188817 and to establish Soorchin semi industrial kitchen as well as to create and equip dressmaking workshop under trade name of Piratan and to train the assistance seekers with use of professors of Alzahra University which was confirmed by Islamic Development Bank (IDB) granting $19000 to the institute. Q: Where does the collective consciousness come from? They differ by the unit of analysis and by the population included in each group, and obviously have different meanings. While the poverty rate of female headed households in urban areas has decreased, uneducated and low literate female headed households remain at high risk of poverty. impoverished female headed households Across the world, poverty of female headed households (FHH) is highly correlated with marital status of head. Political and institutional problems have gained prominence on the development agenda with a focus on human rights, good governance and participation. Similarly, in seven out of nine countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America, female-headed households were less likely to use credit than male-headed households . It relates to how can individuals can recognize through analyzing their experience how power operates in their lives, and gain the confidence to act to influence and change this. Table2: Definitions of power and empowerment in practice (Williams, Seed, & Mwau, 1994). Retrieved April 2010, 23, from Imam Khomeini relife committee: http://www.emdad.ir/gozareshat/files/s/1387/fasle3.pdf. (Motie, 2004). According section L article 97 The "law of Fourth social and economic and cultural development plan in Iran "(2005-2010) with purpose of reducing and preventing social calamities, government is bound to take measure and prepare comprehensive plan to increasing monthly pension of needy and unprotected families and women heads of households under patronage of protective organization on the base of at least 40% of the salary and wage in the first year of plan. Female-Headed Households . Fuwa, N. (1999). Retrieved April 2010, 11, from Office of high commisioner of human right-UN. UNICEF. (2002). Empowerment is a complex process of changes of mental, psychobiological, spiritual, social and cultural factors and indices. Samadi, N. (2009, October 11). This paper regards some concerns which Sedighin Charity Institute mentions about problems of the supervising women in different societies and Iran as well as presentation of some solutions for solving the problems of this group of women and their families. Baros, R., & Fox, L. (1997). Tehran: Center for Women and Family Affairs-president of Islamic republic office. Women's empowerment has five components:  women's sense of self-worth; their right to have and to determine choices; their right to have access to opportunities and resources; their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside the home; and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally. Assets, Expectations, and Children's Educational Achievement in Female-Headed Households. Single Female as a percentage of households … Gender inequality both leads to and is a result of food insecurity.According to estimates women and girls make up 60% of the world's chronically hungry and little progress has been made in ensuring the equal right … but at the same time promotes a rather instrumentalist view of empowerment; Investing in women's capabilities and empowering them to exercise their choices is not only valuable in itself but is also the surest way to contribute to economic growth and overall development.Hence central planning for FHH empowerment in Iran, need to increasing financial and human recourses, and the government could not afford it. (2005, February 15). The ILO Thesaurus.(2005). Matsudo-City: Chiba University. • Promoting social identity and active participation of the assistance seeker in social activities (by providing the opportunities for the assistance seeker to have social participation in addition to work). Journal of Developing Areas , 1 (38), 93-106. In Iran’s urban society 31.4% women heads of household are employed or have income unrelated to employment, 62.4% are housewives. THE ‘FEMINIZATION OF POVERTY’AND WOMEN’S HUMAN RIGHTS. Children In Female-Headed Households:Interrogating The Concept Of An ‘Inter-Generational Transmission Of Disadvantage’ With Particular ReferenceTo The Gambia, Philippines And CostaRica. Musa Reza Servati, Member of Parliament's social commission, said: The budget ofwomen headed household's protective organizationhas been increased 20 %.He remarked that Behzisti's (Welfare Organization) Budget in 2007 years has been approximately 457 million dollars and it was increased to 473 million dollars in 2008.He also remarked 20 % of budget of  the Welfare Organization in current  year  is allocated women headed households. The Social Service Review , 77 (2), 191-211. Economic empowerment is also the empowering of disadvantaged sections of the population like FHH. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Female-headed households (FHHs) tend to be discussed as vulnerable groups, but its vulnerabilities are also being questioned in Tanzania, and … Main objective of this institute is support and empower the target groups by giving financial and non- financial aids and legal, family, economic and employment consultations as well as to create job opportunities for this group of women and their children and to fulfill mental, psychological and cultural needs of their children through cultural-recreational activities and to promote cultural and educational levels of the women in order to prevent from social damages of these groups and those supervised by them. According this data these people are living under the absolute poverty line. (2004, September 1). De facto female-headed households are those where a man’s name is given as the household head, but in fact a woman acts as the head as the man is absent most of the time. New Delhi: Discovering house. Brighton: University of Sussex. For fighting against FHH's poverty some work has been done by government of Iran. This section compares the 50 most populous of those to each other and the United States. Economic Development and Cultural Change , 45 (2), 231-257. (2008). about 86% have been unemployed and only 14% has been employed. The world’s women 1995: Trends and statistics. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FEMALE-HEADED HOUSEHOLDS IN THE CITY OF IBADAN. The mission of this institute is to empower supervising women and their families and all activities of this institute is nonpolitical and non profit in accordance with Article 2 of Articles of Association. Furthermore direct payment makes needy these households to government and they cannot be self-sufficient and active unite in the society. In families where the husbands were not totally absent, many of women reported great problems with bad treatment from their ex-husbands, like violence or threats of violence. Murdock, G. P. (1949). For example, although 85% of 365 households studied in the Senegal River Valley were described as being "male-headed", 47% of all households were without an adult male head who was present. (Kristiansen, 2003), But in the old people different situation is observed. A home divided: Women and income in the third world. These are: (a) the expansion of female-headed households, (b) the persistence and consequences of intra-household inequalities and bias against women and girls, and (c) the implementation of neoliberal economic policies around the world. The Ministry of Labor and Social affair announced 305 dollars as 2010 minimum salary. Women in the maze of life. The word "empowerment" is used in many different contexts and by many different organizations. Empowering the family supervising women. Retrieved April 26, 2010, from khabronline: http://www.khabaronline.ir/news-3170.aspx. Female-headed households are usually looked upon as a social problem in Iran. Williams, S., Seed, J., & Mwau, A. Law of the Fourth social,economic and cultural development plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran. These organizations pay between 30$ to 60$ to more than 1,200,000 FHH as pension. Girls and women in poor households bear a disproportionate share of the work and responsibility of feeding and caring for family members through unpaid household work. These NGOs observe empowerment in various aspect such as Education (Life skills, job oriented, health, and law), Entrepreneurship (job loan, technical aids), counseling and employment. Tehran: Municipality Publication. One of the most important NGOs emerged in Khatami Era is Sedighin charity institution. UNDP. Dungumaro, E. W. (2008, september 22). In addition to the requisite analysis above, a thorough analysis of the special housing needs of female-headed households should consider: Number of female-headed households. Pearce, D. M. (1978). Retrieved October 3, 2010, from Mehrnews: http://www.mehrnews.com/fa/newsdetail.aspx?NewsID=1149220. Female headed households,poverty and welfare of childeren in urban brazil. Since 88 percent of all single parent families are headed by women (Statistical Abstract 1989 t67), the study of female-headed single parent families is particularly needed. The Poverty and Heterogeneity among Female Headed Households Revisited:The Case of Panama. (Shababi, 2010) In table 3 elaborated empowerment programs is summarized: SDI offers both of formal and informal educational courses for Female heads of households.Sedighin charity institution succeeds to obtain license of Vocational Training Educational Complex. (Samadi, 2009). Study on Community Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations in Iran. Introduction. Oxaal, Z., & Baden, S. (1997). Retrieved April 2010, 16, from Expediency Discernment Council of the System: http://www.maslehat.ir/Contents.aspx?p=18cfba1c-1010-4b1e-b7ac-eda00fdf3302. These NGOs observe empowerment in various aspect such as Education (Life skills, job oriented, health, and law), Entrepreneurship (job loan, technical aids), counseling and employment. London: Gender Institute. Control: The ultimate level of equality and empowerment, where there is a balance of power between women and men and neither has dominance. . of female­ and male­headed households to BOX 5.1 Differences in Needs and Equivalence Scales Global poverty estimates use data on consumption or income per capita to measure poverty. Find answers to questions asked by student like you. For more than half of the poor women the cause of headship was their husbands’ deaths, while divorce was the reason for 18%. In poor rural households, for example, women’s work is dominated by activities such as firewood, water and fodder collection, care of livestock and subsistence agriculture. This plan can be implemented on the basis of cooperation of the organizations, foundations, and nongovernmental associations. More over Iran's parliament has allocated 1,186,000,000$ for Imam Khomeini Relief committee in 2007 and billed 1,400,000,000 in 2008 .The parliament also determined 20 % of credit this year for women headed households . (2001). (6 marks) January 2006 Sushama, S. (1998). Across the whole sample, only 17% Clearly, gender plays a key role in both wealth and the exchange of money. A: A hotly debated topic in the twenty-first century is what feminism entails. Hence central planning for FHH empowerment in Iran, need to increasing financial and human recourses, and the government could not afford it. A: Traditionally feminism has been distinguished into three major approaches: I. The idea of power is at the root of the term empowerment. Institute of Development Studies, BRIDGE (development - gender). Iran also is facing this problem. The former are said to be more vulnerable to food insecurity due to the “triple burden:” (i) the female head, who is the main income earner, faces various disadvantages in the labor market and many productive activities, (ii) she is also … Principles of constitutional law and civil laws in Iran have referred to special support of the women and procurement of their salary. Participation: this is the point where women take decisions equally alongside men. There are reasons to consider both. World Bank Living Standard Measurement Study. Retrieved April 2010, 22, from http://www.seddighin.com/fapage.aspx?5. Population Statistics. Among the main causes are male migration, the deaths of males in civil conflicts and wars, unpatented adolescent fertility and family disruption. Woman-headed households: The ignored factor in development planning. In A. R. Norton (Ed. The increase in female-headed households would thus appear to be related to the increase in gangs. Access: equality of access to resources such as educational opportunities, land and credit is essential for women to make meaningful progress. • Promoting suitable relation level in the family (by providing the opportunity for the these persons to use pilgrimage and tourism trips with their families as well as holding classes for increasing skill of relationship with family member), • Promoting social interactions in accordance with social customs. households, poverty levels are highest among female-headed households, with extreme poverty levels of over 60 per cent in rural areas and over 15 per cent in urban areas. All of this people are supervisor of their family and have job and high social position in Academic or economic aspects. (Sushama, 1998, p. 11). Economic empowerment is also the empowering of disadvantaged sections of the population like FHH. BOX 1 COMMON CHARACTERISATIONS OF THE ‘FEMINISATION OF POVERTY (Chant, 2007)’. De jure female-headed households are those where the woman is legally the head. While there are different types of female-headed households, in almost all countries. Social Structure. Development must be by people, not only for them. (1988). By virtue of the fourth plan of development, the government is obliged to take action regarding preparation of master plan for empowering the women supervising their family. For the poor women, charity organizations are important for economic support, while there was little help to get from the government. (Abadi, 2009). Understanding empowerment in this way means that development agencies cannot claim to "empower women". (Oxaal & Baden, 1997, p. 6), The current popularity of the term empowerment in development coincides with recent questioning of the efficacy of central planning and the role of the state, and moves by donor governments and multilateral funding agencies to embrace NGOs as partners in development. Female household headship transmits poverty to children (‘inter-generational transmission of disadvantage’). The path of empowerment is initiated when women recognize lack of access to resources as a barrier to their growth and overall well-being and take action to redress this. Women are able to make decisions regarding their lives and the lives of their children and play an active role in the development process. Devising coherent policies and programs for women's empowerment requires careful attention, because external agencies/bodies tend to be positioned with "power-over" target populations. The Imam Khomeini Relief Committee covered 1023773 female headed households with 1997995 members in 2008. Table 3: Mangers and Board of Sedighin Charity (Seddighin Charity Website). UNICEF Programme Committee,. These courses include: information technology (hardware and software), sewing and Finance, Commerce and Accounting. … Newyork: The Macmillan co. Namazi, B. Retrieved September 16, 2009, from International Labour organization (ILO) Web Site: http://www.ilo.org/public/libdoc/ILO-Thesaurus/english/tr3578.htm. Power can be understood as operating in a number of different ways: This power involves an either/or relationship of domination/subordination. According to Statistical center of Iran, nowadays near 10% of the country’s households have female providers, but some sociologist claims that the real number is closer to 15%. Kazemi, F. ”. (Motie, 2004). Considering the average age of women heads of household, these families are placed in the lowest income brackets. (2007, January 14). Awareness-raising: for women to take appropriate action to close gender gaps or gender inequalities there must be recognition that their problems stem from inherent structural and institutional discrimination. http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN021522... http://www.khabaronline.ir/news-3170.aspx, http://amar.sci.org.ir/Detail.aspx?Ln=F&no=262987&S=TP. 3. The variables of poverty line in Iran. Both capture a gender dimension of poverty but in distinct ways. (1995). Buvinic, M., & Youssef, N. (1978). One of the most important women NGOs emerged in Iran is Sedighin charity institution. Hunt Alternatives Fund, The Initiative for Inclusive Security Policy Commission. ‘Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls: A Policy Review’. Chart 2:Numbers of member households regarding to gender of head of household in Iran-2006 (Population Statistics, 2008). Among FHH, the most impoverished are … in Mali: those headed by widows with mean per capita consumption 13% lower than all other rural households ; 8% A: Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language,... Q: It is a picture that shows the location of things or places. International Center. In Iran, On the basis of census of 2006, more than 1,641,000(9.45%) households headed by the women have been identified. Sometimes, in reaction t... Q: Which social changes do we need in our society? Data on quantifying households with and without children 18 years and younger. Razavi, S., & Miller, C. (1995). (2006). Between 2008 and 2015, more than 83,000 households in rural areas (7 percent of the population) were able to access electricity services thanks to the P2P pro-gram; of these, 6,320 were female-headed. The contributions of women are fully recognized and rewarded. • Preparation of the assurance seekers for conscious entrance and active participation in empowerment process, • Increase of compatibility skills in assistance seekers, • Promoting management power in themselves and families (All of these cases are performed through individual and group consultations and formation of teamwork with use of experienced professors in the field of consultation and psychology). Caribbean Family Organization: A Com~arative Analysis' KEITH F. OTTERBEIN University of Kansas C ARIBBEAN family organization is characterized by a domestic system in which women play a dominant role. Mobilization is necessary in order to reach this level. Retrieved April 17, 2006, from United Nation Public Administration Network: http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN021522... Min, Z., & Michael, S. (2003). A: Collective behavior and social movements are just two of the forces driving social change, which is ... *Response times vary by subject and question complexity. Report on the status of women headed households in Iran. According statistic 90% of elderly men have spouses whereas this statistic for elderly women is 51%.The ratio of elderly women who have been widowed is almost 4.9% times more than elderly widowers. (Women headed households become poorer and more every day, 2005). In recent years, number of the families which are managed by women and live under poverty line is increasing due to traditional and legal limitations and social and economic problems. Number of such households with incomes below the poverty level. Kimenyi, M. S., & Mbaku, J. M. (1995). (2008). (Kristiansen, 2003). 70% of the women were not working and lived on support from the government or family. Similarly, female-headed households were more likely to use charcoal but in lower proportions as compared to male-headed households (Table 6). (S. Akhtary, Trans.) Some claim that female-headed households are linked to problems such as delinquency. He used this concept to explain h... Q: What are the three main feminist approaches? According law 40 percent of minimum wage are equivalent of 120 to 130 dollars. "Who Heads the Household? Only 22.5% of women heads of household are active in the formal sector. After Islamic Revolution, "Imam Khomeini Relief Committee", a charity organization affiliated with the government, dealt with female headed household welfare issues. The framework states that women's development can be viewed in terms of five level of equality in which empowerment is an essential element at each level. Almost all of the children that participated in the study went to school, and none of them were school dropouts. (Motie, 2004), It should to be noticed that the majority of old families headed by women consist of one person. Then the main question is what women's empowerment? Another important aspect of FHH in Iran is employment. They generally dealt with poor women and single-parent families, offering grants or self-employment loans. Over half of internal immigrants in this country are women, the majority of whom travel to large cities for education and employment purposes. Rogers, B. L. (1995). More than 50% of the families managed by women are in the first and second deciles i.e. (Namazi, 2002), Most were linked to the state, and many were abolished after the revolution. (Kristiansen, 2003). Consequently the way for the presence of civil society organizations was paved by government. (Shababi, 2010). In other word, the majority of families headed by women consist of one member, who has been widowed at the age of 65 and over. Kristiansen, N. (2003, 08 18). With the increase in the age of head of household, the economical well-being of the family decreases. In addition the government presently owes considerable sums to the social security fund which it will not be able to pay in the near future. (1996). Since the family is the basic purchase and consumption unit, marketers need to continuously study changes in family structure as they relate to changes in market behaviors. Paris: UNESCO. Table1: FHH's Activity status -2006 (Population Statistics, 2008), The majority of urban women heads of households are employed in service industries, whereas in rural areas these women mainly consist of simple agricultural workers. (Oxaal & Baden, 1997, p. 1), The concept of women empowerment was introduced at the international women conference at NAROIBI in 1985. (Women’s Rights and Democracy:Peaceful Transformation in Iran, 2006). headed by men (83 percent) and less than one in five (17 percent) are headed by women. (1994). According to Khatami’s advisor on women’s affairs, Zahra Shojaie, the number of NGOs rose by 318 percent during his presidency. One prominent conventional wisdom in government, academic, and media discussions is that rising levels of lone motherhood (and female household headship) are linked with a worldwide ‘ feminization of poverty,’ i.e., that lone-mother households are disproportionately concentrated among low-income and indigent groups, and suffer greater extremes of poverty than male-headed … Approximately 72.5% of elderly men have retirement benefits or income not related to employment, these statistics regarding women is approximately 27.5%. United Nations. The empowerment prepares a framework for the FHH in which they can be independent, productive and active in the society. but at the same time promotes a rather instrumentalist view of empowerment; Investing in women's capabilities and empowering them to exercise their choices is not only valuable in itself but is also the surest way to contribute to economic growth and overall development . Division of Human Rights, Gender Equality and Development Section. Illo, J. F. (1989). However restrictions on financial resources and increase the number of FHH caused to policymakers pursuit empowerment policies rather than direct contribution. Women research(in persian) , 2 (1), 49-70. Hence, limitations on fiscal resources and raise the number of FHH led to policymakers pursuit empowerment policies rather than direct contribution. Further, between 1987 and 2004 unemployment, part-time work and self-employment become more prevalent in female headed single parent households with children. Gender differentials in household structure and socioeconomic characteristics in South Africa.(Report). In other words, women headed households represent "poorest poor" social groups.The main findings of this study indicate that women are at increased risk of poverty and that the poverty rate of female headed households is higher than the poverty rate of male headed households, but the gap between the two groups has diminished. Urban Social Change Review, , 28-36. Women headed households. Ethnographers, for example, observe the... Q: Why is the shared basis of culture difficult to see in complex societies? ensuring outreach to rural female-headed households, which were found to be among the poorest of households. Abadi, M. H. (2009, August 3). In urban Latin America, for example, households headed by women rose by a mean of 9.8 percentage points between the late 1980s and the end of the first decade of the 21 st century (Chant, 2013). Furthermore The Human Development Report (UNDP, 1995) stresses that empowerment is about Participation. Consequently the way for the presence of civil society organizations was paved by government. (4 marks) January 2006. c) Suggest three reasons why lone-parent families are usually headed by women. Motie, N. (2004). Dwyer, D., & Bruce, J. This problem mostly affects the disabled, the elderly and women heads of household, who will be likely to suffer the most as result of inadequate resources in the system. : definitions of power and empowerment of women are able to make meaningful progress from News! Iran have referred to special support of the population like FHH commisioner of human Rights groups... Aim was to help such families regain financial stability N. ( 2009, 3! Influence on FHH empowerment them away from more productive activities elderly women are considered to be noticed that the income!, is used in many different contexts and by the Relief Committee 29 percent of wage! 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