Whole Foods and Michael Pollan: Wrong to the Core 10/18/2009 05:12 am ET Updated May 25, 2011 Volatile tempers in the Whole Food smackdown got even hotter last Friday when the Omnivore himself, Michael Pollan, came out swinging on behalf of embattled Whole Foods CEO, John Mackey, in the face of a growing boycott against that company. Pollan said he hasn’t yet determined the subject of his next book, but he’ll continue to delve into the soul of organics by contemplating topics such as animal welfare and whether organic Coca-Cola and Twinkies are a good idea for our health and our environment. Pay attention to what is in season in your region. Americans are eating more soy products than ever before, thanks largely to the ingenuity of an industry eager to process and sell the vast amounts of subsidized soy coming off American and South American farms. Seafood Watch An instruction guide on buying seafood from sustainable sources put together by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. National Cooperative Grocers Association is a business services cooperative for natural food co-ops. We get to decide three times a day what we take into our bodies, so we can vote with our forks and do our part to change the world.”. Sustainable Table an online directory of sustainable products in the U.S. and Canada, and the Meatrix movies. BOOKSFor organic farmer Judith Redmond and others like her, Michael Pollan, who wrote "The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals," is more than a bestselling author. All rights reserved. “There are already forums to have these conversations. “I had never seen a crowd like that at a bookstore,” Pollan said. What foods are good for us? “I don’t want to preach to the choir,” he said. His recent books, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals and In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto, have captured the public imagination, setting off countless coffee shop discussions, dinnertime arguments, and oh-so-many blog posts. Michael Pollan Almost overnight, the amount and variety of organic food on offer in my local supermarket has mushroomed. The Lunch Tray the website of the writer/mom who brought down, so-called “pink slime,” Bettina Elias Siegel. USDA Agricultural Marketing Service includes a listing of farmers’ markets across the US. November 8, 2008 - Michael Pollan has got people talking. Michael Pollan, Farmers, & OCA Speak Out on 'Big Organic'. A Stale Food Fight. Not everyone can afford to eat high-quality food in American, and that is shameful; however, those of us who can, should. If you have the space, consider buying a freezer. Slow Food USA a grassroots movement that links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment. and even in fitness (What about the plastics in my yoga mat?). Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture a real working farm 30 miles from Manhattan. December 16, 2020. I've also listed links to organizations, publications, individuals and companies doingMore » Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor the training to prescribe diets or offer specific nutritional advice. Michael Pollan On the Organic Foods vs Conventional Foods Study. For more on soy see In Defense of Food, section III. Of course after a few days riding cross-country in a truck, the nutritional quality of any kind of produce will deteriorate, so ideally you want to look for food that is both organic and local. The New York Times, November 29, 2010. Sustainable Table A website run by the GRACE Communications Foundation that provides information on what fruits and vegetables are in season each month by region. But I want to talk to people who haven’t thought about their food before.”. “That’s one of the great things I can do as a writer,” he said. The Frugal Mama Files Meal planning: how we eat well on $75 a week. Cooperative Grocer food cooperative directory. … Community-supported agriculture is booming as well: there are now nearly 1,500 community-supported farms, to which consumers pay an annual fee in exchange for a weekly box of produce through the season. After all, debates about the nuances of green have been going on for decades, especially in Berkeley, where Pollan moved to from New York in 2003 to become a journalism professor at UC Berkeley. My Letter to Whole Foods By Michael Pollan Letters to Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, June 14, 2006. estimates there are now 4,700, have become one of the fastest-growing segments of the food market. Get an answer for 'According to chapters 11 and 12 of The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan, what is Pollan's opinion about industrial organic farming?' This kind of probing is why Doreen Stabinsky, who works on agriculture issues for Greenpeace in Latin America, e-mails most things Pollan writes to colleagues all over the world. But I think eating vegetables and fruit is so important that I buy them even when they’re not organic –and even when they’re not fresh. “I could have a career writing for people who already care about and are obsessed by food. If you live somewhere like Alaska eating fresh vegetables from local sources will be difficult during the long winter. Associated Press. The study said all these pesticide residues in conventional produce are permissible under EPA rules. Put up food if you can, and don’t overlook frozen vegetables when they are out of season. Just the other day, Michael Pollan, arguably the most well-known food writer in the country, debuted his new film In Defense of Food. That said, canning can be another way to preserve vegetables and fruits beyond the summer months. Yet there are exceptional farmers and ranchers in America who for one reason or another are not certified organic and the food they grow should not be overlooked. I highly recommend Marion Nestle’s book What to Eat. Is soy bad for me? Soil Association the UK’s leading organic organization. Under each category I've included my answers to the questions I'm most often asked on that topic. Sustainable Table offers lists of what vegetables and fruits are in season each month in your state. Nutritionism is not a scientific subject but an ideology. Is Organic Food really worth buying? Food Routes on average food travels 1,300 miles from the farm to your table, this site offers resources on locally produced food. Eat Well directory of sustainably-raised meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs. How best to live authentically green is the question Pollan keeps coming back to. Whole foods was started on the idea to grow uncontaminated food in People’s Park, to give to the poor. It is true that food certified organic is usually well grown in relatively healthy soils—soils that have been nourished by organic matter rather than synthetic fertilizers. Environmental and food advocate Michael Pollan has the answer to being healthy: eat food, not too much and more plants than meat. Local Harvest nationwide directory of CSAs and other local food sources. In his essay ‘’Escape from the western diet’’ Pollan argues about the nutrition of the western diet, that it is not healthy and can cause … Insurance Quotes has a great video on the hidden costs of soda. Honestly, I think there are more important issues–the health of the republic, whether we are going to lapse into tyranny, the war in Iraq–so I began to ask myself: Why are people turning out in such big numbers to talk about food and grass-fed beef?”, Probably for the same reason that in June Pollan’s friendly-yet-tense online exchange with John P. Mackey, the co-founder and chief executive of Whole Foods, was eagerly read and e-mailed among the green intelligentsia, who were pleased Pollan took on the corporate titan. The key thing? Organic Consumers Association promotes the interests of the nation’s organic consumers. And when I asked a handful of other people if they had seen it, the immediate response I got was “I’ve read the book”, implying that there was no need to watch this movie. Eat Wild lists local suppliers for grass-fed meat and dairy products. That goes for people outside Alaska too. And freezing (unlike canning) does not significantly diminish the nutritional value of produce. Eat Local Challenge the benefits of eating food grown and produced in the local foodshed. Today in America there is soaring demand for local and regional food; farmers’ markets, of which the U.S.D.A. How to Cook Everything and How to Cook Everything Vegetarian cookbooks by Mark Bittman. The Age of Nutritionism. It’s a debate that’s surfacing in architecture (Do we really need that wood from halfway across the world? Making organic food inexpensive means buying it from anywhere it can be produced most cheaply — lengthening rather than shortening the food chain, and deepening its dependence on fossil fuels. Michael Pollan is a journalist and advocate of organic and mostly vegetarian diets for health, environmental, and socio-economic reasons … How do I eat vegetables and fruits seasonally and locally if I live somewhere with a long winter and a short growing season like Alaska? Even more impressively, his exploration of … The Los Angeles Times, August 1, 2006 For organic farmer Judith Redmond and others like her, Michael Pollan, who wrote “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals,” is more than a bestselling author. One has already been published in Harper’s Magazine (where Pollan used to be the executive editor), and another wrote a piece for the New York Times. and find homework help for … Since the Mackey/Pollan exchange, she said, she has noticed “a sea change of difference” in the way Whole Foods is doing business in her region. Omnivore’s Dilemma is his tour de force, with which he successfully deconstructs the food system into three principle food chains: The Industrial, Organic, and Hunter-Gatherer. So while it would have been much simpler to say “eat organic” instead I suggest eating well-grown food from healthy soils. Michael Pollan is a prolific author and journalist and muckraker who concentrates his efforts on the food system and the environment. The danger, he said, is getting “swept up in the movement, especially when I agree with a lot of it.” But Northern California farmer Redmond, co-owner of Full Belly Farm, said that whether Pollan likes it or not, he is an activist. If you're concerned about pesticide residues in your food, you're much better off buying organic. This legislation is by no means perfect. For organic farmer Judith Redmond and others like her, Michael Pollan, who wrote “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals,” is more than a bestselling author. Mackey started the exchange with an open letter, posted on the Whole Foods website, that chastised Pollan for not interviewing him for the book. Soy isoflavones, found in most soy products, are compounds that resemble estrogen, and in fact bind to human estrogen receptors. Whole Foods debate begins with a long letter written to Pollan by Whole Foods' CEO … ), “Other issues are hard to do something about,” Pollan said. He finds that the company as a whole is “certified organic (no chemicals), humanely raised and free ranged”. © 2021 Michael Pollan. Culinate recipes, articles and links on sustainable cooking. Just Food sustainable food systems for the New York City region. But today we’re eating soy in ways Asian cultures with a much longer experience of the plant would not recognize: “Soy protein isolate,” “soy isoflavones,” “textured vegetable protein” from soy and soy oils (which now account for a fifth of the calories in the American diet) are finding their way into thousands of processed foods, with the result that Americans now eat more soy than the Japanese or the Chinese do. He then proposes the short answer to what humans should eat to be maximally healthy: Eat food. “I can take a topic like agriculture–that’s generally not very interesting “” and tell some stories that hopefully will make it accessible and meaningful to people who didn’t care about it before.”, The Ezra Klein Show Organic Consumers Association promoting the interests of the nation’s organic consumers. Eat plants (including whole grains), animals, and fungi as lightly processed as you can find them at the prices you can afford. These readers feel as if they intimately knew Rosie, the organic chicken Pollan tracked in the book only to discover that her free-range, pastoral life was more myth than reality. They may be, but there's a question of how adequate those rules are. Indeed, vote with your fork! ), in fashion (Is there genetically engineered corn in my jeans? Michael Pollan may not be 100% right on all his points, but I think he’s onto something, and work like his will uncover the many ambiguities associated with the labeling of “organic”,” “whole,” and “locally produced” foods. MICHAEL POLLAN: It's very important. So why does someone have to throw a bomb to get attention?”, Pollan said there’s some truth to the charge that he is a provocateur. Michael Pollan’s Response to Whole Foods Market Last month, John Mackey, the president of Whole Foods, wrote me a letter (also published on the Whole Foods Web site), taking issue with some of the points I have made about his grocery chain-in my book "The Omnivore's Dilemma," in my column for TimesSelect and in some of my public remarks. That’s why the balding, bespectacled Pollan cannot shop at his Berkeley farmers market without being approached by adoring fans who thank him for bringing debates about green living and the “sustainable food movement” into the mainstream. The Art of Simple Food a Chez Panisse cookbook. Then there was the organic milk he bought there–the Holsteins that produced it ingested organic corn, but they were confined to inhumane feedlots and milked three times a day just like their conventional counterparts. But it is unclear whether these so-called phytoestrogens actually behave like estrogen in the body or only fool it into thinking they’re estrogen. A freezer will encourage you to put up food from the farmers’ market, allowing you to buy produce in bulk when it is at the height of its season, which is when it will be the most abundant and therefore cheapest. Michael Pollan also argues, “People eating a Western diet are prone to chronic diseases that seldom strike people eating more traditional diets.” Bio. ), in beauty (What are all these chemical ingredients?) Local Harvest find CSAs near you by zip code. Seafood Watch how to buy seafood from sustainable sources. © 2021 Michael Pollan. Mostly plants. The conflict between the author and the CEO started in the pages of Pollan’s book, where he wrote that some “jet-setting” organic asparagus from Argentina he had bought at Whole Foods may have been pesticide free, but it tasted like “damp cardboard”–and what’s “organic” about all the fuel it took to get it to California? Either way the phytoestrogens might have an effect (good or bad) on the growth of certain cancers, the symptoms of menopause and the functions of the endocrine system. Recently a handful of well-controlled comparisons of crops grown organically and conventionally have found appreciably higher levels of anti-oxidants, flavonoids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in several of the organic crops. “Food is unique because we can all do something about it today. “He keeps issues on the table that wouldn’t otherwise be there, especially if market forces forged ahead unchecked,” she said. And when, in the New York Times magazine, Pollan weighed the pros and cons of Wal-Mart entering the organic food business, readers were riveted. “In our world,” she said, “he’s a rock star.” And, of course, a lot of the processed organic food is still junk. As a senior scientist at the FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research wrote, “Confidence that soy products are safe is clearly based more on belief than hard data.” Until those data come in, I feel more comfortable eating soy prepared in the traditional Asian style than according to novel recipes developed by processors like Archer Daniels Midland. Recently a handful of well-controlled comparisons of crops grown organically and conventionally have found appreciably higher levels of anti-oxidants, flavonoids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in several of the organic crops. For a list of what is in season each month in your state, go to the Sustainable Table website, which is run by the GRACE Communications Foundation. Yet there are questions about the implications of these novel food products for our health. Whole Foods even allocated $10 million for small loans to local farmers. In The Botany of Desire, Pollan explores the concept of co-evolution, specifically of humankind's evolutionary relationship with four plants—apples, tulips, marijuana, and potatoes—from the dual perspectives of humans and the plants. Because of these uncertainties, the FDA has declined to grant GRAS (‘generally regarded as safe’) status to soy isoflavones used as a food additive. Brazil’s new food guidelines, which are based on cooking and eating real food. There’s nothing wrong with frozen vegetables, and they’re usually a bargain. Doing so benefits not only your health (by, among other things, reducing your exposure to pesticides and pharmaceuticals), but also the health of the people who grow the foods as well as the people who live downstream and downwind of the farms where it is grown. Pollan also accuses large-scale organic agriculture of "floating on a sinking sea of petroleum" by analysing that a one-pound box of California-produced organic lettuce – that contains 80 food calories – requires 4,600 calories of fossil fuel to process and ship to the East Coast. George Kaligridis, the president of Ojai-based George’s Organic, who is also very active in the Organic Trade Assn. Local Harvest A nationwide directory of CSAs and other local food sources. How do I find the nearest farmers’ market or Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)? (Whole Foods turned down requests for comment for this article. You might also take a look at Gary Taubes’ book Good Calories, Bad Calories. Michael Pollan’s “Behind the Organic-Industrial Complex,” Rachel Carson’s “The Human Cost,” and Peter Huber’s “How Cities Green the Planet” each provide insight into the way locally sourced food is influencing the health of people and the planet. In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan Pollan explores the rise of the ideology of nutritionism and its relationship to the Western Diet. On May 26, John Mackey, the co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods, wrote me a letter (also published on the Whole Foods Web site), taking issue with some of the points I have made about his grocery chain–in my book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” in my column for … ... Read the rest of the world's best summary of Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma" at Shortform. “In our world,” she said, “he’s a rock star.”. There’s been a massive uproar in the blogosphere and the mainstream press over the Stanford University study citing that organic foods contain no more nutritional value than conventionally grown foods. Well this is the “standard” Michael Pollan message, but I don’t think it can be expressed too many times. All About Organics , Save Organic Standards (SOS) SAN JUAN BAUTISTA, California --- Earthbound Farm's fields of organic baby spinach and romaine lettuce are a living symbol of the organic food movement's explosive growth in recent years. ), Now Wal-Mart is calling Pollan to discuss organics, and the public-speaking requests are “endless.” While he hasn’t endured the food industry’s wrath, as did author Eric Schlosser (“Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal”), who has been met with protests and smear campaigns, Pollan’s opinions are not always embraced. Pollan is an American author born in 1955. But nothing is more visceral than the food we eat, as Pollan discovered in May when more than 300 people showed up to see him at a Seattle bookstore. “I consider teaching part of my political work,” he said, noting that now his students write the stories he no longer can. Pollan points out that all this organic food came from big producers that provide organic fruits and vegetables all year round, even … City Fruit growing and finding fruit in urban neighborhoods. “After I talked for a while I realized this wasn’t about me. Several e-mails and one face-to-face meeting later, the chain eased its distribution policies, making it easier for individual stores to work directly with small farmers. Om Organics resources on sustainable eating for the Bay Area. Caffeine: How coffee and tea created the modern world, The Omnivore’s Dilemma: Young Readers Edition, Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture. Pollan investigates the leader in the 11 billion dollar organic food industry; Whole Foods. If you supplement your diet with non-local fruits and vegetables try to pay attention to the number of miles your food traveled to get from the farm to your pantry. Organic is important, but it’s not the last word on how to grow food well. by Terence Chea. Buy From The Farm Canada’s largest listing of farmers’ markets. The organic food chain ideal calls for a sustainable system modeled on nature that requires not only no synthetic chemicals but no purchased inputs of any kind, and that returns as much to the soil as it removes. Not too much. Organic is important, but it’s not the last word on how to grow food well. Mackey requested a meeting and offered Pollan a $25 gift certificate to make up for the disappointing asparagus. The Lunch Box offers tools for school lunch programs transitioning to scratch-cooking with fresh ingredients, including USDA-compliant recipes. It sometimes seems daunting to try and change things through the political system – – you could get shot at or even assassinated – – but i dare them to force me to eat high fructose corn syrup! Fix.com has a guide to choosing sustainable seafood. Fresh produce, milk, eggs, cereal, frozen food, even junk food — all of it now has its own organic doppelganger, and more often than not these products wind up in my shopping cart. May 30, 2006. The apple reflects the desire for sweetness, the tulip for beauty, ma… For example, food activist Michael Pollan argues that our country should stop relying on processed foods and should rely more on fresh organic foods. THE best opportunity in a generation to improve the safety of the American food supply will come as early as Monday night, when the Senate is scheduled to vote on the F.D.A. Food Writer Michael Pollan Lights a Fire Among Organic Consumers Michael Pollan, food activist and author of bestsellers The Omnivore’s Dilemma, In Defense of … Michael Pollan is the author, most recently, of “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural history of Four Meals,” which was published in April. Pollan said his meeting with Mackey made him more sympathetic to the forces the executive has to deal with, but he pointed out that “organic is going through an identity crisis.” Exchanges like this, he said, encourage people to ask, what does “organic” mean, anyway? I like to say, “pay more, eat less.” There’s no escaping the fact that better food—whether measured by taste or nutritional quality (which often correspond)— costs more, usually because it has been grown with more care and less intensively. They have all read his book, which calls Americans “the people of corn” and suggests that we are a hopelessly obese and diabetic nation because of the presence of corn in everything we ingest “” from the feed our cattle eat to the high fructose corn syrup in our soda. Is [blank] good/bad for me? I've organized the resources and FAQs in six categories: Sustainable Eating & Nutrition, Growing Food, Politics & Policy, Animal Welfare, Journalism & Writing, and For Parents & Kids. That’s one reason he teaches a journalism course at UC Berkeley called Following the Food Chain. Besides writing many unique books about food, health, science, and similar topics, Michael has also achieved a lot as a journalist, activist, and professor at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Caffeine: How coffee and tea created the modern world, The Omnivore’s Dilemma: Young Readers Edition, The Ezra Klein Show: Michael Pollan and the psychedelic society. In the above video, he talks about the difficulty of embracing these practices in a modern, western society, because most of what we are served is what he calls "edible, food-like substances." The Pollan vs. Food Safety Modernization bill. The energy in the room was political. And do those values get compromised when organic business reaches corporate, industrial proportions? Organic food is more expensive; is it worth the money? But being a journalist has gotten a little complicated because as Pollan’s renown grows, he jeopardizes his access to sources such as big agri-business, which doesn’t want his scrutiny. All rights reserved. Pollan cooks a meal at home for his family: Rosie the organic chicken, along with some fresh organic vegetables sold by Cal-Organic farms—a large-scale operation owned by the corporation Grimway—and a spring salad mix from Earthbound Farms. For a list of farmers’ markets across the U.S. go to USDA Agricultural Marketing Service or put your zip code into the map tool on the Local Harvest website, which will also turn up CSAs. (which counts among its members big organic businesses like Whole Foods), called Pollan an unrealistic “flame thrower” who has the unfair advantage of a powerful platform. "There are exceptions -- honey -- … But if he has taken the discussion to a new level of public awareness, he won’t characterize himself as an activist, because he said he wants to preserve his journalistic independence. “No one thinks buying local and supporting local farmers is a bad idea, but it’s easier said than done,” he said. If you have not done so already, pick up a copy of my new book Food Rules, which lays out some basic concepts for eating well. He uses case examples that fit the archetype of four basic human desires, demonstrating how each of these botanical species are selectively grown, bred, and genetically engineered. In today’s era, healthy food can be difficult to find. Heritage Foods USA mail-order products from small farms. (It can be accessed on Mackey’s blog on the Whole Foods website or at michaelpollan.com. Some canned vegetables are a great deal, too, though they often have too much salt. Pollan finds his newfound status as a kind of public conscience of the sustainable food movement both shocking and heartening. “You are what what you eat eats.” ― Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto. Don't eat anything that won't eventually rot. Unlike canning ) does not significantly diminish the nutritional value of produce Dilemma '' Shortform... I suggest eating well-grown food from healthy soils eat local Challenge the benefits of eating grown... Are all these pesticide residues in your region most often asked on that topic Service a! Service includes a listing of farmers ’ markets across the US even in fitness ( what about the in! The “ standard ” Michael Pollan: it 's very important ; is it worth the money to... Its relationship to the Western Diet the fastest-growing segments of the nation ’ s not the last word on to! Writer, ” Pollan said it today organic ( no chemicals ), “ he s. 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