Withdrawing His Will, we would be absolutely nothing again. But we have to place ourselves in her loving hands and trust in her love. Magnificat, also called Canticle of Mary or Ode of the Theotokos, in Christianity, the hymn of praise by Mary, the mother of Jesus, found in Luke 1:46–55. Mother of Jesus and Mother of God, teach us something of your quiet peacefulness and childlike confidence in your Son. In his masterpiece, True Devotion to Mary, he extols the depths of meaning within the hymn: “Contained in it are mysteries so great and so hidden,” he says, “that even the angels do not understand them.” In this song, Mary shows us how to receive God’s grace. The text from Luke then says Elizabeth “cried out with a loud voice: Most blessed are you among women…!” Mary goes on to respond how her soul rejoices in God her savior. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness; behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed. 3:54 . He has given help to Israel, His servant, mindful of His mercy - even as He Spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to His posterity forever." MAGNIFICAT. It is traditionally incorporated into the liturgical services of the Catholic Church and of the Eastern Orthodox churches. The Magnificat is the first prayer of the Church, and our prayer, too. According to Mary, He is Power, He is Holiness and Mercy. Let us remember that though we have sinned deeply and often, God loves us still. His love is greater than our sin. He is Power because He can do whatever He wills. And they, if they had faith, will have first places of honor. (I made my total consecration to Jesus through Mary last spring.) The Meaning of the Magnificat Prayer - Duration: 3:54. “Behold, from this day forward, all generation shall count me blessed.” Because her Son is Divine, the greatest of painters like Michelangelo, and theologians like Bonaventure, St. Bernard, and Aquinas, and all of men have poured out praise, and veneration for Mother Mary. Thank you for this beautiful article, in it you tell the truth about our Blessed Mother. I think what is true of Mary is true of us all. It is not so much Mary telling us these things, but Jesus in her womb is speaking through His Mother's lips. The light of the Holy One is within me. But as a prayer, it is no gentle meditation. a musical setting for this. Whenever I hear this verse, I am struck by that word. I recently came across some Gregorian chants as well and they are beautiful too. And how about the ‘mighty outstretched arm of the Lord’ ? A not un-typical dialogue might go something like this: Yes, it seems, from any straightforward reading of the Lucan text, that the Magnificat was not recited, it was boldly and joyfully proclaimed in a moment celebrated by two women. I pray you might indulge me a little speculation that cuts against the usual “visuals” surrounding the Magnificat. She was, in a sense, our ambassador. Mary Compares the Lot of the Humble and the Proud. That is what we are made for–not to lose ourselves but to be ourselves and Mary shows us how. Thanks, Msgr. We are all asked to be open to the Spirit; to nurture that new life within us, and thus bring God into the world. This is understandable. She certainly is all of that, and then some. According to these records Slav did not come from the Latin Sclavus (slave) but a mispronounciaton of Slavonian as the Greek letter which sounded like our “L” and became a soft c as the soft v became “th” and Slavonian became Scythian in Western European records. And by contrast, how unimportant, how trifling is everything and everyone else. More recenty, I became aware of the extension of this mission through the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary devotion, which is described in some detail at http://www.theflameoflove.org. Joy follows on praising God. God really wants us to be happy. The spirit of the Magnificat seems to have hit the Diocese of Arlington in Fredericksburg, VA at the Spotsylvania Towne Center food court momentarily sanctifying the secular church and breaking through the secular veil. I chuckled when I read BHG’s comment about being charismatic “when no one’s looking.” I sometimes sit at Mass holding myself back from throwing up my arms in praise. We can incorporate it into our evening prayer, too. The scene sets up with Mary travelling “in haste” to see Elizabeth. In Luke’s Gospel, Mary is portrayed as the model disciple. Mary visits Elizabeth and Elizabeth already knows and Mary is no longer afraid so she can spill her joy. Is there arecording somewhere? and I am blessed, so truly blessed. It is the longest discourse recorded of Mary in Divine Revelation. mag-nif'-i-kat: The name given to the hymn of Mary in Luke 1:46-55, commencing "My soul doth magnify the Lord. I began to understand for the first time what it meant to be under Our Lady’s mantle. joy HAD to be a part of Her very core and what better time to be exuberant than when she’s visiting her Elizabeth..? In this world they may need us, but as for the world that is to come, we will need them and their prayers to gain entry. Such persons are not enamored of this world, because they know this world and all its vanities will soon pass away. Look at the values the world respects and considers important. The stress is always on 'the Lord.'. Thanks for sharing your joy! One day he picked up a … Theotokos, Mother of God. Fr. Praised be the woman who crushed the head of the serpent! I’ve heard that in many of the Orhtodox churches in Greece and North Africa the congregation begins to dance in a robust and frantic manner when the liturgy reachs the part of the Virgin Mary in honour of this belief. God, our God, is a faithful God. Magnificat, be first and foremost a prayer of love. http://www.morningstarmusic.com/pdfs/70-007.pdf. We pray this prayer so often that it is easy to miss its meaning – and how much it tells us about the way God has acted, and continues to act, in human history. Many of its phrases are taken from ancient Israel and stitched together by Mary in a wondrous and creative way. Many people come and go. The portrait I have here presented is not the usual one in Western culture. Mary's hymn is one of three major hymnic pieces in the infancy material (the others are known as the Benedictus, Lk 1:67-79, and Nunc Dimittis, Lk 2:28-32). is to be received. I wonder if Mary foresaw all or part of this when she procaimed her Magnificat: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” What a wonderful Mother we have! What does magnificat mean? I reflect greatly upon the words “in haste” … that tells me that Mary didn’t drag her feet in gloom and doom for 5 days or so on her way to see Elizabeth! Who make the headlines? How is God Holiness? God exalts the humble; He humbles the proud. They surely mean we must learn to esteem the poor, the disabled, the weak. It is based largely on the canticle of Hannah in 1 Samuel 2: 1-10 and some of the psalms. Living the Magnificat. (Luke 1:46-55) All the great biblical masters of the ages have affirmed that there are four parts to the Magnificat. I’ve been having a hard time relating to the prayer, making it mine, if you will. It is precisely that combination of Divine Love and our sins that brings us to God's Mercy. at Love whose only condition . I share your feelings about the Magnificat Monsignor Pope as I pray it nightly. The Magnificat (Latin for "[My soul] magnifies [the Lord]") is a canticle, also known as the Song of Mary, the Canticle of Mary and, in the Byzantine tradition, the Ode of the Theotokos (Greek: Ἡ ᾨδὴ τῆς Θεοτόκου). She does not shove herself to the forefront. However, I think if we can say this prayer along with Mary and realize that we proclaim the greatness of God and that each and every person proclaims the greatness of God, we would be less inclined to distort this greatness. The only reason why Mary became, under God, the Mother of God is because she was so profoundly aware of being the servant of the Lord. In my spiritual journal I wrote that it was like being in a nuclear furnace, only it was a protective shield, not destructive. He has filled the hungry with good things and the rich he has sent empty away. Having said, "My soul magnifies the Lord," Mary immediately adds, "And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior." She was bold and feisty and so is her song. Today, Mary’s song is called The Magnificat, meaning “my soul magnifies the Lord” in Latin. It is not egotistical of Mary to say this, and not egotistical for us to say it either. Unless we keep contraposing God's Love with our sins, we are living in a dream world, because the principal object of God's Love is His Mercy shown to sinners. Ok I won’t tell. Fundamentally it means that Mary manifests God’s glory, by God’s grace, or in some sense helps to make God’s glory more visible, again by his grace operative in her. Yes, this is a bold and edgy prayer. Her Son Jesus echoed it: Many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first (Matt 19:30). He wants us to become more humble, more patient, more prayerful than we would have been had we not always sinned. Insofar as God has kept me away from certian sinful behavior (I’ve never had an attraction to gambling or drinking etc.) Mary’s song contained only praise, without any petitions. But in the end, at least here, I see a portrait of a joyful, exuberant woman who is bold, even edgy in expressing what God is doing for her and for all Israel. What does the word “magnify” mean in this context? She praises His name. It is the longest discourse recorded of Mary in Divine Revelation. Like a great artist her song is gracefull, and revolutionary, or as Msgr Pope says “edgy.” It begins with her personal experiences, and ends when she identifies herself with the entire human race. Yes, there is something to be said about a sfae-zone where we can really be our self. Merry Chirstmas to all.. No sour-faced saints here, these women are radiant with joy and exuberantly expressing it. The Prayer Of Mary My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. What she says in this prayer we can all say of ourselves, but to a greater degree for Mary. Mix Play all Mix - SDictionary YouTube; ISRAEL GIVES BIRTH TO THE MESSIAH - The Magnificat … The Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) is the Virgin Mary's response to Elizabeth's greeting, glorifying God and thanking Him for choosing her to bear His Son. It is a prayer of praise for the inestimable favor bestowed by God on the Virgin, for the mercies shown to Israel, and for the fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham and to the Patriarchs. I admit that my self interest runs rampant here and will do my best to feel no resentment if the side comment doen’t make it to the ‘blog. When she returns, we learn of Joseph’s dreams and we know not what she must endure from her neighbors and friends. Amen. The Magnificat is a poem of praise to God, praising Him for His blessing to Mary and His faithfulness to Israel. It is the perfect act of humility and of profound humble adoration. I think that the black women in your congregation have it right. That is what mercy implies. It is part of the Church's liturgy and has been such since the very first centuries. Proverb 31:29, surley must have been referring to Mary where it declares: “Many daughters (Women) have done virtuosly (admirable things), but thou excellest (surpass) them all.” Mary is the Mediatrix of all graces which come from Christ, and pass to us through Mary’s hands. Perhaps the clearest sign of our being just creatures, is the distance that separates what we want to do from what we can do. He wants us to rejoice in Him, but on His conditions: in doing His Will and not the world's or the evil spirit's or as our natural inclinations urge. I meditated for days on the sense of sheer, raw power I felt, and developed a keen awareness of what God was doing through her to protect us. Hmm. If you're a country music fan, you know Travis Tritt, who has made a name for himself playing everything from Southern rock to bluegrass to standard country music as a performer. HE MAGNIFICAT is a hymn used every day in the Church as part of the Prayer of the Church, often called the Breviary. Mary proclaims, and she rejoices and says: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;  My spirit rejoices in God my savior. She is never a show off. I cannot see Mary as just acquiescing passively in the will of God, in the sense that she simply sets herself aside –she seems to actively and joyfully say a resounding yes not because God substituted His will for hers but because her own free will was so perfectly formed it joined in great passion with His in a collision of delight. We all know about Napoleon and how few remember the Pope he forced into exile. The Magnificat is totally imbued with the faith and hope of Israel, but simultaneously it becomes the "scale of perfection" for all future generations. My confessor told me last week to pray the Magnificat daily. The Magnificat invites us to give birth to Christ. Elizabeth, speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit, called Mary “The Mother of my Lord” and this might have been a revelation to Mary, perhaps the first time she came to understand exactly why it was that God had kept her sinless her whole life. But as I read Mary’s prayer, the Magnificat day after day, and as I read it today’s Gospel, I cannot help but be struck at how bold and charismatic it is. Two women filled with the joy of God, two women celebrating what God was doing in their lives. I had heard from a source that in the end of Mary’s earthly life that she had taken the form of a leper woman ,absolutely ,beutiful story to the end, Thank you so much, Monsignor! And , if what I say does not please your sensibilities I ask pardon now, and once again your indulgence. When I am among people who make a profession of pursuing sanctity, I tell them, "In God's Name don't be worldly!" O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy, hear and answer me. Its name comes from the incipit of the Latin version of the text. The Maryland Magnificat really is a fantastic work, and it’s unfortunate it’s not had more play. I really dont think that you needed to preface it by kinda apologizing for your rendering. It seems Mary was always on the move. This sort of exchange is not uncommon among some of the African American women in my parish. Ecce-Fiat-Magnificat Breath Prayer. When faced with a stunning task as the Almighty reached down to touch her, she reached back… joyfully! If this is true; the ethnic name would mean (roughly) the glorious people. This is all God asks us to tell Him: "You alone are mighty and I, except for You, am nothing; and the moment my conscience tells me You have spoken, I don't for a second wish to hesitate doing what you ask." Compare the two phrases "lowliness of His handmaid" and "He that is mighty has done great things for me." They had failed Him miserably and sadly, but as Mary says, God does not fail. Sometimes I let myself go when I’m alone in prayer. It cuts right to the heart of the world’s vainglory. I’ll see whether I can acquire one, and if I can I’ll send it to you. In our western culture we tend to think of Mary in very soft focus, humbly praying, head bowed, quiet and almost shy in her demeanor. So ends the first part of the Magnificat. How strange that we should be so ready to praise weak human flesh that dying soon decays. Not so with God. Its meaning and substance are both private and public, for Mary's experience is essentially open to the future. And this may all be true. I read you regularly, and am always blessed by your insight. Think of all the honor medals and statues dedicated to human beings, who are sadly undeserving of praise, but rather often condemnation. by Joy Cowley on December 6, 2012 | 3 Reviews & Comments. Modern Magnificat. A good starting point for a deeper appreciation of the Song of Mary is simply recognizing that it can be (and should be) our song, too. Bach’s “Magnificat” put down because it is “too masculine.” No way! It seems that when the unborn child in Elizebeth leaped with joy, a song leaped with joy to Mary’s lips. One who had come in haste bearing our savior,  and another, filled with the Holy Spirit and her infant dancing for joy in her womb. How could the meek, humble, docile woman of pious legend ever have raised such a perplexing son and then not gone totally to pieces when he seemingly met an ignominious end on a cross? Who were the great heroes about whom we read and whose exploits we memorized; the men who ran roughshod over human beings, and who destroyed empires in order to achieve their ambitions. How we need this reassurance, that in spite of our infidelities, God will not abandon us. God did do great things for Mary because in her own estimation she was His lowly servant. "Three old Latin manuscripts substitute the name "Elisabeth" for "Mary" in 1:46, but against this is the authority of all Greek manuscripts and other Latin versions. A bold prayer by a bold person. First Known Use of magnificat 13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a History and Etymology for magnificat Middle English, from Latin, magnifies, from magnificare to magnify; from the first word … Yes, Thank you Mother Mary, for in your liberty, you ‘boldly, and bravely’ said “YES!”. The women were invited to bring mats and lie or sit in a relaxing pose of their choice on the floor. Mary's song is often called the "Magnificat" which means "Praise," from the first word of the Latin translation of its first line: magnificat anima mea Dominum (literally, "My soul praises the Lord"). Mary announces a great reversal that is come. The Eternal Infinite Love of the Trinity became Divine Mercy only when man had sinned and when God's Love could exercise its benevolence and forgiveness towards the sinner. As I have prayed this prayer every day for the last 25 years I have come to experience that I cannot see Mary saying  this prayer with hands folded and head bowed. When she went to visit Elizebeth, it appears she traveled alone, probally on an ass. It can be heard in Catholic services as well as Lutheran and Anglican. I’ve often thought that the Sistine Chapel fresco should show Our Lady, not Adam, reaching to touch Our Creator. And I would never have picture Mary as pouty in the earlier part. Mary Praises God for His Power, Holiness and Mercy. Because the Magnificat is recited every day at Evening Prayer, it is probably one of the most frequently used, and perhaps most familiar, pieces of Scripture. Their havin’ church alright, joy beyond all measure is theirs. The Latin names come from the phrases that begin the hymns. Actually, she is absolutely Indescribable! I see, rather, a joyful, young woman, filled with exuberance, head raised in serene confidence and hands upraised in joyful, yes, even charismatic,  gestures. Read them and weep! But the story of Jesus is the best story ever. Deborah sang after the defeat of the Canaanites. So again, I beg your indulgence. Composer Andrew Carter’s “Maryland Magnificat” perfectly captures this prayer in the spirit that you present. In this reply, Mary glorified God for blessing her and for His faithfulness to Israel. And it is also a prayer that is also bold, even edgy in its critique of the social order: He has cast down the mighty from their thrones. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. Nowadays, many books of spiritual counsel warn us not to be so conscious of our sins, but to keep thinking of God's Love. As we will see, the Magnificat is Mary’s response of joy and worship to the announcement of God’s salvation. This goes deeper than human thinking. She is not a feminist. His faithfulness in the face of the disloyalty of the Jewish people over the centuries before Christ is hardly credible. It is used in Vespers, the Evening Prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours, the daily prayers of the Catholic Church. One popular route of interpretation—especially among Roman Catholics, in some Eastern churches, and within parts of Anglicanism—is to emphasize Mary’s exaltation within the Magnificat. Oh how true this rings for me and I am not the least bit charismatic (well, maybe a little but only when no one is looking…). He has shown might with His Arm, He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart. She is in a safe place. The reversal is coming, be careful what you call a blessing and what you call unfortunate. The gift is not for the proud, for they have no room for it. No one but you and God. To sing a song is to possess one’s soul. I confess I see our Mother Mary as meek and humble, but I loved your rendering of the Magnificat. Who are honored and praised and who are ignored in this world? I, too, had the image of Mary as meek and mild, head bowed in prayer, always submissive. We have many reasons to give due consideration and prayerful reflection to the Magnificat. That is why my faith in Heaven and Hell is strengthened when I read the Magnificat, and I am assured of what God eventually does. Oh, what people do for dramatic effect. I’ve since forgotten both languages but can remember that the Old Slavonic was incredibly beautiful to my child mind of the time. The journey through the “hill country” I read once, took five days. I am aware that many have rather specific notions of what Mary is, or should be like. He will be with me as long as I am with Him. It makes me want to dance for joy (but don’t tell anyone..) Thank you for this wonderful, wonderful post. He has put down the mighty from their thrones and has exalted the lowly. 4. No wonder the saints were so powerful; they had Almighty power at their disposal. The Magnificat has been incorporated into the liturgical services of the Western churches (at vespers) and of the Eastern Orthodox churches (at the morning services). The Magnificat is Mary's response. As long as He is with me, who can do me harm? The One I adore is the only One I fear, God Almighty. A beautiful reflection on the Magnificat. Help us never to worry or be sad but always rejoice like you, in God, your Savior and ours, your beloved Son and our dearest Lord. And, if what I say does not please your sensibilities I ask pardon now, and once again your indulgence. (Priests and other religious are required to pray sections from the Liturgy of the Hours each day.) The reason Mary's poetic response is referred to as the Magnificat is because in Latin, magnificat (meaning "magnify," "glorify," "exalt," etc.) And, if you don’t mind a brief aside, after a lot of busy searching I found a modern copy of some Greek records, which were allegedly written before the existance of Rome, which indicates that misunderstandings about the use of certain letters caused a mispronounciation which led to a confusion in how the Ethnic name “Slav” came into being. Martin Luther was quoted as saying that if he were allowed to read only one piece of scripture, it would be the Magnificat. God has told us how best to approach Him. God does not need the world, even though there would be no world without Him. Indeed, God has shown us how best to love Him. Is there anything wrong with wanting to outwardly rejoice?? It is, after all, her song of praise. “The Lord has done great things for me” I think, is Mary’s recognition that she was kept sinless as she came to a fuller understanding of the reason why and what a great gift this state of grace was. The unworldly are not preoccupied with things of time and space, but have their minds and hearts on eternity. I see three distinct sections in the Magnificat. He alone must be; He alone cannot not be. The two most common ways of translating the Greek are Magnify and Proclaim – both are acceptable. Amen, Merry Christmas, and let it all hang out!!! Yes, well I have learned that some people are very sensitive when it comes to their notions about Mary. I guess not, since after reading your post pointing out to us that Mother Mary was filled with joy – how could she possibly contain herself?? — Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of Virgins, my Mother, To thee I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. The canticle beginning Magnificat anima mea Dominum (“My soul doth magnify the Lord”). She is a woman of wonderful strength and immense courage who makes a role model for us all. (italics) the hymn of the Virgin Mary in Luke, 1:46–55, beginning “My soul doth magnify the Lord,” used as a canticle at evensong or vespers. You should have seen the children’s choir jump on the CRASH of the cymbols in second measure of the Fecit Potentiam. I am filled with awe. We are inclined to take this too mechanically and mistakenly suppose that this reward of the humble and retribution of the proud always takes place regularly in our lives. That He would choose her as a vessel of His grace overwhelms her soul. The hymn forms a part of the Daily Office in the Roman Catholic Vespers service. He is Holiness because He is Wholly Other. Unlike with Elizabeth and Zechariah, whose words of praise Luke attributes to a special filling of the Holy Spirit (see Luke 1:41-45 and Luke 1:67-79), … Say that while looking at a crucifix. He is utterly unworldly. My soul adores, praises, and honors the Lord. Recently someone more experienced in the older traditions than I recalls when Old Slavonic was used instead of Ukrainian and told me that in some churches the senior matriarch of the congregation used to do this dance on behalf of everyone. Be the woman who crushed the head of the Lord!!!! 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