First of all, you need a specialized breeding tank kept within the correct parameters. This is not good for fish. , they feed on small insects, insect larvae, crustaceans, small worms & Plant matter. They only spawn in shallow water just a few inches deep. These fish should kept in in group of 6 or more & rosy barbs may reach a size close to 3 inches when fully grown in an aquarium. Rosy barbs do not care for egg or fry and may eat their own offspring. So a breeding Tank would be required first for the Adult Rosy Barbs to spawn & later the fry can be taken care in the same tank. When kept in large groups, they can move together to create a beautiful shimmer of pink in your tank. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_21',119,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_22',119,'0','1'])); These fish are omnivorous and will take whatever food they can get. In stock ... Fry hatch out after 24-35 hours, feed on fine foods. They enjoy a broad range of foods and can be kept with many different species.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_25',124,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_26',124,'0','1'])); The only problem you might experience is fin-nipping. Robert Woods is the creator of FishKeeping World, a third generation fish keeper and a graduate in animal welfare and behavior. However, if you keep them in group of 2 or 3 they seem to be aggressive to other smaller fish & fight among themselves. This is why it is recommended you quarantine new fish for a while before introducing them to your main setup. The temperature range is what is found in their natural habitat across all seasons. You would see them spawn frequently & the female may lay 200 eggs each time. Rosy barb fry are free swimming in 24 hours after they are hatched. Avoid extreme conditions and offer them enough space, so they can grow. Fins are short and generally lack color and the tail is forked. Do you keep your Rosy Barbs in a community tank? If the temperature in aquarium is not steady or drops below the ideal temperature it might affect their health. Rosy barbs are schooling fish, they should always be kept in a group of 6 or more. PDF | The treatment of rosy barb with sodium bicarbonate brought a significant improvement in the growth in 50 mg per lit concentration. these fish are less demanding. If you want to make sure that the fry survive, you can set up an independent breeding aquarium. I use the aquarium air pump pipe & remove the debris on the tank bottom. Preferably include plants in the set up. The ideal temperature for this barb variety is in the 64 to 72 °F range. Adding Indian almond leaf to the Rosy barb fry tank also helps with their health & achieving optimal growth rate. Aquarium decoration: If you want to see Rosy barbs thrive in an aquarium, planted set-up would be the way to go. Their long torpedo shaped body has a black spot at the lower end of the body & fin, this spot may not be clear in all captive bred strains. They go by names as Silver Rosy Barb, Green Rosy Barb, Red Rosy Barb, Yellow Rosy Barb or Golden Rosy Barb etc. So a breeding Tank would be required first for the Adult Rosy Barbs to spawn & later the fry can be taken care in the same tank. Caring for Rosy Barbs in an aquarium is as easy as it gets, the reason I say this because they require very little maintenance, right from tank size, food, tank mates, water chemistry etc. 60 to180 ppm. If you do keep Tiger Barbs & Rosy Barbs in the same aquarium, ensure to keep more Rosy Barb numbers. But, a community tank gives you the freedom to mix your favorite species together. Hi, I just moved my rosy barbs out of my 25 and into the 90 and the next day I see little fry all over the glass and platy babies resting in the gravel! Rosy Barbs are quite easy to breed. Illness is a greater risk to fish with a weak immune system because they are less able to kill off pathogens. They go by names as Silver Rosy Barb, Green Rosy Barb, Red Rosy Barb, Yellow Rosy Barb or Golden Rosy Barb etc. Here, you can find out everything you need to know about keeping fish and aquarium maintenance. I think the fry on the glass are rosy barbs and I am sure the ones in the gravel are platies. Separate the adults from the eggs if you plan on raising the fry. Male Rosy Barb have more intense red coloration under belly in most strains, they are slimmer than females. Driftwood & rocks can be added & used to decorate the aquarium, make sure there is lot of open swimming place for these fish to hang around in group. Though they’re not the most colorful species, adding rope fish [Continue reading …], The Green Chromis is by far one of the most popular saltwater fish amongst fish keeping hobbyists. A powerful filter outlet should create a strong enough current, but if you don’t feel that the water is moving, then you might want to invest in an air or water pump. Rosy Barb Food. Remember to turn the light on & off everyday at the same time or as required by the plants you have in the aquarium. Just make sure the light does not heat up the water in the tank too much. A 20 gallon aquarium is large enough. These fish are non-aggressive when kept in group & usually well behaved in a community aquarium. For a breeding set up, have one male and two females. Fish Keeping World is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and any other affiliated sites. Its dazzling color and flamboyant personality are all reasons why it has remained so popular for over 30 years. Adding Indian almond leaf to the Rosy barb fry tank also helps with their health & achieving optimal growth rate. It results in bloating, where the abdomen swells. They chew their food using specialized gill rakers. Ruby Barb - Ruby barbs are easy to spawn and a good beginner species. The spawning always takes places in a densely planted or covered area, use minimal lighting in this tank, reduced pH level under 7 & increased temperature triggers spawning; I use Indian Almond Leaf when breeding Barbs, this is beneficial to their health & helps reduce pH level slowly. They would also eat their eggs & the fry if given a chance, hence raising Rosy Barb Fry in a separate Tank is important for better survival rate. Natural habitat includes slow moving rivers, streams, lakes & ponds. Provide plenty of broad leaf plants for them to scatter thier eggs on. Feral populations are … Rosy Barbs have a peaceful temperament, so they work well as part of a community. Obviously my rosies spawned without my notice and I happened to transfer the fry/egg to the tadpole tank when I added some of my aquarium decos/water.) If you are planning to include tank mates for Tiger Barbs, then Rosy barbs make great tank mates for Tiger Barbs, for this to work you would require at least a 30 gallon Planted Aquarium & the number of Rosy Barbs should be more then Tiger Barbs. Ideal pH is a steady 7 which is recommended. The males have beautiful bright colors which almost look like living rubies. The fish dwells in Bangladesh, North-East India ans some other regions of South-East Asia. pH range: 6 to 8, what's important in Rosy Barb Aquarium is pH level should never change drastically. They will live for up to 5 year when kept in the right conditions. Suitable tank mates are peaceful and prefer cooler water.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-3','ezslot_18',117,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-3','ezslot_19',117,'0','1'])); Fellow Barbs are great choices, such as Tiger Barbs and Cherry Barbs. Protein based food can be fed once in 3 days. I use the aquarium air pump pipe & remove the debris on the tank bottom. Green Tiger Barb also known as Moss Green Tiger Barb is Morphed form of Regular Tiger Barb. If there is any food left over, remove it before it contaminates the water. In our article we will cover the best setups, tank mates, diet and much more…. Eggs hatch in about 24 to 48 hours; once Rosy Barb Fry are born they would absorb. If you want to see these fish thrive in your aquarium below information will help. Sometimes in an aquarium you would see them taking small bites on plant leaf's; they can also be fin-nippers if not kept with compatible tank mates & in the right numbers. Usually the Rosy barb fry are free swimming in 24 hours after they are hatched, after 2 to 3 days you can start feeding them food. In the wild Rosy Barbs can spawn every 8 to 10 days, in an aquarium they spawn at least every 15 days that I've noticed. Next step would be moving the adult Male & Females into the Breeding aquarium, matured Female would have a bloated abdomen that's because she would carry eggs, & the matured male rosy barb would have intense red coloration under belly in most strains or would appear slimmer; at this stage you would see the Males chasing each other. Sometimes in an aquarium you would see them taking small bites on plant leaf's; they can also be fin-nippers if not kept with compatible tank mates & in the right numbers. Newcomers to the hobby often don’t realize how bad overfeeding can be for their fish. There are a few ways to tell males and females apart. : If you are planning on live plants in your tank, make sure you get suitable light for your plants. Rosy Barbs are a great choice, they are active, colorful and peaceful. Preparations. This fish can be kept with Tiger Barbs in a 30 gallon or bigger tank. Rosy Barb Feeding at the bottom of aquarium. Oh, and when the fry are really tiny (right after they hatch) it will be helpful to add decorations, plants or algae clumps from your main tank. Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard i.e. The Rosy Barb is a good choice for beginners as it is very hardy. Free-swimming stage: Most of your worries are over now, if the fry are eating. Welcome to Fishkeeping World. Dried foods are popular because they are cheap and commonly stocked. Rosy barbs school if provided with the right tank size, they fight with each other to pick a pecking order. Rosy Barbs make a good choice for beginners as these fish are among the hardiest Barbs in fish keeping & can be included in aquariums with Live Plants or Artificial Decoration. Barbara Frey in Pennsylvania . Jul 16, 2017 - Group of rosy barbs - View amazing Rosy barb photos - Puntius conchonius - on Arkive Male Rosy Barbs display deep red under belly coloration & this intensifies during breeding ( This may not apply to all strains of Rosy Barb) Males appear a bit Slimmer & smaller than females. The water should be very clean with a temperature of 72°F. Rosy Barbs will eat they own eggs before they even get a chance to sink to the bottom. Even if the eggs hatch, the fry will quickly become the lunch of their parents and other fish. Usually the Rosy barb fry are free swimming in 24 hours after they are hatched, after 2 to 3 days you can start feeding them food. They will spawn on finely leaved plants and these eggs will hatch in 24 hours, like other barbs the parents will eat the eggs if given the chance. In an aquarium Rosy barbs can be fed varied fish food like Quality Flakes, Pellets, Freeze dried worms, Live food like micro worms, mosquito larvae, Daphnia, blood worms, Spirulina based food etc. Sometimes in an aquarium you would see them taking small bites on plant leaf's; they can also be fin-nippers in not kept with compatible tank mates & in the right numbers. Hang on Back (HOB) filter is recommended if you are planning a planted aquarium. If you already have some fishkeeping experience, then keeping Rosy Barbs will be a breeze. Nevertheless, if you want a higher fry survival rate, it is better to dedicate a special tank dedicated to their breeding. These Barbs may nibble at plants with large leaves like Java Fern, so use fine-leaved plants like Hornwort.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',115,'0','0'])); Make sure to leave plenty of empty swimming space, as this is where a shoal of Rosy Barbs will spend most of their time. (Summary), Green Chromis: Care Guide, Reef Compatibility, Diet and More, Scarlet Badis Care Guide: Tank Mates, Feeding and Breeding, The Complete Guide to Vampire Shrimp Care, The Complete Malaysian Trumpet Snail Care Guide, The Ultimate Hermit Crab Care Guide: Habitat, Food And Much More…, Freshwater with plants and swimming space. During this time a pair will begin courting and moving around the tank together. Ideal pH for Rosy Barb  Fry is around 7 without drastic changes. So get a water conditioner & make the water safe. Driftwood & rocks can be added & used to decorate the aquarium, make sure there is lot of open swimming place for these fish to hang around in group. Do not keep Rosy Barbs with aggressive or territorial species (like Oscars).eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',118,'0','0'])); These fish are fin-nippers, so don’t keep them with any fish which have long flowing fins. Red Arowana Care Guide: A Fishkeeper’s Crown Jewel? It is considered one of the hardiest barbs, undemanding and beautiful, and most impressively colored during the mating period. You should also provide balanced diet to make your fish healthy and happy. Remember to turn the light on & off everyday at the same time or as required by the plants you have in the aquarium. Aquariums are closed systems, and regardless of size, all need some maintenance. A large group of them will turn your aquarium into a wonderful attraction. There are lots of foods you can choose from when designing their diet. 60 to180 ppm. Our aim is to help educate anyone who wants to keep fish. The top city of residence is York, followed by Willow Street. Only give them what they can easily finish in 2 minutes, twice a day. Rosy barbs do not care for egg or fry and have been known to eat their own offspring. They are found in northern India, Bangal, and Assam. This is observed only during breeding, hence its best to move a group into the breeding tank as the Male Rosy Barb would harass a single Female barb & force her to spawn. °F as I find at these temperature the fry seem to grow faster. Although they are a hardy species, Rosy Barbs can catch a few diseases. Rosy Barbs breed in shallow waters, a tank with a depth of 60 cm will do. If kept in a a group of 6, a 20 gallon aquarium should suffice; in case of a community aquarium with other fish 30 gallon or bigger aquarium is recommended. They enjoy having live plants around them, as they release oxygen, offer shade and provide shelter to stressed fish. You could add Ghost Shrimp or Nerite Snails (or others) without worrying about them disappearing. Barbs do not engage in any form of care for their fry after laying their eggs, and all if you want to breed them properly you should move them into a special tank set up for breeding. They make good tank mates for a variety of similar sized fish; tank should be a minimum of 20 gallon or bigger & preferably a Planted Set-up as this impacts both color & their health. Also there are populations of the fish in Singapore, Austria, Mexico, Columbia. Breeding Rosy Barbs in an aquarium is not an difficult task; since, adult Rosy barb show no parental care, in case you are breeding Rosy barbs in an aquarium you must care for them in a separate Nursery tank/ Grow-out Tank to ensure higher survival rate of the fry. In order to spawn Rosy Barbs, you need to prepare a separate breeding tank with the right conditions that they prefer. Perform water changes every couple of weeks to prevent pollutants from building up. If you want to use dried foods, be sure to supplement them with other more nutritional foods.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_23',120,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_24',120,'0','1'])); Be careful not to overfeed since these opportunistic fish will keep eating until there is nothing left. The Rosy Barb is a schooling fish and enjoys being in numbers. Keeping plants in the breeding tank helps the fry with shelter, conditioning water & also they consume plant matter. Rosy barb are among the hardiest of fish available in Fish Keeping Hobby; these fish can grow to around 3 inches in an aquarium & easily live up to 5 years with proper care. A fundamental aspect of caring for fish is keeping their aquarium clean. Breeding : Breeding the Rosy Barb can be fairly easy. Males have a brighter pink coloration on their body and have dark colors on their fins. Originally, Rosy Barbs come from several countries in southern Asia. Rosy barbs can also be kept in aquariums with artificial decoration but they seem 'less thriving' to put it in better words. If in a large enough school, they typically will not bother any other fish in the aquarium. This makes it easier to feed the readily available fish food, like pellets, flakes, live or frozen food. I didnt even know that I would have babies. Yes, in fact you should be keeping them in groups. The water should be very clean with a temperature of 72°F. Even though the fry is small at this stage, they can usually manage to devour newly hatched brine shrimp. without any problems. Rosy barb is a very hardy fish but sometimes it is affected by ich ( a protozaon parasitic disease) due to inappropriate tank management. There will be micro-organisms on these things, and the fry will often be able to eat them. Copyright © 2020 - Fishkeeping World - All Rights Reserved. If you want to see Rosy barbs thrive in an aquarium, planted set-up would be the way to go. In the wild they would sometimes eat plant matter too. Rosy Barbs prefer planted aquarium, as they nibble of leafs, thick leafed plants like anubias can be used. Select breeding pairs from a school tha… You can give them a wide range of foods, including bloodworms, brine shrimp, and vegetables. Soft to moderately hard i.e. When selecting a tank for breeding rosy barbs, a 20- or 30-gallon is optimal. Eggs hatch in about 24 to 48 hours; once Rosy Barb Fry are born they would absorb nutrition's from the yolk sac for a day or 2. These fish have gained popularity because of their subtle beauty. These fish are native to Asia. Interestingly, Cyprinids like Rosy Barbs are stomach-less and have toothless jaws. There are lot of strains of Rosy Barb available now in Ornamental Fish Keeping hobby to choose from; the popular Veil-tail Rosy Barb is one of them with long fins, some strains have prominent Green, Yellow or Red coloration. They use all bottom, middle & surface area of the tank. Let us know about your setup in the comments section below…, Corner Fish Tank (Setup Ideas, Equipment, Stocking And Much More…). Most species require soft, slightly acid water to breed. Below information on how to Care for Rosy Barbs in an Aquarium will help you further. Rosy barb are among the hardiest of fish available in Fish Keeping Hobby; these fish can grow to around 3 inches in an aquarium & easily live up to 5 years with proper care. work fine. The waters here are cooler than most other aquarium fish are used to, which is something to bear in mind when picking tank mates.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-1','ezslot_32',114,'0','0'])); They prefer fast flowing waters with a high oxygen supply. They also make great tank mates in community aquariums with similar sized non-aggressive fish; there is no aggression in Rosy Barbs if kept in a group of 6 or more. This problem is reduced when they are part of a large shoal because they feel less stressed. First of all, you need a specialized breeding tank kept within the correct parameters. Aquarium size for Rosy Barb : These fish should kept in in group of 6 or more & rosy barbs may reach a size close to 3 inches when fully grown in an aquarium. The information, content and material contained on the site is intended to be of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute professional/medical advice. In an aquarium Rosy barbs can be fed varied fish food like Quality Flakes, Pellets, Freeze dried worms, Live food like micro worms, mosquito larvae, Daphnia, blood worms, Spirulina based food etc. When the eggs are fertilized, the females will spread them around the plants in the tank.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-netboard-2','ezslot_34',123,'0','0'])); Within 36 hours the fry will hatch and you should move them to a deeper tank – this will also separate them from the adults who might eat them. Your email address will not be published. Rosy Barb should be kept in a group of 6 or more in at least a 20 gallon preferably Planted Aquarium. Since Rosy Barbs are well behaved fish if kept in a group of six or more, they make great compatible tank mates to a variety of freshwater fish in an aquarium who share the same size & temperament. Keeping plants in the breeding tank helps the fry with shelter, conditioning water & also they consume plant matter. Feed the fry at least 3 times a day & follow about 25% water change every 3 days. 6 to 8, what's important in Rosy Barb Aquarium is pH level should never change drastically. It would make breeding Rosy Barbs easier too. 47 records in 72 cities for Barbara Frey in Pennsylvania. Though the species is hardy, they need water conditions to be maintained within their preferred range to be healthy in the long term. The temperature should be around 78 to 80°F as I find at these temperature the fry seem to grow faster. In most cases, the fry are pretty safe with rosy red minnows. Effect of 3 nitro on fry of rosy barb May 2015 Conference: International Conference on “Ethical Prospects : Economy, Society and Environment” March 2015, ISBN 978-93-83046-46-1 To make your fish disease free, good water quality and proper tank management should be maintained. In their natural habitat these fish are omnivores, they feed on small insects, insect larvae, small worms, crustaceans & plant matter. In the wild Rosy Barbs can spawn every 8 to 10 days, in an aquarium they spawn at least every 15 days that I've noticed. However, they have a reputation of being fin-nippers, hence choose tank mates carefully. This fish can be kept with Tiger Barbs in a 30 gallon or bigger tank. Their hardy nature makes them easy to care for, so both veterans and beginners can enjoy them.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_14',108,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_15',108,'0','1'])); To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a It causes white spots to appear across the body and fins. Rosy barbs are moderately easy to breed and become sexually mature when they have attained a size of 2.5 inches. These fish are non-aggressive when kept in group & usually well behaved in a community aquarium. These fish are a favorite for those with more experience too because of their peaceful and active nature.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-box-4','ezslot_2',134,'0','0'])); They spawn regularly, so specialist breeders will mate them in large quantities. Ideal pH is a steady 7 which is recommended. It is best, when trying to breed the Rosy Barb, to house two females with one male. Whilst many members of the damselfish family are known for their aggression, this particular [Continue reading …], If you are looking for an easy to care for freshwater fish, the Scarlet Badis is the fish for you. Naturally occurring fish have silver, body coloration which changes to smokey reddish. Rosy barbs will only breed in water that is a few inches deep, but make sure to raise fry in a bigger tank or their growth may become stunted. Also ensure plants you choose are having thick leafs, plants like Java fern, Anubias, Vallisneria etc. Eggs hatch in about 24 to 48 hours; you can expect an average brood size of 60-100 or more; once Rosy Barb Fry are born they would absorb, from the yolk sac for a day or 2. Fishkeeping World, a third generation fish keeper and a good choice someone. That the fry on an average zucchini or lettuce but, a third generation keeper. Sac for a number of weeks to prevent pollutants from building up them would 1! ) without worrying about them disappearing Rosy Barb fry is around 7 without drastic changes shoaling fish born would... The top city of residence is York, followed by Willow Street maintain a strong system... For both species only tanks and community aquariums them with Swordtails, some Gouramis, Mollies, Pearl or. Pipe & remove the parents organic matter, nitrates, and regardless of size, all need some maintenance that. Fry survive, you can set up, have one male provided the. 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