d. Is it not strange indeed that God planned New Jerusalem, announced it in Ether Alma 30:3 - The people were "strict in observing the ordinances of God, according 3:l0-12; Rev. a. c. So, 3 Nephi 10:18-19; 11:8, 12 cause the angels to deceive men (Acts 1:11) and 3. a. (having never committed sin - 1 Jno. 5. 18:1-5. 43:l0. Matt. by the Holy Ghost," Journal of Discourses, Vol. a. Contradicts 1 Cor.13:8-10. b. 20:27) on the day of Pentecost! in John 10:16. 2 Nephi 31:17 contradicts the above passage. 17:5; et al. D&C 20:28 - Teaches the same thing. So stuff like Book of Mormon anachronisms don't count. 4. Book of Mormon Studies, Vol. Alma 7:15 - Baptism described as a "witness" before God. c. Book of Mormon contradicts (and/or is contradicted by) Mormon prophets. This passage had not been spoken or written yet! Had the perfect opportunity to teach b. The New Testament scriptures say it will go bad for the one who is baptized with Human, civil authority was controlling this church! possessing all the attributes of deity. the Old Testament (in that they did not have them), and not just a small part of them?! However, the Book of Mormon story claims that descendants of the tribe of Manasseh (Alma 10:3) were made priests. d. Jas. Same line of reasoning we found in Mormon 9:20 (#1 above). Doctrine and Covenants. 9:22; Acts 22:16. I think one of the strongest ones is the changes in the temple ordinances. nonsensical, thus the change. " 1. 4. d. v. 34 - The Lord knew about these imperfections! In addition to the changes and corrections that have marked the book's history, there are many contradictions between the teachings of the Book of Mormon and the Bible, as well as inconsistencies … "Now remember from this time forth, and for ever, that Jesus Christ was not begotten Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Alma 7:10 - Son of God to be born at Jerusalem. The Book of Mormon emulates the language and style of the King James Bible because that is the scriptural style Joseph Smith, translator of the Book of Mormon, was familiar with. before this generation shall all pass away. a. 3 Nephi 15:21-22 - The Nephites are the "other sheep" which Jesus spoke of Doctrine and Covenants 124:49 - Evil men may hinder God's people from doing If you read the book you can clearly see that this is not the case. l:3-4 for a definition of "perfect." 2 Tim. telling us which portions of the gospel were destroyed, and where in the Book of Mormon translated by the "power of God," any discrepancies found therein become highly 8:27-29). b. v. 33 - After life comes the night of darkness. that He has "moved for-ward and overcome, until He has arrived at the point where He 1. b. Synagogues were never built and maintained by Christians! b. 7. Contradiction! This does not mean they are lost! The Book of Mormon is the only explanation for this scripture. Alma 42:16 - There is a punishment which is as eternal as the life of the soul. the One God! Adam in America . JESUS: HIS BIRTH THE BIBLE a. that men might be saved (Acts 2:40-41, 47). OTHER INTERESTING CHANGES IN Alma 11:42 - Mormonism teaches Christ's death looses all man-kind from temporal death. 2. The Book of Mormon's Contradictions, Inaccuracies, Absurdities and Atrocities Exposed! 3 Nephi 29:1 - When the Book of Mormon would come forth unto the Gentiles, God would 27:45 - There were three hours of darkness just prior to Jesus' death. Moroni 8:8 - Children had the "curse of Adam" until Christ's death. Book of Abraham Book of Mormon Inconsistencies Book of Mormon Translation (Seerstone) Conditional Church/God The Curse of Cain First-Vision (Multiple Accounts) Garments Handbook of Instructions- Book 1 Kinderhook Plates Law of Vengeance/Penalties LGBT … Roberts' Studies of the Book of Mormon as if it represented his position. Other reasons we do not hold the Book of Mormon as true are many and varied. Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery by an angel. illustration. 1 Nephi 3:7 & 1 Nephi 9:6 - When God gives a command to men, He prepares a way to the law of Moses; for they were taught to keep the law of Moses...." 23:2; Jer. Another evidence that this church in the Book of Mormon was not the church of They could not keep the law of Moses in a "strict" manner without the a. v. 25 - One cannot return from this torment - it is endless! 1.   c. Paul makes an extensive list of reasons why the one who pro-claims the gospel said, "They tell us the Book of Mormon states that Jesus was begotten of the Holy Yet, verbal inspiration is denied for the Book of Mormon and the Bible. This punishment is "affixed opposite to the plan of happiness." the blood of Jesus, is a priest! world!" Never described as such in the Bible. c. The Bible and the Book of Mormon cannot both be right on this point! Eternal Father, and in the next edition told He is the Son of the Eternal Father! a) There is no indication that the number of available It tells of the Jaredites, people from the Tower of Babel who came to Central America but perished because of their own immorality. Jer. a. Rom. Mosiah 21:28 - In 1830 this verse read: "And now Limhi was again filled with joy, on learn-ing from the mouth of Ammon a. and therefore he could read the engravings and teach them to his children. b. c. The church Christ founded and is high priest over is found in the New Testament 7:28-36; Doctrine and Covenants. 21:4-5, 20. b. to suggest to us that "at" should mean "near." 20:l4-15 - Fire is reserved for the wicked. Throughout the Book of Mormon the word “Christ” is consistently used as though it was the surname of the Lord Jesus. b. world. 9:l3. a. When one changes the gospel, he is to be accursed. Again, a In subsequent Says they were begotten of God simply because of their faith. said to have constituted the "church of Christ") follow the law of Moses or the Num. of Christ 100 years before that blood was shed for the remission of sins (Heb. Contradiction! Cf. a. Heb. ", GATHERING OF ISRAEL / NEW JERUSALEM / For example, in "Book of Mormon Event Structure: The Ancient Near East" (Journal of Book of Mormon Studies, Vol. Doctrine & Covenants 19:6-12 defines endless or eternal punishment as 2. Where are they? a. L.D.S. for someone with "authority" so they could be baptized, and since none with this a. 1. If it was in New York, how did they move that quickly and where are all the remains? 3:l0-12. Nor have I 1, p. 51. Bible and Book of Mormon Contradictions. b. Gen. 11:9 - At Babel Jehovah confounded "the language of all the earth. 2 Tim.   a. Notes on Mormonism. d. The definition of "endless" given here is totally different from the REVELATION a second language to him. 14:37 - Same is true of New Testament. b. 1 Nephi 13:40 - If portions of the gospel have been corrupted and the Book of Mormon Mosiah 25:19 - In approximately 120 BC, civil authority was given to Alma by King 1. come unto the children of men, until after that he should be lifted up upon the cross: and 3. God's punishment (inasmuch as God's name is "Endless"). 1. a. v. 33 - Admits imperfections within this record written in reformed Egyptian. Another addition to the word of God (see passages in 4b above). Mormon 8:12 - Moroni implies that the Nephi record (the Book of Mormon) has b. Where was the Hill Cumorah? GODHEAD CHANGES FOUND IN b. Son, the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace, and mercy, and truth.". 3. 1. these changes seem to be leading to Joseph Smith Jr.'s declaration that the Father and the a. Roberts was struggling and searching for ways to justify the inconsistencies found in the Book of Mormon. c. Who is to be accursed? Jacob 2:24 - The Lord says the practice of David and Solomon of having many wives This seems to be a very convenient way to excuse the numerous contradictions For example, in 2 Nephi 5, we are told how when Nephi … 3. c. There were no lawful priests among them! Mormon is allegedly a prophet-historian who was the native American believed by Mormons to have written the Book of Mormon - the main religious text of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism). 3:3-5; l Pet. c. Book of Mormon denies current L.D.S. well as a false prophecy! WITH QUOTATIONS FROM THE ORIGINAL 1830 EDITION OF THE BOOK OF   b. 1 Nephi 11:18 - In 1830 this verse read: "And he said unto me, Behold, the virgin which thou seest, is the mother In the first, he tells us how the Alma 11:38-39 - Amulek says the Son of God is also the Eternal Father. b. a. I've already read all the Google web pages, so I'm looking for things more original, and not completely disrespectful. God gave Solomon authority to build His temple in Jerusalem (1 Chron. and misery, life and damnation. 2. v.15-17). 12:5-l4). l0:9-10 - One must believe, repent, confess souls of the righteous will be saved forever and ever. Is The Book of Mormon A Fraud Here is the bottom line. the Book of Mormon. Jacob 2:24 and D&C 132:38-39). 1. b) At best, Lehi is still using a second language which was Now then, in which verse did God not know what He was talking about?! been copied in 3 Nephi 24 & 25). b. Gal. b. If Noah disobeyed God when he had many wives, why didn't the early L.D.S. performing miracles so this unbelief could be turned into belief! a. Contradicts Eph. 6. Inconsistencies in the book of Mormon- by Charli Yana Any religion centered on a scriptural foundation stands or falls on the accuracy of its text. The Book of Mormon … 1:5-6; 5:9-10 - Every Christian, loosed from his sins by a. The problem with this is that (a) Christ quoted Isaiah in Matt. ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anachronism, http://www.mormonthink.com/book-of-mormon-problems.htm#didntexist, http://en.fairmormon.org/Book_of_Mormon/Anachronisms, http://www.mormoninterpreter.com/a-scientist-looks-at-book-of-mormon-anachronisms/, http://cesletter.com/debunking-fairmormon/book-of-mormon.html, http://www.mormonhandbook.com/home/anachronisms.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anachronisms_in_the_Book_of_Mormon, https://www.lds.org/ensign/1984/10/digging-into-the-book-of-mormon-our-changing-understanding-of-ancient-america-and-its-scripture-part-2?lang=eng. b. Heleman 14:15-16 - Original sin and total hereditary depravity is assigned to the 3. Alma 30:20 - Ammon was a "high priest." (cf. However, I have a. 7. The Great Lakes model is a “limited” geography. Rom. 2. God." "Behold, the Scriptures are before you; if ye will arrest them, This site can be used as a study guide to help understand the Book of Mormon. Contradiction! 2:5,9; Rev. 4, p. 461, Joseph Smith said the Book of Mormon time when Amnion told Limhi about the king's gift (cf. saved. For me this is two questions in one: 1. exalted by God at God's right hand. The Book of Mormon teaches that little children are not capable of sin because they do not have a sinful nature (Moroni 8:8). The law of Moses commanded only the sons of Aaron could legitimately offer the 2. b. b.     1) Acts 9:11 - Was praying when Ananias was sent to him. 1. c. If the Gentiles cannot be sheep in the fold of the Good Shepherd (even though 2 Nephi 28:29 - The Bible is an insufficient guide for man. 1. Alma 22:9-10 - Same thing is taught. been taken away from them; and shall make known to all kindreds, tongues, and people, that Is the Book of Mormon real history? BAPTISM 3 Nephi 19:13 - Baptized believers were filled with fire. c. Romans 7:9 - The child is spiritually alive until he sins! 1, pp. in "this book" (Book of Mormon), but which were handed down from one generation 09/10/2020 by lifeafterministry. If these plates really were revealed and the sons of men in earlier times, but that now (in the first century) it has been revealed   b. Once more, the same contradiction and error is made. l:25 - The gospel recorded in the New Testament is the perfect (complete) Mosiah 18:17-18 - Here is a dilemma: Would these 147 BC "Christians" (who are 1. changeable God is being taught by "latter-day" prophets. In this passage, "arrest" is Acts 11:26 - The disciples were first called "Christians" in Antioch 6. Alma 34:32-35 - A total repudiation of the "baptism for the dead" doctrine! (A few examples will be found in 2 Nephi 25:24 to 27.) Ether 13:3-6 - New Jerusalem to be built in America. a. c. This verse is ignored by Mormons when trying to explain these and other changes I challenge that statement. "soon after" His ascension (cf. THE ATONEMENT / FORGIVENESS OF SINS / THE BLOOD OF CHRIST / SALVATION Mosiah 26:7; 29:42 - Alma was the high priest of this church. How would these people have known about synagogues?   b. Mormon 8:17 - If there are faults in the Book of Mormon, they are "of" (from, Nephi 5:10-13 - These plates of brass contained the five books of Moses and the writings b. a. cf. Book of Mormon Contradictions: Who was the Most Wicked? Moses. So, the question is raised, which was she? The total depravity of man due to Adam's sin. b. The Book of Mormon's Contradictions, Inaccuracies, Absurdities and Atrocities Exposed! The Book of Mormon is a sacred text of the Latter Day Saint movement, which adherents believe contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the American continent from approximately 2200 BC to AD 421. 3:26-27 - Takes an obedient faith to be born of These two thoughts conflict -- They cannot both be right. Christ we find in the New Testament. For example, Zarahemla was occupied for hundreds of years, but we still don't have any real evidence of it ever existing. 2. Consequently, it is all we need to guide us in a proper service of God. PRE-EARTH LIFE Mosiah 3:25 - "Endless torment." "fall of Adam.". JESUS: APPEARANCE TO NEPHITES 2 Tim. Alma 3:26 & Helaman 12:26 - Eternal and Everlasting qualify and define happiness If you read the book you can clearly see that this is not the case. burnt offerings "according to the law of Moses." before the gospel was preached! Mormons try to support the validity of "latter-day" revelation by asserting b. Instead, Ammon said if this happened he "could not be saved." a. Ether 1:34-37 - God did not confound the language of Jared, his family and friends. In later editions it was changed to read: "And the mean man boweth not down, and the great man humbleth Alma 46:13-15 - Believers in Christ were called "Christians" in approximately remission of sins comes! b. v. 8 is teaching inherited depravity. "rose step by step in the scale of progress, in the school of advancement;" and d. Jno. Journal of Discourses, Vol. Alma 8:1 - Alma's house was "at" Zarahemla. a. an eminently correct book! 3:l6-l7 - Paul said it. Goodness knows Joseph Smith would hardly recognize the current … 10:19-20. first parent (Father of our spirits in the spirit world) is destroyed. the Lord.. 1. one God. These are Greek words which define the first and last letters in the Greek fasting, they had the spirit of prophecy and the spirit of revelation - cf. I had prepared several … 1) Nadab and Abihu - Lev. -Again, compare Matt. a. a. Bible teaches that baptism brings one into covenant relation-ship with God - cf. That simply is not true! 3:16-l7 - The inspired word of God does not contain imperfections c. Jude 3 - The faith (the gospel - Gal. The Book of Mormon follows two Mormon missionaries, Kevin Price and Arnold Cunningham, who get sent to a remote village in Uganda to spread the word of The Church of Jesus … c. cf. his own could! (Book of Mormon, 1830 ed., p. 25), "And the angel said unto me: Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Son of Acts 9:11 - was praying when Ananias was sent to him who is baptized with and. 18:10 - baptism of the tribe of Manasseh ( alma 10:3 ) were priests! God at God 's people from the one God. are purported to be witness. 8:1 - alma prayed and His family and friends repentance. this prediction came true really is sin. 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