fell prey to two horrible fates: death at the hands of Maul’s brother, Savage Opress…and the fact that he’d been saddled with a name that sounds like a borscht belt punchline. Hopefully, that train of thought led him to a name change, as well. Home About / FAQ Generate Names News Feedback. In a pinnacle scene where most pilots are using their call signs, who could forget — “Cover me, Porkins!”, 14. In the early draft scripts for Return of the Jedi, Beezer was a title that Bib Fortuna had — “High Beezer of Hoth.” The name didn’t survive the final script edits, but now it lives on. Armed with a bundki vibrocutlass, head encased in a riot helmet, Toht remains vigilant and ready for everything. Rose. Edit. There are currently 26378496 possible name combinations in the database! All we know is that each and every one of them has top-billing stage presence. Skywalker. Kenobi. Basic Information Full Name: Vela Alya T'Ser Sipal Faction: Outer Rim Coalition Rank: Planetary official/Diplomat Species: Pantoran, with some Arkanian and Human lineage. Dud Bolt, The Phantom Menace. PREVIOUS. 1 Biology and appearance 2 Society and culture 3 History 3.1 Clone Wars 3.2 Rise of the Empire 4 Behind the scenes 5 Appearances 6 Sources 7 Notes and … It takes poise and confidence to represent a besieged people. The Pantoran species was formally introduced in "Trespass," a first season episode of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars written by Steven Melching and directed by Brian Kalin O'Connell. Putna, Rogue one: a Star Wars Story manning the Death Star, Putna! Wroonians often wear ornate clothing andtattoos Guide to Solo: a Star Wars Clone Wars Engineer Hawkins... And some names…well, some names, like Cad Bane, are just plain cool to think species... To him about design and Lobot on Twitter at @ neilkleid specializing in stealth and observation using DynamicPageList function! Sehr ähnlich ; as a senator and represented her people in the comments below Gesichtsbemalung auf to a... 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