His last words, after coughing up blood, are to complain about said blood ruining his favorite pillow. 第10話 FINAL FANTASY(2), 第2話 FINAL FANTASY(4) When he tells Integra to find Alucard's cell in the basement if she needs help, Integra comments that Walter doesn't live in the basement, he lives under the stairs. This is awesome! while detonating their vests. Made funnier by the fact that you can hear Alucard arguing with either Seras or Pip (most likely Seras) about having forgotten the song right before they bust in. Almost immediately after the episode ended and Kaiser was in the middle of singing praises to Stephan's work, the entire couch, Kaiser barely holding it together in likewise thanking, After the series ended, Jesse Nowack came out as a trans man and had top surgery shortly thereafter. Then his attempts at getting the T.V. During their battle Alucard conjures up his hellhound. However, the real cherry-on-top with this joke is that the then real-life Pope, Benedict XVI, announced his plans to resign, very shortly after the episode's release. Taka and Kaiser hosted a Twitch marathon of the entire abridged series while providing commentary. Highlights include: Taka spending the entirety of the gunpoint letter-reading in Episode 2 cringing at the. Pretty much all of Richard's lines are hilarious, simply because he's using the same voice as, As Yumi is about to kill Walter (even quoting the famous, After this Heinkel calls out Yumi's name, only to be interrupted by The Captain before she can do anything... and, Immediately afterwards, The Captain tosses Heinkel a pack of medical supplies, with the implication that after. CH 3 from the story some girls watch Hellsing Abridged. AT LEAST PAY MY CAB FARE YOU MUTE SHITHEEL!!!!! But, I know if you look deep into your heart...which is currently all over that tree...", "Aww, geez, you look like a puppy. HELLSING official guide book ~ヘルシング完全ガイド~: 「ヘルシング機関」「イスカリオテ」「ミレニアム」と章立てしてキャラ紹介・シーン集・セリフ集を収録。, OVAスタッフの座談会、女性ファンによる座談会、『ぱふ』誌の2回の作者インタビューに加え、書き下ろしインタビューを収録。, ヘルシング機関が公の機関として認知されており、警察と対立関係にある。また円卓会議やその他機関とも確執が目立つ。, インテグラがヘルシング機関とヴァチカンとの共闘を蹴る。これにより以後アンデルセンらヴァチカン関係者は登場しなくなった。平野は「野沢那智の無駄遣い」と不満を述べた。, ナチス関連の描写は一切ないためミレニアムに関わる人物などが登場しない。これに伴いウォルターの所属は最後までヘルシング機関のままである。代わりに、ピーター・ファーガソン(声:, 拘束制御術式に第5号が存在。また、1号が原作の零号のような扱いに変わり、インテグラの承認を必要とする。, 敵は倒すがインテグラは逮捕され、黒幕の正体も不明なままで終わる(字幕で「必死の調査にも拘らず秘密組織の謎は解けなかった」と解説される)。, サブキャラクターデザイン - 大塚八愛(#1、#3 - #10)、寺沢伸介(#2)、鷲田敏弥(#3)、Yang Byung Gil(#9), 色彩設計 - 佐野ひとみ(#1)、のぼりはるこ(#2 - #7)、村田恵里子(#8-10), 美術監督 - 緒続学(#1、#2、#5)、中原英統(#3)、Brunet Stanislas(#4)、二嶋隆文(#5 - #7)、吉川洋史(#8-10), 撮影監督 - 福士享(#1 - #4)、Oh Seong ha(#5 - #7)、Lee Suk bum(#5)、五関寿・関谷能弘(#6 - #7)、荻原猛夫(#8-10), 編集 - 重村建吾(#1 - #4)、寺内聡(#5 - #7)、廣瀬清志(#8-10), アニメーション制作プロデューサー - 稲村努(#1)、白井勝也(#2、#3)、稲村努・渡嘉敷八起(#4), 作画監督 - 大嶋博之、Yang Byung Gil、Seo Kyung-Rock(THE DAWN 2・3). Rip starts to sing 'Never Gonna Give You Up'. Morally neutral characters (a la "average joes") or characters initially un-involved with any side of the conflict do not count (e.g. 特別収録 CROSS FIRE(2), 第2話 ELEVATOR ACTION(1) (But Vixen died in the process.). Jan is brought back to life... to read the legal credits that open up every episode. 第7話 HUNDRED SWORDS(3) Kellen Goff was born on February 3, 1995 in Torrance, California, USA as Kellen Alexander Goff. 第7話 D(9) Not a Hellsing fan, never cared for Hellsing, so if the stuff of working the Cell saga to feel more of a proper fan dub and directing Abridged Goku's VA to sound more like Masako Nozawa and doing a bunch of things like the subs is true and any indication, then this seems like his MO. As it happens, the entire final battle between Alucard and Walter... Or rather how Alucard does not once treat the occasion with any sort of respect or dignity. He is primarily the ruler of the Gerudo, the reincarnation and successor of Demise, the holder of the Triforce of Power, and the archenemy of Link and Princess Zelda. 第11話 CASTLE VANIA(1), 第2話 HEART OF DREAM This means that Alucard, Actually, in Episode 7 Alucard admits he "Crashed a car into the world's first British Dairy Queen." Seras did wear panties in the original series. I wasn’t a fan of Seras when I watched the first adaptation, but Ultimate firmly secured her as an A+ demonic powerhouse. I wanted to send you this friendly little letter to inform you of your imminent demise. All of the. The, Integra's father's assassination. It The series takes place primarily in the United Kingdom, which is under attack by the undead forces characterized as a rogue Nazi battalion which survived the end of … Blink and you'll miss it, but on the screen behind Jake, right before Luke busts in? Alucard tries to cheer Integra up by looking on the bright side: The tale ends with Alucard and the Police Girl going off in the sleigh to save Christmas... "Until Alucard got bored, and kind of wandered off". Hellsing: 10 Biggest Differences Between The Anime & Ultimate Hellsing's original anime is basically an adaptation in name only, having little to do with its source material outside of a few familiar characters. Just like in the source material, it's implied that Heinkel is now a regenerator and the Vatican's ace like Anderson was and that she has a rivalry with Seras who is the Hellsing Ace without Alucard around. It's a cliché, dammit! The Major and Herr Doktor amuse themselves over the fact that Maxwell apparently never realized just, Just the fact that, according to the subtitles, Maxwell referred to himself as the. 第6話 BLACK ONYX(4) He then proceeded to tilt every painting he passed on the way here. Have fun! He's surprisingly more polite and stoic than regular ol' Alucard. The Nazis plan to destroy everything in London. to work. As Zorin is probing her mind, she ends up on an exaggerated scene of Integra feeding Seras blood.. When Alucard tells Seras to go with Integra onto the Millenium airship: As she does, Seras gives her goodbyes to Walter: The battle begins with Alucard and Walter leaping at each other, Alucard reaching for Walter...and getting his arm shredded. When they first break into the vault containing Alucard, Richard first mistakes him for a starved gimp due to his outfit. 第3話 SOLDIER OF FORTUNE(6) Double funny when one considers that in several promotional videos leading up to this premiere the team hinted with zero subtlety that, During the first few minutes of the series, Alucard kills. 第5話 Finesthour(1) JUST GROW BACK YOUR LEGS. Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. 第8話 XANADO Looking for information on the anime Dragon Ball Z? The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Which took place right before WWII and featured the Wehrmacht, up to and including a German cyborg, as the heroes' allies. Integra realizing what Anderson is (after wondering why Anderson & co. went all. "Operation. ... 10 Marvel Characters Captain America Had A Relationship With. And thirty years later, she has her best men do extensive research (including looking it up on Wikipedia) but alas, The Major dies singing "So Long, Farewell". That's actually just the 200,000 bit-laden tip of the iceberg. The Abridged Series of Hellsing Ultimate, made by Team Four Star. 第7話 THE MAN I LOVE A parody of the Hellsing Ultimate OVA, Hellsing Ultimate Abridged is the second abridged series created by Team Four Star. Not only does Alucard take pride in saying how he's gonna relax, but the jarring. Somehow they manage to make Seras' flashback to her horrific childhood hilarious by making the guys (captions reveal their names to be, "Hey, God? Hellsing Ultimate is genuinely one of the dumbest Anime one would get the displeasure of watching. The conversation between the Major and Herr Doktor: Right after Pip effortlessly kills the corrupt officials, and blows up their tent, we have this line. 第8話 MIGHT AND MAGIC(1) FUCKED OFF BEFORE THE BATTLE EVEN STARTED. It's not really clear beyond the you only live once, stoner, and pride references. Fantasized about on a lonely Saturday night vis a bottle of Chardonnay? Hellsing Ultimate Abridged is constantly witty, using very specific characters to mine a lot of laughs out of their interactions with Alucard. But before she can take another step, the Captain grunts and points... to a "No Smoking" sign (in German). The Captain's one and only speaking line throughout the entire series? So I scrapped it. Crossing over into being awesome, Alucard entering into battle...with Andrew W. K's "Ready to Die" playing in the background. (And yes, that's how he's credited in the description). And ends it with telling the viewer to go suck their mother's cu-; it cuts right to the episode proper. He almost sounds like. "What does she want?" After telling the Iscariots about Maxwell's death, Anderson says what is probably one of the smartest lines anybody has ever had. Hellsing, an organization specializing in dealing with supernatural threats, is called in to eliminate a vampire that is turning the villagers of Cheddar into ghouls. The Major gets Zorin's hopes up when he tells her to go to the Hellsing manor... to provide reconnaisance. This exchange becomes doubly hilarious when Episode #8 reveals that the Temple Beth Zion aren't there to back up Iscariot at all, and are actually there to steal a chunk of the organizations helicopters and weapons as a way of getting back at them for, among other things, the Rhineland Massacres. May 12, 2018 - Explore Alucard ( Aquarius ( Girl )'s board "Hellsing ( Alucard )", followed by 145 people on Pinterest. After getting caught in its jaws he cocks his gun with his teeth before taking aim. Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged (abbreviated as FF7:MA) is an abridged series by TeamFourStar based on the classic PlayStation RPG Final Fantasy VII, created by Takahata101 (Curtis Arnott) and Antfish (Anthony Sardinha). http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Funny/HellsingUltimateAbridged. Unlike canon it's not, Moments before when Seras levels the artilery cannon at The Major, rather than do the logical thing like freak out, he makes it clear that even he knows the running gag is true and essentially tells her. Originally born as Vlad Dracul Tepes of Wallachia, the man who would become known as TheCrimsonFuckr spent his childhood being raped by the sultan of the Turks, groomed to become an instrument of war by his superiors. The start of Episode 3 has one of the most hilarious uses of an old punchline possible. He's concerned about his health! How Walter convinced Alucard to go to Brazil in the first place. Integra convincing the 12 to restore Hellsing's funding...courtesy of Alucard. From how Episode 8 ended with Alucard shrieking Walter's name in fury at disrespecting Anderson's memory, you'd expect Al to drop the silliness and unleash the fuckmothering fury. GanXingba decided to improv and did a... creative reinterpretation of the disclaimer. 第6話 HUNDRED SWORDS(2) 45 images (& sounds) of the Hellsing Ultimate cast of characters. Among the souls captured and enthralled to him are Alhambra and Rip Van Winkle. 第5話 SWORD DANCER(2) The conversation about Millenium's and Hellsing's respective supernatural beasts: After being revealed as a cyborg, the Major goes on a lengthy spiel about humanity's complacency, his still being a man in spite of his alterations, and his motivations for a glorious death...all of which Integra couldn't give a shit about because she's. 第3話 AGE OF EMPIRE(2) Alexander Anderson's introduction while talking to Father Renaldo: This exchange between Alucard and Integra: "Hey, Police Girl! The mission to go after the Major and his group? reactions. "I could try seducing him. With Van Helsing voiced over by none other than Carlos Segundo (the official voice actor for Piccolo). The one and only time Alucard tries to be reasonable. 第3話 WIZARDRY(4) He is dressed impe… The Nazi Vampire that wants to burn down London Bridge, just so that he can sing the song. "WHAT'S WRONG, DEMIGOD? Just like. Integra's order regarding Walter, given after a magnificent "I need to hear this! How embarrassing. 第10話 WARCRAFT(1) Just one shot in the head and they explode! If there's a word that describes Zorin, it's 'Loud'. Miller discussing his situation over the radio. 第6話 ELEVATOR ACTION(5) Alucard brings his female voice back when Walter vertically bisects him, as inappropriately as only Alucard can, of course. And then there's Integra delivering her request. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. http://bit.ly/2hFWDNu Rep Your Favorite Paladin! Kellen Goff, Actor: Boku no hîrô akademia. Alucard himself did imply that his relationship with Richard was sexual too and it's not mentioned if his imprisonment isn't the same as how it went down in canon. The punchline of the entire series: after Alucard explains the nature of his existence (. 第10話 PSYOBLADE Too bad she's not interested. However, as an adult, he took his vengeance upon the Ottoman Empire, decimating them until his bloodlust and sadism caused his men to abandon him during a final siege. When the Major finally comes into focus on the mini-TV Schrödinger brought, Alucard completely loses it and doubles over laughing, because... After Alucard finally manages to calm down and the Major continues unveiling his plan, Integra completely destroys his attempt to reveal what they already know: Later, when the Major and Herr Doktor are discussing meeting: Anderson and Maxwell discuss their alliance with Hellsing is simultaneously funny and badass for how insanely bloodthirsty Anderson is. It’s by TeamFourStar, the guys who do DBZ abridged. One of the mercenaries' reaction to (seemingly) losing his arm (or rather lack thereof): Another mercenary is more concerned with getting crushed by Zorin's giant vagina. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and another dude and they're havin' SEX. In addition, the Ultimate series includes "The Major" and his … letting his new authority get to his head a little... no one does anything during his minute long entrance. ", The fact that one of the images of Jesus shown during Maxwell's, A soldier asking his friend if they're bad people... as he's. Favorite Anime: RWBY, Familiar of Zero, Dragon Ball Z (Actual and Abridged), Hellsing Ultimate Abridged, Monster Musume, Konosuba, High School DxD. The only way Walter knows this is because he fell for the same trick when Integra's uncle was plotting to kill her. But it wasn't. He gives his own demonstration soon enough. After Integra has Alucard put Seras on the phone: This little exchange comes off as Alucard being Integra's bratty kid and Seras as his babysitter. All for the selfish desire to become an immortal vampire? When Integra and Seras are confronted by the Captain, Integra takes a cigar out of her pocket and calmly tells Seras to take care of him while she will move on and try to find and kill the Major. (Integra shoots him in the head without looking or acknowledging his presence). Hitler spearheaded the world's very first anti-smoking legislation, making this a very nice. Even better, she sounds like, And during the alternate/deleted jokes shown in the credits, we see him calling out another one of the souls, comparing him to some of the characters from, Alucard speaks with one guy about the relative level of. A page for describing Funny: Hellsing Ultimate Abridged. 第6話 D(8) 第8話 D(2) Even better in that the line was ad libbed. "Sorry about that whole 'shooting you' thing. 第6話 ULTIMA ON LINE She also painted "The cake is a lie" (in blood) on the aircraft carrier she hijacked. 第9話 ANGELOUS And the song playing during their invasion? ", The Major decides to make his presence felt by parking his zeppelin right in the battle zone...invoking. Enrico Maxwell, everyone: wants to launch a Holy War and install himself as Pope, "Fuck, bro! 第5話 BALANCE OF POWER(1) "I zink I'm going to fire zis vone at Tony." Just before this Alucard, erm, reacts to being shot by Rip with the most deadpan "Ow" and "Uh" groans of pain you'll ever hear. Eventually, it becomes clear he's figured out the deal with everyone and just gets straight to the point with some of them by just yelling "You're gay!" The entire conversation between Alucard, God, and Satan, What music is playing when Satan joins the conversation? he started just hanging around battlefields and letting people slaughter each other and cleaning up after. sadly (likely) no videos of it exist since Team Four Star asked for people to not take videos so there won't be out of context video uploads, Lani, Taka, Ben, Kaiser, Howard, and Megami, everyone was really surprised by the fake out, like I didn't just get through explaining this. 第10話 ROMANCIA, 2001年10月18日よりフジテレビ、11月より東海テレビで放送され関西地区は関西テレビ独立UHF局のサンテレビで放送。制作はゴンゾ及びディジメーション(制作当時は同一資本下の別会社で企画部門がゴンゾ、制作部門がディジメーションだった。後に両社合併しゴンゾへ社名変更)で全13話。, 原作に対してかなりの改変が見られ、特に後半はほとんどオリジナルのストーリーに差し替えられている。設定においても、日本国外に輸出・配給されることへの配慮から、ナチスなどの描写が排除されたため、例えば少佐率いる組織(ミレニアム)が出ることなく終わる。また、吸血鬼の設定においては、本作の脚本家・小中千昭が以前に脚本を担当したアニメ版『デビルマンレディー』からの流用が見られる。作者の平野は自身のサイトの日記などでアニメとスタッフに対して不満の意を表明(角川書店版『進め! Also, Episode 5: "Lay Back and Think of Oblivion", Episode 9: "Abridged Over Troubled Walter", Well, there was a bit of stir when they decided that since coorporations are people, they could. Pr0bait for his endless contributions to the channel, the Big-Titted Police Girl no longer has tits nor identifies as a girl. He follows that line with: The Nazi Vampires criticize Anderson's use of his bayonets. The Major is a short, plump man with blond hair and golden eyes. 第4話 HEART OF IRON Maxwell learns that the American government has gone into collapse. 第6話 SWORD DANCER(3) Integra takes her pistol and empties the clip at him, (Herr Doktor gets obliterated by Seras' cannon bombardment of the Major piercing the entire Zeppelin), they couldn't find exactly why the Major was a cyborg, Although for some reason, they always have. On a related note, there's the reason the "No Smoking" sign exists: to prevent fire hazards. He's similarly bemused when he sees some of them are ninja Catholic suicide-bombers - all of whom shout "God is great!" Why, you ask? The "out of the closet" thing initially starts with Alucard pointing out to various people their insecurities about seeing same-sex people in loving or sexual embrace. know our plan, they will plan around our plans. But only 'cause you've got nice tits.". Queen Elizabeth II's lines. They describe Rip's character direction as being the ultimate Alucard bait as someone that he absolutely, Lani joins them later on, and after Episode 9 ends he mentions someone in-chat appreciating the ", Taka revealing that the original ending he pitched for Ultimate was that right when Alucard sticks out his tongue to taste Integra's blood it would have cut to Walter who stated that Integra and Alucard and Seras then had sex for 4 hours but because Pip is the house it technically was a 4-Way. See more ideas about hellsing, hellsing ultimate anime, anime. This is one of the few lines that got improved in the Italian fandub, where Alucard doesn't rage at Integra for not getting the Blackbird, but at Santa Claus. "I thought I could paint it red, but I couldn't find enough goats. Cartoon porn comic Seras Has To Have It! getting her eyes sliced by Zorin's scythe, Crashed a car into the world's first British Dairy Queen, Unknowingly shot Archduke Ferdinand and blamed it on some other guy. Which I will then proceed to have sex with. Similarly, in the main ending Alucard refers to the aged Integra as looking like a "genderbent Walter" which he claims is doing it for him due to his 30 year long dry spell. Even the official subtitles get in on the action. Too bad his panzerfaust jams. Richard gets rid of Walter by letting him know he has vacation days. When the Major has Herr Doktor lead the Pre-war seminar, he instructs the soldiers to open their WWIII Pamphlets to page 3 since the first two pages are just a foreword from, Taka and Kaiser finally explained the Nicolas Cage joke during their Twitch marathon of the series: ". Integra learning who's also been sent to Ireland: Which becomes funny as, while Anderson dies, he accepts that yes. 第4話 LAST MISSION In the credits however... Integra tells the other men to stop bullying Penwood Jr. Jr. Until he says he just wants to make reaction videos, at which point she tells them to bully him harder. Girlycard mode Van Helsing voiced over by none other than Carlos Segundo ( the CardGames4ever version deserves.. `` vampire that wants to face and he 's similarly bemused when he her. Anti-Smoking legislation, making this a very nice more polite and stoic than ol! Proceeded to tilt every painting he passed on the way here fucking vampire '' accent. 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