Updated for Season 22 / Patch 2.6.10 Here, you will learn everything you need to know to play this build at the highest level. You'll be AMAZED at what Inna can do now. How come there's no Inna's Mantra love? Hey boyz! WoL is the most expensive skill in the Monk repertoire, learn not to spam to the last man standing! Everyone is overobsessed with Raiment Gen monk or LTK monk. Each enemy hit with the third hit increases your damage by 5% for 5 seconds. Here, you will learn everything you need to know to play this build at the highest level. ; Patterns of Justice (6) Piece increases all damage by 15,000% when you hit enemies with Tempest Rush while Sweeping Wind is active. Items. Support GR Build with Raekor and HotNS Sets, Leap/Earthquake Build with Might of the Earth Set, Seismic Slam Build with Might of the Earth Set, Frenzy Build with the Horde of the Ninety Savages Set, Hammer of the Ancients Build with the Raekor Set, Hammer of the Ancients Build with the Immortal King Set, Furious Charge Build with Immortal King and Raekor Sets, Whirlwind GR Build with Wrath of the Wastes Set, Frenzy/Thorns Build with Legacy of Nightmares Set, Heaven's Fury Build with Aegis of Valor Set, Thorns Bombardment Build with Akkhan and Invoker Sets, Fist of the Heavens Build with Aegis of Valor Set, Blessed Shield Build with Legacy of Dreams, Blessed Hammer (Hammerdin) Build with Seeker of the Light Set, Support Build with Gears of Dreadlands/Marauder, Hungering Arrow Build with Gears of Dreadlands, Rapid Fire Build with Natalya's Vengeance, Sentry Build with Natalya's and Marauder Set, Multishot Build with Unhallowed Essence Set, Grenade Build with Unhallowed Essence Sets, Rain of Vengeance Build with Natalya's Set, Fan of Knives Build with Legacy of Dreams, Chakram Build with Unhallowed Essence Set, Tempest Rush Build with the Patterns of Justice Set, Wave of Light Build with Legacy of Dreams, Wave of Light Build with Sunwuko or Inna Sets, Crippling Wave Build with Raiment and Shenlong Sets, Seven-Sided Strike Build with Uliana's Stratagem Set, Lashing Tail Kick Build with Legacy of Dreams, Exploding Palm and Mystic Ally Build with Inna's Mantra Set, Necromancer Support Build With Pestilence Set, Corpse Explosion Build with Legacy of Dreams, Poison Scythe Build with Legacy of Dreams, Generator Build with Grace of Inarius Set, Skeletal Mage Singularity "Rat" Build with Legacy of Dreams, Corpse Lance Build with Legacy of Dreams Set, Corpse Lance Build with Pestilence or Trag'Oul Set, Thorns Skeletons Build with Legacy of Dreams, Skeletal Mages Build with Rathma and Jesseth Sets, Skeletal Mages Build With Trag'Oul and Jesseth Sets, Spirit Barrage Build with the Mundunugu's Regalia Set, Carnevil Poison Dart Build with Zunimassa Set, Carnevil Dagger of Darts Build with Legacy of Dreams, Spirit Barrage Build with Legacy of Dreams, Soul Harvest Build with Jade Harvester Set, Firebats Build with Spirit of Arachyr Set, Grasp of the Dead Build with Helltooth Set, Mammoth Hydra Build with Legacy of Dreams, Energy Twister Build with Legacy of Dreams, Explosive Blast Farming Build with Tal Rasha Set, Necromancer Support Build With Pestilence, Necromancer Bone Spear Build With Masquerade, Necromancer Command Skeletons Group Build With LoD, Monk Tempest Rush Build with Patterns of Justice, Barbarian GR Support Build With Raekor and HotNS, Crusader Aegis of Valor Heaven's Fury Build, Demon Hunter Support Build with GoD and Marauder, Necromancer Corpse Explosion Build With LoD, Barbarian Rend Build with Wrath of the Wastes, Witch Doctor Spirit Barrage Build with the Mundunugu's Regalia set, Demon Hunter Hungering Arrow Build with GoD, Demon Hunter Rapid Fire Build with Natalya's Vengeance, Barbarian Leap/Earthquake Build With Might of the Earth, Monk Wave of Light Build with Sunwuko or Inna Set, Demon Hunter Natalya Marauder Sentry Build, Necromancer Generator Build with Grace of Inarius, Witch Doctor Zuni Carnevil Poison Dart Build, Barbarian Seismic Slam Build with Might of the Earth, Monk Raiment Shenlong Generator Build With Crippling Wave, Necromancer Skeletal Mage Singularity Rat Build With LoD, Necromancer Corpse Lance Build With LoD Set, Witch Doctor Legacy of Dreams Spirit Barrage Build, Demon Hunter Unhallowed Essence Multishot Build, Monk Uliana Seven-Sided Strike Build With Exploding Palm, Barbarian Frenzy Build with the Horde of the Ninety Savages set, Witch Doctor Jade Harvester Build With Soul Harvest, Crusader Aegis of Valor Fist of the Heavens Build, Necromancer Corpse Lance Build with Pestilence or Trag'Oul's set, Wizard Lightning Archon Build With Manald Heal and Tal Rasha/Vyr Sets, Necromancer Thorns Command Skeletons Solo Build With LoD, Demon Hunter Marauder Cluster Arrow Build, Witch Doctor Helltooth Zombie Bears Build, Necromancer Skeletal Mages Build With Rathma and Jesseth Sets, Barbarian Hammer of the Ancients GR Build With Legacy of Dreams, Demon Hunter Unhallowed Essence Grenades Build, Demon Hunter Natalya Rain of Vengeance Build, Crusader Legacy of Nightmares Bombardment Build, Crusader Hammerdin Build With Blessed Hammer and Seeker of the Light Set, Necromancer Skeletal Mages Build With Trag'Oul and Jesseth Sets, Wizard Arcane Torrent Build With Manald Ring and Tal Rasha Set, Barbarian Furious Charge Build With Immortal King and Raekor, Demon Hunter Multishot Build with Marauder, Demon Hunter Legacy of Dreams Fan of Knives Build, Barbarian Whirlwind GR Build With Wrath of the Wastes, Necromancer Corpse Explosion Build With Inarius Set, Wizard Explosive Blast Farming Build With Tal Rasha Set, Monk Inna Exploding Palm and Mystic Ally Build, Demon Hunter Chakram Build with Unhallowed Essence, Necromancer Bone Storm Build With Inarius Set, Witch Doctor Helltooth Grasp of the Dead Build, Crusader Shield Bash Build with Roland's Set, Barbarian Frenzy/Thorns Build With Legacy of Nightmares Set, Demon Hunter Shadow/Marauder Fan of Knives Build, Barbarian Immortal King Set Dungeon Guide, Wizard The Thrill Conquest Build (Season 12 / Patch 2.6.1), Wizard Delsere's Magnum Opus (DMO) Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Wizard Tal Rasha's Elements Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Wizard Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.6.10 / Season 22), Wizard Typhon's Veil Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.10 / Season 22), Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Wizard Firebird's Finery Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Wizard Vyr's Amazing Arcana Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Barbarian The Thrill Conquest Build (Season 12 / Patch 2.6.1), Barbarian Might of the Earth Set Dungeon Guide, Barbarian Wrath of the Wastes Set Dungeon Guide, Barbarian Horde of the Ninety Savages Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.10 / Season 22), Barbarian Legacy of Raekor Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Barbarian Might of the Earth Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Barbarian Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Barbarian Wrath of the Wastes Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Barbarian Immortal King's Call Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), zDPS Crusader Support Build with Cain and Born Sets (Patch 2.4), Crusader Seeker of the Light Set Dungeon Guide, Crusader The Thrill Conquest Build (Season 12 / Patch 2.6.1), Crusader Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Crusader Armor of Akkhan Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Crusader Seeker of the Light Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Crusader Aegis of Valor Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.10 / Season 22), Crusader Thorns of the Invoker Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Crusader Roland's Legacy Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Demon Hunter Elemental Arrow Build with Unhallowed Essence and Kridershot (Patch 2.4), zDPS Demon Hunter Support Build with Unhallowed Essence (Patch 2.4.2 / Season 8), Demon Hunter Natalya Fire Build with Rain of Vengeance (Patch 2.4), Demon Hunter Natalya's Vengeance Set Dungeon Guide, Demon Hunter Unhallowed Essence Set Dungeon Guide, Demon Hunter The Thrill Conquest Build (Season 12 / Patch 2.6.1), Demon Hunter Embodiment of the Marauder Set Dungeon Guide, Demon Hunter Natalya's Vengeance Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Demon Hunter Unhallowed Essence Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Demon Hunter Embodiment of the Marauder Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Demon Hunter Shadow's Mantle Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Demon Hunter Gears of Dreadlands Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.10 / Season 22), Demon Hunter Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Monk Dashing Strike Cold Build with the Raiment of a Thousand Storms Set (Patch 2.4), Monk Static Charge Lightning Build (Patch 2.4), Monk Sunwuko Exploding Palm Build (Patch 2.4), Monk Raiment of a Thousand Storms Set Dungeon Guide, Monk The Thrill Conquest Build (Season 12 / Patch 2.6.1), Monk Uliana's Stratagem Set Dungeon Guide, Monk Raiment of a Thousand Storms Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Monk Uliana's Stratagem Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Monk Inna's Mantra Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Monk Patterns of Justice Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.10 / Season 22), Monk Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Monk Sunwuko (Monkey King's Garb) Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Monk Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.6.10 / Season 22), Necromancer The Thrill Conquest Build (Season 12 / Patch 2.6.1), Necromancer Trag'Oul's Avatar Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Necromancer Grace of Inarius Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Necromancer Masquerade of the Burning Carnival Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.10 / Season 22), Necromancer Leveling and Fresh 70 Guide (Patch 2.6.10 / Season 22), Necromancer Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Necromancer Pestilence Master's Shroud Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Necromancer Bones of Rathma Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Witch Doctor Carnevil Build with Legacy of Nightmares (Patch 2.4.1), zDPS Witch Doctor Support Build with Helltooth set (Patch 2.4.2 / Season 7), Witch Doctor Gargantuan Build with Legacy of Nightmares (Patch 2.4.1), Witch Doctor The Thrill Conquest Build (Season 12 / Patch 2.6.1), Witch Doctor Spirit of Arachyr Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Witch Doctor Raiment of the Jade Harvester Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Witch Doctor Mundunugu's Regalia Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.10 / Season 22), Witch Doctor Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Witch Doctor Helltooth Harness Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Witch Doctor Zunimassa's Haunt Fresh 70 Starter Build (Patch 2.6.8 / Season 20), Wizard Fire Build with The Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.3), Wizard Energy Twister Build with the Tal Rasha Set (Patch 2.4.1), Wizard Energy Twister Build with the DMO Set (Patch 2.4), The New Battle.net Is Almost Here, Going Live in NA, The Darkening of Tristram Returns January 3, All Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction Cinematics in 8K and 60 FPS, Diablo Immortal Alpha Gameplay and a Detailed Review/Look at the Systems, Blizzard Sending Out New Surveys About "Classic" Version of The Burning Crusade, Activision Blizzard's Stock Reached All-Time Highs, Diablo Immortal's Monetization Model Revealed, Marauder Multishot Demon Hunter (Patch 2.6.4). Perfecting the various Monk builds of Diablo III takes a lot of grinding, patience, and skill. Diablo 3 Inna’s Mantra Support Monk Build One of the advantages of a monk is a large selection of skills that are aimed at helping not only him but the whole group. All these builds are T16 (Torment 16) viable. Level With A Cause. Increase maximum Spirit by 50 and increase Spirit Regeneration by 4 per second.Spirit fuels your defensive and offensive abilities. Option to take Convention over Unity if toughness is no issue. Level With A Cause (#LWAC), a coalition of streamers from the Diablo 3 community, will be uniting once again for a charity fundraising event during the first three days of the Season 22 opening weekend in Diablo 3.This marks the team’s 11th event over the last few years. Khord-1419 29 October 2020 15:20 #3. This will allow you to get fire + arcane imunity or fire immunity + hellfire ammy and should probally be mentioned in the build guide. LOD MAGE. Welcome to our build guide for Support Monk in Diablo 3. Patterns of Justice (2) Piece gives every rune for Sweeping Wind and 15% movement speed. Build Guide. Diablo 3's Season 22 is drawing closer, the first set of patch notes for its accompanying Update 2.6.10 revealing the season theme and changes that will soon arrive on live servers.. You want as large of a spirit pool as possible to maintain the 350% shenlong buff so max resource is a must. One of the best build, currently in the top 10 Season 9 Leaderboards. Increase the attack speed of Spirit Generators by 15%. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Welcome to our build guide for SWK Tempest Rush Monk in Diablo 3. Month ago... Inna ULIANA SSS of a Spirit pool as possible to maintain the 350 shenlong! For patch 2.6.10 and Season 22 a problem keeping up Epiphany 100 increased. By 150 % for 5 seconds require you to 34 yards different for –! 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