Dated a guy for over 3 years, we broke up and he started dating someone else within a week. The divorce is already hard to deal with why would you do something so cruel? I sent him a nice text asking when are we rescheduling? Today I just realised that she has blocked me on facebook, and I cant seem to see her profile anymore. This was hard. Thanks Natasha, coaching would have been great but i leave on the other side of the world… can you just refer to what you wrote about how not to unfollow back even if you have 3 followers and if it doesnt appear pathetic to keep on following him when he unfollowed me? How can you so quickly start adding and liking all of these other girls stuff when everything is so fresh with us. Its going to be a long road but already i feel happier, so thank you xxx. I warned him many times and obviously had to walk the walk and ended things with him. He should win me back cause he’s the one who hurt me right? I will definitely try to write a post on this soon! Or the 30th time? My ex deleted me from everything not sure if he blocked me but we broke up recently when I discovered he was smoking crack cocaine and I left him . xoxo, This totally just made me feel so much better about where my life is right now, thank you for your advice & positive outlook , I am so happy and honored to help! Again thank you for the words and you’re outlook on this situation!! The fiery love between Mathew and Noah can no longer be contained. At this moment, it s been a week since he broke up and he unfollowed me everywhere. I don’t disagree with your article, and I’m sure it doesn’t matter much to my ex anyways. I’m so happy that the post helped!! I never comment on blogs, ever, but had to leave a thank you for this. He hasn’t blocked me, so I guess that’s a good sign. What are your thoughts about me de-friending him on Facebook? Hi Natasha, Your advices are amazing. To piss me off and have me go off ? My ex hasn’t unfollowed me?! I wish that I could answer but I have too much to say to type it all out and not enough hands to type or hours in the day. But isn’t this, on the other hand a little pathetic? We never talked since May. Someone once told me that we need to hold on to whatever love and affection we get, no matter if it isn't the kind we think we want. I don’t know if it had something to do with my post that night or what and it wasn’t directed at him at all. I wish that I could answer your question, but I have too much to say to type it all out not enough hands to type or hours in the day. Once you cut ALL ties with a piece of shit, even just as a fb friend, you are free from his poison to be finally truly happy . I’m so happy to have helped You are loved, supported, believed in and never, ever alone. He was always coming up with excuses on why he couldn’t go things. Once or twice a … But he has always moved at warped speed. Being unfriended can be pretty traumatic. I hope that I was able to help a little and thanks so much for reading xoxoxoxo, Hi Natasha This is the second time I’m reading this and this time I just decided to tell you my story. Because he … I deleted my ex on social media yesterday. My boyfriend and I broke up a couple days ago and he is kind of dramatic and probably mad/sad at me and the situation. But due to his studies and exam period he couldn’t talk to me properly and I always got angry about how little he tried as time went on. It still hurt like hell though – we’d been together on-and-of for about 18 months. This was exactly what I needed to hear. I didn’t get angry or anything I just wish him all the best for future. I didn’t hear from her for two years, and we live in the same city. A good month ago I started posting stories on facebook: he watched almost every single one of them – and then yesterday I’ve seen that he’s unfriended me. Why Did My Ex Block Me? Sign up to receive exclusive content, updates + more. Thanks for your love, for reading and for your understanding. He replied: “thank you. So my ex unfriended me on day 19 of NC, today it is day 31. I’m not sure if I should take that as a sign that he still cares or doesn’t..? This is a feeling i have had for a while due to other reasons. If your ex was a large part of your life, you will probably be bombarded by information about him or her on some of your social media sites whether you want it or not. Xxxx, Question.. Me again…………Everyone I talk to says to “unfriend and unfollow” my ex on Facebook. He even went as far as to ask a friend of his to un-follow me and block me when the two of them were spending NYE in LA. I could not handle coexisting with her right now the way she said she wanted me to ( she dumped me, but wanted to be friends.) We ended up splitting due to his not respecting me on several occasions and arguments surrounding this. I get it. He did this about three times, each spanning over long periods of time. And oh, I also work with him ? I’m just really confused and wondering what brought him to do it.. Hello, I recently broke up with my boyfriend. I’ll be too busy living my life, finding my own happiness – and maybe someone else into the bargain. Still, each time I’ve been disassociated from in the land of Facebook, I’m left wondering what I did wrong. maybe I’m different, but I messaged my BF and explained why I unfriended him in a nice way.that ibwasnt unfriending him in real life, but seeing his pics was painful to me… I’m so sorry that you’re going through this; I know how exactly you feel. Is this the first time? I think he has gone a little mad and upset (pretty normal in that situation). Thank you so much for this post. Why you are blocked. I haven’t spoken to him in almost two months. I miss him so hard… Is he going to come back? I am so happy I found your article. But I mean why wouldn't he delete you if you didn't respond to him. He broke up with me through a text and he said that he loves me but he wants to have fun. In the end, it doesn’t matter; I really made an effort, but I can’t afford to be breaking down into tears in my bedroom anymore. He isnt so active usually. he was the one who ended it, although we had a brilliant relationship at the beginning. The break-up was a few months ago already, I’ve had the hardest time and I still miss him but I tried to move on best as I could. Being unfriended can be pretty traumatic. After he cut off all our means of communication, no communication for 16 days, he messaged me again. I dated a guy and it ended. And from my phone. If you're thinking, "Should I block my ex if I want him back," blocking your ex won't accomplish anything positive. But now I couldn’t care less. If you block him, you will only anger and annoy your ex to the point where he will block you back or send you an offensive message. Hi Natasha, thank you for your perspectives. If you haven’t been unfriended or blocked on Facebook, then you’re not doing social media right. I am so happy to help ???? Thank you for you insight – I admire your knowledge!! It’s all about how much reactivity he can command because reactivity = control. Also I don't wanna see her stuff either as I'm trying to meet new people. I’m so happy that the blog has helped Love you Vasiliki. I looked and I was deleted and he even grayed out the bar for me to add him back. You got this sis. It feels liberating but I got a notion that he unfollowed me because he is pissed how happy I am after he broke me.. Btw, only month and a half passed. I’m really kicking myself for that, wish I hadn’t done it even though it’s a very minor act. <3. Anyone that could just exit like that so abruptly and for no apparent reason is incapable of the mutually loving relationship that you deserve. So it didn't work out with my ex… But it wouldn’t be the whole truth … not entirely. I wouldn’t have (we are supposed to be more mature, right? My ex and i broke up a couple of weeks ago. Clearly he’s not the right guy for me after all.” She then blocks him again, only to start missing him again over and over. Hopefully, the above on why did my narcissist ex blocked me? When a relationship of any kind is no longer Fun and brings you nothing but, melancholy or anxiousness, it’s time to recognize those feelings inside yourself as being valid to Let Go. You’re not alone xxxxxx. Him acting like he’s being “respectful,” is an attempt to convince himself and others that he has changed, is capable of respect, and isn’t the guy that you (and I am sure others) know he is. Of course there’s a reason why we have to switch the date. You really put things into perspective and I feel so much better after reading this. He even said himself he was like two people, and admitted that he wasn’t a nice person. Hope this helps. He Inspires Me To Do More. How can you tell everyone that you won’t put up with disrespect, yet still have the room on your social media profiles (and in your heart), for anyone who consistently disrespected and took advantage of you? Soon after things started to change. All im doing is looking at a what a good time hes having and it hurts like hell. This is a personal decision. Thank you <3 I just wish I had found your article sooner, then I wouldn’t have texted him.. but what I said to him in those messages wasn’t an angry rent but kind of saying goodbye once more. Keep coming back here to the blog. Just focus on you and your own personal growth and good things will soon happen! I knew that after we left each other we would never be able to be friends BECAUSE, we were not friends before we dated. Of course! I currently coach people in 19 different countries all over the world xoxo. I know I’ll hear from him again, he always comes back eventually, but this time I won’t be there to reply. XOXO, Hi from the UK, this website has been my salvation after being shockingly dumped 2 weeks ago without any real warning and no contact since. 90 % of the time were good memories and the other 10% were not. But Natasha is right, if I didn’t affect him on some sort of level or if he wasn’t thinking of me, he wouldn’t care if was I was his FB friend or not. BIG love to you from Los Angeles. I feel that he hates me now, I never wanted to end like that. I am the dumpee of a 2.5 years relationship, and it has been 5 months since our break up. My ex has been playing this game for three times now. After 2 days of from adding me back, he unfriended me from all his social media again. You did the right thing by speaking with your actions and deleting him, having your own back and doing what’s best for YOU. he probably wants to leave a "window" open in case you decide to take him back. It’s munipulating. He stayed following me, always checked my Instagram stories. But after our last texts 3 weeks ago, he didnt post anything and unfollowed me a few days ago. I also noticed that before he unfollowed me, each time that i posted a photo of myself (looking good etc. I think that’s why I’m searching for answers in the most inconspicuous way I could think of (this is not my native language and he doesn’t even speak English – also my name is not Teresa either – I’m paranoid like that). I’m so happy that the post helped! I think he’s trying to control your exposure to the total piece of sh*t he unfolded to be. And I asked him if that was all a front and he said no, he truly was happy. My ex-fiance who broke up with me 2 months after our engagemen( reason was that his work was killing him and can’t spend enough time for me which i think is really unacceptable if he really loved me right?). I would also need more details. We started getting along fine. I for my part am feeling like I’m on a good way and your words just helped me understand the last struggle that this relationship has thrown in my way. But it will be ten times worse for her since it involves marriage. I do offer one-on-one coaching and would be happy to help further with this all. xox. So I do not even want her to think that what she has posted this week has been seen by me… Your thoughts Miss Natasha (my guru swami of all things relationships) xxH, When my ex (who treated me horribly) left , I deleted his number and messages with no problem, but when it came to Facebook I just couldn’t press that Unfriend button. I don’t know what to do. I just found out he unfollowed me, about 2 weeks after the breakup. The reasons you gave for “he just can’t” seem to fit so well and I really do feel better now. My ex broke up with me after 3 1/2 years of being together. I have a question for you- my ex unfollowed me on Instagram a little less than a year ago and it was hurtful because I like to think we are still friends. He told me all the right things, such as how he couldn’t wait for me to meet his mom and that she would love me and he even went as far as to invite me as a date to his brothers wedding! Hey, I don’t think it’s cruel. Is it like that Natasha? You’re not alone xoxo. I messaged him that morning asking are we still on for tonight? Answer this question. She was in a complete freak-out-lockdown panic mode. Thank you so much for this blog. He sends me back a snarky message saying please don’t respond and I wish you the best and yes we can be friends but I won’t respond to your guilty messages. Just a girl that I liked. He would do this thing where he would just stop all communication with me but was still very present on my social media. I emailed her a card instead noting that because I was apparently blocked from her fb page I couldn’t post one there. Since then he has taken down the pictures of us together and unfollowed me on snapchat and instagram. This is why I can no longer give specific advice in the comments. Answer #1 | 05/01 2014 01:17 Wow ...very dramatic boy you had there! He tells me we would meet up when he got back the next week. Don’t allow it. I am just wondering why … Your ex merely did what he or she thought would relieve his or her anger. Why did she unfriend me and why would she unfriend and not just block? Based on the little information that you provided, I would say unfollow. None. I didn’t react, however, i did finally (after a few weeks) click on our messenger conversation (he sent two meaningless messages through there during nc) the day after he unfriended. I still follow him on ig and he still has all the pics of us up looking happy and cute. I haven’t talked to him at all and haven’t given him any type of reactions to any of this. Still, each time I’ve been disassociated from in the land of Facebook, I’m left wondering what I did wrong. Thanks Catzbin! Basically my ex and I were together for nearly together for 10 months. We dated for around 6 months but moved very fast. He came to visit me over summer and gave me a promise ring too so we were serious fast. It's embarrassing to mention publicly, but after a particularly upsetting breakup, I became obsessed with the idea that the relationship wasn't really over because he hadn't unfriended me … I know it’s because he’s jealous of me – I’ve been very fortunate, and recognised extensively for my work, whilst he struggles to make the mark he wants – but it made no difference to me because I loved him. EXACTLY. (And I hadn't even made any move online to suggest how I felt or that anything had changed in my life.) Will she think that I am not coping? He wants to move on with his life (and this should be a big red flag signaling that you need to move on too). After that, I haven’t checked his fb. I am so happy it helped! Copyright © 2020 All Rights Reserved. We are also super religious so I thought this was it. Thank you so much for the love! I don’t care how old he is or how mature he seems or what degrees he has or how much volunteering he does or how often he visits his grandmother. Dunno why he is acting like a dufus. Are you blocking and unblocking your ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend often? I know how it feels like it’s never going to get better, but it will! I’m just glad I managed to stay in NC. Why my ex blocked me on facebook. But he couldn’t spare me 5 minutes of his time that particular day. Free e-mail watchdog. But now I've found out that he has blocked me from Instagram and unfriended me on fb after all this time. I do offer one-on-one coaching if you’re interested. Thank you for your love, for reading, and for your understanding. But what was done was done. WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU’RE THE ONE WHO MESSED UP, HOW TO ATTRACT MEN: THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO KNOW, THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS, DISENFRANCHISED GRIEF: HOW TO COPE IN UNPRECEDENTED TIMES,, EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION: HOW TO TREAT MENTAL & EMOTIONAL FATIGUE, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION EXPLAINED: HOW TO MANIFEST YOUR DESTINY. Thank YOU! Facebook, then you ’ re going through his actions that he did this about three now. On the homepage start adding and liking all of her social media, it s! The reasons you gave for “ he just beat me to it the. You blocking and unblocking your ex will take notice long road but already feel... Im doing is looking at the same time probably mad/sad at me and unfriend him was I... Later and I had his full attention mark his e-mail as spam too state in why did my ex unfriend me but not block me?... 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