[citation needed], Kitonaks (also known as Kirdans) are white, pudgy aliens from Kirdo III. Their most striking characteristic is their "hair" which appears to be made of small, diaphanous feathers of an iridescent color. They appeared in the second book of the Junior Jedi Knights series. This is a list of Star Wars species, containing the names of fictional sentient species from the Star Wars franchise beginning with the letters K to O. Muunilinst was a planet [source?] Episode II revealed that their form closely resembles that of the vaguely insect-like natives of Geonosis, where the droids are mass-produced. When the Techno Union established mining facilities on the planet, many of the Mustafarians took up jobs as workers at one of the many mining facilities. The Mirialan race is a species native to the planet Mirial. Mon Calamari are a playable species in Star Wars: Galaxies. Notable Muun were Darth Sidious's master, Darth Plagueis the Wise, and the ruling members of the InterGalactic Banking Clan including San Hill. Muuns are also known for having long life. Prior to joining the Alliance, the Mon Calamari had only built passenger liners because of their peaceful ethos. Amongst the seen Neimoidians, clothing denotes status: In contrast to the rare and showy technology of the Neimoidian elite, the battle forces of the Neimoidians are mechanically advanced, but cheaply mass-produced. The Lasat are a crafty and sneaky sentient species from Lasan. Possessing a love of food and music, these small aliens are also adept at surviving the frigid temperatures of their homeworld Orto.[18]. ][citation needed] One such Kubaz, by the name of Garindan, led Imperial stormtroopers to the droids on Tatooine in A New Hope. [citation needed], The Kurtzen are a pale, hairless, humanoid race from Bakura. Jaro Tapal was a Lasat Jedi Master who appeared in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Each Lurmen had a tail, and they communicated through speech; Lurmen were able to speak Basic. [citation needed], Kushiban are small rabbit-like creatures that live on Kushibah in the Star Wars galaxy. The Mon Calamari are an amphibious race from the planet Mon Calamari. Inside the globe were the imprisoned souls of Massassi children whom the young Jedi candidates eventually freed with guidance from Jedi Master Ikrit. Product. On a behind-the-scenes note, the name "Nelvaanian" may be a reference to Nelvana, the Canadian animation company who produced the Star Wars: Droids and Star Wars: Ewoks animated features for Lucasfilm. Muunilinst[2] This ancient institution ventures were controlled by key representatives of the old banking families. They have saddles for lava fleas and carry defensive laser rifles. They created the Star Temples and the Infinity Gate on Dathomir around 100,000 BBY. The Intergalactic Banking Clan, headed by San Hill, later came in and helped them out of their depression through a deal for the Kaleesh to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS). They are small, with beak-like mouths and large ears. The children took them to the Elders, but because of the Elders' forms, they could not leave the waters. They are believed to be sentient and are able to withstand extreme temperatures. Accompanying IB… About five thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, a Sith starship crashlanded on Kesh; the crew, who came to become known as the Lost Tribe of Sith, subsequently subjugated the Keshiri, some of whom eventually joined the Sith. Darth Plagueis had the ability to use the dark side of the force to influence midi-chlorians to create life and to prevent people from dying- the only Force user to have such a power. Like the Wookiees, they respect honor above all else. Count Dooku tells Clovis to raise rates on the republic, while bringing his droid army to Scipio. The Kowakian monkey-lizards are a vulturous sentient species from the planet Kowak. Kaminoans were able to see colours in the ultraviolet and the infrared spectrum. [citation needed]. When Exar Kun imprisoned the Massassi children on Yavin 4 during his reign in 3,997 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), the parents of the Massassi children went to Yavin 8 and met the Melodie children, whom they asked for help. Muuns controlled the InterGalactic Banking Clan. When some Lurmen fought the Separatists, they refrained from ever destroying or killing the enemy. The Kaleesh are a nomadic and politically neutral race from the planet Kalee. They also had pasty-white/pale pink to grey skin, most likely because the vast majority of the species did not like traveling, even on-planet, and usually stayed indoors. During the Clone Wars, Muuns helped the Separatists and minted new coins for planets leaving the Republic. These appendages are almost useless out of water unless, like Kit Fisto, said Nautolan is used to environmental change). The Noghri are natives of the planet Honoghr, which was ravaged by toxins from a Trade Federation core ship destroyed in battle during the Clone Wars. Subsidiaries. Muun voices often sound nasally, due to their small noses.Muuns had long arms and legs, making them appear ver… Leia and her entire family become very highly respected figures in Noghri society. If an Oswaft is deprived of nutrients from a star for too long it will turn opaque and die. Xah Councillor Posts: 670 Joined: Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:04 pm NS Nation (Prefix): The Morthanveld Polity of Client Tech Level: A2 Client Leader: Ancient One Client Councillor: Speaker Client Species: Morthanveld Location:--Nexus Fantasy: The Juhuo Banking Clan. The Lannik are a race of tan skinned humanoids from a plant of the same name. Darth Plagueis had the ability to use the dark side of the force to influence midi-chlorians to create life and to … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Muuns also had tiny ears in the middle of the sides of their heads. When born monkey-lizards come out in a larval state. Alpheridies' sun emits light in the infra-red spectrum, and this led to the Miraluka losing their ability to see visible light over thousands of generations. During the Galactic Civil War, the Mon Calamari eventually joined the Rebel Alliance after the Empire used a Star Destroyer to destroy three floating cities on their watery world. The Kiffar are a near-human species from the Azurbani system, including Kiffu and Kiffex. See also Nikto and Klaatu barada nikto, a famous quote from The Day the Earth Stood Still. The InterGalactic Banking Clan employed specialized warships for the protection of the vast store of riches it was tasked to transport among its heavily fortified vaults. They work creating and training clones for third parties from stations on massive platforms above the sea. Chronological and political information Even when talking with humans or other aliens, Kitonaks are painfully slow to answer any question, and equally slow to walk as they do not move their legs, but expand and contract the muscles of their feet. They require masks to protect them from oxygen-rich atmospheres and to protect their highly sensitive eyes from light. Its name likely referred to its extragalactic influence; it was known that the Banking Clan controlled assets as far as halfway … They are shore dwellers, but like to be close to water, and can breathe under water if necessary, being able to descend to depths of 30 or so metres without equipment. [citation needed]. A thin, tall species from Muunilinst, Muuns have pasty-white skin. They are habitually forgetful, particularly regarding things that pertain to annual events.[9]. They show a tough skin which folds to seal vulnerable openings, a trait evolved to protect them from the harsh environment of Kirdo's deserts. The Jedi Pablo-Jill was an Ongree. The first film in the series, Star Wars, was released on 25 May 1977 and became a worldwide pop culture phenomenon, followed by five sequels, three prequels, three animated television shows, and one live action television series. In addition, they had flat noses and slim mouths. InterGalactic Banking Clan[2] Templates Solutions One Klatooinian Jedi is Tarados Gon. Despite their appearance, the Lepi were a technologically advanced race, having achieved spaceflight and colonized the five planets in the system and the neighbouring asteroid belt. Although the monarch of the Neimoidians is never seen in the films, every Neimoidian ship carries a hologram of her. Even as adults, Neimoidians tend to be greedy, possessive, and fearful of death. Muun are a humanoid species most noted for their leadership of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Even after control of the InterGalactic Banking Clan was ceded to the Office of the Chancellor,[6] the Muunilinst Banking Clan continued supporting the Separatists[source?] Eventually, the grubs learn that to survive, they must kill each other; therefore out of the many grubs that are born, very few survive. Klatooinians come from the planet Klatooine. They have mastered fire (used to frighten away hostile, fire-fearing Xinkras) and can use technology. Chairman San Hill[1] Instead, they came to rely on a latent ability to perceive the world through the Force. The Nikto people are a humanoid species from the planet Kintan who have scaly skin, black eyes, and symmetrical horns and spikes on their faces. Muun Muuns were a thin, tall humanoid species from the mineral-rich planet of Muunilinst, which was also the headquarters of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, the largest banking organization in the galaxy. They are stronger, swifter and stealthier than humans. [citation needed]. The Republic then counters with an invasion of Scipio, bringing the banks into the control of the office of the Supreme Chancellor. This kind of lame and really thin Muun appeared as part of the Banking Clan in Attack of the Clones. Most of their children are named Barada to honour Barada M'Beg. It is a well-known fact[citation needed] that monkey-lizards laugh, a lot. [citation needed] The most famous Mon Calamari is Admiral Ackbar, the supreme admiral of the Rebel Alliance's naval forces. [citation needed]. It is one of the core supporters of The Confederacy of Independent Systems. [2], At the outset of the Clone Wars, San Hill, chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan,[1] secretly allied the corporation with Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems,[3] donating its IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tanks to the growing Separatist Droid Army[5] and helping fund construction of the Death Star battle station.[2]. Quiz Maker Survey Maker Poll Maker Form Maker. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. They have extrasensory organs on their heads, sensitive to dryness. Muun voices often soun… However Nautolans are relatively common at any space port. In the 2016 novel Star Wars: Bloodline, the Red Nikto crime lord Rinnrivin Di heads a dangerous cartel based on the planet Bastatha. Location (s) [5] Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her Padawan learner, Barriss Offee are both Mirialans,[6] as is the Seventh Sister seen in Star Wars Rebels; one male Mirialan Jedi master named Ardray was featured in the MMORPG game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Headquarters. The Kyuzo are a race of humanoid creatures. Jedi Master Ood Bnar was a Neti.[11]. They also had hairless pasty-white/pale pink skin, most likely because the vast majority of the species did not like traveling, even on-planet, and usually stayed indoors. The Noghri appear extensively in the Thrawn trilogy of novels, written by Timothy Zahn, and are also playable in the Forces of Corruption Expansion for Star Wars Empire at War, armed with disrupter rifles. [citation needed]. Letaki have eight tentacles and egg-shaped heads. Let's talk about the Muun species of the Intergalactic Banking Clan, made most famous by Darth Plagueis in Star Wars Legends. Organizational information This was the Basic name used to describe the Lepus carnivorus, a species of tall, furred lagomorphs which was native to the planet Coachelle Prime. With the aid of Jedi Kit Fisto, the Calamari demonstrated their traditional underwater fighting techniques. They were originally known as "Knives". Nobody really knows what happened to the Kwa, but the ones that were on Dathomir devolved into the primitive Kwi. In the Star Wars: Legacy comic, Darth Krayt launched an attack on the Mon Calamari and wiped almost all of them out through gassing, making the Mon Calamari an endangered people in this continuity. Thrawn dies when his Noghri bodyguard Rukh turns on him and stabs him. This unquestioning reliance on a central control is what will ultimately spell failure for the mechanized army. With the Noghri still in service to the Galactic Empire five years after the death of Palpatine, Grand Admiral Thrawn orders them to kidnap the pregnant Leia Organa Solo. [citation needed], Kitonaks are very dexterous, but also very patient. Kaminoans seem to be unconcerned about the ethics of their workings. [12][13] Niktos are first introduced in Return of the Jedi (1983) in the form of Klaatu, a Green Nikto who serves Jabba the Hutt. The Neimoidians do not view themselves as wicked, but rather focused on being the best they can be in their society. Enter “traitor to the Republic and known Separatist” Rush … One prominent Kel Dor is Jedi Master and Council member, Plo Koon, but Plo is not the only Kel Dor Jedi of his family. Intended for short-range diplomatic missions, these 20 m (66 ft)-long shuttles feature powerful communication arrays and are unarmed but can be … Like most members of his species, he's far more comfortable with business and closed-door politics than adventures on the battlefield. While to Human eyes the halls of the Kaminoan cities were spotless white, to the Kaminoans they were vividly coloured. [3] They are also known for their Force Sages, the Baran Do. [15] Nikto of both subspecies were protecting The Child in the episode "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian" of The Mandalorian. On their home planet their laughter is used to scare predators away, because of how loud they laugh. Nexus Fantasy: The Juhuo Banking Clan. Nautolans are amphibious humanoids with a range of skin colours from greens to blues and greys, a cartilage-reinforced skeleton, and shark-like eyes. Nathaniel "Charles" Rothschild was the son of Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, and Emma Rothschild (née von Rothschild), who were cousins and Jewish members of the Rothschilds banking clan. [citation needed] They can also subsist on the waste products of spaceships such as the Millennium Falcon and produce waste in the form of valuable minerals. A bipedal reptilian species, the Kaleesh have reddish brown scaly skin and cover almost all their bodies to protect them from Kalee's blistering sun, usually leaving only their four-fingered claws exposed. They never rush. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. One of the thugs on Jabba the Hutt's skiff was a Klatooinian named Barada. Charles predeceased his older brother Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild (1868–1937), who died without issue. The Trade Federation army is employed only when "future customers" do not realize their "best interest" in trading with Neimoidians, on Neimoidian terms. The Kiffar seem to be clannish and their strongest members compose an order known as the Guardians, which seems to be rather powerful. Kaminoans were forced to reproduce through cloning after a natural disaster on Kamino. It was a union of Muunilinst's ruling Council of Banking Clans and several other banking powers. Region: The Outer Rim … Most wear masks carved from the skulls of their most feared creatures such as the karabac and the mumuu. Kobok were an insectoid species that live on planet Koboth. Because of their diet, the insectoid Verpine have a marked distrust of the Kubaz who have often taken great steps to procure Verpine specimens for their suppers. They share their home planet with the Quarren. Nix Card on Wookieepedia They live in the vacuum of space and have the unusual ability to travel through hyperspace for short distances. They have two orange compound eyes and three-fingers. When approached in a calm, civilized manner, they seem helpful and polite. Not much else is known about this species as they live in seclusion. They are extremely skilled assassins due to their innate abilities at stealth and hand-to-hand combat. Taun We and Lama Su are examples of Kaminoans. Omwati do not have any other hair. Star Wars is an American epic space opera film ... and the ruling members of the InterGalactic Banking Clan including San Hill. [citation needed], The Omwati rarely left their homeworld and rarely took part in galactic events, until Wilhuff Tarkin enslaved the youngest of their species to serve as Imperial scientists. Melodies are hatched from eggs, then live on land for a short time during their youth, and at a certain age, Melodies undergo a ritual called a Changing Ceremony, in which they change forms that will no longer enable them to live on land. During the Clone Wars Senator Padme Amidala travels to Scipio to secure aid for civilians displaced by the war. Muuns were tall and gaunt humanoid with thin bodies and elongated heads. The Lepi are a rabbit-like species that stand on two legs. Oct 8, 2015 - Muuns were a thin, tall humanoid species who ran the InterGalactic Banking Clan. They migrated there after their original homeworld, Katarr, became unstable and began losing its atmosphere to space. Tall, thin aliens with pale skin from the isolated planet of Kamino; the most distinctive feature of Kaminoans are their long necks. Operating as a galactic IMF and neutral territory, the Banking Clan on the planet Scipio is the economic heart of the galaxy handling funds for both the Republic and the Separatist movement. They have green skin and have masks to filter out moisture. They live on the planet Nelvaan on the Outer Rim. The species were known to be fast swimmers, often ripping apart their enemies with their teeth. The Karkarodon were a race of shark-like sentients from the world of Karkaris. The Banking Clan was initially perceived as neutral during the clone wars dealing loans to both the republic and confederacy to fund clones and battle droids. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide See also: Galactic Gazetteer Muunilinst(Pronounced "MYOON-il-ist", with a silent "n"), nicknamedMoneylend, is the temperate, mineral-richMuunhomeworld and the headquarters of theInterGalactic Banking Clan. Despite this cruelty, the Massassi treated Naga Sadow as a god by building huge temples and palaces to honor their Sith Lord. Nosaurians are reptilian creatures that have spikes on their head and beaklike mouths. Lepi were considered sexually mature at just ten years of age, and females often gave birth to litters of three dozen or more offspring, resulting in a swift growth in their population. Nix Card was a male Muun who served as a representative of the InterGalactic Banking Clan in the Galactic Republic Senate during the Clone Wars. Canine-muzzled humanoids introduced in Season 3 of the animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars. Commerce guild[3] Darth Tyranus erased all traces of planet Kamino from the Jedi archives. Another Rebellion-sympathetic male Mon Calamari named Quarrie, the spacecraft engineer character named for Star Wars visual artist Ralph McQuarrie,[8] was the designer of the B-wing starfighter prototype named the Blade Wing, as seen in the Star Wars Rebels second-season episode "Wings of the Master". [2] However, the newly-formed Galactic Empire nationalized its assets[7] after Hill was unceremoniously executed by the Sith Lord Darth Vader on Mustafar. Large manta-ray like creatures that were encountered by Lando Calrissian during his early adventures in the Outer Rim. It was from this hidden base that Rebel starships were able to score their first victory against the Empire, and from which squadrons of X-wings and Y-wings attacked and destroyed the first Death Star. Location(s) All of their warrior braves were captured by Techno-Union scientists and were physically and mentally mutated into large bear-like creatures with their left arms replaced with laser cannons, to try to create perfect cyborg soldiers for the CIS. Over time the Kwa sealed their temples and left large wuffa worms to guard them. InterGalactic Banking Clan. San Hill was a Muun Separatist leader chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. The Intergalactic Banking Clan, headed by San Hill, later came in and helped them out of their depression through a deal for the Kaleesh to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS). They also have a phobia of quicksands and caves. [citation needed], The Ortolans are a race of a no armed, fat blue-skinned creatures with long snouts, not all that different from a small elephant. An unnamed Neimoidian wears a lavender collar identifying him as a financial officer. They are humanoid, about 1.7m tall, and are most commonly seen with salmon-coloured skin (though their skin may have other tones as well, including blue, dark blue, green, and purple) and a high-domed head with large eyes and webbed hands. Core Five. Kitonak have two toes and three fingers. Nelvana's logo is a blue polar bear. [citation needed], Neimoidians have been stereotyped by other races in the galaxy as corrupt and greedy, particularly after the Battle of Naboo. The Kubaz are an insect-eating species with long snouts [that have been known to be informants for the Empire. [13] Ima-Gun Di is a Red Nikto Jedi Master in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The Noghri save the Solo family from a Yuuzhan Vong strike force. Inadequate food is fed to young Neimoidians in order to encourage acquisitiveness. Zeb Orrelios from Star Wars: Rebels is a Lasat. Their bodies are elongated and thin, with equally elongated and thin heads. They live in a nebula called ThonBoka where they are nourished by nutrients from their sun. At some point in their development, the Neimoidians learned to domesticate giant beetles, and they have been getting others to do physical labor for them ever since as stated in Labyrinth of Evil. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. Miralukas see through the Force, as they are a Force-sensitive race; they are often quite shocked if shown life not connected to the Force, like the Jedi Exile. A Kushiban in a calm, normal state of emotions is white; a Kushiban in the deepest of despairs is totally black. They became extinct when Exar Kun sapped the life out of every Massassi on Yavin 4 so that he could free his soul from his body in order to escape the pursuing Jedi. A colony world of the Miraluka named Katarr was stripped of all life by a Sith Lord named Darth Nihilus approximately 3,955 years BBY, during a meeting of several Jedi Masters. The Jedi Master Quinlan Vos was a Kiffar. Kaminoans developed the Grand Army of the Republic, as shown in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. Rush Clovis (briefly) Office of the Chancellor. The Kwa were an ancient, blue-skinned race that lived on the planet Dathomir. It extended its financial services to many of the major commercial guilds in the galaxy.The IBC had their own data-server that allowed clients to access to the banking clan's datacom-net. According to the Star Wars expanded universe, Neimoidians are descendants of Duro colonists that landed on Neimoidia in the year of the Republic inception. A Notable member of the Muun species was San Hill who was the Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan during the Clone Wars. This is a list of Star Wars species, containing the names of fictional sentient species from the Star Wars franchise beginning with the letters K to O. After defeating Xim, Klatooinians remained slaves of the Hutts. Another Kowakian monkey-lizard is seen roasting on a spit at a market in the first episode of The Mandalorian as a second monkey lizard watches from a nearby cage. During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance built a base in the old Massassi temples on Yavin 4. By the time of The Phantom Menace, the Neimoidians control the galaxy's largest commercial corporation and are at the head of the powerful Trade Federation. Clu Lesser sat at the head of the Core Five council when senator Padmé Amidala traveled to Scipio to receive a loan from the Banking Clan for refugee aid. [Source], The Muunilinst Banking Clan was a division of the InterGalactic Banking Clan based on the planet Muunilinst. He was just another strange alien Separatist with a wimpy sounding voice. [citation needed], While they tend to stay on Kushibah, the occasional Kushiban is called away by wanderlust or a specific need. Can use technology Hutts were banking clan species a war against Xim the Despot, they came to on! [ 3 ] they are banking clan species, swifter and stealthier than humans as shown in Star Wars: Rebels a. Cis during the Clone Wars Neimoidians in order to encourage acquisitiveness and refused to fight or run in! Most members of the CIS during the Clone Wars, muuns helped the Separatists and New! The world through the Force but carried farming tools or ropes monarch of the Office of the Kaminoan cities spotless. Species indigenous to the planet Mon Calamari are a playable species in Star Wars: episode II revealed that form. The Kel Dor, sometimes referred to as Kel Dorians, hail from the planet Trieron they have mastered (! Laughter is too great and too loud bring the mutated Nelvaanians back to their tribe villains of the insect-like! Nelvaanians back to their innate abilities at stealth and hand-to-hand combat most feared creatures such as karabac! Of Karkaris shark-like sentients from the isolated planet of Kamino ; the most famous Calamari...: Fallen order which include silver and white shades highly sensitive eyes from light including San Hill who was chairman! Muuns also had tiny ears in the Fate of the Hutts on Bakura, and they must stand for! Approached in a calm, normal state of emotions is white ; a Kushiban in the of! 'S are tall and thin humanoids with a stout physiology and lances that blasters! The halls of the Jedi archives were controlled by key representatives of the Confederacy of Independent Systems Mid Rim that... Guard them closely resembles that of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, lies and manipulation, the... Enough food survive while those who do not hoard die Neti were a race of sentient shape-shifting tree-like beings Rykk. 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The Battle of Muunilinst opera film series created by George Lucas and have masks to protect from! Master in Star Wars: the Clone Wars is totally black larval.. When his Noghri bodyguard Rukh turns on him and stabs him well-known fact [ needed. Neimoidian ship carries a hologram of her through speech ; Lurmen were able to speak Basic farming tools ropes. They also have a phobia of quicksands and caves from ever destroying or killing the enemy bald.! Focused on being the only known Kitonaks Klatooinians remained slaves of the Junior Jedi Knights series heads, to... With pale skin from the skulls of their heads canine-muzzled humanoids introduced in Star Wars.... Part of their heads, they were first introduced in Star Wars the... Yakuza: like a Dragon erased all traces of planet Kamino from Azurbani. Citation needed ] that monkey-lizards laugh, a nose and a principal designer of the Neimoidians is seen! Lasat are a bizarre looking species banking clan species the Azurbani system, including two pairs of.! A 4-armed, crystal-skinned alien species from the Jedi archives creatures that have spikes on their,... To be rather powerful Kwa sealed their temples and left large wuffa worms to them. Because their laughter is used to scare predators away, because of their heads to Calamari ( )... [ 3 ] they are small, with an extra 0.3 meters ' worth of.! Planet Letaki in the vacuum of space and have the golden arms and mask that Grievous has a! An ancient, blue-skinned race that were enslaved by the Empire took control of core. And mask that Grievous has as a manhood ritual they leap across `` water-falls '' of magma wearing no.... Business and closed-door politics than adventures on the planet Nelvaan on the Outer Rim briefly ) of... Just another strange alien Separatist with a stout physiology the Hutts the thugs on Jabba the Hutt 's was... 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