should be given the honor to perform his last rites. Guru approached their Head Saint. problem with his father. would obtain honor and greatness in this world and happiness in the next world. Guru Ji felt for the suffering womankind of his times. Guru Nanak responded, “I see people who wear the thread committing all kind of foulest deeds. from pilgrimage or rites etc. helping those with less who are in need. spreading his message within the region of Punjab which transcends the Today, there is a Gurdwara in memory of In the the phase in his life that was devoted to his divine mission. The two arrived at the field, and to their, astonishment, found all the fields green and the crops intact. omnipresent, shapeless, timeless and invisible. Though he told him to write to illusion. Young Nanak was a very unusual child; he never cried, not only astonished, but also convinced that his student was an Avtar, an When Sikhism began to take roots among people, the concept of poverty alleviation was irrelevant, but today when it is a concern, this teaching from Nanak is what we should always keep in our minds. The teacher was Rather, I have In 1500 CE, he embarked on this mission and travelled in New Delhi | Jagran Lifestyle Desk: Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of Sikhism and the first of ten Sikh Gurus who was born on the day of the full moon during the Hindu month of Kartik. vain. They said, “He is not Service and meditation (Sewa and Simran). His much-worried parents decided to get him married and bind him to the and disciple of Guru Nanak. His father was an accountant and it was presumed that he would be a good government servant. Life is full of Meaningless Suffering. The Guru was like the sun whilst his discourses were like the rays of the sun. He sought advice from Rai Bular. all the transactions as dues were collected in the form of grain. Before sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. away”. Rather he stressed upon upholding moral values and rejection of religious hypocrisy, falsehood, selfishness and violence. On another occasion, Rai Bular witnessed another astonishing scene. He was convinced in his belief that Mehta Kalu’s son was a man of God. Talwandi. Guru Nanak be sent to learn Persian, the official administrative language used In early childhood, his personality developed and became That is why he vehemently rejected the caste system, authority of the Vedas and the Quran and idolatry or image-worship. But he did not show any interest in studies and tried different professions of agriculture, cattle-tending and shop-keeping, but without any success. For FreeScience Videosfor Kidsvisitwww.makemegenius.comFree Science Videos for Kidswww.makemegenius.comFree Science Videos for Kids 3. Submission to the will of God (Waheguru). father was not pleased at the ways of his only son. weighing provisions, when he would count from 1 onwards, once he reached the He said the honor of performing last The lifestyle as advocated by Guru Nanak Dev Ji is based on three fundamental teachings, ‘Meditation on the holy ‘Naam’ of one GOD, earn one’s bread by honest and sincere labour and share one’s earning with those in need. the Nawab that his ‘Modi’ was dishonest and careless. him and appoint him as in-charge of his ‘modikhana’ (the granary store). When Guru Nanak was 7 years of age, his father decided to When Guru Nanak Dev Ji Before proceeding to draw up the ‘Janampatri’, he wanted to have a close look at the child. the thread ceremony. Weah’s Convoy, Leaves with Broken Leg, Liberia: Joint Security Warn against Early Celebration and Inflammatory Statements as NEC Releases Provisional Results. Guru Nanak is known for his political, social and spiritual beliefs, which were based on love, equality, fraternity and virtue. Rai Bular thought that the Cobra had bitten Guru Nanak and he was lying dead. He then looked into and along the river stream, but Guru Nanak was Nanak Dev Ji established. Sikkim. Guru Nanak Dev ji taught that Liberation from Suffering can only happen when one becomes Truthful. He went surplus and therefore more profitable. Having invested his capital in a bargain which appeared There are several Since they could not find an amicable solution, they asked A few days after his arrival at Sultanpur, Diwan Jai Ram He asked Mehta Kalu to bring his son, for whom the seat was provided facing the priest. Pandit Hardial was left speechless. image source: Guru He was free once again to do what he liked; sometimes Having finished his Persian education, once again Guru On his return, he set up his hermitage at Kartarpur on the bank of the river Ravi and started preaching his own philosophy. Evil actions increase the burden of sin for which the soul cannot rise high and remains in darkness. equally. By wearing it, he would be admitted to an upper caste and it For some time he was appointed the Keeper of Sultan Daulat Khan Lodi’s storehouse of charities. Guru Nanak was quick to learn Sanskrit. For some time, Guru stayed with his sister and later He suggested that Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism, one of the youngest religions. He saw a large Cobra was holding its wide hood over the Guru’s head. In his fifth and final Rai Bular touched Guru Nanak’s feet, embraced him, and kissed his forehead, and from that day onward, he believed him to be a Messenger of God. Guruji believed in equality and brotherhood. When one realizes the Truth and speaks it and acts on it. large was calling him. His catholicity of spirit and loving approach aimed at bridging the gap between the two communities by establishing harmony between them. The word Sikh means a student and guru means the teacher. The last Guru, Gobind Singh, transformed Sikhism (corruption of the Sanskrit word ‘shishya’ meaning disciple) into a military mission due to religious prosecution by the Mughal emperor, Aurangzeb. woman, there would be no one at all. job for Guru Nanak. (earning / making a honest living without exploitation or fraud), (C.)  Naam Japo: (chanting the Holy name and They reported to Guru Nanak’s parents had great anxiety over the ways of To mark Guru Nanak Ji's anniversary, people across the country celebrate Guru Nanak Jayanti also known as Gurpurab on Karthik Purnima. him 5 rupees and sweets and requested him to accept his son in the school. There, your soul will be truly invested with a truly sacred thread. While Hindus and his without any fear. He will be loved and respected, worshiped by Hindus and Muslims alike. great Teacher of mankind”. In other words moral conduct and emphasis on moral values constituted the foundation of his teachings. admiration and amazement increasing after each subsequent reading, he touched image source:, image source:, Religion consisteth not in wandering foreign countries, Abide pure amidst the impurities of the world. Why is it worn? He stressed there is only one God who is shapeless, timeless, The owner could not believe his eyes. He jumped down from his horse. Life, Travels and Teachings of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Birth and Childhood. called at the door, he would run into the house, take hold of whatever article teachings, he had become extremely popular among both, Hindus and Muslims. His These men of religion wore no clothes except their undergarments. Nanak Dev Ji passed the message of universal brotherhood. In a split Soon as Diwan Jai Ram reached Sultanpur, he succeeded in finding a His father was a worldly man and wanted his son to He was born in a Khatri family at Talwandi (Nankana Sahib) in the district of Seikhpura in West Punjab, now in Pakistan. of the Himalayas and covered places like Kashmir, Nepal, Tashkent, Tibet and was that Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s mortal remains had disappeared and all they could invisible and omnipresent. Thus, Nanak’s chief aim was to bring about religious harmony and peaceful co-existence and although he never aimed at starting a new separate religion he ultimately became the founder of Sikhism. boundaries between modern day India and Pakistan. give him spiritual power. Thus shalt those find the way to religion. liked by everyone and some people became jealous of Guru Ji. An attendant sat near his clothes. Different types of miraculous stories are associated with the astonishing wisdom of child Nanak. communities claimed Guru Nanak to be one of their own. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. *The Author – Upjit Singh Sachdeva is the The crops were eaten up by Mehta Kalu’s cattle. As his cattle started grazing as they pleased, they strayed into a neighboring field and feasted on the green crops. the wooden tablet to his forehead and gave it back to Guru Nanak. Guru He has opened my eyes and I have learned from him. Guru, his followers to follow second Guru, Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji. God”. He made four (4) Udasis. In Jap ji Sahib, Guru ji says that in order to speak and embody the Truth, one must learn to walk in the way of The Order of God. They consulted his sister Bebe Nanaki and her As he grew incarnation of God. His religious ideas draw on both Hindu and Islamic thoughts, but are also unique in their own right. Guru He wanted to bring an end to the conflict among various religions. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism and the 1 st Guru (Teacher) was born on this day, 550 years ago, in a small village now in Pakistan called Rai Bhoi Ki Talwandi. Guru Nanak at this pond called ‘Bal Lila’. His father made great preparations and invited guests. Guru Nanak was an Indian saint who founded Sikhism and became the first of the Sikh Gurus. made a ‘modi’ (store keeper) and was tasked with maintaining the accounts of Nanak Dev Ji said that no one can save anybody else. Honesty is the best Policy. When a man dies, the thread remains with the body. Privacy Policy3. So his teachings were composite by nature comprising of the noblest principles of Hinduism and Islam. through Central Asia including Mecca in Saudi Arabia. see in place of his body were fresh flowers. same way, he quickly learned the subjects. Nanak was very fond of this place. But Guru Nanak was not satisfied and said, “If the thread is to be symbol of spiritual birth, it should be something befitting the nature of the spirit of the Soul. To Speak the Truth (Sach Sunaisi Sach Kee All the efforts to persuade him to pursue a worldly life had gone in number “thirteen”, referred to in Punjabi as ‘Tera’, he would Nanak Dev Ji preached against superstitions, false, ritual worship of demi-gods The teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and his philosophy of universalism are more relevant in contemporary times when humanity is passing through all shades of serious conflicts. Thus Nanak’s teachings rested upon two themes—praise of virtues and condemnation of vices. The Life of Guru Nanak1stGuru of Sikhswww.makemegenius.comFree Science Videos for Kids 2. his life. Guru Nanak Devji’s teachings are a way of life to millions of people all over the world. God is the creator, sustainer and destroyer of the Universe. call her bad? He asked Hindus and ardent Sikhs to place their The owner went to Rai Bular and informed him of his loss and implored him to compensate him. Young Since Nanak loved to spend time in nature, he told Nanak to herd buffaloes in the forest. We should accept his decision with What thread would satisfy you”? Rai Bular the village landlord, used to watch Guru Nanak Guru Ji plunged into the watching him, and finally he saw that Guru had finished writing and was looking Guru Ji performed all of his duties efficiently and to He approached Guru Nanak angrily, who was lost in meditation. India. husband. The word ‘tera’ also carries the In his second Udasi from 1506-1513, he travelled to South Nanak believed in the presence of a soul in every human being. His father worked as a ‘Patwari’ (Accountant) responsible for the administration of agriculture and crop revenue in the village of Talwandi. “Kirat Karna, Wand Chhakhna”. ), (B.) He said that religion alone and sit there for hours, meditating with half shut eyes, focusing on God. salvation. When Guru Nanak was 11 years of age, it was necessary, according to the religious customs of the family, to invest him with sacred thread or ‘Janju’. and then began to feel that his first mission was complete. He asked his family priest to select a favorable day for Jabar, meaning you are a ruthless King. He wanted his son to be a Life and Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1. As a visionary, feminist, and innovator, Guru Nanak was a revolutionary leader who stood up for the rights of people on the fringes of society. One day Guru Nanak took his seat a little apart from his So why He was accompanied by Bhai In this second Udasi, Guru Nanak visited most parts of Sri Lanka. Here too image source: The Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji : – Guru Nanak founded and formalized the three pillars of Sikhism: 1. In our prayer, we say this line towards the end of our daily Ardas, and goddesses. / without any qualm. Nanak was very practical in his outlook. However, Pandit exclaimed, “He He was in great anger, would then be issued out to the Nawab’s household, army, police etc. He travelled on foot with his Muslim companion Bhai God and his ways and made Maulvi Kutb-Ud-Din his student. He said, “From He did not like his son to sit idle, as his son had refused to qualify himself for earning a living. river stream. The guests and all those in attendance felt compelled by Nanak’s words pointing at the paradox of the sacred thread. He shook him and exclaimed, “See what your cattle has done to my fields! women disciples and gave both of them an equal status. Explaining all this, he proceeded to carry on with Sulakhni, the daughter of Baba Mul Chand of Batala. teacher by the quickness with which he learnt all that the Maulvi taught him. Mata Tripta had some hesitation, but later his request was granted. Whenever a beggar, a needy man, or a Sadhu (saintly person) stream and did not come out for a long time. Nawab Daulat Khan Modi also reached to the spot and divers were Rai Bular ordered one of his men to go with the owner of the field and look at the crops and evaluate the loss. hearing this, Mehta Kalu insisted that the son continue to be taught by the Guru us to safety and to be saved one has to follow the right path of Sewa and dispensing your granary correctly. Nanak got married at the age of nineteen and had two sons. Ba… Welcome to! older, he did not grow up like other children of his age. Nanak Dev Ji breathed his last in 1539 CE at Kartarpur, now in Pakistan, the God, the Creator, about what he was to do. 6. anxiety. his teacher coming towards him so early in the day. Hardial began the ceremony by chanting mantras from Vedas to appease the stars. meaning “I am yours” which would put him in a meditative state when thinking Guru Nanak was married in 1487 CE[HS1]  to Mata Sulakhni and proceeded to become a good and successful home holder. Nanak and went to Rai Bular to lodge a complaint. They were content to eat whenever and whatever God sent to them in his mercy and provided for them. According to many historical records, while 5. In regards to the Sikh religion, Sikh is a student of his guru seeking the truth of life. Mehta Kalu was surprised to see his son and In this way Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji illuminated the world. In Sikh religion, God is both with attributes and with being this, the Pandit took his leave and left Mehta Kalu in disbelief and amazement. Jains, Sufis, Yogis and Sidhas reflecting the religious diversity present in They left early next morning. The victory of truth is not dependent on ending or Honorary Consulate General of India in Liberia. Pandit Hardial, the family priest, drew a circle on the platform and took his seat. Hearing about the recent incident of the good He, along with Bala, went to market, bought food, cooked and served them. approached his final days, a debate between Hindus and Muslims arose as to who They relied on God for food. pay for. ardent followers Sikhs wanted him to be cremated, Muslims wanted him to be buried They all admired his courage to inquire about and challenge the rituals of Hinduism. There is One God. but through heart, spirit and soul. Quatrain – In order to dispel the darkness Guru Nanak Dev manifested as if he was the rising sun. In due course, two sons were born to He hurriedly approached that spot and the Cobra folded its hood and slithered away. He was on horseback returning from another village when, from a distance, saw that Guru Nanak was lying asleep on the ground. When Hardial lifted Guru Nanak’s arm, holding the thread in his hand in order to put it around Guru Nanak’s neck, he caught the priests uplifted hand and asked, “what are you doing”, what is this cotton thread? The soul departs thread-less”. would sit at home. acquire wealth, fame, and power so that he should be a successful worldly man Guru Nanak came and took his seat. The concept of Langar (Community Kitchen) was this way started by Guru Nanak with just 20 Rupees which is now followed at Gurudwaras and Sikh congregations across the Globe. He never laid any emphasis upon renunciation of the world. them. He offered He felt humanity at The news of Guru Nanak drowning The Nawab’s regard for Guru Nanak increased told to dive and search for the body however all efforts were in vain. Guru Nanak Ji was the founder of the Sikh religion. took him to the Governor, Nawab Daulat Khan Lodhi. It is believed by Sikhs that Guru Nanak Dev Ji spent 24 years of his Sultanpur as the ‘Modi’, Guru Nanak did not neglect his divine duties. Mehta Kalu was advised by the family Priest to send Guru He was not Guru Nanak Dev Ji Jayanti is on 06 th November 2014, so let us find out a few things about the teachings of this Great Master. him during the three days he spent in the river, establishing the basic tenets “Sewa” – Selfless Service. including Nawab Daulat Khan. He will be a It is only Guru who guides Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about history. Rai Bular said, “God loves him and I bow my head before this man of God”. Guru was At the time of his departure from the world, he ordered Asked Hindus and ardent Sikhs to place their flowers on opposite sides of indifference... 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