Share Share on Facebook Tweet Tweet on Twitter Pin it Pin on Pinterest. The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. Suppose, for example, that there was not time to make proper preparations prior to the catastrophe. And what was the burial in the desert of twelve high-prowed, seagoing ships if not also a mystery that cried out, loudly, for solution? Into the huge thickness of this wall were set the 17 cells mentioned in Naville’s report. A seismographic expedition to Antarctica in 1949 first established its detailed land coastline – not the ice cap, which itself lay undiscovered until 1820. If they did, would they perhaps speak of such wonders in mythical terms a little like these: All these quotations have been taken from the Bhagavata Puranu and from the Mahabaratha, two drops in the ocean of the ancient wisdom literature of the Indian subcontinent. I wish that this had been required reading at som. Fingerprints of the Gods Graham Hancock. [7], In several reliefs of the Seti I Temple Osiris was depicted wearing the Atef crown, which seemed to stand about two feet high. Skip to content. You may remember studying the Fibonacci sequence in math, (or if you are like me, you may have blocked out math class altogether). How else would we come to have pyramids in both Mexico and Egypt, he asks? 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,232. We’d love your help. Suppose that we had calculated, on the basis of sound evidence and beyond any shadow of a doubt, that our civilization was soon to be obliterated by a titanic geological cataclysm – a 30° displacement of the earth’s crust, for example, or a head-on collision with a ten-mile-wide nickel-iron asteroid travelling towards us at cosmic speed. Graham Hancock. Even Indra, the Lord of Heaven, came with a special type of flying vehicle which could accommodate 33 divine beings.’. Had the axis of the Osireion been predetermined by the axis of the Temple or vice versa? I read this for fun. In the course of my research O’Connor had sent me the official report of the 1991 season, [30] mentioning in passing that some of the boats might have been as much as 72 feet in length. There's my starting point. I'll be checking out Mr. Hancock's follow up book to this at some point. mobilizing massive technological resources, we put our best minds to work to ensure that at least a remnant of our species will survive the catastrophe, and that the core of our scientific, medical, astronomical, geographical, architectural and mathematical knowledge will be preserved; we are of course aware how slim are our chances of succeeding on both counts; nevertheless, galvanized by the prospect of extinction, we make an almighty effort to build the Arks or Vars or strong enclosures in which the chosen survivors can be protected, and we focus our considerable ingenuity on ways to transmit the essence of the knowledge we have accumulated during the 5000 years of our recorded history. His books really do open one's eyes. I walked on into the deeper darkness, eventually finding my way to the Gallery of the Kings. Fingerprints of the Gods is the revolutionary rewrite of history that has persuaded millions of listeners throughout the world to change their preconceptions about the history behind modern society. For that reason alone I recommend the hard copy, Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth's Lost Civilization, I am willing to admit that I am a huge fan of alternative histories/unorthodox scientific explanations. The Message of the Sphinx – A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind (co-authored with Robert Bauval) Supernatural-Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind. Every book of the Bible is represented in between. view Kindle eBook | view Audible audiobook. I’m sure we’d want to say more than just ‘Kilroy was here’. On my right was Paul Sifki, a ninety-six-year-old Hopi elder of the Spider clan, and a leading spokesman of the traditions of his people. Now, what would you say to the claim that the accurate land coastline of Antarctica appears on a map drawn in 1513? Everything is right there at the start. Have you read the book? Could the recondite influences of gravity, when combined with our planet’s precessional wobble, the torsional effects of its axial rotation, and the rapidly growing mass and weight of the Antarctic ice-cap, be enough to spark off a full-scale crustal displacement? This is characteristic of the oldest architecture in Egypt. In particular, references to human experiences prior to the invention of writing around 5000 years ago have been omitted in their entirety and myth has become a synonym for delusion. Amazingly, several other maps exist showing accurate coastlines that were not “discovered” until hundreds of years after the maps were drawn. On the contrary, like the Canonical Bible, the body of knowledge that we call ‘History’ is an edited cultural artifact from which much has been left out. I think as archeologists look in new locations, even more shocks remain in store. In ancient monuments as far apart as Egypt’s Great Sphinx, the strange Andean ruins of Tihuanaco, and Mexico’s awe-inspiring Temples of the Sun and Moon, he reveals not only the clear fingerprints of an as-yet … Fingerprints Of The Gods (English, Paperback, Hancock Graham) 4.4. [17], To get a proper understanding of the structure of the Osireion, I found it helpful to raise myself directly above it in my mind’s eye, so that I could look down on it. As hard as it may be for an author to leave the door open to multiple possibilities, the fact that science has not caught up to the mysteries of mankind means that we still have some serious soul searching and exploring to do. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. that the Great Sphinx is indeed, as we have argued in previous chapters, an equinoctial marker for the Age of Leo, indicating a date in our own chronology of between IO,970 BC 8810 BC; that the three principal pyramids are indeed laid out in relation to the Nile Valley to mimic the precise dispositions of the three stars of Orion’s Belt in relation to the course of the Milky Way in 1O,450 BC. Lately, this stuff has been extremely in-style with the popularity of shows like Ancient Aliens. Traces of the same code appear in Egyptian myth, and it is to this desert land that Graham and Santha travel, finding there haunting parallels in architecture and ritual to the New World sites they have just left behind. These massive structures and certain inscriptions could have been intended to pass on knowledge, as well as serve as a warning of a massive cataclysmic event like the one that may have wiped out theirs. Indeed, this was more than just imagination because Osiris was physically present in the astonishing symphony of reliefs that adorned the walls-reliefs that depicted the once and future civilizer-king in his role as god of the dead, enthroned and attended by Isis, his beautiful and mysterious sister. Within a decade, the standard Egyptological texts began to print the attribution to Seti I as though it were a fact, verifiable by experience or observation. And so far we haven’t tried because our rational, scientific culture regards myths and traditions as ‘unhistorical’. I go on intuition again, not on evidence. Then, under the direction of Professor Naville of the Egypt Exploration Fund, a long transverse chamber was cleared, at the end of which, to the north-east, was found a massive stone gateway made up of cyclopean blocks of granite and sandstone. As a former scientist I can say with the utmost sincerity that scientists do not, I repeat, do not know everything. But it could also mean ‘We lived 30,240 years before your time’, that is those two ‘months’ plus the full previous precessional cycle of 25,920 years. Fingerprints of the Gods by Hancock, Graham and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at In ancient monuments as far apart as Egypt’s Great Sphinx, the strange Andean ruins of Tihuanaco, and Mexico’s awe-inspiring Temples of the Sun and Moon, he reveals not only the clear fingerprints of an as-yet-unidentified civilization of remote … Likewise, what about Posnansky’s discoveries at Tiahuanaco, and Hapgood’s maps? [25], This was an admonition Frankfort might well have paid more attention to, for as he bemusedly observed of his ‘cenotaph’, ‘It has to be admitted that no similar building is known from the Nineteenth Dynasty.’ [26]. Bank Offer … Water, water, everywhere-this seemed to be the theme of the Osireion, which lay at the bottom of the huge crater Yaville and his men had excavated in 1914. 3 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 … If we could establish what destroyed that civilization, then we might be in a better position to save ourselves from a similar cataclysmic fate. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for example, two generations have grown to adulthood in awareness of the horrific destruction that nuclear weapons unleash. Its fate will depend on whether or not its inhabitants behave in accordance with the Creator’s plans … ‘, I had come to Arizona to see whether the Hopi thought we were behaving in accordance with the Creator’s plans …. Rearing up on either side of this core were what seemed to be two thin leaves of metal, and at the front was an attached device, consisting of two wavy blades, which scholars normally describe as a pair of rams’ horns. On the wall to my left was a list of 120 of the gods of Ancient Egypt, together with the names of their principal sanctuaries. To pass through the Gallery was to pass through time itself. As they banded together – at first to survive, later to teach and to share ideas – they might take on something of the manner and belief systems of a religious cult, developing a clear sense of mission and of shared identity. In ancient monuments as far apart as Egypt’s Great Sphinx, the strange Andean ruins of Tihuanaco, and Mexico’s awe-inspiring Temples of the Sun and Moon, he reveals not only the clear fingerprints of an as-yet … The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 592 pages and is available in Paperback format. Fingerprints of the Gods is the revolutionary rewrite of history that has persuaded millions of listeners throughout the world to change their preconceptions about the history behind modern society. Published on 10 September 2015 in the UK and on 10 November 2015 in the US, Magicians of … Geology would naturally be of assistance in making such broad judgements …. However, it was the civilization of dynastic Egypt that had elevated Osiris to the status of the high god of resurrection. Fingerprints of the Gods is the revolutionary rewrite of history that has persuaded millions of listeners throughout the world to change their preconceptions about the history behind modern society. If you love to steer away from the status quo. And another awkward little matter has also been overlooked. [13]. Everybody knows Giorgio Tsoukalos because of the crazy hair and the bombastic statements. ©1995 Graham … As soon as we talk about "needs" we can say goodbye to truth and welcome fanaticism. More specifically, he claims that this civilization existed before 4000 B.C., and not only does he claim that there was some form of a civilization, but they were also technologically advanced. Throughout our conversation he never once looked at me, but gazed intently ahead, as though he were searching for a familiar face in a distant crowd. Travelling first to South and Meso-America, Graham finds evidence of myths of a white-skinned ‘god’ named Quetzalcoatl or ‘Viracocha’ who came from a drowned land bringing knowledge of farming and culture after a great flood. My research has filled me with respect for the logical thinking, high science, deep psychological insights, and vast cosmo-graphical knowledge of the ancient geniuses who composed those myths, and who, I am now fully persuaded, descended from the same lost civilization that produced the map-makers, pyramid builders, navigators, astronomers and earth-measurers whose fingerprints we have been following across the continents and oceans of the earth. In so doing, is it not possible that they might have stumbled upon one of the metaphorical ‘books’ of Thoth and read the ancient science inscribed upon its pages? Email. [6], Of particular interest was the Atef crown. They had hoped to return in 1992 to continue the excavations, but there had been various hitches and, in 1993, the dig was still being postponed. I recommend this book to those who are interested in alternative or ancient history. Studies in the Khalili Collection, Volume II. The Sagittarian archaeologists would not only have to use their wits to work out the meaning of the message (i.e. Could they have been making a permanent cartographical record of the slow obliteration of their homeland? What Is The Fibonacci Sequence? It’s true. It covered a grand expanse of almost 1700 years, beginning around 3000 BC with the reign of Menes, first king of the First Dynasty, and ending with Seti’s own reign around 1300 BC. What about the new understanding that is dawning concerning the geological antiquity of the Sphinx at Giza? And there remained a certain number of years to come, and he commanded in the mean space to build the Pyramids … And he engraved in these Pyramids all things that were told by wise men, as also all profound sciences – the science of Astrology, and of Arithmeticke, and of Geometry, and of Physicke. And you will be convinced by the end of this book that these are not mere conspiracy theories and myths, but most likely shreds of truth that managed to make it to our ears through thousands and thousands of years. The "God's fingerprint" artwork has one handwritten verse from … Since I have learned to respect those long-forgotten and still only hazily identified Newtons and Shakespeares and Einsteins of the last Ice Age, I think it would be foolish to disregard what they seem to be saying. [18]. In other words, if the buildings were large enough, capable of enduring through immense spans of time and encoded through and through with the cult’s message, there would be hope that the message would be decoded at some future date even if the cult had by then long since ceased to exist. We start by preparing for the worst. Suppose, to paraphrase Plato, that we were forced by this cataclysm ‘to begin again like children, in complete ignorance of what had happened in early times’. The decoration was added by Seti I, who in that way laid claim to the building, but seeing how often a Pharaoh claimed the work of his predecessors by putting his name on it, this fact does not carry much weight. In Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock embarks on a worldwide quest to put together all the pieces of the vast and fascinating jigsaw of mankind’s hidden past. They answered yes, and will destroy it. Then Ra proceeded to let out the pus and the blood.’ [8]. [32], Like the 140-foot ocean-going vessel found buried beside the Great Pyramid at Giza (see Chapter Thirty-three), one thing was immediately clear about the Abydos boats-they were of an advanced design capable of riding out the most powerful waves and the worst weather of the open seas. Melissa Albert burst onto the YA scene (and catapulted into readers' hearts) with her 2018 debut The Hazel Wood. A similar transverse chamber, also of limestone but no longer with an intact roof, lay immediately south of the great gateway. Could this be so? Might they also have been architects and stonemasons whose characteristic medium had been polygonal, megalithic blocks like those of the Valley Temple and the Osireion? Excellent book, very though provoking. For what was the Osireion if was not a huge, unsolved mystery that deserved closer scrutiny than it has received from the scholars whose job it is to look into these matters? This had raised the reasonable suspicion in Naville’s mind (though Frankfort chose to ignore it) that the two chambers concerned were ‘not contemporaneous with the rest of the building’ but had been added much later during the reign of Seti I, ‘probably when he built his own temple’. The third world ended in a universal flood. So believe me, I get it and I love it. The Fibonacci sequence is named for Leonardo … Likewise, if the will is there, then a way can be found to get through to whatever lies beyond the little door concealed in the Great Pyramid 200 feet up the southern shaft of the Queen’s Chamber. The reader will also not have forgotten the date calculated by the Ancient Maya calendar for the end of the world: The day will be 4 Ahau 3 Kankin [corresponding to 23 December AD 2012], and it will be ruled by the Sun God, the ninth Lord of the Night. It was positioned some 50 feet below the level of the floor of the Seti I Temple, almost flush with the water-table, and was approached by a modern stairway curving down to the south-east. Strangely, however, in all the years of intensive excavations, archaeologists had not found a single example of a royal crown, or a small part of one, let alone a specimen of the convoluted ceremonial head- dresses associated with the gods of the First Time. I am in awe!! What might happen next? Frankfort’s finds at Abydos caused a similar volte-face over the antiquity of the Osireion. “Ancient Egypt, like that of the Olmecs (Bolivia), emerged all at once and fully formed. [31] He also noted that the boat-shaped brick graves in which they were enclosed, which would have risen well above the level of the surrounding desert in early dynastic times, must have produced quite an extraordinary effect when they were new: Each grave had originally been thickly coated with mud plaster and whitewash so the impression would have been of twelve (or more) huge ‘boats’ moored out in the desert, gleaming brilliantly in the Egyptian sun. Cornfield, ’ she continued, ‘ that ’ s really dry pus and the Seal reveals the origins. Its towering walls I go on intuition again, not random flying vehicle which could 33. Seller in Prehistoric & Primitive art to return with any great degree of enlightenment admit that wanted! 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