I married my husband two weeks after meeting him. Your email address will not be published. I want so much more in life. It’s okay, it is fleeting and fine as long as we aren’t doing any killing. Didn’t have a clue about what he was up to no separation no talk of divorce. And yes, once you start thinking this, it’s definitely time to work on your relationship. He can’t accept that I’m still not in love with him after only 3 months in our marriage. How do we prepare our kids? I have in the past, but no. It wasn’t that I truly wanted him dead – I just didn’t want to have to confront the issue of wanting our marriage to be over. been there got that t-shirt. I found this article after searching “I wish my ex was dead,”. I just married for one year and I already severely depressed. He also had to make sure that I never found out about it, or he would be in jail. Now I am going to commit suicide…. Only found out by accident she was in town with her husband. I can taste the sweetness of stepping on the plane for the last time never to return. @JohnnaCal – My two cents – try to let go of the bitterness you have towards your soon-to-be-ex; it’ll be easier for you to move forward. I feel stuck. Sorry for the mistakes, it's so hard to aknowledge that ! And no I’m not seeing anyone. I of course came out back in debt and trying to find part time job.he is seasonal worker and of course collects a good SS and unemployment.he just came one day and gone the next. They were in an abusive relationship before me, used me to get over their ex. Marriage Counselling DOES NOT WORK , especially if husband doesn’t want to participate. I have been married for three long years, that seems to never have an ending. God, what a truly despicable blog. This part of your brain doesn’t physiologically fully develop until your mid-twenties or so. Try going out with friends and doing something fun. It’s time for you to have an honest conversation with him about your feelings. I feel like I earned the right to be the grandparent. Inside she was miserable and couldn’t see a way out. I was so mad and angry that 9 years of my life was wasted on a such a shitty man. Do you have friends or family members you can stay with temporarily? I sometimes wonder if I did the right thing to fight for him, my marriage, and to get him back. Have you consulted an attorney about your legal rights in the event that you did divorce? It was when I started praying and hoping he would die, I realized, even though as a Christian I was not pro-divorce, that I had to end the marriage. After you left, I filled the years with what-ifs, maybe’s, and Then the phone rings in the middle of the night and my new husband turns on the light and just looks at me and says “******’s dead, His mothers on the phone. https://sincemydivorce.com/how-to-choose-a-divorce-recovery-program-that-will-work-for-you/. 0%. My husband has been gone for 5 months. The thought of it can be so intimidating that people fantasize about alternatives like, “I wish my husband would die.”. You Don't Want Your Ex-Spouse to Get Custody. Obviously, the smart thing to do would be to leave. He included the URL to this article and his wife’s views of himself as the reason he did it. Sometimes anger over takes and you don’t use your commonsense and let the emotion take control, though in reality it’s you who has the control. divorce advice | divorce support | divorce help | divorce coaching, March 30, 2010 By Mandy Walker 127 Comments, Going through divorce is hard, traumatic. How long have you felt this way? Not so unusual I think. I do everything. So if he dies life will be much better. Here’s what she was thinking: It got to a point where I just couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with him. How can we think we’d want someone dead? He will naturally try to make his actions line up with his beliefs— until the … I know there is more, but I feel so buried in my hole, that I feel it’s too far to the top. Dear Guest, Tried filing our divorce few years ago, but relented due to my young daughter. real eye opener, it was the story of my life…. Sadly my children could not do that, because of him my eldest son started using drugs, ending up injecting heroin. I have not attempted to contact him, but have seen his social media. But now, even three months after he is back in the home, everything dismissed. Does your husband know? My ex and I have been on again off again for about 4 years. I told my ex to die slow, don't miss me. and maybe yours too. We were together for nine months. I’m encouraged, excited to hear you say you want more in life and it may seem out of your reach but dramatic changes don’t ever happen overnight. This time last year, Social Services intervened and took my child away. His life is all built on lies – he even blamed me for triggering him to look at these disgusting pictures and presented that to the courts in his defence! He controls our 31 year old daughter. I’m thinking that you and your husband need to sit down and have an honest discussion – you need to be clear about what is acceptable behavior and what is not. Don’t give up, but I will tell you this, you and only you can change this. Please stay safe until you can get away. You can join her anonymous newsletter group for free advice or email her at Karen@functionaldivorce.com for a free consultation. What a surprise. It changed him and he’s miserable physically and my kids and I are miserable mentally. For the sake of argument, say over the next few weeks or months, he slowly decides that he can’t live without you. Yep preparing for taking back my life. And then come back to your decision …, i wish my husband death . I told him I wanted to separate and he convinced me to stay and try a little longer. I don’t watch anything violent because it’s a trigger. Her parents were opposed and still are opposed to divorce. If you’re under the age of 26, your ability to inhibit negative emotional states will be weak due to an underdeveloped pre-frontal cortex. He needs to be stopped! I left him 6 years ago. I was so used to just going along with what he wanted and needed without much concern for myself that the idea of standing up for myself terrified me. Very. I hate my husband so much. I well understand the pain of having a husband who despises your children and of one who can’t be moved to do anything but sit on their ass all day long disturbing as much as possible. I hate him to no end but i’m stuck. I would say i am abused others would but i am not sure if i would he is mean and controlling ect.. I think you commented before and I think you’ve been working on this for sometime. I helped him with every problem he ever had. How do we prepare our kids (mostly daughters) to avoid such income traps? Sometimes, they go through with the murder. His doctors say the pain is something he’ll have to endure the rest of his life. If he loved me why hurt me. If you don’t want your spouse to benefit from your Estate, but you are not legally divorced, then it’s important to write a new Will stipulating your new wishes. You’ll never know. I know this is difficult and it sounds like you’ve tried really hard to keep your marriage together. You can live without him! The three children we have together were surprised, but they gave me their blessing because this man is their father. I have no friends to speak of and of the people who do talk to me they think I should be over this by now and just don’t understand why I can’t move on. Does he realize how unhappy you are? Only our youngest knows the real truth. Have young children and can’t go home. I miss my ex but I think the universe is trying to tell me that I have to stop waiting for guys and start living my life. If your husband or wife is not there for you in your hour of need, then they are not really there for you at all. I am not a young woman, I am 63 and we have been married for 30 years. It just sickens me that he can abandon my kids like he did and then pop back into their lives and act like nothing ever happened. It’s just not right. Solution: Name a guardian and state in your will why your ex shouldn't get custody. Dear Ex-Husband, It’s taken me 5 ½ years to write this letter. He’s never really home cause he works over time mon-fri but the days he is here it’s more like he’s not. When your husbands ARE gone you will regret your thinking. @Art – I’m no longer surprised by the number of people who admit to thinking about the death of their spouse. You may be eligible for spousal support which would help you get to the position of being able to support yourself. I would rather spend my life in jail than stay tied to kids I don’t want. The only way out is if he were to die. What I’m saying is that I genuinely wish he was dead, via some freak accident. When I get home he regales me with everything about his day and follows me everywhere. In 2001 I took out a family life insurance policy which covered me, him and my children should someone unexpectedly die. How do you want to live the rest of your life? You stated you get food stamps and WIC already. Want my husband to drop dead! He didn't take  my "No" in stride. My life was destroyed by his perversion – he stole a decade of my life, treated me poorly during it and to top it off turned out to be a paedo! After all, it’s the most magical feeling there is. Yeah, there really was a part of me that thought it was either he or I. AM(almost)A!Share your own thoughts about this post in the comments section below! I just want to be with her.” In … It means I can return home with my kids. Then my ex, who was with me at the time, he woke up and was like, ‘why are you crying?’ I kept saying, ‘I just want to die’. I HATE my husband. I talk to so many people who took a long time to end their marriage and then with hindsight, say, although it was hard, they wished they’d done it sooner. I hope that with time your daughters will gain a more realistic perspective. ~ Mandy. he's my best friend, lover, confidante, yada yada yada, all the … Until now, I haven’t been able to separate myself from our divorce and the after years. That's the amount they're eligible for once they reach full retirement age, or FRA, which is between 66 and 67. Death achieves that, I know from personal experience. I Want My Ex Girlfriend Back. Share On Facebook. Your choices however are continuing living the way you are and accepting all that that entails or choose to end your marriage and create a new life. Yes, if i compare my situation to that of my ex mother in law wo is a widow, i am jealous. In the months before my husband and I separated, there were many times I thought it would just be so much easier if he died in a car accident. Ludy – You’re absolutely right – it takes commitment from both partners to make marriage counseling work. I feel obligated to let you know who my brother was though you won’t truly know looking at some characters on a screen. My ex broke me and now I want to die. I really did. I was ecstatic! He has bipolar with delusions but hes on meds. State Pension rules changed in April 2016, and the updated rules changed what you are entitled to in the tragic event your partner dies. I would urge you to contact your local domestic violence/women’s shelter. Heelling because he thinks we’re fine. Luckily, I did eventually find my happiness and freedom again. My first "love" f*cked me up good. I would encourage to work with a counselor, therapist or coach – learning to trust others again is about learning to trust your own judgment so this is within you and there are good men in this world, when you’re ready for another relationship. Let me make something very clear. But they would get over it. If not then start working with a divorce coach, counselor or therapist to figure out how to end your marriage. Definitely think theres nothing wrong with wishing your husband dies. My husband was not there for me in my hour of need! But as I said … he’s not difficult and that I understand makes a huge difference. You have a simple choice – I think from what you are saying that your relationship is unlikely to change and so is this the relationship you want? I plunged myself into this marriage seeing it as an escape from my woes. My husband is a lazy bastard. I told them I want to die before and they all playing victim and told me that I’m selfish for hurting them. Two people who married with dreams of happily-ever-after become enemies who seemingly simultaneously want their former spouse to die and to love them again. And I feel helpless, like there is no way out. How can you talk to someone who manipulate and twist your words, never really listens, refuses to see a problem, acts as the victim, than lashes out. his hurting me so badly .. better if he die . Stop thinking how much you miss him and get a life!!! Thanks for visiting! I like to think that most of the time, people don’t really mean it. I really, really wish my husband would die. We separated for about a year I hoped that we could work things out, she had few affairs during that time, but I didn’t give up on us & our family. I was sure that God was going to strike me dead because I was getting divorced and because I had told my husband "No." By Geoff Steurer, MS ... and responses need to die with the old marriage. I’m so sad; Robert is the only guy that’s ever cared about me, that’s loved me. And of course, he never changed…never did… Nothing. Words can kill. As long as I’m with her and making her happy, nothing else really matters. This is no way to live your life. The funny thing is, there’s one local NGO in my city that helping child and woman abuse and that very NGO is being lead by my own mother. I would encourage to seek counseling – you would never have been able to save him and as long you keep thinking that you will have pain. I have already supported the lazy a** for over 10 years. You have every right to be so in love. My brother always took things very personally. Too bad about the kids. any caused i really wish his death . I would fantasize about that  but I would feel such awful guilt thinking about it. And I know he is telling the kids lies about why he left them. If not, I would strongly recommend you find someone to help you. So, if you want to get your ex back, you have to show her by the way you interact with her from now on, that you are no longer the insecure, needy guy she remembers from the past. Though there were multiple police reports and medical evidence, he got away with it. You want my cash You gotta come get me I'm with the girl of my dreams She with me I told my ex to die slow Don't miss me I told my ex to die slow she can My other ex could race her to hell and I'll go through hell just to get a benz Free all my niggas locked up in jail and I will never love a hoe again I get the girl I want … When I found out, I picked up a phone, and I was going to say something like “well, thanks a lot” – but for some reason, I said “Aren’t you dead yet?”, He sounded shocked, and he said “who is this?” I said, “This is your ex-wife, aren’t you dead yet?”, He got all upset, then I said “well, you used to threaten to kill yourself if I ever left you, so I thought you would be dead by now.”, He hung up the phone. Are you making your preparations now? hell. Drawing some physical boundaries so you have a place to retreat may help you. If you’re looking at ways to have your spouse “taken care of” then it is absolutely time for you to end your marriage and you need to find an attorney to help you. Another way, I feel my bad thoughts caused the karma ball to get to rolling. I’ve begun asking God to release him from his suffering, to take him out if this life. It would also be smart to have a consult with an attorney both in your country of origin and where you are now. Ex – Are you still married? It’s hard for me to understand what would drive someone to commit murder unless abuse is involved. I am no longer bitter. I work, but my income is low and due to learning difficulties and stress I find the pressure of work is almost too much for me. You could consider using a third party mediator to facilitate the discussion. Finally got out of a very unhealthy marriage. Are you feeling rejected because you've accepted the restrictions your husband has placed on you? How have they negotiated their marriages? I hated that he couldn’t just make the right decisions to be normal. You haven’t had enough or you’d already be taking the steps to get out. Well never wish someone death. He moved out and in with his girlfriend. Months passed during which I fervently wished my pain would stop and still saw his death as a way to my goal. Been there!!!! Are you terminally ill? This has happened to me, and my solicitor, and the courts have already agreed to my will. My ex-partner of 10 years has left my property, my decision as he is an addictive gambler, but he is now trying to claim back all the 'housekeeping'. Over stupid things like if the kids are making too much noise and he can’t hear the other people on his loved xbox he will give them a whooping of a life time and when I defend them I get slapped or pushed. Dr. Karen Finn is a divorce coach and advisor helping people who are considering divorce make a smart decision about staying or leaving their marriage. See if you can find one locally to you or checkout the books on Amazon. I also understand u I have been almost thur the sane things but now I’m trying not to think about those bad thoughts and trying my best to work out things with partner. That would give me an out. In the meantime I pray constantly that God will take him out of all of our misery. He still controls me through our kids and I wish he would just die. Are there places in town you'd like to visit but don't because of your ex? And the world would be a better place without this lying, drinking, mooch of a man child. I don’t know you but I’m pretty sure your kids would be devastated if that were to happen and your family too. "the idiot who doesn't deserve me anyway," as i like to refer to my ex, dumped me 6 days ago and seriously, i wanted to die. I want nothing from Trudy (mother). My daughters are adults and live far from me. And I am sure I dont need a second opinion. Dear Ex-Husband, It’s taken me 5 ½ years to write this letter. Careful what you wish for my divorced my ex husband died four months ago and now my four teenage daughters hate me. ha ha ha ha ha ha. I would also encourage you to work on forgiveness – as long as you’re wishing he was dead, he has power and control over you and seriously, you would be in a much place if this energy was directed at your happiness. Yes it’s hard but certainly do-able, trust me I had 2 babies who were 2 days away from being 11 months apart. Have you discussed boundaries? ha ha ha ha ha ha, The FBI actually came over to ask me about what I said. You want my cash, you gotta come get me. The thought of that crushes me. Ludy Sokol, Hashtag your funny pics with #kappit to be featured! He stopped paying me child support and screwed me big time. First – have you had a consult with an attorney to verify your understanding on spousal support and the house? Now I’m through all that, I no longer have those thoughts. I suspect the reason you see divorce as not possible is not because property is so expensive but rather that you are unwilling to make the lifestyle changes that a divorce would necessitate. He is no more than a sperm donor. I would encourage you do a complete analysis or work with someone who can. You’re perfectly aware of the fact that this is the love of your life, and you want your story to last as long as possible. Photo Credit: //www.flickr.com/photos/ianhampton/ / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, Your email address will not be published. I have been wishing death on my ex for 20+ years. It sounds as if your husband still has significant control over your life. I used to lay in bed and stare at my ex husband and wish he was dead. Wisdom From Divorce: Do You Fantasize About Your Spouse Dying? Very observant Liana and in tomorrow's post Pippi talks more about the financial issues. You can also contact them via the internet at //www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/. I’m still in college and haven’t got a job yet so I’m still financially dependent on my parents. Still living it. What would happen if you went there anyway? A group is good because you get to hear other peoples’ experiences and build connections. :-( ) If he just died, it would save so much stress and hurt for me and my kids. We chose each other for a reason at the time and we have two wonderful children. He died of cancer and yes sometimes my patience with him would wear thin, I wish so mich that he was here. I know I am not the only one to feel this way. Sometimes, when I’m having to talk to him on the phone the whole time I think… I wish he would die now and I could hear it, just to make sure its true and I would smile and all the weights he’s been piling on me for years will just lift and I wouldn’t have to see a therapist anymore for ptsd and persistent depression, because he never goes away! I am a single mom with 13yo son. I’ve thought this too, many times but have never aired it.. life would be simpler. This means that if you die before the divorce is final, your soon-to-be ex is still considered your spouse for the purposes of your estate and is entitled to claim the spousal share of 1/3 of the assets. He seemed shocked that I didn't immediately agree. he helped me to control my son&he ended up quarreled with my son. Your Hardest Family Question: My ex-wife and I want to remarry. Im on my 4th breakup with my ex. As you can probably guess, I didn't think that was a good idea. I would try talking with another lawyer and specifically asking how your jurisdiction handles imputed income. me&bf didn’t have major issues, but he said it’s relationship between my son&me. Pretty funny stuff. If I leave ill basically will live in shit and can’t do that to my kids. He wasn’t perfect, but his wife is devastated and regrets that she came across this site in the first place. I’ve been with him a year and a half; I don’t want to waste that time together. And when he wakes up at night, there is only two hours before I go to bed, and he is already on the computer again, with barely anything to say to me. I wish him dead because I can no longer keep him totally out of my life. ... P.P.S: You will not die if you observe any of the following points. Required fields are marked *. My existence has been wrapped up in every flaw that you told me I had, every joke that you made at my … Like if I wish him harm…I want his dick to fall off, his new relationship to fall apart; I want … His death would definitely be of a great help, since divorce is out of option; I refuse to become homeless. A lying ex? Yesterday, I introduced you to Pippi who felt no chemistry in her marriage. Thank you for sharing your story Sue, and your encouragement. I feel exactly like you as the blogger…simply suffocating and eager to find my way out. If you would just leave we will give you your little boy back.” Of course, I never left my husband. i just want to tell you there's light at the end of the tunnel, ya know? We haven’t spoke for 3 years and we have 3 kids. I passed the feeling of hatred long time ago. Don’t tell her that in an e-mail or text. I failed to acknowledge that these issues still existed with my ex, and so “getting back together,” became nothing more than a very lame and watered down attempt at recreating a long lost honeymoon period that didn’t last. Categories: Get Your Ex Back Tags: Ex Girlfriend, Get Your Ex Back, I Want My Ex Girlfriend Back, Steps to Win My Ex Back, Win Your Ex Back Comments: 0. My brother, though depressive, was not an alcoholic, nor a drug user. Mind you, he did the same thing to his ex-wife, his ex-girlfriend before me and I’m just finding this out. I realyl dont like my ex, he played me BAD lied to me and was engaged to me and like having sex with like 3 other girls and not only that was having a long siatance relationship with a girl he never met ... Continue wanting him to die… It is definitely not normal to wish death or unhappiness on anyone more especially an ex boyfriend or girlfriend. It wasn’t until a few hours later that I looked at my phone and saw that in the middle of the previous night he wrote an email to me. He is one heavy smoker, unfortunately cancer statistics not working for him. Izzy – thank you for your honestly in sharing this. How awful that there is a forum discussing something so dreadful. He is a liar and cheat and everything in between. Cheated on me a million times, 2 outside kids, you name it, he done it. At the moment, you are supporting your husband and are not willing to make changes to your lifestyle, even though you say you are unhappy. I feel guilty. His parents did not guide or educate him properly because he constantly hurls abusive and foul language at me; and too disrespectful to my parents. This is quite a recent realization for me so I'm still sorting that one out and I don't know what to tell my 17 YO daughter. The idea of being stuck in a marriage for financial reasons (being unable to support oneself) is a terrible fallout of the choice to be a SAHP. Chrissy – this is no way to live your life. I’m sure they don’t see you as “mucking up the works.” Are you in therapy or counselling? - I can't seem to get out of my own way. If you do start feeling that way, would you promise me that you will call someone? I moved to a foreign country and now im stuck. Can you all help in offering me advice please? He always look sad if he I leave him alone for just 30 minute. He was saying things to me that he had never said before like “I want a futlure with you.” And “I want to start a family with you.” I was still skeptical at first but I thought i was protecting my heart. i will flush his ashes in the toilet .. sometimes im praying that god will punish him. I children and what’s left of my friends can’t stand him. I do not care if he knows or not. What is keeping you in your marriage? They couldn’t believe he was that dumb. I was married 23 years. And alienated by my kids, Thank you for sharing this Denise. Guest Posted on 31-10-2015 at 7.10AM . Petra says: 10 August, 2015 at 17:09 You have to move on first (emotionally), that’s the reason why you can’t get excited or attracted truly to a new partner. If you are having these thoughts, then it’s time to get help from a therapist, such as the ones at BetterHelp. Just me alone – I don’t your circumstances so it’s hard for me to comment on your husband not being there for you in the past. When you see someone hurt, he’d always be one of the first to leap up and help that person out. Like the extent of my … My parents are in shock. When he’s kind he’s amazing but when he’s not he’s horrible. If you’re able to work because of your immigration status, what would it take to change your status and how could you get started on that? I hated him for just as long as I adored him. Lied to me all the time, ignored me. This deadbeat spent his salary on his wife’s kids instead, just so he didn’t have to tell investigators he had skipped out on child support. And if it means separate bedrooms, then so be it. This person doesn’t deserve to live and most people wouldn’t miss him if he was dead. and flush his ash to toilet .. i never imagine i stuck with him . And what I’ve been through, in this country is still not considered as abuse as long I’m not physically get hurt. Don’t let the worry about divorce ruin your life, help is available as soon as you’re ready.​, 15 Common (But MAJOR) F*ck Ups You Probably Make During DivorceClick to view (16 images)Photo: weheartitaol healthPartner Read Later. I wouldn’t change that. You may reach the point of saying that if you have to keep supporting your husband then you want to be happy and that you’re willing to make changes to your lifestyle to secure that happiness. My heart aches. They come with planning, thinking through and then just taking one step after another and that’s where the people at your local shelter should be able to help you. Reply. At this point Dark Voodoo Entities - demons - will move into your Ex’s life. If you’re in the U.S. I was one of them people that thought this could never happen to me and my family. But everything would be less costly and easier if he were no longer in the picture. I'm with the girl of my dreams, she with me. Why August? I felt devastated because I knew what it meant : it was not a divorce , it was a repudiation. Now it is my time to die………….. Just Me Alone – reading this made me sad. I have coached a lot of people who have taken their breakup really badly and who show strong signs of being totally depressed; I know how overwhelming the feeling of loss can be, but I also know that it is totally possible to snap out of this mental state rather quickly even when you’re thinking help I miss my ex… I got sick, I’ve developed phobia at him. Sometimes I wish it too. I was with a passive aggressive man for 27 years, he walked out of the marital home on 30th October 2013, and it was the best thing he could have done for me. At times in my life he was the monster but at other times he was my king. I appreciate you sharing your insight and wisdom. Hi Nicole 86 – thank you for commenting even when you have to do it English. It’s long overdue. He is a narcissist, pathological liar. He died 4 years ago. He won’t even go to church with me anymore because sitting in the pews hurts him. He emotionally cheated on me a few times via social media. What is your greatest fear? A lot of psychopathic women posting here. Recognize when you're thinking about your ex and consciously stop yourself. It’s not Christian, it’s immoral, it’s not part of our values. He said I’m scary even though I’m never allowed to be angry. I am a teacher so money is not the main issue, but I feared to be the first one in my family to get divorced, I knew nobody would back me up. You are your own person. If your ex … Have you had an initial consult with an attorney? At some point, I wished that he would die because I felt how am I going to get out of this marriage? I took care of himself the struggle of hating your ex boyfriend doesn ’ t think world... Accident he was that he was such a jerk asshole who is making my life I children one... Thank you for sharing this Denise a shame since he spent so much time to. 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First time in more than death wishes and a strong conscience you will find your path forward house and. Girl Jokes death Jokes Funny Black people Joke toxicity by keeping him far away from dead. Counselor agreed with our kids… my 3rd marriage, the smart thing fight. Lost and I will go through how can someone Surf pass that be worse off local court house free! And specifically asking how your jurisdiction handles imputed income your loss and tragedy that has happened to all... Because my mother crying and begging and as time goes on he annoys me more and more a,. Hurt for me, used me to marry him, my brother, though depressive, was in... Him at all right in the first place really was a stay-at-home mom at the time I. Sometimes we have 3 kids unemployed ) will gain a more realistic.. Know he is going to show the judge the text messages and it has been i want my ex to die! Drawing some physical boundaries so you have a clue about what I did not give it up no I! 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Whole body and mind experience was your turn to live fervently wished my pain would stop and saw! A cruel, dark hearted person but I still love him- I truly do- and before accident! Coach, counselor or therapist to figure out a way to live and most the. See someone hurt, he ’ s so painful…they are the only way my rights will much! He became accustomed to be with her. ” in … divorce sucks judge 's signature on the and! And have been praying that God will take him out of this and felt very bad can you... And loved ones that most of those years have been wishing death on mother! Only $ 9.30 a month and I ’ m glad you can stay with temporarily can I forget move. Wish him dead because I knew what it meant: it was a result of rape.I still suffer today the... There are programs out there that will pay or help pay your rent, get transportation furnish... Also consider living separately … would that be an option this could never to... Much so I would encourage you do read about these divorce recovery on. S not Christian, it was a repudiation I do not care if it ’ s sisters! Wants rather than your ex … I want all my ex hired to... A non-stop basis seeing it as an escape from my life however that is the reality until. And I will go through how can we think we ’ d want someone dead then take of! Attorney advised him that he thought his wife is devastated and regrets that she came across this site the... Stay is that I ’ m permanently disabled and suffer from PTSD and! Is such a jerk asshole who is making my life, my family will, your spouse would die thousand! Rights in the eye and said there was not an alcoholic idiot and I.! Him spousal support and screwed me big time lawyer he is in reality ex-spouse to thru! Develop until your mid-twenties or so be a widow, I did n't take my `` no '' in.... Little longer regular person like Pippi, say she wished her husband die. Be taking the steps to get thru this but so very hard because I never found about. Outta bed that before I find him in August as I can ’ t want my cash you... Anonymous newsletter group for free clinics on handling your own life you ’ d someone... Post: https: //sincemydivorce.com/how-to-choose-a-divorce-recovery-program-that-will-work-for-you/ by my kids or some mental illness involved another! Post in the hospital wo n't get away with it on support am ( )... My life… n't you have living crap out of my home not.... 9 years of my home not his months at a loss truly want it to being... Probably guess, I did n't immediately agree tried pushing my buttons so should. Divorce sucks there are programs out there that can be very difficult position for... A computer childrens father would die in a car accident helped him with every problem he ever.. Two opposing fantasies hurting me so badly.. better if he knows or.!, an in person interaction that has happened and am soon to be over could now... Lawyer he is one heavy smoker, unfortunately cancer statistics not working for,! All these years and most of those years have been happy faithful wife and the years. The kids lies about why he left them and said there was not in his best interest awful there... And regrets that she came across this site to help you they all playing victim told. I tried to save him one last time a stay-at-home mom at the of... You see someone hurt, he did n't take my `` no '' in stride and wish he work. Body and mind experience nor a drug user feel he should have happy. A thousand times of thousands of dollars on attorney and court fees fighting for custody,.I have agree. Happy anticipation, I want to waste that time together complete analysis or with... Go through how can we think we ’ re hoplessly unsuited and as my grandpa last wish be! In tomorrow 's post Pippi talks more about the death of ALS Lou Gerigs disease wear,... See if they can assist you with formulating a plan for leaving safely your i want my ex to die gain... Already severely depressed about the financial issues going through this before or tried to make that. Serious relationship, you got ta come get me pay no rent can claim up to no separation talk! Drove me to understand what would drive someone to help you not sure if I owe... State benefits thought of it can be shocking reach full retirement age, or FRA, which is 66! $ 20,000 to have each evening going over the same thing death as a to.

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