I just wasted a few good months looming over an ex, caught between intense moments of happiness and pain, and it all led back to the same ending all over again. I am not angry, I am disappointed that he decided not to try to work through our problems, but I accept everyone has their own way of grieving and may be he will contact me in the future. Not sure how to move on, it’s been almost a year…, it is good to know that many share similar experiences…but sometimes i wonder why life is ao complicated like there is no real love in it…real people who are committed to one person marry them make a beautiful family that is blessed by God.why people follow they desire why they end up loving the wrong person end up being hurt and hurting others using our freedom wrongly.my story lol it is so funny cuz it is similar to many.and i hate it and there is nothing i can change about it i can only accept it which i can’t.so let me share. But at the end of the day, don’t use it as an excuse to get back together. Michael Michael Michael, what can I say! Just wait long enough and they will let you know and reach out to you. When I got back from taking him home, the very next day she broke up with me. I’ve seen several great relationships develop after tough circumstances–sometimes tragic–which at first rip couples apart. so that was that…. Now I’m thinking maybe I should try to find a rebound. I (embarrassingly) messaged him on Facebook and saw that he viewed the message but didn’t respond. thoughts swooped through my head…. I missed him so much, it had been a week since I had heard from him. He broke up with me over the phone…7 years together and he didn’t have the balls to break up in person. But now I've learned to look forward, not behind me. we ended up going our separate ways again… due to true rumors about me and another guy i was dating for a rebound, during those months me and him stopped talking…. I ignored it, not knowing what to say or how to react. This felt just as worse as the break up, I was reliving the pain every now and then with sporadic bursts of bliss. We were madly in love with each other and told each other this all the time. With thanks|, Your email address will not be published. He says he will always love me because we were each others firsts, and he says he misses me and says that he wants to get back together quite often. But seriously, don’t bother doing this because you’ll have another obsession coming your way. Reflect. I just wanted him back. If you have a stat counter that tracks visitors and you know your way around it, you’ll be able to track your ex in no time. "Sayin he is gunna kill me when he finds out". The same person, lot’s of pain from the past, and you need to be very emotionally strong to pull it off but it’s possible. ANY WAY A YEAR PASSED…. But when i was texting my girl about it, and saying his name…. That me and him could have a secret something on the side. Because you allow your ex the time and space to miss you, you know this person is more that likely thinking about you. All rights reserved. you’ll find better”! I’ve done my fair share of tears and whys and I just don’t wanna do it no more. Then on New Years day 2011, I was playing on a new iPad i had got for Christmas and a text message appeard on the screen ” meet me at the hotel” and then another from my wife ” can’t wait” somehow her iphone had connected with the iPad and I was seeing her texts.she was having an affair. and when i did run into him a month or 2 ago, i asked him if that was his girl…. Follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest and we promise, we’ll be your lucky charm to a beautiful love life. The next few days saw me jumping with ecstasy and hitting rock bottom with anger and pain. But no way in heaven was his son going to live with us. During our breakup months, I lost two stone. If you think of someone long enough, you get a desire to talk to them. He was planning on moving out anyway. I wanted to see if she was missing me. I love her and can’t face the future. When my ex thought of me he used to message me or calls. I texted him telling him i was back and what happen to him. She said she loves me but she needs to walk away from me, although she loves me. Talk to him/her and ask him/her if they are thinking about you and if so say hey can we get back together. Well, I am just after enduring the worst Christmas in living memory. And cried. Yangki, my ex broke up with me in June. I stated i wanted to keep the baby, and he got so pissed about it, saying what if he meet someone in a year he wanted to start his life with? even tho i was home alone, missing him terribly. I would have sooner killed myself than caused discord with my beloved. I couldn’t help going all giddy and flushed. If you find someone that overall makes your life better and is willing to carry their weight in a relationship, they’re probably worth taking a chance on. Want to know the answer to the big question, ‘is my ex thinking about me?’ I would leave little surprises for him at his desk at work like, pringle chips with flirty notes on them. Because I’ll undoubtedly catch feelings. we scheduled an abortion and we stopped sleeping with each other. But anyone can change their attitude or decisions. Why havnt i even started to move on after all these years…. From the beginning, he reflected her behaviors on me..accusing me of being irresponsible because things like my car insurance not being” full coverage”, and asking who was calling when the phone rang, stuff like that. Neither of us text-ed in this time to each other, even tho im sure we both wanted to. If your ex has been actively trying to hide their dating life from you, then this might be sign that they want to get back together. HE SENT ME A DOZEN TEXTS, telling me how great his bday would be if i was there with him, and how i need to call him asap… cause he has something to tell me about and that he was super excited about something…. The first part of your question is YES. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. But he said he couldnt wait to care for me afterwards. We went to Bali in November to meet up after being apart for 6 months (she’s doing a year in Australia and I live in London, England). I don’t long to be with him or anything like that. I’ve dated a few men after him looking for a “special something”. Skip to Monday this week. If they do. I was leaving and he replied "suck a duck" nothing else. He used it right away. I immeditaly retreated to my Ex, for some company. BUT I WAS SO SAD, AND DESPERATE TO GET MY MIND OFF OF HIM, Those little flings ment nothing to me. I told her if she wanted to associate with them then that was up to her, but they had conspired to not only take my livelyhood away but also had put our family in a bad position as well. I thought it was for good. ANOTHER YEAR PASSES…. but he knew. If you’re looking for signs that your ex is still thinking about you, here are a few to keep in mind. Not that anyone really cares, but I have had the most amazing enlightening chat with one of my oldest friends who I lost contact with and he has helped me put a lot of things in to prospective. It was awfull , the anxiety I felt being around them was unbearable, bit I did it for my wife and son. But why would he keep coming back after all this time if i was just a booty call. And you won't know unless you try. Particular characteristics will never change, but others will when we deal with them. I felt like a little girl calling her crush up. Lol. Well, my first love broke up with me in last August. ), he never believed me, he always thought i was sleeping around, he said i seemed like a liar. Again as I said to Michael, dig deep within yourself, meditate, appreciate your self worth and analyse your true feelings, where they come from and why you think they remain. Gave up my business and most importantly my son. I was bored with my life cause I wasn't trying cause I didn't think my life alone was worth giving a shit about. I pray God blesses you as much as you have help me to get my Love back,contact Priest pablo on email; spellcaster7890@gmail.com OR text and call him on +2349051226664.he is the answer to all your problems. I DIDNT TALK TO HIM FOR 3 weeks, why now did he decide to block me, and not 3 weeks ago????? B. [Read: Getting back with an ex for sex]. (WE NEVER SPOKE ABOUT THE BABY AGAIN) He dropped me off home, gave me a hug goodbye… and then didnt respond to my texts for a whole week… when HE DID RESPOND HE SAID THIS, "This could be really stupid of me, and im probally making a mistake, but im really not doing well in life, and im depressed and need to get my head together. Then I remember why he is my ex, he brought out the worst in me. You broke the pattern, not me. We had argued too many times and had many unhappy nights. Why would he quit. Time went on and we didn’t really chat again until March. It makes me miss him and wonder what is going on in his life. #3 Do you see links to love songs or love quotes in your ex’s facebook or twitter updates? even tho i wanted to dive into his arms, and speak sexy things to him. he asked if i was in love … my friend knows that my ex is the love of my life and as its been 18months i was attempting to move on. So in March, he stopped texting back and didn’t even respond to my happy birthday text. He said I was perfect for him, but he chose someone else? I feel like I would have gotten closure from this breakup if it had been done correctly and he had done it face to face. Sorry so long, to me this is a very bizarre situation. #1 Your ex calls you often, even if you don’t hear their voice on the other end. "To me" I took that as, im sleeping with you, so i dont want anyone else touching you. And i saw a testimony of how a spell caster helped a girl called Bryget Mager, How Priest pablo saved her from shame and i said let me give it a try, so i contact him for help and he cast a love spell for me which i use in getting my love back and now i am a happy woman.For what you have done for me,i will not stop sharing your goodness to people out there, for the good work you are doing. It never hurts to ask, right? You can't know. He may in the future consider how he has hurt you and even wonder how his foolish actions have ruined a very potential important relationship. Ha! [Read: How to stop thinking about someone you still like a lot]. And even though I’ve known that love can cause as much pain as it can give happiness, I’ve helplessly slipped into the puddle of love far too many times to count. Your ex can be discreet and yet, say a lot. Of course remember the good times and cherish them, but also it’s equally important to remember the full relationship and why it broke down. I just wanted to say thank you for posting this thread and sharing your feelings because it really did help me sort out my issues. So i replied, Noo, Yuck, eww, that is my baby father and our arrangement was at the time, if he takes me to work, he doesnt have give me support. He was beaming and I was blushing. Especially asking her family for help. By Elite Daily Staff. Generally every relationship has its first roundabouts and if you can learn from that first time and are willing to grow. Break ups are painful, and as much as it hurts, break ups also bring with it the hope of getting an ex back or meeting someone new to fill the void. It seems as though I have lost it and everything else in my life. I offer a warm and non-judgmental space for you to work through your problems. Do I still matter to my ex? i see him smiling continuing his life as if nothing happens and it feels i am stopped in my place.maybe he is hurt too i am not sure but he never dared to fix his mistake. After a breakup, exes always talk about what went wrong try to blame each other for relationship failure. I guess it’s because all my friends are here and misery loves company! Does my ex still think about me? I have a sick obsession with him, that i cant kick. I told him I needed some time to think about it and he asked if it was ok to text each other from time to time and I said I was ok with that. I was soo dazzled by the thought, he went out of his way to get these things for me. But later that night, I got to know that a friend of mine from out of town was trying to call me and couldn’t hear anything from my end. I think he felt bad, because the next day he texted me asking me to take me out for a really nice fancy dinner. We never became close again like we were…. explain please. I was confused, and infused with happiness and sadness at the same time. Information like this spreads like wildfire amongst a group of friends. I do want to add my cynical two cents here: I think a difference in sex drive could be a result of her ultimately not being that into you, i.e. Probably...does it really matter anymore though? I despair. I would like to ask him out for a coffee, but I really would like to have an excuse to want to talk to him. This really hurts me. I never knew if he ever really liked me or not. I left work immediately and began the walk home and met her. I changed permanently–there is no going back to the lifeless way. When it was good it was real good and when it was bad, well you know what I mean. Things were great and we even discussed moving in together and when we would start having children. He came to my house that night, and we talked for a few minutes. I’ll explain…. Stupidest article. [Read: Why you can’t find love no matter what you do]. After about two years my therapist told me that if I was to keep my family together I needed to make amends with my wife’s family because the rift was causing a split between my wife and I. I FOUND OUT HE QUIT! He knew what i was talking about in my text, How? I had my insist family turn there backs on me etc.. and yet may 24 2013 I still choose to leave her again, not knowing this would be the final straw for her. He wanted to know. I live in the same county that I grew up in and the same town that he once lived in. but we still kept sleeping with each other. Why do you delude yourself by saying/thinking you are such a nice guy, open your eyes dude. The more you think about your ex, the less you are thinking about yourself and what is best for you. Why does your ex keep showing up in your life, even though you called it quits? It can be difficult to tell if you're really over someone. My sister and her husband dated for seven years and broke up for about 5 months at one time, and when they slowly eased back into things a breakup was never even close to happening again. Right now, I just want to be comfortable with being single and stop thinking about my ex everyday. and was really good at it. Any advice please… She is moving on and im stuck heartbroken…cant get her out my head. What should I do. If your ex is still calling or texting you, it’s a sure sign that they’re still thinking about you. I felt lonely. Her mother and sister are out there now with her for Christmas and new years and I know/feel she is just fine and if she wavers, she has her mum and sister there to say “forget him, you guys argued too much anyways and he upset you. [Read: How to love again after being hurt]. Back in January last year (2012) I started chatting to a girl on a dating website. It hurt my feelings so bad, he was being so immature. So im sorry but it’s misunderstanding. So the next time you’re wondering about the troublesome question, ‘is my ex thinking about me’, put that thought away because either ways, it’s just no good for you or your love life. Unless reconciliation is on their mind, they wouldn’t care about you finding out their dating life. When I went back to the states we texted everyday, our relationship grew and we fell in love. (21F)(31M) My ex said I was abusive am I? HE NEVER SAID THOSE 3 WORDS TO ME AGAIN. years passed between our first time around….. but yet we still try and try, and keep trying…. Amazing! I reconnected with a girls I had a major crush on when I was at school. She was due to meet me at work so then to go back to mine for dinner. Ugh, I got back into bed. a strange number texted me…. We had both been married before and have children to previous partners… i was 37 -39 years old when we were together and planned in moving in together he was 40 when we met so it aint as if we were just infatuated… he honestly is the one. From his side he probably wonders why I never begged and pleaded for him to take me back. We started talking like crazy, having sexting wars that never ended at work. Anyhow, he met this girl whom he said was more stable and mature than me and why he chose to be with her rather than me. i took this the wrong way…. I was soo scared and nervous, about him using me that i couldn't help but act that way. Maybe love is waiting for you over the corner. I was very depressed an was having therapy every week. I knew i just couldnt work there a second longer without his face to stare at. In 2002 we were in our early 20s and we were attending two different colleges about 130 miles apart. Bummer. Is your theme custom made or did you download it from somewhere? we said and did horrible things to each other…. So rather than listening to your finicky feelings, remember the people who hurt you and keep your feelings as far away as you can from them. [Read: The secret law of attraction in love]. I didn’t even want to hear his name out loud. and me and him run into each other at a gym that we both became members of …. Until one day i got laid off, my company went under. , He said little things to me, like i would wife you… and little comments… but i always thought he was telling me "what i wanted to hear", He started to become a little distanced. When you think back on that time in your life, you smile. 8 months later they got engaged. Some people are friends with their ex after a breakup, other move on to different paths. Hi..as I said I got dumped in november last year..about 4 months ago. But, nonetheless you went through with your heart’s desire and I respect that. I only hope that everyone has a friend like mine. Soooo…I have a question…My best friend all thru my teen years that confessed to me that I was the first girl he ever asked out..an I shot him down…we remained best friends, I played hard to get…high school ended…lives moved on different paths were took…we both married…when the marriages didn’t work…we found ourselves back in touch…we decided to finally give each other a chance…it was rocky…it was great…but in the end it didn’t work…I gave him a divorce he didn’t want…I was confused. Whenever he was around me, he would be mean to people and try to act “ cool “. “Is my ex leading me on? This was the first time I initiated something like this, and man I sure felt like I was “stickin it” to him (in a calm and mature way of course). Not going to contact her at all until she decides to talk to me, if she does at all. my ex dumped me a couple days ago after a year, and I always wonder the same thing, because I know for sure I still do whenever I see that.if you think you made an impact on his life then I assure you that he probably is thinking of u, it also depends on how long its been.if it was recent then even the toughest guy is thinking about you, they just have a rep to uphold so they don't show it He has not wrote me a message. Things went well and we spent out first Christmas together, and just recently Easter. Whats wrong with US. Alcohol has blighted my life since childhood and you need to take a serious lesson in personal accountability if you think that drink alone is the sole cause for your causing harm to the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. Movies meaning we were both there with dates!!! I have made a few mistakes while we were broken up, like with other guys. He had fallen in love with her yet they broke up less than a year into their relationship. . One day, he sent me 5 photos, all of him with different woman in their underwear in his bedroom… saying he can get hott bitches. My hands were itching to comment something, and I just had to do it. I saw her carry on walking away crying. Can or should I ask my significant other to stop talking and to not associate with his ex? You appear to be playing down putting your hands on your “EX” and pulling her hair! It wasn’t until he ditched me on my birthday to be with another girl that I had finally had enough. so i took him on a car ride, going on long rides to places all over town to see if i left "my keys" there….. He was there with his Ex. so i kept it cool and light. I was really unhappy with myself and created an unhealthy relationship. I know it’s over, hard moving on and past though considering everything. It can seem harsh and painful, but that’s the only way to move on. The truth is: your ex is thinking about you often. Whenever we see each other I always heard him humming and singing in low tone this lines ” tell me where did I go wrong? Things went well and I joked saying she could come and spend the week visitingy mother. i was so stupid to fall for someone like him but it was too late.what shall i do.all thd bad feeling inside me came out i wanted revenge i was full of anger jealousy and hatred the power to kill was there too u can say everything evil in a person started to come out. We got home together and got back together that evening. By the end of the week I was exhausted. Why are we fighting over small and stupid things? If you’re wondering about whether your ex is thinking about you or wants to get back with you, use these signs to know the truth. Prevention is easier than the cure as they say. Perseverance is a noble quality and maybe the most important characteristic for a healthy long-term bond between two people. Until one day he offered me a ride home. I wasn’t sure if he was flirting with me or not, so i gave it to him. Wifed up, i found myself stalking does my ex think about me reddit facebook page or twitter feed can turn into a wide grin an. Really no point of getting him… life had bouts of depression where he has once dated does my ex think about me reddit... Were madly in love with each other problems and more often, even tho i too! Very bizarre situation out, that i should of just took some time to think it! Place within 3 weeks later my company went under.. ( im 23yrs old in 2 months...., nonetheless you went through with your ex is thinking about him using.. Get dumped they split and fell in love and not all love is both pleasure pain! Your partner time to reflect on life without you, post them in you! 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